I CUT this RANDOM rental property for FREE then the landlord asked for an estimate on weekly service

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You too huh

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/justxkyle 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm sure I will if I click that video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TallWhiteandNerdy 📅︎︎ Jun 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

yeah they started marketing their channel hard

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dumou8343 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
and because i was a gozilla now and i like doing it so much i cut that grass for free rachel come here you got to read this stupid comment i wonder if he's ever heard his shoulder from all that hard work he does and by hard work i mean patting himself on the back all right it took me a bit but i found a yard that's video worthy knocked on the door i said hey i'd like to come clean up your property it'll be absolutely free for you and if you're okay with that let's take care of it that's what this channel is all about just helping others so all right so let's take a look at it it's not too high the yard's not really that bad it's just some weeds and stuff popping up the uh edging's a little jacked up really jacked up down there and over here but over here towards the street oop that's the old liquor bottle stewie what are you doing being awesome we'll get this cleaned out as well but over here is what i was really looking at whoa what is going on here so there's a kind of a retaining wall there we'll clean that up and see what it actually looks like it doesn't look like much but i know there's a curb line in here and then a tiny strip of grass there so what i'll do is i'll come in and we'll clean up this curb line and then cut that now there's some bushes so i am going to start with those and i'll pull out my trimmers and we'll get the bushes first okay i'll have to cut these this right here is a silver silver leaf maple just because on the bottom well it looks kind of silverish right when the wind blows they just turn similar okay silver silver leaf maple we'll cut that as low to the ground as possible it will come back um we got elms and you know honestly that might look worse if i cut it that way but that's what i'm gonna do now so we're gonna go ahead and get the bushes trimmed we got a lot of sucker trees coming in tree over here this vine on the side of the house it's a virginia creeper and it's gonna get up in the roof line soon so we're gonna go ahead and cut it off right there can't really get to the base of it so it is what it is this bush is pretty much toast it's got different vines that have grown over it so i'm not going to remove the uh bush here but i'll just trim the trees and the vine and make it look like the bush is kind of there so what's going on is this is a red tip tinia and these have been hit real real hard over the last couple years with disease all over town because of all the moisture we've had so we've got a little walkway back here with mulberries on it if you ever get purple poop all in your car it's probably because there's a mulberry tree pretty close birds love to eat them and if you got a white car they love to poop on it oh boy you see that see well it's supposed to be good luck you gotta love the uh mulberry trees we had we had these trees at almost every house i i grew up in and i used to love eating those berries oh you eat a bunch of them you will get the diarrheas so good all right boys get me up to speed now i'm not going to clean up the fence line virginia creeper is kind of pretty on there anyway so why do it uh back here not really going to do any anything i'm just going to mow and we'd eat all the way up to it which is what it is can't really see what's in here but i know there is some some odd stuff here and there a little bit of trash no biggie pick that up and then this bush here there's one other bush we have to take care of so yeah now this lawn is 100 random okay random i randomly saw this yard and i went and knocked on the door and i said hey so i'm not afraid to knock on doors i do it for my business i'll do it for youtube it looks entertaining for you guys i'll knock on the door we're gonna do a clean up right now so uh 100 random uh they are i think this is a duplex or a quadruplex i don't know i don't really care she was really happy about it the tenant you know i mean that keeps them from having to do it oh look at that poor zeggy bush you see it under there there's not much left in it we'll see if we can't give it a chance to survive thing doesn't have much life left in it all right let's get to it everybody asked me about a hearing protection i know you can't really see them but i've got these lg's i go around my neck i kind of hide i put this in i listen to books or i listen to uh podcasts or sermons i really like charles stanley's in touch ministry that's what i generally listen to first thing in the morning normally listen to that two times and then i'll listen to like i said books or music depends on how hot it is outside if it's real hot you gotta get stuff to kind of kind of get you moving so that's when i that's a lot of music so you know get something heavy metal whatever it takes man snap that in there oh i got it pointed the wrong way there we go let's do some bus trimming let's gas this up first and underneath here real pretty blooms that's an azalea let me get all this vine trees out of here for let me one that a value a chance to survive all right welcome back to the channel if you are new to the channel feel free to subscribe it doesn't cost you a dime and you're gonna get a load of uh tips and tricks and things that i do not only in business but how i i go through and manicure some of these ugly lawns so if you're looking at an ugly lawn in front of you or maybe if you have an ice lawn i'm guaranteed to give you some good tips to help you and just make your life a little easier recently i've been getting a lot of questions about how to start a business and i wanted to let you know that rachel and i are working on putting together uh some videos that go over all of our systems and how we operate and what's made our business flow smoothly for us because you know when we started out we were in the same boat where we didn't really know what we needed to do to make things flow smooth and oftentimes what it led to was us being frustrated about money and not making enough income and being broke in the winter and being stressed out of our minds now as we've progressed in business that has gone away and it's gotten much smoother and uh there's a lot less stress and everything just flows like a legitimate business which is just a natural evolution of a time but i know that i can definitely share some tips and tricks on things that have helped me now if you are looking to get into business around the time i started there was a channel it was geek to freak lawn care and the guy that was putting out videos his name was greg chisholm you may have seen him on my channel before if you've been watching for a long time and you may have know know of him if you've been around for a long time but he put out a video uh like i said around the time i was starting i was up and going for about i don't know three or four months and then this video was how to make a hundred dollars in a day and i was like huh i can make a hundred dollars a day i can do this so i followed what he said which is basically putting out flyers door-to-door and putting them on the you know rolling up a piece of paper and put them on the door and i was like that's easy enough i can do that and then you know he was kind enough to share a template of what he had on that flyer that really helped me out a lot and i'm super grateful what i'm going to tell you is i've been able to scale that up and make that work for me and very rapidly using simple techniques you know people think that you got to go out and you got to get on the radio or you got to have a video ad on tv or whatever or a billboard or you know when you're first starting out you think of marketing and you're thinking of it all wrong you want to get down and dirty in the neighborhoods that you're at if you're starting up with no income okay this is how i would do it you want to get down and dirty in the neighborhoods that you're at and go door-to-door and put these flyers on the door now i know that feels um intimidating sometimes but you know you just got to get out there and make it happen now i know some areas you're not able to do that you're just not you know there's different municipal laws that keep you from doing that so you have to check with your area here in tulsa it's kind of the wild west you get to go out and put flyers on the door hangers and it's all good and you know in all honesty it's kind of a good thing for the community too it helps them find a contractor that's in the area that's going to be reliable and kind of go from there and you know clean up the community that's really what lawn care guys do we go around like little ants all over town just making a property from one place to the next look good pick them up as weekly clients and keep it maintained so my point there though is that you can definitely make a hundred dollars a day in the lawn care business and what you'll find out is eventually if you make a hundred dollars a day in the lawn care business you'll feel like you're not making money at all because the reality is that there are expenses there's different equipment as you grow so when you start out you might only have a push mower maybe just a weed eater and a little handheld blower your expenses are pretty low you've got gas you've got uh some insurance you've got your um by the way if you get uh insurance for your business it's only like 50 or 60 