SOLO BUSHCRAFT CAMP IN THE RAIN - New Backpack Giveaway- Catch and Cook - Open Shelter in Bug Season

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His last video was stressful when his dog took after the moose.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Watching Season 1 of Alone, and Joe is a contestant! Haven’t watched any of his YouTube vids, but he obviously knew his stuff on the show. Glad to see he’s making a livelihood doing what he loves.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shewhoownsmanyplants πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really enjoy Joe's videos. Another good one I enjoy is Matthew Posa. He and Monty crack me up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AxUtIWqV πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Joes a good dude

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/idodabsdad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome made video. It was fun to watch, thx from germany

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drumdodel68 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like Joe. I’ve been watching him on YouTube for a while. Didn’t realize he was on β€œAlone” until I binged it recently. I was rooting for him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bluedotsaint πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 13 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know, you don't need to share his videos for him (unless you'd like to start a discussion! I'm up for talking about his videos!)... he is doing alright. In fact, he comes up first if you search "bushcraft" on YouTube.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jacobward7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So funny, I'm actually watching this at the moment!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blackfrogphotos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 12 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey folks how you doing joe here i'm all by myself i'm out in the middle of the woods i hiked for about i don't know a couple kilometers for my friend south of the border that's maybe a mile i walked paddled as well on this wilderness remote area i got my brand new backpack with me the forest ruck from the hidden woodsman malcolm and i are going to be doing a giveaway one of these backpacks we'll talk more about that a little bit later but right now i got to get my shelter set up it's calling for thunderstorms at seven it's four o'clock now and it's sprinkling already i just got to this spot so i want to set up camp i still need to catch some uh let's catch a bass for supper who knows if that will happen or not if not we're eating rice tonight we'll get into the meat and potatoes of this backpack in a little bit oh look blueberries sweet uh yeah we'll get into it get into it all getting the specs and the giveaway and what i have and everything but i really do need to just get my my shelter up so i don't even need to get into the backpack right now this is what we're setting up a luxe tp tent yeah it is starting to rain already we didn't bring the bug net with this it's august i don't know early august early like august 7th maybe something like that no bug net and it's still barely fit into the stuff sack and also no pegs we're gonna have to uh cut our own pegs i did bring the pole just to make things a little bit quicker because i was anticipating i might be strapped for time with the rain so with this pole i want to get it there's a bunch of different positions positions or lengths you can do i think i want it just under my chin this might be a gear heavy video just telling you guys now if you don't like that kind of thing still going to camp but i'm going to talk about a lot of gear i got a new uh new shirt we're selling wild and bushcraft on bella scout logo i like it quite a bit it's a good color um got a new pot got malcolm's locos backpack we've got this tent talk about some gear all right so we're gonna peg these uh all these sides down but we have to make pegs first it's raining it's raining it's raining so i'm lucky that this is here i can use this for all the pegs i need if i'm careful i can yeah so that'll be a good peg with a little hook on the end these might be getting a bit thick but we'll see got a few anyways i've got my deering sammy puko with me i'll show you a little bit more of that later too i really really like this knife super slick okay we got some solid uh soil as well it's not just uh rock underneath which is very helpful i have to trim these down a little bit maybe take the pokies off a touch pokies i want no pokies you guys hear the rain on the tarp i hope it does thunderstorm i just hope it waits a minute probably not great for the camera to get rained on for too long wow some naughty word man not too naughty wood so okay we lost one peg but we'll fix that not too shabby the one we the last one we put in broke and i uh i try to just make do we shall fix that save some of these for the morning for my oatmeal my favorite things in the wild well i guess we could crawl on in for a minute and set up camp in there it is raining but it's not too bad i gotta catch a fish like i said if not it's jerky and and rice this is a bad call not bringing a bug screen today there's a ton of bugs good thing is there's a lot of uh dry firewood oops i didn't bring my my bush buddy i just brought a little bit of stuff so i can't