2 Night Camping Trip in a New Tent (First Trip of 2020) SNAPPING TURTLE GREAT WEATHER and GOOD TIMES

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you guys how's it going freedom the first canoe trip since the lockdown with buddy Doug we haven't camped together in quite some time and yeah we're up here in the north together on a small canoe trip we're gonna do three days we saw two moose and to bear on the drive in so that's a really good omen nice weather not too many people out but uh yeah we're gonna paddle in for about 10 clicks or so and find a nice campsite I have a new tent to show you guys we'll set up and kind of relax for a bit go fishing and then tomorrow we only have a five dollar paddle and we're going to we're gonna really make some camp life at tomorrow's camp we'll cook some pancakes up in the morning do bunch of fun stuff say to be with Doug again like I said it's been a year Oh a long time since we got together for a camp release and we're looking at early June right now I'm getting bumped and bumper boated from behind here there's dog let's think it might rain a bit prepare for that no problem got some heavy packs let's stopped here on this little rock for some lunch black flies have found us that's fun my camera's getting swarmed it's a nice day ma'am very nice day all I wanted to show you Doug some Doug's footwear for them for the woods Timbo's actually why are you saying my hiking boots I broke my ankle I need that my friends friends along for the most part they stick to their own they stay away from their own mm-hmm next time you'll get it okay check it oh there's our first poritosh it's an old rail trail a guy we just saw said look 20 years ago there used to be a little cart on there that you could put your gear on it cart it up it's only a 40 meter Porter it's not a big deal but it's still kind of neat [Applause] [Music] oh look we go let some moose tracks in the mud and the yellow butterflies those yellow butterflies are always on huh [Applause] what's that just like this so perfect isn't it four times submit sidewalk oh we're doing that again so a lot of you will notice this isn't the same backpack I normally bring but um camping I had to finally upgrade the old orange beast died it was from people at the airport throwing my bag around like crazy ripped out a lot so we had to upgrade and unfortunately I had to go with the hive is yellow friggin neon or neon green monster here not that overly loved ones one or red one either but the colour schemes are always Wonka's it's a good pack it's the mechs log deluxe 70 liter this along with the quartzite Hills oh oh this this scene right here with this gently sloping shield going into the water oh my goodness you good it's very Killarney asked to me that in the White Rock so obviously the Kailash mountains but that there seems like Killarney to me right there is another weird Wampus looking be the one I saw with John it's pretty big too is that car rinse though no no like that look at that stereotypical Killarney beggin ya stick there goes a stick roll I'm hoping it's a pickerel but anyway too quick man I think I could have my back please take a drink actually hydrate hydrate all right back in there looks like a mighty fine spot to go fishing so as Doug races over there we're gonna take a little detour and see see what we can see over here nice big rocks and stumps it's promising well this isn't pretty in here man real pretty what I'm saying is too shallow for the fishing of the scenery but look at the rock behind you yeah it's the old swamp or something for beaver baby alright then sure is pretty download them bloom on the down-low becomes Doug download Doug life finds a way yeah new tree growing out of an old stump in the water I'm about to crash into it how cool is that they say at Tamarack growing out of that pretty decent-size old stump see the roots right into the water here [Music] pretty decent baths I finally got them is my first fish with a jig on switched up a while ago to do some bass I'll be happy with that he's going back right now lost again I got two bites there okay okay new fishing game here fishing fleet yeah look you ripped it right off hold it okay ain't that yeah baby nothing to write home about but happy to catch it yay no bath no pike why did I say that no one's you know who know ah that root system so yeah Pandu's it slow ride take it easy okay I didn't hear though that's beauty the third really big one I've seen this year quit playin games with my dog we're uh we're on our potential camp camp Lake there's an island up there we're gonna go check out if not we're gonna go to the next lake and sleep there but camp there but we got plenty of time just kind of farting around the lake catching catching fishes oops or get your fishies trying to catch fishies mud I should have known from that road okay good playing games with my Doug teach me how to dougie teach me how to dougie what it's a song teach me how to dougie teach me teach me how to dougie everybody everybody loved it yeah Doug Doug ursin I have no clue who sings that I'm sure they're not famous anymore Oh Smokey Joe nothing nothing all right