Solo Overnight Building a Stealth Shelter In The Woods with Bacon Mac and Cheese Bison Burgers

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[Music] buried alive another beautiful day in the eastern woodlands all right check this out last year around july time frame i did a stealth camping video where i took a tent out and made a dakota fire hole and it was outstanding i'm thinking being that we're on the shelter kick right now why not come out here and attempt to do the same thing stealth camp in the woods but do it with a debris hut so here we go solo overnight building a stealth debris hut let's get to it all right check it out another downed tree i know they're everywhere right crazy but check this out the trunk splits off in a wide shape we have a trunk next to the other one almost parallel and almost the same height here's what i'm thinking they're approximately 10 inches to a foot off the ground what if we hop inside there and dig down an extra foot this will allow me to lay on my side use that earth for walls creating a rectangle the top can then be covered with logs sticks debris clay cedar leaves moss ferns to blend in with my surroundings lastly we make a small door right here like a rabbit hole that we can get inside i think it's going to work and i think it's going to be badass let's do it all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box so far so good we're looking outstanding i think that's deep enough now the trick is to try and keep all that dirt between those two logs that way from a distance you can't see it [Applause] um all right easy peasy lemon squeezy now before we get too far down the trail and somebody completely loses their mind and says if it rains you're gonna get wet that's gonna become a bathtub here's the reality first off take a break second unless you're at your home or in a hotel for the night sleeping out in the field you always run the chance of getting wet this is a bucket list item it's gonna be an awesome shelter and i'm gonna have fun building it so there you go [Applause] [Applause] okay so engineering issue we're going to talk through this together the original goal or plan in my head was to have a rabbit hole where i could get in and out of but the problem is the entire shelter is not deep enough so there's no way that my 240 pounds is going to squeeze through that hole and be able to get back in here and then contort to get back out so here's what i'm thinking we shift gears fill that back up shorten this hole okay to right around six foot six foot six trap door at the top boom pops open now i can get in and out and the best part is it should be hidden between those logs uh oh so i'm talking about right there lay on my back turn to my side and i'm thinking trap door right here be like boom [Laughter] you [Applause] so so so so that is awesome a trap door is just badass okay so here's what i'm thinking grab some bark plug those holes cover it with dirt and clay the real trick is going to be trying to get that to blend in with the surroundings so let's take care of the first two steps and then we'll look around the area and see what we got and then try to blend that bad boy in [Applause] these curved ones here work out great you stick it right on here like this you just cover that wood and from a distance it looks like a tree so [Applause] okay so the last trick for the evening is to get this to resemble this we got ferns we got moss dead grass dry leaves even this ground cedar so i'll move through these woods and try and bring some of the stuff from out in the distance relocate it back here and then mismatch and patch and make it happen [Applause] so all right looking good to go so since we have a low profile stealth debris hut why not go with a low profile fire and for that i'm thinking dakota fire hole okay so a dakota fire hole is very simple to make all you're doing is you're going to make one hole approximately 12 inches in diameter approximately 12 inches deep and simply move over one foot make a second hole six inches diameter approximately one foot deep then simply connect the two so okay so your fire is now below ground but there's one problem what tends to happen is it's very difficult for oxygen to make it to the bottom of that large bowl this is where the small hole comes into play air now can be sucked through that small hole pass through that chamber and make it in contact with the bottom of that bowl this is called the venturi effect it sounds like this air is going to pass through that chamber keeping your embers and coals hot reducing the need to feed that fire while keeping your flames low almost that time i can smell that bacon but we still have a few minutes so let's kick this off with a bushcrafty project and i'm thinking the simplest deadfall you'll ever make [Applause] [Music] take that captain america okay so all we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and we're going to make a stop cut right here about halfway in flip it over do a stop cut right here about halfway in and then simply break it so [Music] sweet music to my ears let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop that's what we're talking about right there bacon macaroni bison burgers and i can't recall if i've made it before but if i have i'm not sorry god that is awesome wow oh man macaroni and cheese bacon bits applewood smoked bacon oh catch you all in about a