really have a fire inside the tent but we don't fire right near it clear out a path there's all rock underneath there so new glasses too new sunglasses native native brand polarized i keep losing sunglasses left and right all the time let's get on in there and shut it maybe the bugs will stay out for the most part who knows i'm happy with this spot how flat it is i think i'll i'll get myself set up maybe for the most part um so this is called the forest rock like i said this is the joe robinette version uh so this is my color scheme and it has my pouch or my sorry my patch on the top malcolm's got his nice rubberized patch on the inside as well first off we've got this pretty cool zippered part up here it's pretty uh generous the room mesh top uh nylon cordura maybe normal normal stuff on the bottom it is muggy in here i got things like uh medicine snacks from the store hooks my fishing license fishing pliers worms i've got a headlamp in here battery for my camera this is mostly just personal stuff i put up here right like um just easy access with some uh more pills and a fox light gear bandana or hanky what i like to use this for uh i got this from doug instead of bringing gloves whenever your pots on the fire and it's hot you can just use one of these as long as it's like durable enough and this one's wool so box light gear they hook it up all the time they have quality patches and um bandanas and zip poaches not patches sorry pouches zip poaches and stuff sacks all the whole nine yards i use a lot of their stuff this is a bushcraft outfitters 6x8 nest this is still nylon and it's blaze orange obviously i can use this for things like signaling i can use this for laying on the ground underneath me if i don't want to lay my sleeping pad on the ground i can use this for keeping a little awning out of the rain lots of stuff and it packs down way smaller than this but the paracord i have this is my problem paracord i need i need to get another i used to have uh glow cord or night eyes something like that that was a really thin thin thin cordage let me know in the comments what's a good cordage to use that's strong that's not paracord that doesn't soak up water this is ridiculous using this on such a lightweight thing this takes up all the room it's the only reason it's so bulky this could normally fit in my cargo pocket seriously now this is just the case for the tent okay because it's supposed to thunderstorm i do have my rain jacket no rain pants i've got a a fillet knife i've got a chair i have jade i wanted to see what i could fit in here but still have not too many things the chair was more of a space taker upper than anything i got my frying pan i've got my puffy jacket in case a little pillow and this is another thing for malcolm i haven't seen these size from before these are just little stuff sacks he sent me this with the backpack i've got things in here from i got my food i got my emergency beacon like just possible pouch basically plus food in here i'll be hanging this tonight too for bears i don't have my ursac my sleeping pad i'm just wearing my sleeping bag and pad so that's the whole bulk of the of the backpack and obviously i had my axe looped in the front here and i had um my tent underneath so you could put a wool blanket underneath you could put your sleeping bag underneath a tent underneath a jacket whatever you want it's really handy to have that and that also comes up and loops and shuts the whole backpack so it's handy to have that for for looping on but it's also useful for shutting the backpack okay that's honestly the main the main gist of it oh i do have my sit pad and on the inside it's nice and blaze orange that's the joe robinette style there is a pvc back piece in here and it fits me pretty well it's it's not too wide but not too narrow at all it fits my back well the straps are very minimalistic but i like that it's uh you don't need two big puffy straps on on like this isn't a backpacking backpack this is go for the day type thing go to overnight maybe two nights if you want to type thing i think it's 30 30 liters if i'm not mistaken 325 uh okay so anyways in the pouch is on the sides these are built-in integrated pouches which are nice you don't have to worry about buying extra pouches i've got my water bottle inside there i've ruined my my nalgene so i don't have my nalgene with me but this is my new stainless steel joe robinette pot that we made so we had all those um titanium we had both of those titanium ones and those were nice but this one is stainless steel and i think it's just 25 bucks or something like that and look it's got it's got the scout logo on the on the inside it's got the handles which you can also if i'm not mistaken you can take these off i'll try in a second it's got the lid it's heavy duty lid with the steam holes and a lip and um a handle and it's got the bail with a little notch for the for the uh for the stick when you hang it up over the fire hangs pretty straight when the handles are out it hangs a little to the side but there's nothing in it obviously right so it hangs much more straight when the handles are in heavy duty man seriously bomb proof and it nests with the nalgene like i said uh i ruined mine but normally it would be like right in there with an lg no problem let's see if we can take these handles off yep so if you don't want your handles on you just prime off no problem nice and easy pretty good price point it's on