that's enough there were all these people there actually was a fish believe it or not I know you don't believe it but there was oh geez Louise folks it's a shoot fest over here well here's our island in front of us go check it out Doug still fishing I imagined that the firewood situation is gonna be rough because it's an island doug is sure that because we were probably the first people to sleep at this campsite this year considering the parkland opened up four days ago that there will be some deadfall and blow down and stuff but my hopes are high for that regardless we can go pick some wood along off the shores and and make do with that who knows there might be firewood here we'll see I doubt it but we'll see that's pretty decent landing spot right here [Applause] got white pine what this site yeah I'll go back I'll go back in there if you perfect yeah I'm good with this man cool some benches bluff to go maybe the barriers will come back to lick the yoke oh look at this bear bag this is a sweet bear hang right here yeah I'm gonna go right back in here if you don't mind this is slick yeah I need a big spot for this silly tent so you guys know it wore fall or even forever right I got the approached by this company revolution rates and I've seen it a few you've seen it a few videos now but I'm really loving these pants man they're they're super similar to fall or even where they have like a stretchy part and tough part but I think they have better design a couple better designs and a little bit on the cheaper side more economic side check this out the vents have mesh so the bugs don't get through you to you when you when you have your zip sopin and obviously you can have your zips open in the hot areas there are times a year when there's books what else they have the closures on the bottom better than fall or even but yeah I'm super like liking this color scheme as well yeah super happy with it check out revolution race I'll put the link in the description are you so grumpy about it's a nice day smile chin up buddy it'll be all right turn that frown upside down Oh turn that frown upside down you're gonna be okay so this is the first time we're using this tent this is the a luxe mini peak xpeke mega peak mini peak XL I bought this tent for early spring late fall use because it's a sill nylon tent but it also has the option to have a wood stove in it like a titanium folding wood stove it has a huge vestibule and I bought the bump screen to go with it and I say bug screen lately because it's uh it's got high a tiny bit of screen it's all nylon so I think I might have a little bit of problem of condensation but that said this tent again is not for me you're gonna be used in the summer of much the reason I'm using it now is because I wasn't able to get out in the spring when there was no bugs so comes with a pole or maybe you didn't come with a pole I think I actually had it order it separately together I need a big footprint for it we'll get it laid out into a square stake it out now comes with some health roll lumen or titanium not sure probably bugs have found us well the ground is cooperating pretty nicely it's not too rocky so that's always a bonus so we've got our four stakes in and I believe it was that one or that one oops she's got to adjust the height it was that one [Applause] [Applause] a lot of people are saying these look like seek outside tents on Instagram when I put up my post on Instagram people had a lot to say about it actually some good some bad some people with them loved them some people said their customer support sucked I I personally got a tube of seam sealer with it so I'm not a huge fan of that like when you have to do it yourself I feel like it should be done on the factory but that's okay that's not the biggest deal in the world other than that I don't know we'll see see how it goes hopefully I don't need a customer service out there right here's the inner for it like I said most of its made of matte out of nylon this is the only ventilation at all it's just on the top so we'll see how soupy it gets but again not the intended purpose for me basically just fine where these go there's two sets of them going down lengthways and it will post stake that out at the bottom at the back this can get hooked over here but shouldn't pull up past this fly alright let's go inside and check it out alright let's go inside you got we got one more step to do and we'll check it out I believe they call this I believe they call this a ladder and all you gotta do is just yank her up it's nice and taut let's see what I mean that's the only ventilation right there seems the EPI to me let's go outside and check it out quickly so that the bugs don't get from here uh-oh the sloppiness spot or no second slow piest it's bright okay well I know Kyle has those hilberg tents and they're always yellow inside those to kind of brighten the mood or whatever in the morning I can loosen this up a bit here because this is kind of pulled up like a loose in the end and I'll come down but I have I have substantially more room in here than I did well there's so many black flies in here I've substantially more room