100 MILES in the WILDERNESS : The Movie

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why hello Joe what's going on not much buddy good to see you yeah we're here welcome Park why don't you tell the fine folks what we're gonna be doing so doing six nights seven days it's about a hundred miles about half of its Lakes so the first quarters lakes then we're doing the Nipissing River for about two or three nights and then likes to finish it off yeah and so on the river will be owing to the brook trout hopefully and the lakes there's lake trout there's bass and summer Lakes so we got our fishing stuff we have had a little bit of a break in the weather you can see a dark sky but it's not raining on us right now we're driving in there's some blue over there when we were driving in we're getting poured on so we both drove about six eight hours to get here today so it's time to start we got two o'clock we have 11 or thirteen thirteen kilometers four kilometers of portaging upstream five hours of daylight really oh we're moving we are moving boys and girls beautiful fall colors might be kind of hard to see from here but we'll get in a different angle not peak just yet but lots of color this is gonna be a good trip we got long days some 30-kilometer days no joke portage is this is an old school real trip making shows super excellent SuperDuper excellent adventure we're just coming up on the first port ours now it's a healthy one at about 950 meters I haven't done a real single or single carrying on this trip but single carrying means we're carrying our canoes our one backpack we have each our poles and everything all at once one carry single carry otherwise you're walking there back in there again so you're walking three times as opposed to one if you go back for your gear and why not so I haven't single carry for real in probably a year last trip to Algonquin was dubbed maybe last fall that trip that I did with Kyle in moving caribou in July we double carry and I think I'd single carried once or twice on that trip but only for like 100 meters at a time we're starting this off with a 950 so we'll see how she goes I'm ready to portage though I'm tired of paddling for now it's a good thing book 2 new tripping we've just paddled for an hour straight pretty decent across the big lake and my arms are getting a little sore I haven't paddled in a while that's good now I get to take a break and we'll walk with a canoe and a backpack in the woods for a call or my backpack weighs around 30 pounds new ways around 26 pounds Mike thinks teddy weighs around 36 36 pounds for his bag and the canoe weighs the same so we're sitting pretty sitting pretty on the weight issue and I don't foresee it being a problem no yeah that's not a good sign yeah yeah we're looking for the portage it can't be found but I did find a beaver dam beaver lodge buh-bam the dam the dam son see how they did Mike oh yeah first day I'll be an easy day [Music] make it sick this is a house that that much [Music] so Joe we finished the first port ours it was about 900 meters how did it go it was rough for me I I don't know what was if I had my weight distribution off I did stop and move around my backpack and stuff in the yoke helped a bit but all of my leg hips and my butt and my my thighs and my calves just on fire I never feel like that on a portage but that poor Tosh kicked my butt good thing to start we got 250 kilometres yeah so and yeah so we had to stop for a little snacky food but we got to keep going because yeah this Sun hit makes oh we're gonna shallow a little creek now what is this called you remember maple creek paddling upstream but there's there's a little bit of a ripple but there's not much current there's a lot of painted rocks though from canoes gone by this is pretty oh yeah well first Beaver Dam crossing Mike's just gene it right through these colors are nice in here man we're still moving and by our progress it seems that the destination at Maple Lake is not going to be an issue oh wow did you see them I don't know what that was I believe some kind of Falcon anyway super close yeah we're gonna be able to get to our destination no problem before dark it's ten after five now probably be there in about an hour hour and a half we do have a 608 fifty meter port on my port roger has not been going well every night rearrange my backpack again so we're still here on Maple Creek come to a very substantial Beaver Dam we've came across five or six we can able to shimmy across a couple had to lift over a couple this one's a get out type of thing for sure get over the canoe stepping down it's raining Mike well we have been going going going it's now almost seven it's gotta be seven six 57 we're on Maple Lake out of maple creek now finally on the Maple Lake that we're going to the lake that were in the camp on look at this island right in front of you Mike's up there there's a camp sit on it I think we're gonna grab it because it's gonna be dark very soon losing light it