under my name on the influencers page and then uh yeah it's all right on there along with this shirt a ton other stuff but titanium is awesome and everything but sometimes you don't need lightweight and stainless steel goes a long way and it's got some measurements on the inside too which is nice high quality all my stuff is high quality guys you don't have to worry about that um malcolm his website is you can find these on there so let's just do the giveaway right now i want everyone who wants to win one of these and we'll throw in one of these things too these little stuff sacks to go to malcolm's instagram page at the hidden woodsman uh m-e-n at the end and on his last post just say joe sent me i'm in and we'll pick a name and we'll send one out to you relatively quickly one of these guys and one of these guys that's all you have to do and follow him follow malcolm do me a favor and follow malcolm if you haven't already so at the hidden woods man go to his last picture say joe sent me i'm in all right what do we got on this side pepperettes i hit the store before i got a little map of the area i have my silky saw i have a bug net head net just a little cheap one in case we've got some googan baits we got a frog we got the banger some butt wipe and that's all she wrote that's everything guys so this backpack is nice and flat and there's nothing in it and then you can really extend it and get a whole bunch of stuff i could do two nights out of all this stuff i might need a touch more food if i can't catch a bass check this out roger made me this i'll put his instagram on the on the bottom of the screen right now isn't that slick real nice so we're gonna be using that today he's yelling at me to use it don't let it just be a safe queen use it use it look at that how detailed that is thank you very much man i really appreciate that that's so beautiful as a work of art dude a work of art thank you all right well we are gonna have to get out of this tent have to go do something cut wood catch a fish i do have to have a fire again no no uh twig stove so let's get on out there see how she goes i might put a couple more pegs in the tent just to in case it decides to thunderstorm pretty good on us but either way we'll be fine you know what i mean we've got enough gear we'll even if it starts to pour from now on until the morning it'll just stay in the tent it'll be fine all right let's go see what we can do just walking back here behind the camp i think the plan is to get some firewood first and just store it underneath the tent oh nice score right here yep store it underneath the tent uh so that when i come back from fishing i'll have some dry stuff check this out this is hard wood yeah oh yeah this is a score guys oh this is a score this whole thing that's all i need bonus oh yes so there now i'll be able to come back and even if i have to cut it in there and have a little tiny tiny fire in there with the door open i can do that too no big deal let's go get ourselves supper so we got a fish on feels decent yeah he's going for a little bit of a run oh here comes here comes oh he's about to jump you're going to pull me into this log in for me that's all right it's all right we got our fish we've got a fishy we do oh yeah your dinner just straight dinner bro perfect size for eating this is dinner beautiful fish wow we'll parasites on this one we'll get the hook out and dispatch them show you again beautiful fish happy with that one fought like a champ too sorry about the water on the screen on the lens yeah nice little eater i don't even need two of them one of these plus my rice will do me just fine and know it so that's helpful pretty fish man very pretty fish and he would be proud okay that's all taken care of it's raining but it's not raining so bad i think i might take a couple more casts just for fun um and then yeah head back on over to camp and get this guy cooked played and cooked up and relax have a good have a good night you know oh he's a beast oh he's a dog look at him look at him oh he's a personal best i think let's get this guy in the boat holy smokes guys that's a personal best bass look at the size of this bass holy smokes this is no doubt the biggest bass i've ever caught i wish someone was here i wish i had some way to measure this thing look at this football look at this football oh my goodness i don't know how much it weighs i have no clue how much that thing weighs i just want to get it back in the water that's a big old breeder oh my god okay i'm all right that's a big fish that's um 15 16 inches long i don't know man so that's a big fish anyways we're letting that guy go i'm glad i tossed it again okay i'm soaked to the bone it's raining good i'm i'm i'm wet we gotta go back i'm wet i'm wet okay we got a lull in the weather let's cut up some wood i can't have a whoa i can't have a fire here in front i was gonna hang a tarp and have a fire here in front i thought it was rock underneath it's not it's all duff it's just not responsible so we got a bunch of the firewood already over here chemistry yeah the sky's not looking too bad but uh i couldn't even find any flat rocks to bring over and make a fire pit like a flat spot so i got this rock here cleared out a little bit let's get our firewood cut up real quick get a fire started then we'll fillet the fish to make the better use of our time i'm glad i brought my axe with me just splitting this down so you look for that crack