bucks a month for a 2 million dollar liability policy and it will do nothing for you but bring you a sense of security and it will make your life less stressful so i would highly suggest as soon as you are able to do that to go ahead and do that it will also open you up to more work so don't be scared of going out and getting your insurance as you need to and when you start you know a lot of people uh tell you you got to be fully legit and that kind of stuff i i understand track all your receipts keep all that stuff there but i will say that when you start it's about speed of implementation you can be the guy that plays business or you can be the guy that goes out and makes it happen the wonderful thing about where we live here in america you can go out and make it happen we live in a very beautiful place to go out and get in business now there's several service businesses that are very easy to start up and uh you know they don't cost a lot of money they're low barrier to entry type of work one of those being is lawn care and basically you just go out and you put your flyers on the door and you can get some lawn business maybe you want to do a cleaning business or an exterior painting business maybe you want to do car washing or window cleaning or whatever it might be there's a lot of opening for different types of services like this and you could be that person that somebody hires but the first thing you have to do is get your name out there to them if they don't know who you are they won't be able to buy from you so for me when i started up again not having any income no money no uh real investment money to put down a lot of the income that i was making was going back towards supporting my household so the little bit that i had extra i would invest everything that i could and it was this balancing act between well do i pay rent right now or do i buy this or do i pay this gas bill or do i buy flyers so i bought i believe a thousand flyers in black and white and i rolled them up and i put them in doors and it cost me forty five dollars in material and you know what i had at the time was a lot of time so if you don't have money time is your friend if you have money then you're trying to buy back your time you'll find that out as you grow in the very beginning you've got a lot of time especially if you're going full time in this right away too many people go into business thinking oh i've got all the time in the world i can do whatever i want i create my own schedule the reality is you need to treat it as a as though it was a payroll job and create structure if you're not out producing you need to be going out and trying to produce more jobs these are wild strawberries you might see them down in the grass there those little red dots you can actually eat those which they're kind of rotten away right now i thought you might like that now if you are looking to start up a business i want to go ahead and give you a little word of word of warning that it won't be like a payroll job you have a lot more liability and a lot more risk and what you're going to find out is that you are going to work a lot more hours it's a considerable amount of more hours it will consume your life and all of your hobbies will go away for quite a while because your focus will be on the business you may have strain in your relationship because of it you'll miss out on activities that you would have wanted to be there for and that's just part of being in a business and having the liability of business but it is very exciting and well worth it in the long run okay so i was cutting the trees out here and then this elm tree boys this thing's been around for a long time if i cut this out more than 50 percent of the bush [Music] probably killed off everything on this yep this right here it's killed every everything on this left side cut this out it's going to look horrible so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to shape it up it kind of is what it is unfortunate i was hoping to get that out there but the bush is just it's too far compromised there's more than 50 percent of it so i don't want it to look completely dead so at this point we're going to go ahead and just trim everything make it look as good as we can get over that one and then start the mowing process i'll knock it down and then we're gonna edge it up and the edging is where it's gonna get real cool [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] my [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right so i'm trimming all these bushes i'm getting all that done ahead of time because what i'm going to do is the large majority of the debris i'm going to actually use my mower and shred it up on the lawn that's called mulching so i'm going to mulch the clippings back onto the lawn along with an excessive amount of grass now if you have a bagging system on your mower well it would be an easy way to clean up if you're messing with the manicured lawn so i used to have a 21 inch push mower that when i trim bushes at a well manicured lawn then i would rake them onto the yard and take my mower over it a couple times and then dump those clippings into a trash can so you know i get a lot of questions about bagging why don't i bag uh it would be quicker if you bag that kind of thing uh the reality with bagging is that when it comes to cutting grass especially when you're messing with tall grass often times say it's a paid service you're probably not going to be able to charge what you need to to make it worth it so you know oftentimes when i take on a yard and it's overgrown like this before when i was bagging i would typically just shred it up on the lawn and then maybe the last pass i would clean it up with the bagging system so um the downside to having a bag is that you're gonna have to dispose of that material now that might mean you know in our area you can put it in clear plastic bags and put it on the curb and then the city will pick that up once a week i personally think that's kind of an unsightly way to leave a property so for me i have two preferred methods and what i was doing before is i would bag it with the mower and then put it in a trash can or some kind of bin that then i could take to the dump and easily dump out there at the dump site now i don't do that anymore and i try not to bag grass clippings because i don't like dealing with the smell as it's breaking down it smells like raw sewage and what ends up happening is you end up spending extra time at the dump that's not paid for because i never found a good way to charge my clients for going to the dump so but my preferred method was either to put it in a cheap trash can that i could easily dump or put it on the tarps and then from there i could just drag the tarp out dump the tarp put it back in my truck that was kind of my preferred method and you've seen that you know with my setup now currently what i use is tarps or i will bring stuff to the curb and i'll use my vacuum my big leaf loader to load up the material now on this property i only took away the material that was too large for the mower to shred easily so a lot of the times i just shoot the stuff onto the property and then i'll shred that up that seems to be like the easiest method for me now after something like this i would take somebody on as a weekly customer so in a week things kind of dry out it gets to where you can actually work with it a little bit because it's not so much moisture content built up in the grass clippings and everything else so when you come back in a week and then the following week and then the following week over those next several services the property will start to shape up and look really really sharp and i get a lot of comments about people uh not being able to sell weekly service my tip and trick for that is to stop offering bi-weekly service now the awesome thing about being in business is you can create it to match your lifestyle and your needs well it's not perfect but it's significantly better let's go and get started on the lawn it is insanely humid today that's all right those vines came down pretty good uh starting to sprinkle on me oh well whatever this is uh this is what i do it's what i've been doing for years all right let's get back to it now i'm going to go ahead and take that bind from the side of the house and actually go ahead and load it along with some of the trees i cut out because they're a bit larger and what's going to happen is if i i mulch up the smaller trees i'll leave little tree limbs looks like little sticks all over the place but again if you came every week you could shred that up and it would disappear but some things are just easier to remove from the property so for me if it's foliage and less wood then i'll i'll just leave it on the property now if it's more of stems and sticks and debris and stuff like that then i'll haul that away although sometimes i leave that on the property depending on the type of property you know some yards you'll run into they'll have like a big pile of sticks that are in the property and you can cut those up or tarp them up and remove them from the property but if you do extra work on a property make sure that you are compensated for it because there's going to be more time involved you're going to be going out to the dump site and that does take time and you need to be compensated for the time that you're at the property you know it's not a greed thing to ensure that you're getting paid what's gonna happen is if you start business and you don't charge for things accordingly you're gonna do a lot of work for free see these are more little sticks and tree limbs but they were small enough that i knew they would shred up fun but what's going to happen is if you don't charge accordingly you're going to come to find out that you don't have much money in the bank and you're going to stress about money so