in here than I did in my Big Agnes Fly Creek ul1 but this tent weighs a ridiculous amount I owe you know how much there's so many black flies in here already that's crazy but it's super hot in here there's not even really any Sun out right now and it's really really hot in here so I don't know this camp is only for two nights we'll be moving this removing spots sorry tomorrow morning have another camp but only sleeping tonight so I can definitely deal with it but it's good to know that this actually is going to be early spring late fall type trip or type camping trip type tent to use on a camping trip with the stove or without it there's a ton of room in that vestibule for me for a trip or for other people to cook you know so even in the winter I guess would work well won't have to have this bug bug net I'll let you know you guys know how it works out for them you know this is probably one of the most biggest purchases I've made for camping in a long time I've had a lot of my gear for a long time now or being sponsored year by other people and stuff or by the companies but I made this purchase because of Instagram because of all the ads I saw and it's again for all the time looks pretty slick and is it seems like just the could have some modifications maybe some upgrades all right let's get out of here try not to let too many bugs out again it's hot not this last year at some point the Gila Knox chair alrights the minimalist or as the what's the one that's what it's called and it's one pound is almost two pounds this one's one pound they changed the material I got a couple burn holes in it already but she seems to be holding up it's much thinner side down I found that it does dig into the ground a little bit more than the other one and it kind of pushes your hips together on the inside because it's not as robust but it's alright sounds great he says take this over a log and I need you know I need my weight savings so I'm not on this trip with oh there's nothing wrong with this there's nothing wrong with this it comes dug with some witty stuff to one being uh no no I'll do it again I only have one battery so yeah camp tear real uh no brain area wanna no no wait when weights not an issue bring a little camped here the old hello max Gila Knox ela knocks hello knocks all marks bet you couldn't see video you got the ultra light one it's a different material sounds like it's not as comfortable and all-around not as good as mine well but a pound later is it probably hmm Oh to Majan pretty yeah see it's all it's all material though for sure for sure it's all in the wrist all in the wrist the movies up from much wider yeah it's late though do you have Air Force Ones in your backpack no I don't bigger camp camp shoot real I told you real it doesn't really bother me cuz my yeah you can live with it but it's really twisty - yeah I'm a lot lighter and have less of hips and butt than everyone well since Doug was super correct about this island having tons and tons of blow down and deadfall from all the years past because no one's been here we still have to go out and get firewood so that probably entails heading out onto the lake and looking on the shore for some blowdown and stuff like that before we do that I'm going to cold soak a meal because I don't think the likelihood of us having fish tonight is probably pretty slim there's only really bass and pike on this lake and we've been catching more bass than Pike that look like we caught we're really small can't eat the vaska's are out of season so I'm gonna do a spaghetti tonight and hope tomorrow on the bigger lake we'll get into a lake trout or some walleye would be fantastic I'd prefer walleye be honest but uh I want a cold soak like food while we go and do that as you know I have my white spaghetti I'm not nervous on the surface you know no no to drop bump we did this right here yeah I know yep so yeah cold soak I'm just gonna fill it up to above where the spaghetti lie and then that's it it'll rehydrate on its own I'll just take some wreaths so I'm heating up and I'll be done quicker do you have some on your back yeah just one water I made this one who got a few a 3/4 maybe there you go liner they're really really not biting they don't annoying and I think I have a couple bites but other than that like for the amount of woman you know what it's like it's like a a black fly in your Chardonnay Rica feel like a free ride when you already paid it's a good life do you remember or do you remember Alanis Morissette Alanis Morissette yeah but do you remember her when she was a good team you know two queers I did not know that why is oh no that's why it's all wet that's why it's all wet cuz we're just pouring in my butt oh oh means I pour it in my butt like this sat and then went like this look watch this is my chair that socks I Steve freaking dry old day had a little son of a snatch hey our kevlar bags up she's gonna fire it up ahead silky gone boy outdoor acts some grassroots books nothing nothing too big or what processing but I don't assume we need too much over here there's a couple really big tall standing dead ones but I'm gonna grab some these small pieces