that check make things easier on yourself uh this is maple yeah maple nice nice wood so you can see you can quarter it up relatively easily that way and then even ones with um with a bunch of knots they just cut a little bit shorter so this those can give you trouble sometimes these guys i would start at the other end again because that's where the check that crack is prominent and then no real problem been watching a lot of ricky gervais lately all right bust a bunch more of these down we don't really need any hole ones there's no crack on this one no check really so let's go dead center not a big deal bulbs your uncle this one's kind of gnarly all those skeeters are coming back up they like it after the rain i'll be your skeeter after the break oh chippy little chippy that's my rap man we'll use those pieces to start the fire with to help start the fire yeah this is kind of punk kind of punk little punky little punk let's split it ah get it let's split it little punk let's split okay i'm by myself no one else is here same weird things oh rain's starting to pick up again that's not good more than anything just a spot to sit while my fire goes and a spot to put this this camera that's not all exposed in the rains you know nice i don't mind it set you right under here and keep you dry for safekeeping like my loon naughties all right let's get this bad boy going i got that birch bark sound just like it uh that i picked up on the trail on the way in so it's nice and dry because i kept it in the tent let's get this fire rocking got a bunch of cedar branches but they're a little damp from the rain so i think i might just do a little taffy taffy little taffy tapping and get a couple more manageable pieces off the dry wood no tappy tape careful okay we've got birch bark to start with let's just do it right on the rock here all right let's take two it's nice and dry because i kept it in the all right here we go there she goes is it there it goes all right it took a while i like to wipe that fire steel stuff off right away because i use my knife to cut my food normally anyways that was not a great display of fire steel skill i will admit to that but we got it going so that's all that matters i'll put a brace get these guys on there to dry off and start burning starting to rain again too might need some help everything's kind of damp this even this dry wood that sat out uh that i had under the tent sat out while i was putting that tarp up silly of me i'll shield it we'll make a little roof she's raining we'll get it i'm not concerned i'm just shielding i'm just putting all this on to shield the uh the bottom fire from the rain i'm gonna see what i can do i might have to pull this tarp over top of this fire depending on how it goes it keeps raining or not hey bud laughs guys going to town out there man claire's going nicely now i do need to protect it though hoping this works out not so bad it stays okay we're good right we're good nice looking good to me man this is home you can see i just leaned that paddle out so there's not much meat this is one fillet but it's pretty chunky so it's not too bad i still got the skin on obviously take it off but uh we're not gonna lose any so nice do this again and we will uh oh that tarp is steaming and we'll have some food you okay oh it's a little warm or warm you got to die down a little bit so there's an orangey tinge from the tarp above i promise you it's not orange pine needle for zest and not fully clean unless you're pineapply clean okay it's going pretty good let's get the rice going did i mention it was a joe robinette edition with the scout logo and all right get rid of the debris debris i'm going to uh just let it soak for a minute while this cooks because i don't have enough room on the fire for both i don't want to build a large fire there you go these are just about done i would say huh i would say so maybe not that one see that's just about done yeah oh this is such a good idea how does that do it no doug take three for the first time i'm putting this on here look at that first time the charm keep the bale up possible food will be done in a minute fish is all done for sure rice will be cooked up shortly it's deceiving under this tarp it looks like it's on this bright sunny day but i can assure you it's not i'll show you here in a minute um this is an all-day rain now but it's a good feeling you know it's a nice jolly happy feeling underneath the tarp i'll take it let's try a couple pieces of this fish i've been eating it a little bit super tasty i've come to the realization that i really like it crispy so in the future i'm gonna be cutting it real thin anyways let's check on this rice and see how she's going i'm really happy with this fire it's just very small and contained and i've cooked but almost both my meals on it um both my courses my rice and my fish my race and my fish why are you trying to be fancy two course joe spoon is amazing ergonomics through the roof uh oh is she done all the water's gone it's turning a little crispy on the bottom let's see see if it's really rehydrated or not might still need some water in it that's fine i'm gonna pull that off wow talk about an efficient fire in a ergonomically pleasing spoon did i say that taste of boiled in seed oil look at that efficient fire efficient so yeah you can see it's not a not a bright sunny day out there at all yeah i didn't burn any nice and uh patinaed already now i like it