just poured on us operating again which is great I don't think we're gonna have much to our fire tonight click on the book buddy go the twig stove maybe set up the tarp sit around for a bit but I don't know I don't know what a fire especially if we're on this island because what I'm sorry I mean we can just burn a little bit in the twig stove and sit around for a bit I did not bring a chair on this trip and I'm already starting to regret it we're gonna be moving all day long just should have just brought the chair so I could roll up to camp and sit down but instead I bought lately hammock thinking I can use it for a chair and a rest and I'm sure on a couple days I'll be climbing but almost 30 kilometer days maybe a different story and today when it's all wet it's like I do have a sip pad but I really want to sit on the ground what no big deal I've done worse I've done far worse yeah that's good okay I'm sold well we've arrived because our island site it's actually really nice a little bit of a bench for me here but there's not gonna be any firewood there's this little bit here of cedar but it is super wet we got to get out and comb the shore a little bit and try and find some a little bit of driftwood so Mike Mike search and first saw I'm gonna do the same well before we head out we're going to set up the tarp just in case it starts to rain again which is a good possibility so everything else we can kind of do in the dark right we can cook we can set up our tents all that fun stuff can all be done in the dark looking tarp especially if it's raining will be much easier to do now so I've got a still nylon nine by nine who you want to unravel this a little reflective cord and some paracord already tied off on here we'll just rig something up real quick throw the stuff sack in my pocket oh it's not lost this is the Kyle made tarp all right can we get it over the fire - yeah here here here and there yeah okay kind of okay that might I don't know how far that'll go outside yeah I think so yeah and then use that after use everything else after just to pick it out I can do it here yeah what's that no I'm no I got all I got some short stuff I'll just pick tie it it's okay hold on we can't even know just do this to this and this tree to this tree there sorry that's your that tree movie or we could do that one will go so there's a nail on the which side on it there or just go yeah room oh okay can you do a talk hotline hitching that one yeah okay cool we're getting somewhere what's that let's put it on the on the writ on the guitar goes first and get up there right no we can probably go for in our corner okay you wanna let's turn it so that bat-rope is going that way damn swamp record alright so camera is making it a little bit brighter than it actually is over here but we are losing light pretty good got that tarp up when we took five minutes now we're off to get wood oh it's time to take a load off and relax I got my chilli done Mike's working on his right now we're both sharing the bush bloody twig stove for this trip as opposed to carrying two stoves yes I am regretting not bringing a chair how silly of me so we have liquid sand earlier we have 100 miles to cover in the course of six ish days we're staying for six nights including tonight we're gonna see a lot of the park a lot of the park that you have not seen it all yet right I haven't seen any of this part I've seen it's probably half of it with file what we're doing yeah so a lot of its new be exciting today we got we lucked out man look up a big time like it came down a couple times in us but other than that like we got but you're pretty dry I'm pretty sure it was supposed to literally rain all day right yep all day all night so we got maybe 10 20 minutes combined yeah not bad oh I think tomorrow was about too bad of a day today we did 13 in like what four hours 13 kilometers in five five hours yeah tomorrow we got 2020 climbers we're not getting starting at 2:00 p.m. yeah so it's more we'll have a nice day and hopefully some fish hopefully I can hang my hammock and take a load off there to be a day for the hammock my backpack is a little heavy the more we eat the less heavy it will be unfortunately the way our trip is mapped out all the hard portaging is in the first few days where our packs are the heaviest but we wanted to come to a part of the park that we hadn't seen before this is equally six hours ish from both of our houses right on the top of Algonquin Park starting that kiosk lake normally everything we've done together has been off 60 yep welp I was 16 that's in the bottom smoke canoe Lake yeah most of stuff I've done in the park is accessed on the west side of the park so this is all me all new haven't seen anyone yet there's a couple paddling in as we were putting setting open that was before what two minutes in the paddle you saw them as race or not and today is what Monday we're here till next Sunday so maybe next weekend got some time over here well it's just past 