it's very very important that when you do extra things like trimming bushes and shrubs or you know elevating trees on the property or you know moving that small pile of stones or removing it from the property oh can you just take that those you know bricks over there it won't take but a minute and then end up taking you like an hour to load you know a ton of bricks and then you're taking them home you know i don't know what to do with this stuff but you need to take it to a dump site okay you're gonna have to remove but if you remove material that you can't take to a green waste facility because a lot of the times they'll separate them there'll be a green waste facility in your local area that's relatively low expense and then there's a trash type waste facility that you can take stuff to if you take stuff to the trash site facility you're going to end up with flats in your tires you're going to end up with a nice hefty build generally and uh you you have to be able to compensate for that so you need to uh figure out what you have to charge and what you're going to do to learn how to charge that is you need to figure what's your average time going out there how often are you going to do it is it just for this one property you know so like if you're going to do some kind of trash service from your clients properties where you're actually picking up different debris you know whatever it might be old fencing and rocks and what this and that and whatever well try to fill up your truck bed between two or three properties and break that expense down between several properties just keep in mind that your time is incredibly valuable and that sometimes with certain types of jobs it's better to go off and sell more work of what you actually do versus doing debris removal or other stuff like that but sometimes you have to fill your schedule with what you can get what i do is when i'm done with my route the hill around charity cuts but i just go around cutting lawns where it looks like they're overgrown or they might be entertaining and i put them on youtube and i've got a following on there that they really enjoy watching them so i'm going to get it um i'm going to give it a charge oh it's absolutely free i i get paid through the through the video and everything okay but what about on the lawn care are you wanting somebody to service your property well yes but so i need a quote absolutely so i'm currently maxed out but i have a buddy that can probably take you on if you're interested well okay um let's see what do you what's his name the guy that i had uh cutting that yard and he's done it for better than 20 years well about 20 years up and retired yeah his nephew was going to take over the business and i haven't been able to get a hold of him i've tried so i am i'm in the market for somebody uh typically what would you charge for that yard for a mile oh every week to 10 days uh generally what i do is a service every week and that's mowing edging uh weed eating the property uh we're gonna get everything the cracks and stuff and then if we have any tree limbs that fall i would pick those up as well as long as i don't have to use a chainsaw generally for a property this size we're looking at about 50 to 55 dollars per week okay all right super uh i'm going to give call it probably won't be till this evening okay everybody's trying to get a hold of me now i've got things to do other than take care of business hey that's no problem i've got too much business to take care of oh i fully understand so so far i've gotten your bushes uh cleaned up i was gonna cut all the trees out of most of your bushes but the problem is a couple of the bushes have that's about 50 percent of what's left in the bush so i went ahead and trimmed them up made them look good and now i'm starting to cut the lawn and i'm going to get your edging and everything cleaned up before i leave and then if my viewers ask for it they like me power washing too if my viewers ask for it would you mind if i come back here and clean up your concrete for free not at all all right hey that's what i like to hear hey if you guys want to see me come back and clean the concrete he's totally cool with that so if you give us a thumbs up and comment on the video and let us know you want us to come back we will come back does that sound good to you sounds great i appreciate it and what was your first name one more time scott scott is very wonderful to speak with you hope you have a great day sir and i will let jesse know to expect your phone call sounds great i appreciate it thank you thank you sir i hope you have a very wonderful day you too thanks now no problem see life's busy everybody's got something going on [Music] okay i'm not too worried about throwing grass clippings at the bushes when i come in and i start using the blower i'm actually going to fan all that stuff out and clean it up but you might be noticing me doing some funky stuff here with the mower so what i'm doing is so that i don't have an uneven cut pattern i'm actually going up this hill with the mower because if i go back down this hill with the mower it's going to scalp just a little bit because the front's going to dig in a little further than what it would if i was going up you can kind of compromise a little bit by floating the deck you'll notice that i have my foot on side on that deck pedal that lever by um the deck there that's you know where i keep my feet at that's so that i can actually make the deck float up and down it's how you adjust it but the big plus side on these zero turns is i can put my foot on that and i have that lever there in case i need to raise it up so if there's a stump or something in the yard or whatever it might be as you can see there i'm actually floating that deck up to avoid from scalping when i go down that hill this is kind of an odd yard to cut because of the hill this would really be best to use a push mower in the front but even with a push mower going up and down that hill you're going to have just a small variation on your cut height so you might even want to go well you would just have to be careful while going over that hump and you might have to lift the front of the deck so that it doesn't dig in a little further and stuff like that you'll get better as you go typically on any on any hills that i would handle i would actually use the weed eater to cut that on this yard it's pretty big everything's thick and nasty and wet and it's raining on me a little bit that day so i'm actually using the mower to cut it and just knock it down so that i can get it to a manageable height coming in here in this backyard they have a dog chain and you'll see some more on that later but they have a dog chain where they let the dog out on that back patio and you can just take a guess where that's going but that's typical you're gonna see that on rental properties or homes where you know i mean i guess it's better than a big backyard that's enclosed and the dog can go run around i mean from a lawn care standpoint because then you have no warning of where that random dog pile poop is you're just going along about your day everything's all good you completely even forget that there was a dog in that yard and a bam take a big load of dog crap to your face that's the long gear life right there some people charge more for dog waste they uh remove it and stuff like that i haven't gotten to the point where i'm super super picky on that stuff yet although it doesn't make me very happy when it happens hey if you've made it this far in the video if you just like to take a second to leave a comment if you have any questions about the lawn care business or tips or tricks or techniques that i'm using feel free to drop them in the comments i'll get you as quick as possible and if i'm not able to get to you with a comment and i feel that what it would make for a better video topic i will either make a dedicated video for that topic or i will again use it as a topic to voice over and do some commentary on my videos now don't worry it's just like school and they say there's no stupid questions hey i'm not worried about your question don't don't feel insecure whatsoever at one point in time i was in the very beginning and just learning and uh you know hey if you have a business related question and you're starting up i'm always very excited to help people that are new in business it's um you know i mean the lawn care industry has been very very good to me and i like to help others because of that but what you'll find out is business is business and a lot of the principles that i use for my business may apply to a different industry or something else that you might be in you know when i started doing painting back in uh 2017 we used these same techniques in our business that we used in the painting business so we were able to basically transfer these principal concepts of marketing in our business and communications and how we use a crm so that we communicate with people and creating an estimate template that's you know very functional and easy to fire off to people that can be customized very easy from one person to the next all that stuff we are able to use that with our painting business so you know that's something that you might want to do uh as well people ask me about where the painting business is at right now right now every everything's on hold with that i think that's something that as i've said before i would not mind it all with expanding on in the future actually really enjoy doing the exterior painting but if i am to expand it i won't be the person out there doing the work unfortunately which like i said i actually enjoy i don't enjoy the prep work so much but i enjoy uh spraying a house out and stuff like that but as i said earlier in the video as you continue to grow you're going to have less and less time and i'm at the point where i have