something about stainless steel for a long time i use those um zebra philly cans and those are stainless steel all right not too shabby some green in there would be nice maybe some onions next time some green onions it looks alright though eh you know what even dehydrated vegetables and i could yeah put that all in there nice little meal nice little beer for you know for joe joe mill stoked up the fire again a little bit just to dry my pants off it's a good supper if it dies down a little bit i'll go fishing but even for a paddle will be nice but i don't expect it to it's actually i thought thunderstorms by now because that's what it called for i shouldn't have put the rice in with the fish the moistness of the rice made the fish um soft again but it's all right live and learn joe going down good starting to dry out stretching materials i'm gonna hold onto the water a little bit more so it looks like i'm gonna be sitting over here by the fire i can't build it too high because this tarp is here also i'd like to rig up a pod hook so i can make some tea later on i think if i make a decent sized tripod it will serve both of those purposes so i'm going to grab the gopro i'm going to head off into the woods see if you can find three sticks about as tall as i am sweet check this out this is probably at least two of the poles that i need perfect i want to be about as tall as i am i'll probably get two pieces out of this yeah we'll cut two just one more we'll do do do do do looks a little berry back here little berry i see no signs of a camp like no uh fire pit no latrine no real trails to speak of there's a nice dead standing but it'll probably be better off for firewood for someone later on over here yeah this will work i'll take to here all right my feet are wet all right let's see if this works out this paddle has been falling and the tarp has been coming close to the fire so this is coming in no uh short enough time i'm gonna put my handkerchief on top of the uh of the poles just for extra um protection for my tarp considering it's a pretty lightweight tarp oh the paddle is not gonna like this this might work out though this might work just fine yeah i knew i knew that was gonna happen all right hold up okay it's not looking too shabby guys put a string down hanging from here i can adjust it even farther down if i want maybe i do that's not bad there okay i don't hate that i don't hate that at all my chair is soaked because the tarp kept falling that's okay tarp didn't burn so that's good and my peanut m unscathed oh yeah it's like we're camping it's like we're almost camping now perfect what a cool scene tent in the background and everything see i got the bandana of protection now my fire is free to grow we won't even come near the top i'm gonna add a little wood to there and uh try and get warm dry off i possibly hear thunder in the distance would be cool to get a legit thunderstorm get the audio for you guys maybe some lightning i don't mind it now that emerald's not here with me oh no oh no paddle you let me down again crack my camera you okay you guys okay stupid paddle i'm gonna have to put some weight coming down on this side of it do it up properly so i'll just tie right to this here and then have an anchor point back here somewhere this tarp or this rope really isn't long enough i'll have to be down there okay that's what we'll do oh my camera got rained on quite a bit there but that's the setup rain is coming in the wind is coming in too might be a short night out here all right man this storm is coming in it's obvious uh trying to whip up this uh this pod hook real quick here so i've got the piece that i want i want this notch or sorry this uh branch to be my my hook so i take it off but i leave a few inches right looks like a pot hook clean all this stuff up but i don't want to clean it all up because some of it will be good to grab and to use as lengtheners like i can wrap around different different nodules coming out different little twigs coming out so we'll leave it like that and then potentially you can put more pots on it as well but that's that's what we're going for we're going to connect that to the top here with a little piece of paracord man it's uh she nasty out camera's getting rained on pretty good so then if i retie this with just a normal knot at the top i should be able to bring this up and down if i want yeah exactly look at that so bring it all the way up all the way down and i just tie a normal cinch knot on the top of here before i drop it in the fire honestly guys i do this stuff all the time and everything's always different each application each situation is different it's never never a big deal just adapt and do whatever you need to do to make it work okay let's check this out hot on there it's a little low so i raise it up to there and i can also get it closer to my fire or raise it up by wrapping around a uh the other log here and i can reposition my tripod i'm not going to right now because wind is pushing it and everything's kind of precarious but you can certainly reposition the tripod okay maybe i'm gonna do it closer so that the pots closer to the fire anyways super useful tripods are always cool now i can make up a pot of tea without just sticking it on there and i'm kind of protected with this little tripod um tarp dealie i'm gonna put this camera away there's no room for it out there just getting soaked everywhere it's nice and dry in here though