9:00 we both had enough for today I've been going I got up at 3 o'clock this morning and I was dealing with tripper and drove for six hours and seen with Mike so anyways we're both pretty both pretty tired ready for bed I'm going to try to sleep in tomorrow as much as possible tomorrow is probably the shortest day other than today in the very last day so try to sleep in tomorrow morning and get a good night's sleep tonight got some good port harshing to do tomorrow hopefully my body can take it I guess we shall see I'm gonna build up my my man muscles again I'm just slacking slacking lately Joe alright you guys have a good night and I'll see you in the morning well good morning folks it's almost 8:00 in the morning here I got about a 10 hours sleep last night so that's not too shabby compared to the night before I got broken up five hours feeling nice and rested and rejuvenated it's a little chilly this morning and very wet so just cutting some of the cut some cedar very short and then I'm batani it down into manageable pieces so we can get this bush buddy stove going I can hear Mike rustling around in his tent there ready to get up we both slept in what it was needed today it's pretty gray day let's see what happens but either way the 20 kilometer travel day with some decent portaging so gotta get a good healthy breakfast off the day right it's a canoe truck folks it's a real canoe trip you're welcome the Sun is making an appearance oh my goodness okay so we put in here at kiosk which is access 29 we came West and then down through Maple Creek last night and we stayed on this island site right here so I took about five hours I took five hours to go 13 kilometers so this morning we're heading west through maple Rattrap into three mile lake and then we're camping on bigger tonight and that is 20 kilometers so it's a little bit longer than we did yesterday but we can start at 9:00 a.m. not 2 p.m. and then on Wednesday we're heading south through Loughran Creek which has black Portage's so that thing is down to the Nipissing River that's our probably our worst day will be our longest day and then we're staying Brow's Creek here somewhere that we're staying on the river that night yep and then on Thursday we're heading east and we're staying here at the Nadine Lake portage so it's all river child for the whole day nice and then Friday we're back on the Nipissing again very little portaging this time and we're taking it all the way to Cedar Lake which is just here off of the map so that will be our Friday night campsite and then either there the name at least yeah yeah great and then we hook and then we come kind of Northwest through here through a little cochon and big cochon the particular show yeah and we're camping on mink lake on Saturday night so again that day is a lot of paddling but not a lot of portaging so we're staying on and I think mink lake up here and then our access is back here again so in the morning on Sunday we can get out quickly with just a couple of short Portage's cool so for the people at home show them quickly the rope with your finger start here down through is all lake travel and it started here we have two or three days a creek travel and this the Nipissing River and then we're like in the middle of the park right in the dead middle the park then the river heads due east it's just north here and then continues east all the way across that's a hefty River travel yeah and then up and then back and then up straight through here yeah we're doing a good chunk of this park lake yeah cool all right well we should yeah well at least one morning we'll be able to do oh my nose is just dripping off my face you're welcome all right camp is packed up took us quite a bit longer than we wanted gotta get into the groove of things still this is a really nice campsite this first island site on Maple Lake right North End it's great site roomy no wood but you can scrounge import import the best kind all right trying to get these boats in the water or what I am ready it's a nice day man yeah like in the water Wow all right we're on our first portage of the day from Maple Lake into Rattrap Lake it's lonely at 390 but just after a hop skip and a jump in into a rat trap there's a 15 something so over a kilometer so I only need to take a break on that one I'm sure almost on this 390 my backpack is riding much better today I must have packed it in there better so that's great news for this big portage that's about to come up over a kilometer and a half long I got to be coming up to the to the water here soon starting to breathe a little heavy the ground is very wet if we have tons of explosive roots like here they get really slick on their wet it's gonna watch where you're stepping and how you're stepping that's how you step to me broke so according to the map looks like we're about two and a half hours from our lake so duh we got a 1220 a little guy through 20 at 10:40 and a 5:20 their short paddles in between see that it yeah