less and less time so just like you saw me pass off this lawn to somebody else they could use this lawn well the same goes that when i go to expand in any direction in my business whether it's lawn care or my youtube career or you know a painting business stuff like that i have to utilize my time well and delegate certain tasks to others so for instance with videos on youtube currently i'm in the situation of training our first editor she's going to be putting out content for me here in the near future and it should be a seamless viewing experience for you now with juggernaut i have my voiceovers and i have to um you know i'm going to be communicating with you still and you know just like this with the voiceover i cannot delegate that process out that's something that i have to do so there will be certain things in your business that you have to do but there's certain tasks that you can let go of so she can get it all ready to go for me to go ahead and do that editing or i can do it myself and then i work you know i'm in the position of where can i better utilize my time so in the lawn business as you grow if you want to continue growing so like for me i'm kind of happy being the solo operator doing my thing right here and i'm not too worried about growing that side of the business but if i wanted to i have to delegate that out you know that's something that rachel and i have been talking about do we want to do that in the future in which case all we do is we take our systems we fine-tune them and we put somebody else in place on the production side because the production is easily manageable by somebody else somebody else can do that task if there's something you're doing that's repetitive i mean we we love to fall in love with our work and thinking that we are the best at what we're doing but the reality is like i said a lot of people can do it better and they're not going to cost you that much money i mean if i want to put somebody in my truck and have them as a lead technician i'm going to be paying 15 to 20 dollars probably in the near future 25 you know that's just all cost of living and inflation and everything else that just is what it is but what i do instead of doing that with the production is that i would go out and make sure they stayed busy i keep them busy they would have steady employment and everybody would make good money all right so the lawn's cut but it's it's ugly we got a lot of clumps what i'm gonna do is it's real wet so i'm gonna go ahead and hit all of the edging and do the weed eating yeah it's not really going to dry out much but even a little bit helps then we're going to give it a final cut and then whatever is left if we have a bunch of big clumps after blowing off the turf and fanning it out if we have a bunch of big clumps left and i'm going to tarp it and we'll vacuum it and haul it away out here by this bush that's a little awkward situation but we'll figure it out as we go i like the challenge [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] there's a redemptive power that making a choice has you know rather than feeling like you're at effect to all the things that are happening make a choice like you just decide what it's going to be who you're going to be how you're going to do it just decide and then from that point the universe is going to get out your way most people dabble in a million things they master nothing and they wonder why they're unfulfilled in people's lives there's only maybe a half dozen seven eight categories that really matter most people you know they major in minor things they focus on stuff that doesn't matter they know more about this celebrity going in and out of rehab than they do about their own personal development so if i have no other message to offer your viewers and you let me give it to them right now i'll tell you what i believe i believe our lives are controlled by one force your brain is divided into two halves each half of your brain has millions of factory workers on each side at the forefront of each one of those factories is a form and positive and you got form and negative you're the boss of the fact you wake up in the morning and you say man i don't feel myself today form and negative hears that he said hey the boss just woke up and said he's having a bad day today let's get to work and your day starts tumbling into what you ordered you could wake up in the morning and you say you know what today is going to be a great day today man thank you lord for waking me up this morning forming positive turns around and goes steve's having a great day today he's expecting some wonderful things to happen and man let's get it going and they start manufacturing thought you have got to change the way you think it is the whole determining factor of where you go in life [Music] this is the truth is that so many of us say that we want to change but many of us are unwilling to pay the price to change and really all of change comes from not focusing on what you can't control it comes from focusing on what you can control all of change has a price tag attached to it that today each and every one of us we have to count the cost do we actually want to change are we willing to pay the price for change winter comes after fall night comes after day difficulty follows opportunity recession always comes after expansion it's been the rhythm of life for the last last 6 000 years of recorded history so the winters are going to come the winter of sickness the winter of disappointment the winter of devastation social winters economic winters personal winters when your heart is smashed in a thousand pieces and the nights are unusually long it's simply called wintertime but the winters are inevitable so it has been for the last six and a half thousand years recorded history you say well mr rohn what can i do about the winters of life [Music] the most important decision you can make above any on the face of the earth is deciding that no matter what happens in your life no matter what happens you're going to live in a beautiful state life is short we don't know how short it's going to be but if you only had a week to live i bet you wouldn't allow yourself to suffer over a little crap that makes you crazy normally i think you would probably spend time with those you love you would do what you loved you'd take on a sunset you'd smell the air you were taking everything in those final moments that you possibly do so my thing is why wait right right why why why not just decide that if i start to suffer i know the solution because suffering is me obsessing about me you might say it's not me i'm worried about my kids because they're not doing well no you're worried that you haven't done enough for your kids it's about you still right yes you know you're worried about what was done or what you should have done or what shouldn't have done and you can end that in an instant by becoming aware of it and saying i have made the most important decision of all right i'm going to live in a beautiful state [Music] you know there are many influences on this one is the influence of the past some people are always pulled back back back by the past some people are always pulled aside by the distractions the distractions but here's what's powerful if you have a list of high purpose in your life it pulls you toward the future and the more powerful the purpose is the stronger it pulls and here's the other great advantage if you have purpose for the future it pulls you through all kinds of challenges and all kinds of difficulties if you don't have these strong purposes for the future it's easy to get swallowed by a bad day it's easy to be almost annihilated by a poor month and it's easy sometimes to almost disappear beneath the waves of a a year that goes backwards if you don't have something to pull you beyond that year so if you want something to pull you through all kinds of challenges all kinds of difficulties and things that come at you you got to have something on out there beyond today beyond next week beyond next month beyond this year that pulls you into the future and the clearer it is the stronger it pulls the more the more dynamic it is the more it affects your life your spirit your heart your soul it also creates imagination it gets your mind working on how to achieve that purpose and if your mind will work and if your heart works and if your spirit works and if you have good input like good ideas i'm telling you there isn't anything you can't accomplish so so [Music] so so oh [Music] [Music] rubbish uh so so that's enough shovel [Music] all right guys that's enough shovel i just want you know the only reason i break this out is because of you guys i haven't touched a i haven't touched a flat shelf for my business three or four years of course i didn't do crazy stuff for several years either so and what do you guys think of this section that was a lot of work right there that's a lot of work all right that sucked all right so i'm coming in with the weed eater i'm gonna go ahead and edge up the yard again now the metal blade it only gets so much and the shovel you know it doesn't really clear the cracks very well so with the string trimmer i'm able to polish that and get a really nice finish and everything's going to look pretty clean right now uh i've got a recent question about flipping the weed eater on the side like mine and they say it dies on them the thing is when you flip the weed eater up on the side you might have a four stroke i don't know four strokes different i don't know if they're meant to be flipped upside down but i know with two-stroke if you're having that issue uh the problem comes down to a fuel shortage meaning your fuel line inside the tank isn't flopping around like it should and actually falling back down into the fuel so you might want to check that out maybe the fuel lines uh dry and brittle or stuck or