over here [Music] all right huh that's about as much as I'm gonna carry pretty good haul actually it's probably all we need yeah y'all the dog and tell me hold on hold on getting firewood I don't know why I keep doing that hold on bro old man Doug's tent looks real cool from here you put it pretty close to the water pretty slick of content Pyramid 10 solar tepee tencel around on this trip you'll act in the built little side heavy we're just across the lake yeah derp we're just across the lake campus Nate 100 or 200 meters that way so I'll get it over we're probably good with whatever you have now Doug looks pretty cool are you surprised if we even get through this but we can cut it up well let's check this spaghetti she's soaked up most of the water you still see some on the bottom but it's not floating anymore that's for sure and it looks quite a bit more pumped up add a little bit more going fish I think cuz I'm done getting wood well not too too hungry for supper right now and by the time I get back this will be completely rehydrated and it's just time to warm it up whether I do it on my bush buddy sleek stove or the fire it's all good but seems like a good time to fish and the bugs are just they're out you know so on the water it's much better let's go out on the water did I get wood I didn't give a pull off that wood big P big trees of that wood good we are we are more than set with that Oh how's that for calling it how is that for calling it spit it buddy spit it no well you know what I called it beforehand I was like look there I'm gonna take a cast here put it all on film BAM pretty perfect except for was a bass not a pike [Music] a lot it's a big space to cover a big distance but I think I have enough paracord I don't have to take it off that other one where it's tied close to the tree and retie it but I was just getting it up here to measure out a bit all right not too shabby for what I had to work with I'll have to switch the fire pit around but that's okay because the wind was coming from the other way anyway just put up the chairs on either side on that side left there eggshells but we shall burn it up huh it's gonna prop this big wind rock wind block rocked up [Music] yeah I've been here for a hot minute we've really made this place our own camp is looking camp like food in my belly food in my belly can't play hashtag camp life you guys all know Doug's channel Doug linker go check his channel out I'm sure he'll have a video right behind mine or maybe before mine of this trip Doug is a really good buddy I think we worked it oh it's been over a year since we shot a video together seen each other a few times in between but okay firewood duty all that stuff this fire pit is complete cover 90% of its covered smoke can still escape still escape and I can't speak but we're gonna be covered under there pretty good too so it can rain if it wants sure is windy I don't know what it's gonna do [Applause] you worry about the snakes though dog just had an encounter a pretty humorous encounter with the snake if you'd like to watch it video surprise it's not an adder don't worry it's not an adder let's just stable that won't fall for sure chicken boy all right my spaghetti is done and I brought and remembered I brought Parmesan cheese Parmesan or parmesan Parmesan cheese Parmesan cheese farmer John please okay that's a lot of farmer John please in there son is out oh my goodness it's glorious say all right let's ball in out of control right there boys oh I think it caught might be a I thought that was gonna take it's like a new day I thought oh she's gonna get dark and go to bed now go up maybe we can get some fishing in after supper amazing man this is like a whole new day Wow putting a dent in this it's really good ones extra big meal normal site for a normal person extra big for Joe that Tom that route we through I'm certainly is fatwood because it just smells a pitch pine pitch beautiful yeah it's keeping the smoke up the bugs haven't been around since you started the fire so that's a bonus and with weather like this we can just throw little pieces on especially if it's a all resonate resin you like this one throw a little pieces on at a time just let it burn we don't need it for heat 4 on the end smoke and cooking cooking's well I think I'm gonna finish this up take a pretty easy tonight maybe go fishing a little bit but I'm gonna save my my battery as much as I have left I think I have two bars left on that battery I'll save it for tomorrow so if I get with you back back with you in a little bit but today was a great day ma'am it was awesome day it was it was you know is there something like something to be said about just taking your time putzing along fishing as you go not breaking your back hey what snapping her all really that big right here oh no you guys have a glare on the water [Music] pass in front of him he was just gonna come up and snap him snap a bass snap at a boss and there he goes I'm not sure that you could see him but you could definitely hear him crashing through I was able to wash him for quite some time unfortunately I left my big camera back at the camp for the battery