what do we have so we're hit right here yeah on three mile lake we just came from North Sylvia Lake come pad all the way down there's a bunch of campsites here we have a 1220 and then 320 at 10:45 20 and then we're staying on bigger lake tonight we 3500 meters of portaging map isn't the same math as last night plan to buffoons having a few beers in the comfort of your awesome basement yeah very much so yeah yeah that's true Mike Mike just pointed out there's a little lot of deciduous trees on this lake Algonquin Parks nice it's got a good mix man lots of lots of pine lots of maple we saw some Tamarack today too during the daytime portaging paddling I got my map in this pocket like cargo pocket I got my water filter in this one and then when I'm in the boat most of those both those things are next to me in my seat but I'll portage this way and that way everything's nice and handy you can see Mike over there across the lake he left his hat to go paddle back across to get it but it was only a 5-minute POW here we are on our last portage of the day we're going from Sinclair to bigger Lake and that's a 5 20 we've been going hard all day this is probably the second most portaging I've done in a on a canoe trip in a day ever it'll be over about seven kilometers by the time we're done 6.5 maybe so yeah I'm starting to wear out but actually my lat the last portage was a 1050 meter and they didn't stop on it and I was stopping on 500 meters yesterday so maybe I'm getting my man muscles maybe I'm just getting back into the groove of things but don't Mike's got his hat he's wearing it nice but yeah so what we'll catch up with you we're gonna try and look for a good spot on bigger Lake hope hoping for a little bit of a sunset tonight it's a very cloudy so who knows but tonight we'll have a fire we'll sit the sit around lounge and and enjoy some camp time which is nice I want to do that last night we just kind of get here and get settled and start the trip it was raining and all that so yes it'll be good next name well what a pretty Lake this is man look at the hills and the color this is our camp Lake for tonight very excited to be here 3:36 made good time made really good time the water is about a foot deep here Mike's way back there and it's two three inches deep he's going to walk it out are we gonna do any paddling on this canoe trip I think the winds picking up so how do you feel about today Mike yeah single person probably know a lot of people come into this lake mm-hmm yeah I'm so happy with today - it was a lot of work but worked out some kinks worked out with my forehead kinks in my back as well who planned this trip well we got here and I both tired just sitting around for a minute didn't really look around too much finally got up to walk around like oh man I've camped here before Kyle and I camped at this exact spot I remember because of this rock here I had my New Balance trail runner shoes up here on it for a photo I had my tent here and I did a little scene here about how much food I had left I believe it was on day four of a nine eight or nine day trip eight night trip all through the top part of here in Algonquin I knew we camped on bigger but I didn't remember what sight at all and as soon as I saw this it brought back all that all those memories that was like I don't know man Dixey 2015 14 anyways a long time ago but this is a nice sight that I'm glad to be back here go to camp in the exact same spot but I can't blast we gotta get some firewood going I got my hammock up as you saw just relaxing that for a little while feeling pretty good keeping up on the water keeping up on the food oh I hung my tarp up to to lose some of the water weight our tents and tarp at a bunch of water weight on it from from last night on the rain tarp at about a point like four cups of water pooled at the top of it in the smoke this morning like to look I like before I after I set my tents up and before I peg it into place or wherever I wanted I know that the general area I want to camp normally but I want to finally to direct the the proper direction of where this is the flattest and if it's not going to be flat ground I want my head to be elevated more than anything more than being off to the side or my head being either side of my head being low I prefer my head to be elevated if it has to be if it has to be anything but looking right here and and this tent I I really do I can't sleep in either way because if I sleep it with my head down here there's so much condensation that builds up because this is the foot part right it's like a bivy this is the top part I think right here is a really decent spot really flat and I'll put my head this way no right there sometimes I'll get in and make sure it's not too slanty I might I might as well do that right now actually it's not I'm not rushed for time it's not the biggest deal in the world if it's not completely flat and it will never be completely flat but if I have time and space and the energy to do so