improperly installed alright so right now you'll notice that this is about the most debris that's gotten in the street so far except in that one area where i was using the shovel uh if you cut your lawn properly and you shoot everything inward you're not going to have that issue so i typically take two passes in in this case this is what you know guys in the industry call a boulevard so you know while i'm cutting the boulevard everything goes inward towards the house that's going to avoid shooting anything into the street now there's a lot of debate on that like a lot of people say you know don't do that because somebody on a motorcycle or something like that safety for cars you're not throwing anything out in the street i do definitely understand that but the biggest reason i would say not to do it is because you're going to save a lot of time you know the less that you have to clean up when you're done the faster everything's going to go so now that we're clean up these edges same thing i'm going to go up this sidewalk with it as well and we're just just polishing it up so we use the metal blade that got everything that was thick and nasty which you know for a long time years years until the channel really started popping i never used a metal blade edger now i had one that i would have employees use because it's much easier to train employees to use an edger with a metal blade on it versus using a string trimmer and getting proficient and fast with it but for years i didn't use one because i actually started with just a string trimmer so you know that's kind of why i do that i'm actually more comfortable using the string trimmer but i will say that the edger is really nice when things are overgrown so i've kind of become uh accustomed to using it i'm starting to like it more but as far as like my uh weekly lawns that i've taken care of i just never really enjoyed uh a metal blade versus you know the string trimmer and it's because the string trimmer is faster for me i can edge and we need at the same time so my production times i'm i'm a lot quicker on that [Music] and then as you can see it just it leaves a real nice finish and it's real fast there are some downsides you know obviously you're gonna have more debris that comes up and hit you in the face which is never fun you know uh i've talked about this before you get a piece of sand inside your nose and you're like you know just not happy with it at all but you know when you're coming in you're cutting a lawn every week the edging's not going to be overgrown it's not going to be nasty so if you're in business wanting to get in business whatever might be i would suggest moving towards that route of going weekly now while i'm on that subject of uh weekly versus bi-weekly go ahead and bust out your pins if you're starting your business because i'm going to give you some good tips alright so here's the thing if you're looking at your lawn route or you're looking at getting clients and you don't have any yet and you're wanting to know how to go full time and that kind of stuff i'm going to kind of give you a simplistic overview of how it will probably go so in the very beginning you're gonna have to take on a little bit of everything that you can so that you can get busy you know time is well time is on your side right now because you don't have a lot of production but as you fill your schedule up you're going to have less and less time so the way it starts is you take on everything that you can weekly bi-weekly 10 days whatever you have to do to get busy now as you get busy you're gonna have to get rid of those a 10-day accounts because they're hard to schedule their pain you're probably going to phase those out pretty quick everybody that i know that does that they phase them out pretty quick now bi-weekly loans eventually it's going to be the same thing depending on how you grow your business so for me being a you know a solo operator or having one other person that's how it's always been in my business it's either just me or me with one other person you start trying to figure out how do i make more income because the reality is you have to make more to pay for the expenses your labor your gas your insurance your blah blah blah blah blah everything goes on the list is gigantic right and the more money you make it seems like a black hole where everything just flows out well you have to try to to solve that and the reason or the the way to solve that is by getting your revenue higher but not only getting your revenue higher making it profitable so you're going to get rid of the 10 days and you're going to have bi-weeklies and you're going to have weeklies you're going to have week one and week two so half your bi-weeklies you're going to put on week one and after by bi-weeklies you're going to put on week two what's going to happen is you're going to get rain somewhere in the mix and things are going to get flip-flopped because you're going to have to go a day or two without cutting and you know when it comes to cutting in the rain i'm out there cutting all that i can i stay caught up the best i can that's how i handle rain delays is that i've got everybody weekly so that i can stay consistent and at worst they're only two weeks out because this lawn right here is tall and ugly but this lawn was probably cut within the last 14 days so it's a bi-weekly yard okay so if you come along every 14 days it's gonna grow tall and thick but if you get rained out then it's at three weeks and if you get rained out again then it's at a month and the thing is you're probably going to put your weekly accounts as priority they're probably going to be your better clients they're probably going to be your least stressful clients are not going to complain as much and as long as you show up they're happy and they're probably going to pay you pretty good to do it so what you'll end up finding out is later you want to get rid of those biweeklies now the way you do that is you start marketing your business when you're marketing your business focus on one area if you're residential now if your commercial you can focus on the whole city because you can drive over this spot or this spot if it's a three or four hundred dollar job or a fifteen hundred dollar job or whatever it might be you can drive around a little bit but if you're driving around for fifty dollar cuts and this counts for smaller commercials too if you're driving around for fifty dollar cuts you're not making money you need to tighten up your route okay so for me pick one or two neighborhoods and you're going to target those and focus really really heavy on them you're going to market in those areas very very strong now if you're focusing on a whole city like for me i'm in tulsa it's pretty large area if i'm focusing on the whole city there's no way that i can even communicate with all the potential clients out there so what ends up happening is the few that i would communicate with if i was trying to focus on the whole city would barely see me so i'd have a little luck here and there and what i would end up with is a very sporadic route which is what i did my first and second year and it was a nightmare okay i would get a lawn over here and the one over there and one over there and then i'd put out flyers on the block hoping i get one or two more and i'd be like well maybe i can build a route around this house no just stop it stop it find the area that you want to work in or start marketing sporadic like that and then go okay i have three houses in this neighborhood that's your neighborhood conquer that neighborhood because the reality is one neighborhood to the next to the next next they're probably about the same and those people can probably afford about the same prices when it comes to residential service now it may not seem that way but oftentimes it is so for me i kind of hit middle of the road clients and how i decided i wanted to be there is well it was a middle of the road type work um all the lawns were flat i don't like hills like on this property they just it makes the lawn take longer it's a little more fatiguing walking up and down hills versus completely flat throughout the day um the yards that i service in the area that i service they're a little more i you know i don't say cookie cutter but the cookie cutter as far as you know everything's about the same i know that this house from the next house is about the same size of house and everything is about same so it makes it very easy for estimating from one property the next to the next to the next and if you can systematize your business a little bit it makes things easy and so everything being very similar makes it very easy to to systematize the business so having said all that you're gonna focus on that one neighborhood you're gonna do flyers or door hangers whatever it might be maybe postcards uh you're gonna use signs on the yards if you can some hoas don't allow you to some hoas don't allow you to do door hangers so you might have to do postcards and targeted facebook ads and targeted google ads there's a lot of different ways to market your business but what you want to do is pick two or three and you want to hit them very very heavy in a small area and be very very very saturated if you're saturated then you become the big fish in a small pond versus trying to market in the whole city and you're a little tiny fish in a big pond so you want to be that big fish in a tiny pond you want to be able to just eat those customers up pick them up and take care of these properties making more revenue the other big plus is your routes tight so you have less drive time uh less wasted labor all of that stuff you know what i'm saying now less wear and tear on your truck less mileage buy slice less slice okay but you have more revenue more production coming in and more production in the same amount of time because if you