Missing Person 28 year old Patrick Reum Searching Rock River Day 1

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we have located a possible body and it's right next to the vehicle we found a vehicle i know that but right beside it i think we found a body what do you think ronnie after seeing what you've seen um yeah um that's 100 i know [Music] what's going on divers this is jake from the chaos divers i got ronnie with brothers underwater recovery what's going on guys we're here in rock river in rockford illinois we are currently looking for patrick rahm this river is going at a pretty good click what we're going to have is we're going to have this search team on this island this is montague island we're going to have them search some different areas over on here where it's kind of edited out we're going to have them searching on that backside over by the walk bridge so what we got is a fast river there's gonna be a lot of a lot of strainers a lot of places that we're gonna have to search this is a shallower river we definitely have our hands full today but we are going to do the best that we can do and hopefully we can uh we can find patrick the only thing i've got is when we get in the water figure out how deep it is if we got any deep holes out here any eddies we'll be sure to search all them any piled up brush trees caught you know anything like that we're gonna definitely check those out there's gonna be quite a few spots in here all right guys this is kathy this is patrick's mother we're here for her today trying to find her son what we what we were talking about just a second ago was i'm going to have the search team over here on this island that's montague island from the entry point which his house is in that direction correct y'all notice that over there okay so we're going to take and check from from the dam all the way down to here and where this this um eddies out on that side of the main island we're going to search all of that area and then we're going to hit the other islands with the search team we're also going to be sonarin from the pillars on this land bridge and the dam on the top is there a certain spot that you would like me to check have you looked looking at the map have you seen some spots that you want us to check first really no because you know he's already been missing this long he could be anywhere and i'm concerned of the islands because maybe he's caught up underneath something somewhere i don't know not so necessarily you know in that area that water's been so i mean like a whirlpool it's just horrible um you could be anywhere we're gonna do our best to search this area to the fullest from way down south to up here and we're going to search every every little bit that's eddie and out like this like including this this bridge type stuff just wherever it could catch up on things we're gonna search and make sure that there's nothing in those areas okay did you look to see you know in the by the damn area i mean doesn't it look very shallow i mean would that be impossible so we haven't actually laid eyes on it i just thought parts of it were just kind of you know someone said something about the rocks that there were a lot of rocks over there but you know what just i walk that walking bridge and i walk through mortgage perforation it's the water's just all over it this is nothing this is what it was before i'm wondering if we shouldn't drive up there and actually that's what i'm thinking instead of just boating up there i think we need to drive up there if she's saying it's whirlpooling around like that then we'll make the decision on getting the boat up there i'll just detach the trailer and take take lindsay's truck and we'll drive up there to look at it you may not be able to get your boat in there i mean i'd hate to see it for safety reasons and already but it's really weird it's different than what you see here when you're there you'll see a whirlpool here and then you see a whirlpool over here and then you know the water is different running over here you know just it's really hot okay i really want to check make sure we can get in like a foot of water if we have to i want to make for sure that that's not a possibility were you guys setting up a canopy at all uh no we won't have a canopy at all um you know if we have to use it we'll you know we got food and drinks water cookies cookies we're in the bakery department come on how are you all right kathy we'll be uh thank you get set up thank you so much all right with that being said guys we're gonna we're gonna drive up and check out the the low head dam up there and make sure that i think that would be smarter i mean if it's if it's shallow back but it's deep toward then that might be you know absolutely a possibility all right guys so this is dakota he's going to be one of the island searchers we have taylor over here so what we're going to do is we're going to drop him off they're them off on this island you see the island you guys have to search on the front part of it is where i want you to really really be concerned about because where that river's flowing it's kind of you know if he is he could be adjusted over to the left and be in that structure over there so just look at all your strainer all your brush piles got brush piles anything it's got logs piled on top of each other check it all out check them all out check them around [Music] [Applause] so what we're looking at here guys is kathy was absolutely right this area over here is way too dangerous for anybody to get in for the small boat i'm going to say uh yeah it's going to be an apple absolute nightmare so ronnie the decision is has been made that we are going to go downstream on that there's no no way of being able to get a boat in there and be actually safe no and safety is our number one concern guys we have to put ourselves our safety first it sucks that's the way it is and from looks of it if it's it's shallow so if somebody was to jump in there i believe they would go on down he would have been pushed down so we're gonna we're gonna concentrate on the islands [Music] all right