why not try to make it is the most comfortable sleep I can I can get the up this is good to go oh my goodness Mike you got a chump check this out there's a spider going between two trees like 30 feet up in the air they secrete these in size - I may be not 30 feet but pretty high up where'd he go yeah oh I got him on there I found him mate 20 feet up move spider spider the old dog spider he's right there I realized I got really excited about that we've been made we've been made exactly simply so I'll try to remember to link that video where Kyle and I were here at this campsite up there but you know how good I am at that we're gonna go eat some firewood they're going to town in there get some firewood for tools this trip we have I have a silky mike has his silky and his grants for his outdoor acts we only really need one accident between the two of us that's how we've been rolling so I've been doing it with two people but to two small saws is good or one big buck saw but these silkies work to work really well the brain is mush from tree moving all day okay off into the woods here find some suitable dead stint oh there's a whole chunk no chipmunk guy oh he's gone there he is hello oh it's red squirrel row that's probably guy yelling at us maybe he's used to people on food or something it works everything oh he's up there hold but too long a peripheral oh man that must have hurt hey it must have hurt come on oh look those are the size of chocolate-covered almonds right and then that's just like 25 chocolate okay there's a mushroom growing oh that's the good kind so you can see like we're back into the bush now but you can see just how rated this place is of firewood this is an old spruce that's fallen just every single limb possible oh no there's one every other limit has been broken off for firewood oh man this is some good color in here so yeah we will have to uh put some effort into finding wood see this far what all we had to do is hike two football fields into the woods yeah here and then oops there yeah man there's quite a few it is a really pretty forest yeah this one's super dry almost had a case of the broken silky hair oh it was a crazy flex oh your silky he still has the temp it is going to be a beautiful night skies cleared right up might get a little bit chilly I'm totally cool with that everything is all dried off now no more water weight on the tarps or the tents which is always nice so I'm using the old Scout logo a bigger pot one thing that does happen I sit covers the logo but you can just scrub that off with a steel wool which I've done but look at how good the lid fits so in here I have shredded chicken precooked shredded chicken like let's see I've also got yellow beans and rice so this is doing something here I might have to throw it back on the fire after just to hook up the chicken it's you know what the chicken is very hard to rehydrate that's why I shred it with a fork as opposed to leaving it cubed yeah I'll have to throw that back on but that's gonna be dinner and then I have barbarians seizing barbarian Steakhouse in Toronto I have their seasoning to go on there so looking forward to that tonight what you got going on my buddy I'm going to put all of it in just in case it's too much I'll put that much and then I control all these uh season it more outfit oh yeah feeling good now she's springy I got like same bag in my suit and pad in here just for some warmth it's cold underneath but it works fine it's not convenient I can't pull it up to next to a fire later on when we're sitting there having a fire but works for this I probably won't do that again for this type of trip maybe I didn't double carry I'll bring a chair anak in a small hammock but alright this is a lot of food this is a whole lot of food everything's rehydrated I believe I hope the chicken is 90% it's like ah yeah it's pretty good that Spiceworks in there I didn't put too much in it but there's enough it's good to break it up cuz I have like three Chili's one chili last thing I'll have this tonight tomorrow will be like oh we said tomorrow's a big slog so we're gonna do our mountain house e-type mules they have a Alpine air pepper beef and rice or something so it's a lot of food and we'll need it tomorrow night and then that takes out a big chunk that that meal in my bag was probably worth two meals of my my dehydrated stuff it's all about cutting that weight down I wanted to get out to fish looks like a great night for it I'm not sure if I'll have time the sun's going down seven o'clock now and just start eating so probably not but that's alright I love a good fire hang out by the fire is that the stranger things uh logo oh man it's on fire dude yeah all we need is a loon see all the ripples in the water man that is epic look at how medicine that looks I think that's all the color we're gonna get over there but that's fine it's pretty awesome right in that value yeah makes it kind of brings everything into focus yeah that's the big thing