quite dry in here actually i still got a piece of wood in here for tomorrow um oh i got a new headlamp i don't know what happened to mine but after that trip with john uh my thrunite headlamp the one i use all the time it won't open anymore like it's like corroded shut so i got a new petzl this is the actic from petzl it's got three modes plus the red i think i have party strobe too anyways it's a good little headlamp tikka works um yeah i'm gonna put the camera in here we're gonna go sit back up by the fire until we can't anymore i have the gopro out there though don't worry this is my whole world right here guys this like a tiny little rectangle of dryness somewhat dryness i love it this is real camping none of this easy peasy summer summertime living's easy type stuff that i've been doing lately this is real camping i'm glad it's raining it's uh let's see what time it is you know i always wear a watch in the woods because i'd like to know in the middle of the night when i get up sorry when i get up in the middle of the night if it's dark if it's five o'clock if it's two o'clock it's midnight i don't know you know i mean i need to know if i can go back to sleep easily i don't need to know but i like to know it's 8 30 8 30 in the p.m right now this is going to go all night for sure and i have not seen sealed that tent remember i told you guys that elux uh tenth i got came with the seam sealer and i wasn't too happy about it i did not seem seal it and seems to hold it up pretty good but this is the biggest downpour it's been it's been in for sure already don't put your lid down bottom side first you're cooking tips with joe all right let's see where we need to be right about there or what not so shabby now she's steaming out the holes so i'm assuming it's boiling let's check it out it is should be able to tuck this right there pretty snugly one snuggly baby there we go nice and out of the way like it was meant to be i'm pretty chilled there's nothing really much left to the fire i think i'm gonna get ready get everything and go to bed i gotta take off these wet clothes because i have nothing to change into and i'm gonna go lay in my little rinky dink uh sleeping bag um i'm gonna take my tea with me i gotta tie up the canoe all right camp is all bed's all set up i realized i've gotta run back out there there's some mosquitoes in here they found me because my headlamp so i'm gonna go run out and grab a smoldering piece of wood and put it on top of my frying pan and bring it in here oh this thing is so bring it in here and um and that will deter any more from coming in and that will subdue those guys will get kind of dopey so we'll run out and do that real quick here it'll be right back this pine needle tea is pineapple pine needly tea but it's making me warm on the inside so it's really really nice oh i needly te you know what i'm not gonna grab my on all my fire my frying pan just because it might smell like fish still i'll grab a piece and put on this lid this thing is not very smoldery oh i don't know if you can see this hopefully i got it right on the lid of the pot maybe actually put a little bit of this on there it'll smoke a little bit more there we go there we go i'm just going to do a little bit of this just here get the bugs down you can see black flies actually crawling around too that's handy tell you to be able to do that on the lid too you can still do it on titanium i'm sure i'm sure some people are concerned but i opened up the vents on here on both sides it really did kill it kill down the bugs i don't see any now actually i opened up uh that vent too and it's done all the mosquitoes are on the ground now perfect anyways it's done and i have it there to light back up with my fire steel or a lighter if i want to i want to shut this light off for a little bit just so i don't uh attract any mosquitoes unnecessarily i'm not going to bed yet i'm just going to get situated situated and lay down ah i'm glad i made that good morning it's almost 7 a.m i got super stuffed up over the night i can't even breathe out of my nose at all uh good night's sleep it rained all night it's not raining now i fell asleep i told you guys i wasn't good last time i talked to you i was like i'm not going to sleep yet i lean here for a little bit put a podcast on and just crashed so i got a good night's sleep anyway i was most supposed to meet that dude relatively early today to go fishing for the day and i don't have any cell service out here to call and tell i'm gonna be late or not gonna be there or whatever so i'd better get up and make some breakfast and start getting ready to get out of here is deadly calm is super quiet i wonder what the sky looks like probably pretty overcast still let's get up and see do you hear the quiet do you hear the quiet the bug situation wasn't very bad at all they buzzed around the worst was just hearing them they weren't even really biting so not having a bug net was not such a bad deal uh but but burning off that little bit of punk wood last night i think really helped too oh beauty beauty morning top water morning oh my tripod fell over that's okay man it's quiet out here that seagull has a piece of something there's a fish the seagull has a fish what way to go seagull what you got big guy is that bass he's coming to show me oh my god that's a big fish look at him rip that thing apart bro good job dude that's a big fish he's got you're okay i don't want it i don't want