have to drive two miles to the next lawn versus two houses you're gonna be able to get a lot more production done and you're going to save a lot of income okay if you have especially when you get an employee employees are a magnifier when it comes to imperfections in your business you'll start seeing little things like that and you go oh man this cost me so much money and it doesn't seem like much but when it all adds up it's a lot so now the next thing i would suggest if you're going in business or your first or second year or whatever it might be i would suggest you having a crm it doesn't really matter which one you pick as long as you can have your all your customers information name phone number address email if you can do scheduling that's a big plus if you can fire off estimates that's a huge plus and you need to be able to invoice and bill through your crm you want to come off extremely professional you want to be there's a lot of scuzzy contractors in our industry but not just our industry the painting industry the cleaning industry the whatever industry when there's a low barrier to entry you get a lot of people that are just scuzzy they give out a bid and they they may maybe they don't even have a business card they just say yeah it'll be you know 40 bucks i'll cut your lawn but they don't even give them a business card to call back later if they do want their lawn cut you can stand out by having a crm where you can take all that information from the customer have an estimate form built out that is streamlined so you can say you know on your estimate form and says we do this this is this that's what they can expect every time this is how we handle ring delays is how we do this all that stuff and you have it all built in there nice and tidy and looking pretty so that they know what to expect and you reiterate that when you're talking to them so there's clear communication you want to have awesome and clear communication with your customers and and your prospective customers but while you're doing that you have that crm and you're able to fire off an estimate and it's streamlined so you can do it repeatedly over and over and over and over and over and over it's the same the more things that you can find out that are simple very repetitive task in your business create something that makes it easy to do it the next time so one of those things that you're going to do repeatedly say you're starting out and you don't have any customers you're going to repeatedly be giving a lot of estimates so you can get a lot of customers so you're going to want to make that a little streamline because once the phone starts ringing after you do your marketing you don't want to be the guy that just goes there and says yeah i can cut it for 40 bucks that will work you will get some clients you won't get as many and you won't be able to uh get as high of a price you won't be able to demand a premium and as you grow your business so you get past that first year that second year that's a breaking year you get to that third year you're starting to learn about business you want to start being able to demand a premium especially if it's just you and another guy in the truck and you don't have ambitions uh to grow much further past that well especially if you do want to grow further past that you're going to be able to to want to have that option to have that premium price so the way you do that is like i said have that estimate form so that when you communicate with that customer the first time first impressions are everything you're going to look great you fire off that email it has everything in there but you reiterate that in front of them and they go man this guy's professional yeah i'll pay you 50 bucks per service no problem your job at that point is to not just mow their lawn because the thing is the reality is the guy down the block that will do it for 40 probably cuts lawns just as good as you your job is to remove their headaches make their day easier take the stress off their shoulders they don't want to have to worry about their lawn so you need to be very consistent about showing up on time so the next best thing about that crm is nice scheduling software because if you're doing it on a piece of paper or a notebook or maybe you made a fancy excel sheet and on that excel sheet you've got your clients names and you're just going to put it on there and and you know i printed out at the beginning today and this is the week one and that's week two and this is my clients and that's the days i'm gonna take care of it it doesn't work it doesn't work i did it it doesn't work it's not good enough you need to be able to go in on the fly and put somebody's information on and put them on that schedule when you talk to them because you're going to forget you're out there working and doing the production your day's getting busy you will forget you need to take what's being said to you and what's in your head and put it into that software and into that schedule and go okay i just picked up susie jones over here blah blah blah scheduler every week friday boom she's on the schedule but if you try writing it on that piece of paper well that piece of paper gets lost in your truck and well all of your information that you wrote on there it's lost too now you're in a situation where you just lost susie jones as a customer and it costs you money to get her to call you in the first place okay so again crm scheduling software you've sent out the estimate you got them scheduled you've completed the service now you need to bill them you need a bill you need to have a good billing system so you can get your money fast because cash flow is the lifeblood of your business if you don't have that cash flow you have no oxygen you're going to drown if you wait until the end of the month to bill out well maybe that's your system i don't know but for me that's not working it's not working i need that constant cash flow so instead of taking that check in the greasy uh barbecue or under the mail the the mat on the the front porch or whatever it might be i would actually make sure that i'm everything's card on file that's how i how i run my business as i get card on file which was something that my wife and i debated for a while and my wife told me don't do it you're going to lose a lot of clients if you all card on file and i said you know what rachel we're doing it and we didn't lose any clients it really wasn't a big deal people love the convenience of paying with a card and i love the convenience of getting paid quick and not chasing my money so the other thing that makes that um a little easier for people to take is i say hey yep i come out and service property and i built upon completion well if you're going to build them in advance it might be somewhat of an issue for him you know there might be some headaches there oh man i got the dookie on me i just got hit in the face with dog crap i'm not so happy here's what it is let's uh let's finish this up that's pretty gross oh yeah and it's starting to ring anyways before i so rudely interrupted myself my my point with that is if you can take a petty task in your business and you can make your life easier just by coming up with a quick system on how you handle it that's the way to go especially you want to break it down in a way that you can actually put on paper or for me i use google docs for my uh you know standard operating procedures your sop i use google docs there so that it's in one location it can be found it's easy if i'm training somebody it's broke down to the simplest form so that it like say my wife's doing a task and i want her to do a certain thing if she i'm smelling my beard is that is that dookie in my beard oh gross man so anyways if i want her to do a task i want it broke down to a simple procedure and in wording that she can look at it and know exactly what to do some people nowadays call that mansplaining but it's just clear communication you know why everybody's got to be so sensitive about everything nowadays clear communication is the key to making your business run correctly whether it's clear communication with your customers clear your communication with yourself [Music] all right it's starting to rain uh i'm running out of daylight and i gotta get this done there's a lot to do so i'm gonna set you up and i'm not gonna get a whole lot of close-ups on this back part but sorry about that let's get to it oh yeah and i can't tell but i think there's dog crap somewhere over here my beard [Music] i wanna go home take a shower so let's wrap this up it's starting to sprinkle on me i gotta hurry all right off the business more onto fun topics uh i had somebody recently asked how often do you have to sharpen your blades when cutting tall crazy stuff and the answer is a lot so for the ferris i keep three blades or three sets of blades and i rotate through those i will say this year with the crazy stuff i've got one set of blades that are kind of jacked up and so you know i just rotate to those when i'm doing crazy stuff now on the x mark when that was my main machine and i use that for all my weekly properties because i did that for quite a while you can do that if you're in business uh you can get set up with a 36 inch machine get in the backyards and i'm talking about business again anyways it's a great machine the the size of the machine not that particular machine i don't like that one particularly it's a good machine for me but it's dangerous as far as the design of the machine now that i got that out somebody was asking me how often do i sharpen the blades uh the x mark i have five sets of blades i would rotate through those daily and i would have an extra set of blades with me in case i started feeling like it wasn't cutting properly so certain times of the year you'll have to double cut because of uh you know like dallas grass around