yes that's what it did south lens is pretty for which isn't great but the fire compared to the pin right you see the definition [Music] even the spark say like this fortune good morning guys had a great night's sleep last night nine hours or so I only got up once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and that is not normal for me so I was very happy about it but I do think I didn't drink enough water once I got to camp me and Mike both kept up on the water like really good last night or yesterday sorry but then when we got to camp we kind of didn't so I can feel it this one I feel a little dehydrated it's a good thing we're starting the day off with a two-kilometer black pork hocks and then like four hours of slogging up a tiny creek I'll show you but on the map it says there's birch cliff Creek where Kyle and I did which was like a six-hour slog or this law grants Creek and both say travel is difficult but it's easier going Lauren's low friends lay out Lauren's much how you say it so we're gonna do that we're gonna go that way and I haven't been that way so that's good I got because I know today's a high-energy day as like as well as yesterday I got my snacks for probably half the day I got some jerky Clif Bar granola bar two fruit bars and a handful M&M peanuts peanut M&Ms and I'll keep that rate at the top of my bag so don't have to continuously dig to the bottom to get my food because right now my food bag is probably right here because you want to have your stuff lower and back against your back we're gonna get out of here 7:48 mike's using the old dumper and then we'll get out of here I had a good one this morning real good one here I'll show you what I mean if we if the glare is not too bad right now or I'm bigger we're on this campsite here and we have to go just paddle boot time in a paddle down there and then we have a 2010 neither blackboard ours and the blackboard are just mean there unmaintained a little bit more difficult they need a Laurens Creek Laurens Creek whatever upstream streams flowing that way so we're going downstream sorry whatever against the current regardless against the current - there and there's a 635 block a bad to end off the day we go through all barred owl Lauren Harris all that stuff to end off the day because we're camped right here we have to do a 1910 so we're starting with a 2000 ending with a 2000 then we're camped on the Nipissing today we're getting into the Nipissing River it took us two days to get there we'll have taken two and a half days to get there and then we're on that never ever for like two days after but the here is where it says although the although the campsites nope sorry low water can make travel difficult along low friend's Creek that said it's always easier easier than first clip creeks and birds cliff is here and this is what Kyle and I did on our trip that's mirroring this one right now because Jake and the old cedar store told us that this is easier than this and this was a slog so I'm hoping and this had sandy bottom so is okay I'm hoping that this is not a muck bottom that this is a sand bottom not a bucket bottom because if this is muck this we've got a lot of slogging and we might be taking a lot longer to do that then than we think but again it's all part of the fun it's the adventure we don't know what awaits and yeah that's part of the reason we do this thing right the man in red well we're just on our way to our first death march of the day it is a really pretty Lake these contours and these colors it's a very nice lake you can actually get into this lake from a different access from North P Lake access with only a couple hop skip and a jump of portaging so we're talking about bringing the kiddos in to someplace like this and it would be really nice really nice lake for them to see I've been told that there's good fishing I should be trolling why am I not rolling I'm gonna troll no luck on the fishing front now we're up into the marsh so I pulled my lure over the water got a paddle through this nice looking Hershey Park for not very long I'm gonna water a the wind is kicking up a little chill I'm sure that portable portal me Raider oh there's no Stan dry today pretty tight in here we're not even to the creek yet this is just getting over the lake tight in here I'm having to like javelin my my paddle through just to make it oh I see the poritosh sign now is the time of our discontent although I'm kind of happy to do it because I'm pretty cold I'm very cold actually hey up to Lauren's Creek this is the one never done that before no the whole rest of it yeah we didn't think it out right I imagine it's not gonna be better no it's gonna be worse like one of those long swords and then also noise take a part of that to katanas yeah yeah like that like that all right well we're here the creek doesn't look so bad from what we can see at least well - frogs everywhere something just ran through there oh they're frogs yeah Alex looks decent it stays like