situation and that's just that's just the kicker we're sitting at camp and Doug's like all we need now is a bear I really hope it comes through in there but I know what's gonna look like a black speck regardless that was fun they're so skittish at you guys they're so skittish anyone worried about them for camping and stuff is just practice bear safety and they don't want nothing to do with you as you can see crashing through leaves all right well it's fun it's beautiful it's a perfect night the clouds really set it off go back and check out the camp it looks really cool from here Doug's body fire roar and just make note is Ted this is a good big such an awesome spot literally right now flocking East just flew by - loons are in front of me I heard a beaver splash behind me spring peepers are going crazy there's just so much full life I just saw the bear wish I had this camera i way came back and knocked up the pass it to me he's up there carving for a video so I'm just so he kind of you know some space and paddling around I'm not catching anything keep trying to only caught one fish wish I had that camera for that bear though and its beauty the bugs are out there starting to bite they're crawling in my sleeves and stuff I got my watch done up on the outside to kind of block but we go back I think now to the back to the camp at hango Doug and sit by the fire it's um yeah it's almost bedtime it's almost bedtime good end to a good night get IND to a good day and I'm telling you like that's that's all you that P is doing everything like this is beautiful right now I know you don't need to go with manual over so there's hammy hamster mm-hmm batty Mouse GP GP and I don't remember GP drove a Jeep I don't thought was Maddie had a boat but I get a store anyway tales from the riverbank best show you ever see no idea under the umbrella tree no idea no no but you're did you what's probably giant I know of it was a little bit bit before my time what about mr. dressup yes all over mrs. yes Casey and Finnegan let's go Finnegan got his name and okay so here's this there's this new show called Daniel Tiger well it's not new but newer and it is a piggy back on what was the show where the dude had a trolley ding ding trolley was if I don't know that was mr. Rogers right yeah I never was with Reuters well anyways now there's an animated show called Daniel tiger and it's on that remember when we were one of our first trips we're piling somewhere and we're talking about books that we read as kids all right and I said I can't remember the name of the book what's the boat a guy who takes raisins oh it's a freakin hold on uh Oh Danny champion of the world yeah how far did you get before I knew what you were talking about both that far that far like holy cow that is the most random thing that anybody would ever know dude I forgot all about that good that's funny yeah yeah because it's a war-torn yeah they D they pushed yeah he took a bath you know in a barrel click up while the pheasants that ate the raisins that they at least with whatever yeah whatever they stole from the other I think I'm sorry yeah they stuck so they stuck horsehair through raisins right that's what it was I don't remember horsehair oh yeah I remember the sewing that stiff horsehair through raisins it's stuck in the pheasants gullet and then they were just kind of yes word money on that that is random anyway well we're just gonna have more of these enlightening conversations Danni champion of the world style my microphones pretty anyway I got it wrong I don't we had a fantastic day today man we did the like all right guys what a great day we had today I think we're gonna call it soon but we've just been sitting on the fire with having some real enlightening conversation covered mr. dressup and hammy hamster and the Friendly Giant Dani champion the world peasant killer Google Dani champion of the world yeah so anyway you're gonna call it for the video bugs are down I will say they are biggest fantastic but what a day we had it we hit all the weather patterns and yeah well we even mention what happened tonight even after all that like the rain and then the Sun come up The Grudge there's a gross egg just laying on the ground over there oh yeah well because when I walked up the trail this afternoon the gross scared the life out of me just flew up right in front of me and I went back to get my camera but I couldn't find him again but then I found a gross egg right on the trail how many ways scared the egg out of them anyway great day saw animals even coming into the park this morning - bears - moose and I missed one tonight Joe got to see a bear tonight on the other Shore here play with a snapping turtle yeah I caught a bunch of fish covered a lot of ground you know good you never been to this part before no so good times but gonna end the video today and just just relax Oh catch up with you in the morning all right good night guys
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 420,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: Au4rXXKDi_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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