Solo Overnight Building an Underground Shelter and Fireplace In The Snow and Lil Smokies Bacon Chili

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so ah welcome to corporal's winter wonderland seven days have passed which gives you another solo overnighter in the woods and it's gonna be like this for the next two to three days so it's gonna be outstanding af got something special in store for you guys um i wanted to hold off on this video for a while because it's gonna be a precursor to something huge but i thought you know what let's get out here and get her done corporal style we've got something there in the background i want to check that bad boy out so let's get to it check that bad boy out an uprooted tree okay so about eight to ten months ago i did a video titled solo overnight in an uprooted tree and we built a raised bed had a long fire it was outstanding why because i built it but the thing that caught my eye for this one is this large depression here it's about two and a half to three foot deep and the dimensions are almost perfect look at about five foot wide by about six to seven feet in length that's the size of an emergency blanket so i got thinking why not use this as an experiment for an underground shelter so get ready we're gonna do a solo overnight in an underground shelter i'm gonna grab some coffee we'll come back here and address some safety concerns then we'll get to it that's what i'm talking about right there do i drink this i'll be so caffeinated if i pick this damn tree up and just throw it all right um safety concerns i know someone's going to say it that tree could upright itself well here's the thing it's not lord of the rings okay this tree has been down for probably 10 years the entire trunk is solid it's not punk wood or punky wood and it's not going to just all of a sudden stand up and land on top of me it would have done that by now with all the wind storms that are happening out here so in that aspect i'm good to go another concern is any debris on this falling off but i'm thinking dig this bad boy out fighting whole style talking maybe about four foot wide by about five foot deep or six foot deep chisel out of bed area lean to roof on this bad boy framed out of course lock down and i'm thinking we want to heat this bad boy internally with a rocket stove fireplace one let's go ahead and pause for a minute all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two myself alliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise they can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box [Applause] you can see the footprint here another three foot we're good to go i'm estimating about four hours um just like a marine corps fighting hole um four hours you're good to go and then you bury it back up and move on but we're here for the night so one thing i'm doing i'm replacing these open pockets here as i work pack it in there and be like yeah and we're good to go at some point these all be filled in with a nice vertical wall straight down to our bed all the way around and we're good to go [Applause] so all right man it's like i'm backing nom or something um here's the method for the madness we're doing here the dirt i remove i can build the walls higher so in a sense three feet and three feet makes six foot [Music] so [Music] [Music] sweet so i'm thinking put this right here and it will give me sort of like a barrier and now i put my clay on here and just keep building this wall up all the way along here it's got some kind of shelf to rest on so hopefully that'll work out so [Applause] wax on right to circle wax off left the circle so far so good we're looking outstanding okay let's go ahead and address the safety concern because someone's gonna bring it up now i just built a water sump inside there and here's the method to that madness those that are prior service especially o311s or 11 bravos you know all about fighting positions fighting whole foxhole this is exact same idea at some point water's gonna get inside this you cannot avoid it you're digging in the earth and an area like this where there's nothing but clay you're going to be prone to seepage which is what's actually happening right now now it's not a lot of water just enough to make it a soupy clay mess to piss you off so how do we get around that well we're going to use it to my advantage this actual hole here is sloped that direction and i place the hole right there so the water will actually go into that hole and fill it up once it fills up to a certain level i can get a nesting cup and simply bail it out leaving me dry all night so [Applause] and there it is like i said on and off for the next three days let's go ahead and finish this bed off get a hard lid on this bad boy and then we'll be good to go [Applause] so [Applause] you [Laughter] so [Laughter] [Applause] so [Applause] so so so it's already a lot warmer in here the wind is blocked 100 percent um i'm happy but talk about flashbacks 37 lima company 1999 baby hmm anyway here's our wood log put up here here's our berm there's the outside's topsoil so i'm thinking which is a lot of fireplace somewhere in here no more than probably half the length of this shovel get outside and tunnel down minecraft style and then i want to light that bad boy because i think it's gonna be really warm in here use a poncho for a door and we're gonna be in business [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] okay so fireplace is almost complete the dirt that i dug out from the inside is nice and fresh it's not frozen very pliable like how clay is supposed to be so i can build that fireplace up a little bit and then we're gonna light that bad boy boom so [Applause] so [Applause] so let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so that's outstanding i'm happy with that so we got little smoky bacon chili had some cornbread be perfect hey what 20 degrees outside yeah i could feel the heat pumping off this thing give this bad boy a couple hours probably about 60 in here people say well it's only 60. right but my wind's being blocked now on all four sides i use a poncho for a door over here and i'm warm i'm toasty so i can get down on this i mean this is not much to look at in here but for a full day's work and i'm warm right now versus sitting out there i'll take it you finish this bad boy off catch you all in the view toasty warm i'm happy with this 20 degrees outside and it's right around between 52 54 somewhere in there it's fluctuating right in front of this bad boy so i firmly believe that give it time say probably an hour two maybe even three it's gonna be probably in the 60s in here and if that's as warm as it gets i'll take it because being in here with three walls well a fourth wall put a poncho up right here um no wind and 60 degrees i'll take that over being out there windblown windchill factor of negative 10 and being exposed to elements so this right here was a precursor and experiment if you would um to something else and i'm happy with the outcome so i'm going to end this bad boy off right now a lot of work went in this someone's going to ask how long did it take what were the hours this is a solo overnight it's going to be 12 hour day and it'll be dark in less than an hour so um i need to collect firewood and get some water and settle in for the night the last thing i want to say real quick to my legions um i appreciate every one of you you guys came through for me once again um what i'm told i'm backing people's feeds people are seeing me pop up they're getting notifications um and i appreciate that i say it every single time from the bottom of my heart without you all i'm nothing and i mean that um show youtube that you want corporals corner and i'm gonna give you corporal's corner so with that all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page if you want corporals corner merchandise they can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell once you're in that bell please select all notifications as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get on the field have some fun that's getting hot and i'll catch you next time that's what i'm talking about right there [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 3,757,821
Rating: 4.8826051 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building an Underground Shelter With Fireplace In The Snow, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, camping in the snow, building a shelter in the snow, overnighter, overnight in a survival shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter, building a shelter in the woods, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, building a natural shelter, overnight in an emergency shelter, joerobinet fort
Id: vH5fBUi_IdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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