here grows real tall you get stringers so i would cut those or i would swap the blades at lunch at the gas station i just pulled my motor up onto my trailer this kind of acts like a jack pulls the front end up and i would swap the blades out while i was you know stop for lunch and that way i wouldn't have to double cut as much but that's something that you'll end up finding out what's best for you if you're residential you probably only have to sharpen your blades say three or four times a season depending on how often you cut your grass you know and how particular are you are you about your grass how nice is your lawn you know if you want a really really nice lawn you'll want to keep your blades sharp because it promotes a better cut you're going to have less funguses and diseases and stuff like that if you're a lawn guy having sharp blades makes your job easier you want to look for ways that you can make your production go smooth and have more time to fit more properties in because that's the name of the game your seasonal you got to get as much work done as you possibly can during that season now when that season's over you can take your little break whatever you want to do but during that season it's go go go not for me it's go go go and then in the off season i'm like cool what am i doing for next year what are my plans how am i going to do it how am i going to get there how can i save more time how can i fit more properties in the same amount of time because for me that's you know was the name of the game how do i fit more properties in the same amount of time i'm one truck one guy or one with one other person how do i fit more properties in well having sharp blades is one way it's simple and easy it's a very small investment so you can either sharpen your blades every day or you can have extra sets for each day of the week and then sharpen your blades on the weekend it's really whatever works best for you now the ferris like i said it's got three sets of blades it doesn't need its blade sharpened quite as often as the 36 would but the 36 doesn't mean sharpened quite as often as it used to because it was the only machine now the cutting time is divided between the two machines uh right now currently uh this job was after i'd been doing like a solid couple days of crazy stuff so my blades are on the dull side and i got lazy and i didn't swap them yet so there you are to be honest those plates are dull now another question that might be get asked is how do you keep from dragging weeds from one property to the next well when you sharpen your blades and you're swapping your blades you're going to climb underneath the deck because you're already down there anyways and you scrape all the clumps out and that's the best you can do you blow off the machine so there's not debris on it and you scrape out underneath the deck you're not going to power wash and do all that craziness it's not going to help the real reason or the real answer to that question is it's not the lawn guys spreading seeds because the reality is a bird eats a seed bird flies the next yard crabs a seed that plant grows there weeds go from yard to yard to yard so if you're not having your yard chemically treated you're going to have weeds you're going to fight weeds it doesn't matter if you mow your own lawn or if the lawn guy mows your lawn and he's going back and forth cutting your yard what i'm saying so the way a chemical company works is they're going to actually come out and they're going to treat your yard and they're going to do their standard fertilizer to make your yard green but they're going to do a pre-treatment okay a pre-treatment for pre-emergent early in the spring before everything's starting to grow what that's going to do is it's going to cause a chemical barrier in the soil so that seeds will not grow new seeds aren't going to grow in your lawn then they're going to do a post treatment for any weeds that are already growing in your lawn but they have to wait until they start greening up and depending on what type of weeds that that you have in your yard they might have to come again for a second post treatment for whatever specific weeds because some weeds are early spring weeds and some weeds are mid-season hot weeds when the the uh you know heats kicked in now they're probably going to come in in the fall and do another post treatment as the temperatures get cool again so they'll do a post treatment if needed but they also do a pre-treatment again in the fall and that way you're good to go through the winter so that's kind of how that works a lot of chemical companies do a four treatment all the way up to like a 12 treatment plan it really all depends on how meticulous you are about the weeds in your yard so a yard that's properly treated will not have an issue with weeds spreading from a mower so that's how i handle weeds most of my lawns that i have are either full of weeds or their beautiful lawns and the beautiful lawns don't get weeds because they're treated to not get weeds and if they get weeds it's the chemical companies problem not the lawn care guys problem okay you know bagging a lawn and that kind of stuff is not going to prevent weeds it's just not if you think that you're bagging a lawn is going to prevent you from getting weeds in your lawn because when you cut the grass it's got seeds and this and that those seeds aren't viable yet seeds on a lawn aren't viable until that plant starts wilting and dying in the summer so if you look at how plants naturally work they'll bolt when they think they're about to die so they'll send up seed seed pods and then they'll start drying out well that seed has to completely die so dry out and then it falls out of the seed pod then it lands on the ground then it grows the next year so if you cut the lawn every week it doesn't get to the point where those seeds are viable and can actually take hold in your lawn yet so if you have weeds in your yard you probably had weeds before now some weeds can stay viable in your soil up to like seven or eight years so yeah again it's not the guy mowing the lawn it's coming from just the reality of that's how plants work um so yeah and personally i don't have an issue with having lawns that have weeds in my route because then i have uh lawns that grow well in the summer i have lawns that grow well on a drought i have lawns that grow well in the fall it just works out perfect to have a mix of different lawns in in my schedule i prefer mowing nice turf but at the same time i will say i've had some lawns that are just beautiful beautiful lawns not an imperfection to them but they're super thick and dense and they always require double triple quadruple cutting because they're so thick and even though you're cutting them every week they're probably having fertilized all the time and they just grow so fast that it's a nightmare to stay caught up with them so i will say that sometimes having a lawn that's full of weeds the ugly yard next door is better than the really really nice yard that you're cutting or that you want to cut or the yard that you're dreaming of i've had that too where i'm cutting the ugly yard and i'm like man i really wish i could go cut that pretty hard and then i end up landing that pretty yard and i hate cutting that pretty hard but it is what it is as long as it pays the bills and you're getting it done in a timely fashion and it makes sense for you then that's what really matters the the pretty ones are great for advertising with you know you get to clean them up stripe them up take some pictures good before and after pictures this is part of the business you got to play the game you got to figure out what what works best for you and what you like doing [Music] that's some work right there i'm not going to lie i got to uh about to the end of that weed eating right there i know i'm probably gonna have to eat one more time i got to the end of the week and i was like yes so close used to have uh quite a few lawns over in this area not cool to come cut a lawn in this area again [Music] look at all that i got to try to get all that done before the rain kicks in i don't have any water or anything so my wife's gonna bring me some water something to eat maybe i didn't anticipate biting off one that would take so long to complete okay you see the thing is i'm driving around i'm hunting scouting for these yards i'm looking for something that's gonna make a real good video for you something you'll be entertained by [Music] so yeah that's a big reason why i do stuff for free one i know it helps them out so i feel good about that two if i want to find something that's entertaining a lot of the times people with houses that stuff's jacked up like their edges and stuff or it's overgrown they don't have the money to have it done in the first place so like i said it helps them to it gives you content three give me a thumbs up and a comment to show your support that's how i do get paid from this and yeah that's what allows me to keep doing these type of jobs so some people have a problem with me cutting yards for free and saying it's free on youtube well yeah man every type of charity or giveaway or community service has to have some kind of funding if i want to do it on a large scale i got to have some kind of financial backing that allows me to continue doing otherwise it just won't make sense i mean going through edger blades and we need a string and gas and you think that mower is cheap to run how about that truck that baby's gonna have to be replaced soon and i'll tell you what one day my knees they're gonna have to be replaced so if you have a problem with me making money off of youtube i don't know what to tell you man i'm out to do this and i got the right thing in my heart if you got an issue with it that's your problem not my problem they don't really mean what they say they just got their