so what we got guys is we're going to we thought we had a target that we were searching it turns out that just an abnormality in the water we're going to put the boat in start searching let's see in the water so matagu island we searched a little bit around the front part of it where all the log jams are so we got that out of the way we are going to have searchers coming up kyle's putting them in right now i'm searching around this eddie line just to make sure that there's uh no catches around here caught under i've searched this over here i'm gonna try to get in the front section here shortly i just wanted to get through to make sure that got the best angle possible see i could see those logs right there i don't see anything of interest there i don't need to go down that river let me go ahead and look let them see what we're looking at here so we're gonna go by this area again we're gonna go downstream a little bit that's what i'm seeing the ground is pretty solid there's not really much debris inside of here and that's a good thing that makes our job a little easier that's what i didn't want to do but i didn't want to happen yeah we didn't want rapids yeah that's what they didn't want to happen and we're good though so we're not going back through there okay it's really shallow we're going to go up and try to get on the back side of these pillars so we'll see you in a little bit it's not a spot where i want to record so we're going to shut it off and uh yeah it's going to be a little dangerous hey ronnie aren't you glad that i'm a white water kayaker um yeah so what we're doing guys is we're fighting the current all the way and we're turning over i don't want to go straight forward because uh we're going to go down that creek if i do the water is it's moving i'm trying to catch that eddie you see where it goes into the eddy i'm trying to catch that right over there guys all right now we're actually in a calmer spot shoo hey there's a big plane that was a squirrel moment wasn't it ronnie it was for both of us because i actually filmed it all right this is way way way way too shallow um i do want to try over on this spot over here though that was a puckering experience yes it was yeah i'm i'm gonna that's that's a family friendly yeah word puckering yep experience so we are recording every bit of this and i will be reviewing it at the hotel this evening ronnie and i because me trying to mess with the current is definitely something that is trying it is an experience for sure this is probably the fastest river that i've been in so far so uh we're going to continue this search around here pretty well covered here you guys want to see let me see what this looks like right around in this area there's a lot of rock formations you can see the depth you can see behind it water column right here all these rocks the shadows holes what i'm looking for is a a body figure of some abnormality that will can resemble patrick so if he's in here this sonar will find him on a rocket absolutely all right guys what's fixing to happen is we took a little break to let things unpucker we're going to go upstream if you want to pan over that way underneath that bridge that is pretty uh pretty wicked but we're going to try to get into the next creek up from the creek that we're in right now so uh we're just looking i'll see you on the next creek we tried getting past that bridge we decided ronnie and i decided that it was too much not for this boat but it was too shallow we are going down through here and searching this walk bridge through here each pillar upstream around this where this water has been pushing right against the bank and guys when i tell you that this current is kicking just kind of i mean it's going so what i'm doing we're going to sit still right now look at that all right so what i'm doing right now is i'm just gradually going over and then i'm going to start going up what we're looking at right here there's ronnie guys if you haven't checked him out check him out at brother's underwater recovery please we are both in this and both puckered right now but you know hey it is what it is it is what it is we're going to do it and uh that's all we got to say about that right that's right okay so we're going to continue with the search and uh we'll see you here shortly wings of hope has found an object in the water we're going to check it out see what we see all right guys so we're in the upper part of the dam we're going to be searching this area we'll be concentrating more on the bridge pillars and underneath these bridges his house is about five blocks south of us so that's what we're gonna do and uh five blocks south and then three in well yeah his house but what i'm just talking about poured the water we're gonna get on this upper part of the dam and see if we can find anything so just uh we're gonna put in and get ready to go so good with it i'm good with it let's do it so we're at the location of the bridge right before the dam signs say turn back now we're not going to we're going to search down here we're going to search this bridge i feel comfortable enough we'll be fine [Music] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] got a bunch of junk underneath there crystal clear guys i'm gonna tell you from what i see right now i don't see anything other than just tires let's see a rock ledge right here or right well back here five we're gonna go back through the same place not to the same place but through the different i'm sorry can you get in uh no nobody you can't get in uh because you can't yes if he can get in i said no he said why i said because you can't he said why like three times you can see the lines you can see the lines of where the waves have moved the the sand oh yeah yeah that mic's not working okay yeah you can see the lines of where the sands been moving with the current the little waves of sand it's really it's really actually neat is that why they call us chaos divers because we're crazy probably we're gonna just slalom through these bridge pillars here oh my gosh it that's what it is it drops see that it drops from 