it you're good man you're good that fish is the length of him i hope it comes through in the video that's hilarious it's weighing him down in the front oh that's pretty amusing huh freedom big out here i guess so let's get this all situated properly so it sits right that's not going to sit where i want it that is and it's a little off a little off so we're going to move the whole tripod over a touch how about him she's right in the thick of it now slick brought it right up to my camp not sure to eat it literally my camp is right here good boy oh girl good girl i don't want to assume your goal gender a silly camera messed up on me i showed you um i was showing you guys the blueberries i collected i put them all in one pouch of oatmeal and i'm doing the oatmeal in the packets today um so i didn't get as much as much blueberries as i wanted so i just kept them in one packet to kind of savor it i've set that one up all uh i put put boiling water in and everything ready just to uh we're just waiting to do this one waiting for it to rehydrate i'm using a secondary memory card that i normally don't use because i have a big trip on my other one that i still haven't edited yet so this one messes up on me all the time it hasn't been doing too bad this trip but it just did it this time for probably the second or third time so anyway no big deal just gonna share some breakfast with mr gull over here he's got a lake trout that's what it is it's not a it's not a bass it's not a perch it looks more lake trouty or or maybe a sucker but i think it looks like a small lake trout to me anyways get some breakfast into us let's see what the uh the blueberries look like in here oh my blueberries my purple and blue berries are going to eat you so good right now looks as though me and the girl are done eating breakfast at the same time i'm curious as to see to see as to what kind of fish he was eating so slippery oh yeah sucker fish maybe yeah sucker fish for sure with those scales eh ripped the head off ripped most of the guts out took a little poop in my water not getting drinking water from there now all right i gotta get packed up and get on out of here i think it's a beautiful morning it really is look at this awesome camp what more could you ask for man the shangri-la back there too beauty yeah i've got everything packed up in there now my uh my wet tarp didn't want to compact too much we still gotta get the tent in the bottom of it uh gonna be all right skeeters is coming out shake it till you break it so one more time let's go over the backpack and your chances of winning a free one what did i do this is called the forest rock from the hidden woodsman you need to follow at the hidden woodsman the hidden woods m-e-n not m-a-n the hidden woods men and to follow malcolm there he's an awesome dude these are all handmade in new england i have dealt with malcolm for years we've become friends we were supposed to get together this year again but he's in the states i'm in canada so it's not happening but i love supporting him he has supported me and he's a really solid down to earth dude makes amazing packs and gear specified for bushcrafters woodsmen woods women people like us who like to be out in the woods and have gear designed exactly for them so go follow hidden woodsman on instagram on his last post put joe sent me i'm in and we're going to give away one of these joe robinette edition forest rocks and one of those red food slash possible pouches you can see that's a hefty bag man that's a decent backpack about 30 pounds i'm sorry about 30 liters 25 liters maybe solid this thing will last you your life you pass this on to your kids and if you're interested in purchasing one outright i think they're 185 dollars shipped free shipping to canada so he's a good dude support them makes good stuff also wild and bushcraft also my pot that you saw me using or check that on on under influencers joe robinette all right guys and again that's just if you want it no hard feelings if you don't that's totally cool man completely understand it i hate people asking all the time where my stuff is want more stuff so this is me just explaining that and me selling some gear me making some money me supporting my family and me getting some good uh gear out to you guys quality gear you never have to worry about my stuff it's never going to be garbage i can promise you that okay i think i'm going to wrap this up here we're going to paddle out portage out drive out and meet up with a new friend alright guys thank you very much for watching this video i really appreciate it we'll see you soon so uh so so talking about a perfect hook look at that just right through his lip this is the first fish i've caught today it looks much different than the bass that i've been catching in those other lakes this guy has a bluish tinge to him and a lot of a lot more dark on his belly whereas i'm used to seeing white that was a good jump yeah i got him on that cc shad he's got a good color um do you have your pliers on you yeah yeah mine are back at the thing yeah oh he's barrel rolling oh right now right on man there you go oh i'm done
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 510,448
Rating: 4.9045353 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: z_C5Rv50uN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 26sec (4466 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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