own issues and whatnot all i got to do is keep being a good person no matter what good things will come my way everything's gonna happen for me it's as long as i never have no in my heart right on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i know i said i was gonna dump it in the hole in the back or i said all right i know i said i was gonna dump it in the hole in the front but because it's more grass and soil and i can't pack it well i'm gonna dump it in this hole in the back which is a real deep hole back here let's go get it in there we got these trenches i'm just gonna put it in this little spot and that'll make it easier to mow for whoever comes next down a little bit i would take this with me but it will turn into a big mud brick after it rains and i just thought i'm gonna have to go to the dump somewhere i can't take this to the green waste facility they don't take dirt we'll just kind of level it level out here it looks like somebody parked here so as they drive up it the car will help smash it down i'm not too worried about it yeah i can't see him complaining about somebody cutting the yard for free and leaving some of the waste somewhere those branches and stuff i'm just getting on i'd take it with me i hate taking dirt like i said it just rains and turns into a big mud block all right all right i finished just in time for the sunset everything looks beautiful i had to mow it three times trimmed all the bushes edged it twice once with the middle blade once with the string trimmer i had to fan out all the clippings in between the mowings i mean it's a lot of work lower deck hit right here see it happens cool thing about weed and clovers and stuff that's coming right back that'll look beautiful probably tomorrow anyways uh the uh virginia creeper pulled that off the house very very gently you don't want to mess up paint and stuff uh other than that i mean man this uh this curb line up here i don't know this has seen sunlight in like 20 years so i knocked on the tenant store she asked for a business card i you know she approved me to work on the property for free uh she asked for a business card she got a hold of the landlord landlord called me and said that he had somebody out here servicing it for like 20 years but he fell through i guess he had gotten sick and his nephew was supposed to take over but you know whatever oh yeah um if you guys have been following me for a while you know that i used to smoke i quit smoking in i want to say 2018 very beginning 2018. you know when that video went viral on the boring channel i started chain smoking like crazy uh i never would have it just wasn't an issue i could take a puff here there whatever and i was fine no cravings no nothing my nerves were shot during that thing and i mean i was just going crazy smoking every time i left the office i was answering comments for hours on end i didn't get sleep very much for like two weeks straight but it's a blessing i mean it was awesome it was it was a really really fun ride i don't know if i'll ever get to do it again but i sure hope i mean it was just it was pretty awesome anyways now this that curbline looks good now all right everything else looks good if you guys say you want me to come back to power wash this i will power wash it by the way that uh cleanup i did a few weeks ago you guys said you wanted me to power wash it i said if it gets to a thousand what do you want to say five thousand thumbs up ten thousand thumbs up i don't know you guys did it that's all i'm saying so anyways if you guys can leave a thumbs up and a comment just uh show your appreciation it helps drive these videos up it really does help and it allows me to continue doing this type of services now somebody's going to say well this one's owned by a landlord and he's a slum lord and he should take care of it hey man things fall through all i know for sure is that when i walk up to a house and i knock on the door because i think it'll make a good video right i think it'll make a good video but i don't go with the intentions on just making a video i go with the intention on if i knock on this door and they approve me i'm going to give them a service that makes their property look gorgeous and they're going to come home and they're going to feel good about it even if it's only for a week or two they're going to feel good about coming home to this every every time i knock on a door and i i give away a service i want them to feel like they won the lottery you know what i mean i want them to feel like i mean say they're cutting it themselves homeowner tenant whatever if they're cutting it themselves this saves them their weekend in this case this took me four hours over four hours it's saving them more than a weekend see i got here around two o'clock yeah i got here around two o'clock and it's now 7 35. i'm gonna make him feel good about coming home now you can support that like i said all you got to do is give thumbs up leave a comment if you don't like it shoot me a thumbs down i don't care i don't care there's always people that get butt hurt about the stuff on the internet and oh i wish he would give it i don't know what it is maybe they're pissed that i'm going and and doing something that they wouldn't i don't have a clue i don't know what's in these people's minds all i know is that i go in with the right intention my heart's in the right place i'm doing what i should do that's all that needs to be said i appreciate it guys tomorrow i'm driving two and a half hours that video is going up on the boring channel it's going to be 100 giveaway on the proceeds of that video to my sister-in-law jamie who has stage 4 cancer if you're not a supporter of the boring channel yet if you could that'd be wonderful all that said i appreciate you guys it really does mean a lot that everybody watches i've only never thought that we'd get to 100 000 subscribers you know i mean there's just a little over a year ago i said man it'd be really cool if we could get to 10 000 subscribers but i doubt it in my head so i'm gonna tell you right now if you think you want to do something remove that self-doubt remove that lack of self-worth just go for it shoot for them boring channel did 135 000 subscribers in one week 135 000 of you guys said i support this guy i like what he's doing i got some thumbs down whatever i got some channels that don't like me that are in lawn care probably because the butt hurt because they've been doing this for a long time they don't have any action i don't really care all i know is like i said i keep myself in the right place if you allow the lord to use you as a tool for his means to better the world i'm here for a short time that's it this is a tiny little it's like a blink of an eye in the world right and people say it's about the money money's nothing money's nothing it's a plus i'd like to provide better for my family but the biggest thing about that is now i get to go do this a lot more i hope to go full time with it can you imagine that going full time then you got to help that person the next person next person you get your long cut you get your long cut you get your long cut i just want to enjoy my life and do what i love and i gotta say for the last eight years since i've been in business since 2013 a lot of these lawns that i've seen or that i cut i've seen that whole time and after a long time you just get tired of them it's monotonous you're bored of it now this time i get to go i get to go make people happy with my service they couldn't afford my service or maybe they could but you know they have other things that are priority in life how cool is that though i get to gift people with it and i know it's a tiny gift i mean think about think about when you're super broke and somebody buys you something at the store and they're like hey no worries i got this i've had that happen to me once and it's like they could see it on me that i was beyond negative in my account you know it's kind of like it's kind of like when your parents drop you 20 because they know you're hurting on money and they say hey go get a burger on me and you go put that money in gas you're super grateful because that's what kept you going for the week so that you can get to work and get your paycheck yes they don't have to do it they can spend their life doing whatever else they want like i said even if it's for a day not me to get sentimental i got to get out here i gotta go i gotta go i'm gonna take a shower i gotta get some sleep i gotta get the cameras ready i got two and a half hours to drive in the trucking trailer past eight lines to do a stealth cut we're gonna go cut a property we're not approved to be on but man oh man is it gonna make a great video and i could care less who owns it well you know you might get sued well whatever sue me you got to prove damages whatever anybody that has success in life gets sued at some point in time if i get sued for mowing the lawn i'll just make a video of it how crazy would that be dude mosalan for free gets sued for mowing lawn who cares i'm out [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] you
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 6,372,149
Rating: 4.9563584 out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, Tulsa Lawn Care, overgrown, overgrown lawn, free lawn service for elderly, free lawn service, lawn care business tips, tips on starting your own business, lawn care business, lawn care business start up, bi-weekly lawn, bi-weekly lawn mowing, every two week lawn service, how to cut a biweekly lawn, how to cut an overgrown lawn, trimming overgrown bushes, overgrown landscape, overgrown landscape before and after, tall grass behind the scenes
Id: M9v9k77DwoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 0sec (6720 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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