12 feet to like 17 feet right there oh wow there's a couple sticks a couple of trees looks like a ladder ladders right there somebody dropped the daggum ladder in here probably come off that highway no i'd say it'd probably come off that walk bridge or that wall bridge yeah somebody dropped the ladder somebody probably working up there or something up there changing out light bulbs or something and fell off i mean the ladder fell off hopefully yeah am i uh in danger am i endangered no oh you know if he was i tell you because i'd be in danger too uh i figured i might have find a car i don't know how the side rails are but i think i might find a car and there's no cars no cars in here that's a good thing no boats there's a ladder street do that and i'm not going to pass it to the bridge you can you can forget that i'm crazy but i ain't stupid well some people might argue that i don't like that any line we made it didn't oh yeah you weren't scared were you not at all i was a little bit i was so we're gonna go down the next bridge search that all right guys we found a vehicle in here that is a vehicle um that's 100 over here i know 100 i know i think we need to dive it clear because uh that's right off the road right there no man yeah possible come right off that right off that hill right there could have off the hill right in here floated down and stopped right there yup are we 100 sure he didn't have a vehicle right over top of it it's at 11 feet 20 feet 20 30 feet i want you to look when we go past it i'm going to tell you when we pass it you see where that see where that swirl is yep it's probably where it's at yeah that's about where you said you went right over so i want you to look at that spot we were passing over right now right even with that bench right even with that bench right up here right behind us in between that buoy and that bench so now i'm gonna get out further yeah and see if we can't get a lock on it yeah side view side view on this side then i'm going to go ahead we found a vehicle i know that but right beside it i think we found about my body i i really do um what do you think ronnie after seeing what you've seen um yeah so what we're going to do is we're going to call later uh lindsay and have the other dive boat come up here and we are going to uh we're going to dive in we're going to clear the vehicle we're going to clear what's right next to the vehicle um i'm gonna go and take another pass through on recording and we're going to confirm it sorry confirm it we're gonna confirm it again for sure it's actually if it was coming from upriver coming down it would be right before the car correct yeah this way and i'm going to get a definite go in this direction on this side okay that is probably the best picture that i will ever have with this vehicle it's got a sunroof it's got an object beside it again okay let's meet back up with ringo and uh let's make some phone calls 7 28 feet from my boat out here i need my trailer and all of our stuff and all of our stuff like everything like just throw it into the trailer and bring it over where am i at we are state street bridge state street bridge it'll be yes yes you do yes asap lindsay we are we have located a vehicle we have located a possible body and it's right next to the vehicle right in front of it okay possible wings of hope dive team wings of hope dive team all right guys so what we're going to get ready to do ronnie what i'm going to get what we are getting ready to do is we're going to go back out we're going to get a tight line from the car to the shore we're going to dive off the shore tight line all the way to the truck to the car okay this tight line is going to be your lifeline to go through there and all you're going to do is just come through we're going to so we can uh clear that vehicle and clear what's beside it absolutely all right let's get her done so all of our stuff is behind the protest there's my dad there's all this all the people and there's a protest in front of it this is stuff let's just hope it stays peaceful peaceful peaceful peaceful guys all right we got the other search team wings of hope with us just let it just let it spin around when we grab ahold of it it's a gorgeous stock in the middle uh we got a problem ty off into another spot that's loose we're gonna have a line on it we're gonna get ready to go and put the line on it we're gonna put a grappling hook we're gonna bring it to the shore we're gonna make sure that that is secured on something three different ways to the shore tightline it and we will dive two of them to it then right in front of it on this side is where that vehicle uh where that object is so it's a point of reference and that's what we're going to use it on so any of the equipment down over there by the second buoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just don't get tangled up in that line trying to find it again i'll go upstream i'm gonna hold pressure you guys find the vehicle give me a tug give me two tugs vehicle two tugs three you know what three is nope okay get my ass out of here your lights on before you go underwater huh turn your lights off we go oh you don't want to do that stay on this side of the line okay i'm not gonna go upstream because i don't want you crossing over that line with me holding what is up with you two both of you shining right i gotta be able to see jacob okay i'm gonna need somebody to hold that rope for ronnie get to the vehicle i want you to stay on the vehicle okay check around it check underneath it or check beside it that broke up let it go i'll take care of the top okay [Music] you
Channel: Chaos Divers
Views: 244,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Missing Person 28 year old Patrick Reum Searching Rock River Day 1, missing persons cases, missing persons destination unknown, searching river, rock river, rockford illinois, chaos divers, scout 430 inflatable boat, scout inflatable 430, humminbird sonar, missing persons cases 2020
Id: 4_D0LnNaiTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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