Building a Tree Fort In The Woods Part 1 and Grilled Cheese, Turkey and Ham with Tomato Onion Soup

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so okay so 2021 i promise you guys all kinds of badassery so i thought about this what can i do out here differently that i haven't done yet well that hasn't been done in a while by most youtubers and i'm in a different section of the woods and i'm looking around here and i see wood as far as your eye can see that i can cut down and i'm loving it because that means i can build to my little heart's content so i'm thinking let's kick off 2021 with a new series building a tree fort in the woods let's check out this area find our sweet spot and then have a construction meeting okay so after intense recon yesterday these are the only four trees i could find that are in a row that are almost perfectly spaced and it's almost like it was meant to be one two three and four this one right here we can cut off i got looking at this and i can see it in my head five to six feet off the ground we got a platform another five to six feet up we have a sloping roof towards the back doorway right here rectangle window that would pop open closed maybe an indoor fireplace we'll see how this bad boy evolves but check this out right here it's almost like it was meant to be as well it was a fifth tree right there and i'm thinking sloping handrail and a set of stairs yeah i'm liking it all right time to stop talking about it and build our tree fort in the woods okay so i went ahead and i crunched all my data from last year and the number one question i'm asked is about gear and it's always asked in a way of well how can we never talk about your gear you just show it and that's it you never talk about it you never review it well here's why i spent 11 years doing skills videos and gear reviews last year i spent 52 weeks doing overnighters showing the gear in use and what's possible with that gear and i got thinking about that and i thought you know someone who is beginning or wanting to build certain structures they might want to know about the key gear that i use to make that structure so moving forward for this year i'll go ahead and i'll make an effort i'll make an effort to show the key items that i'm using like an axe or a saw or certain types of cordage i'll briefly talk about them and let you know where you can get them at that way you can go out in the field and enjoy it also let's go ahead and kick this off with our cordage and for this series right here for the tree fort in the woods i'll be using number 36 bank line it has a break strength of around 300 pounds and it's this one here is twisted there's braided also i prefer the twisted it makes the knots and lashes a little bit easier it's made of three strands of number 12. the number is the diameter size so again this one here has a break strength of around 300 pounds and you can get it on amazon okay so last but definitely not least is my pack axe this one here is the woodcraft camp carver by council tool measures 16 inches in length made from 5160 steel and i believe the head is around 26 ounces and it's a package exactly what it is it's meant to go in your pack and i've seen far too much heresy on youtube with people standing up swinging something this size between their legs bouncing off the wood shearing off to the side that to me is an accident waiting to happen other things i've seen range from digging holes with knives and breaking rocks with axes even driving nails with an axe this one right here has a hardened pole on it so you could actually drive nails if you wanted to for this build i won't need to do that but for something like this it's a camp carver so that's exactly what i'm gonna do i can grab up here i can choke up on it i can shave wood down into a point or if there's knots on a piece of wood i can shave it off get a nice smooth flat surface so for this build i think this will be good to go as always over here my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two myself alliance outfitters influencer page if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box hmm so [Applause] so so [Applause] [Applause] so tree fort in the woods corporal family robinson perfect okay so we have our horizontals in place one here one's going to go back over there and we have our supports that are last to our trees using an arbor knot and that will carry the load across my floor down into these supports i'm going to lay my floor beams or my logs perpendicular to my horizontals boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and that should push the weight right down along the trees into the supports into the ground so outstanding last thing i think i'm going to go ahead and lash these to my trees using a diagonal lash so [Music] so so new year but like i said on my channel we come here to work we're out here we're getting it done okay so today we're going to finish this platform if it kills me come hell or high water i don't care once we get these logs landed up on top i'm going to run another horizontal right there in the center and i think i'm going to prop it up with two y branches preferably if i can find some flat stones underneath that log or that y branch that way it guarantees that floor won't deflect at all and that's probably the most important thing of this entire structure is that all the weight is distributed and run down into the ground i don't have concrete columns i don't have a concrete foundation no home depot materials here at all um and the worst thing would happen is i'm inside that and it breaks off and i fall but that's why i want that bad boy supported on all four of these trees as well as the center so time to hydrate up ice cold water it's currently about 34 degrees out here so you know i'm out here sweating drink that instantly cooled off so that's one thing what we're talking about water here um any campsite that you come to it's one of the five w's we have wind we have widow makers we have wildlife or wigglys we have water and we have wood today's key word is wood and that's what i need to build the structure i want to build the structure with in the vicinity of wood i don't want to walk half a mile and bring materials back here whatever i use i want it right here in this area where i can walk to it grab it and go same with water so right here we're on an elevated hill we're up on top here it's kind of flat and down here's a creek on that side over there's a creek i can walk over there 20 yards get water boil it with my stove and i'm good to go so my opinion is or i'm of the opinion that any campsite that you make or you stay at where emergency or not if you don't have access to that water you probably shouldn't be staying there um it's foolhardy and just ridiculous laughs so that's the band in my existence right here every one of these pieces of wood got knots all over it and this is a different part of the woods usually in my videos you see where i'm at people are like where do you find wood that's straight it's impossible well there are certain places this is not one of them so i'm out here it's gonna take twice as long but we'll get her done [Applause] so [Music] foreign okay so check this out here's one of the problems i'm fighting with out here you see an elevation difference right there so all i'm doing is i'm grabbing some shims or some pieces of wood they already cut and i'm raising it up place them underneath there and i'll go ahead and i'll secure those off with an arbor knot solves the problem it works that's a lot of work so i'm thinking it's lunch time and then we got more work to do but it's a nice cold day so i got something for that [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop so [Applause] what we talking about here grilled ham turkey cheese onion tomato on a ciabatta just like your mom used to make it oh and uh campbell soup tomato soup and you know campbell's good just like your mom and i would know because i did time in 29 palms know all about them moms outstanding joking aside this is really good it's not 100 healthy it's healthier and packed full of protein tell you what this is really good catch you all a minute all right that meal was good to go all that protein though is probably gonna put me under so need to uh caffeine up all right um my meals have changed up bacon's gonna be part of my videos in the future i'll do it every once in a while i'm trying to expand my horizons on the meals that i can cook out in the field um like today it's lunchtime it's not dinner time it's not breakfast time so i thought you know it's cold out here grilled cheese sandwich tomato soup let's go ahead and see what we can do with that um also my diets changed due to me wanting to do bigger and better things i mentioned a few videos back that at some point in the future preferably this year um septemberish i want to go to the everest base camp i've been training for that i'm also trying to bulk up and pack on some pounds and to do that i need a lot of protein at the very least i can become the rich piana of bushcraft um joking aside let's talk about the next project here i want to go ahead and install a ladder some way to get to this platform without having to jump up on here so to do that i brought out some mule tape i'm going to take this do a clove hitch here and a series of half hitches just around the outside around the outside and then slam in some rungs for my ladder boom boom boom boom we'll try and make it per code i believe that's every 12 inches but we'll see so so so so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it works i'm happy and there you have it building a tree fort in the woods part one and this is just an example of the badassery i plan for 2021 we have plenty of series and i'm not going to give anything away but i have plenty of series like this i want to go two three four five parts break start a new series that way we can just windshield wiper and just go back and forth back and forth back and forth and i think it'd be fun as always all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corpus corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 197,821
Rating: 4.9498601 out of 5
Keywords: building a tree fort in the woods, corporals corner, fort in the woods, how to build a fort, treehouse, joerobinet fort, camping in the woods, overnight in the woods, building a fort in the woods, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, building a cabin in the woods, how to build a treehouse, solo, solo overnight, overnighter
Id: Yz8HOM9zSio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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