half hour oh man that macaroni in there yeah 8 32. so here we go we're four months in right now 2021 and uh we're killing it you guys are killing it uh real quick on this fire so i put the berm behind it and the reason why i did that is because you wouldn't be able to see it from the camera and it would be like what's that burn what's going on why is there smoke and so i went ahead and put the berm behind it so you can see it but in reality if i put it in the front and it's low profile and you can see right here the fire is not above the berm it would actually block the flames so from a distance you'd probably smell the smoke but you wouldn't see it so true stealth camping in my opinion you wouldn't be out here cooking and you wouldn't be cooking next to your fire you'd cook somewhere way over there and then you come back but like all my videos i'm gonna kill myself for you and then i'm gonna eat for me while i'm thinking about it um my website once again it's um i think i mentioned it maybe once or twice this year i kind of backed off because people are getting all triggered but the main purpose of that website was the email list i know people say well i just look for your videos right but i got some things coming up here that i'm going to notify the people who have been following me since the beginning and the people who want to follow me or that are on my email list so if you haven't done it please get on that email list because i got some things dropping and it's going to be big it's going to be huge i don't want to mention it right now i'll mention it in the upcoming videos and probably about a month from now but it's gonna be really badass um so please get on that email list [Applause] and lastly um like usual my heart goes out to you guys all my subs all my new subs all my old subs i'm gonna keep saying it people are actually getting triggered that i'm saying it but without you i'm nothing um yes i have the training yes i'm out here every single week for you guys but you guys are watching the videos and i've seen growth like i've never seen before um i have never seen subscribers like this we're talking like 50 000 subscribers last month that's insane and it's all because of you guys um just keep doing what you're doing watch my videos watch them all the way the end share with everybody everywhere and then find youtube's recommended playlist scroll through it find my next video and play it go to one of my playlists play that bad boy show youtube continue showing youtube that you want corporals corner and we're gonna give them and you all corporal's corner well i'm thinking with all this hard work i did today might as well get inside that shelter and check it out about the size of a coffin but you know what if i die in my sleep i'm already buried so let's check it out buried alive well here we go welcome to my crib um this is probably the most cramped i've been it feels like one of those eighteen hundreds pine coffins that are in the ground like two feet and there's a dead body just laying there that's exactly what this feels like but i'm on my side the ceiling is right here got about an inch of clearance on my back my feet can move around freely i'm happy for what it was worth at a day's work i'm happy i accomplished exactly what i wanted to i'm in the ground we're covered up we have a trap door and it's awesome another bucket list item cross that bad boy off the wind is blocked on all four sides weatherproof maybe waterproof probably not but again one day's with the work um i'm happy with this so i'm gonna get out and enjoy my fire and then have some down time it was been a long day really long day so catch you all in the morning [Music] [Applause] always outstanding let's talk about our shelter what did we do here well we found another downed tree this one was different the trunk was split off in the shape of a y it was laying down almost flat on the ground we hopped in between there dug down about 18 inches from there we covered that bad boy perpendicular with logs ultimately created a trap door which opened and closed that was badass then we ended up camouflaging that bad boy to blend in with our surroundings so it was a stealthy shelter a stealth shelter deserves a stealth fire we dug a dakota fire hole made our chow and finished that night off with a bushcrafty project the simplest deadfall that you ever make not bad for a day's work and there you go soul overnight building a stealth shelter in the woods just keeps getting better and better sometimes i even amaze myself as always all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two myself reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal's corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time oh and uh captain america steve [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 730,385
Rating: 4.932673 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Stealth Shelter In The Woods, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in a survival shelter, overnight in the woods, building a shelter in the woods, overnight in an emergency shelter, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, stealth shelter, stealth camping, stealth camping in the woods, how to stealth camp, joerobinet fort, overnight in a bushcraft shelter
Id: lKZahL_VcHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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