this I won't be upset so you can see the current by the the weeds the plants in the in the water the currents going that way bad away and we're going away so when you're on a canoe trip and he comes to a portage and you see that it says 2010 that's not a year that's not the year it was put up we gotta go two kilometers on this one it looks relatively straight like it's so plus all right well we're gonna start off this one I'm not feeling too bad the bags feeling bags feeling super light like 25 pounds no problem oh it's a walk in the park WAIS already getting near the end now I'm wiped how to stop once for LA a snack drink the rest of the water that wasn't my water filter in my pocket oh yes look at that that's the end good stuff good stuff big wall hill just port eyes with this port huh Stroh was okay but most part was pretty flat then we got to these big big inclines going up and then some really steep declines the declines well not as bad as the inclines we're still very taxing having to take very small steps and being careful because it was all very slippery the grade was quite steep look at the colors the beautiful color alright what a tease when we came down to the wall it was beautiful I yeah I thought for sure that was the end and I kept thinking like that wasn't anything that wasn't bad at all yeah then the rest of it was horrible no no I had to drop the bag like it's right back there by that big rock but it was so far was very happy with this Creek it's not it's not difficult at all we honestly have only paddled a couple hundred meters with this is not what I was expecting and definitely not anything like birch Clift yet I'll keep you along let you know if it changes but it's go sailing for now well knock on wood and crush your fingers and all those other things but we haven't got order the canoes once yet on this Creek but we have to be about half we've done it so we're already on the other eye always expecting to be soaking wet trudging through this stuff lifted over Beaver Dam slogging through just nonsense and nothing I know I keep reference referencing birch cliff Creek by like so Jake is this old guy super old dude who works in the Brent store in Cedar Lake and he's worked there for like 110 years and he's like when Kyle and I did our trip was he even though what it stars on the map what I read to you on the map Utley was still there then he said oh don't go Lauren's Creek it's up the muddy bottom go birch cliff Creek it's sandy bottom even though the map says go Birds cliff it was just starting to like because he knows he's not who wasn't incorrect in something sometimes I think he did it on purpose I think he either did it on purpose to show us two young bucks that like we need to work our butts off sometimes to be over here or and then like and there's a reward in that because I'm talking about it five years later or he was just trying to punish us because he didn't like us Kyle's American you know maybe was taking note on that but anyways this is this is far superior the fun title it's an easy paddle and we're dry dry all right well this is our first real notable obstruction I think if I just power through it I can get through it getting out or just get hung up on the rock to splash the bejesus out of myself [Music] but Jesus okay hello this might be a little screwy here for sure unless this is a portage which it might be bonus bonus bonus never got out of my canoe once I'm so happy about that well we're here well we made it it took us an hour longer than the map said and we didn't really miss her oh no the last little bit was a little funky most of the first hour and half a paddled straight yeah yeah we just came to like stuff like this at the end so we have a five thirty five meter portage into Lauren Harris and that's a smaller Lake and with the general consensus is we both need lunch its general consensus of to the general masses sets is 11:50 now so by the time we get past this port ours will be well past 12 and a good time for lunch but me and that's ripping ripping son that's not something that doesn't I am starving I can tell I need to I'm getting pretty sluggish I can tell I need to eat lunch but yeah the other side there it just wasn't inviting it was all very grassy and tippy looking and the Sun was ripping this home was baking down on us so we they decided to do the 5:35 for Tosh and then have lunch on the other side of it which it's okay either way what I can tell my second tell that I'm slowing down I'm glad this is only a 500 and next couple are pretty small but we have a that two thousand at the end to 1900 at the end again before we get on to the Nipissing River so gonna have to gain some more energy by eating food as fuel at this point right like I can feel it burning I eat it and I can feel my body burning the energy and then I crash and then I eat it again normally that doesn't happen for me until like three or four days into the trip this is really the second full day day three but the second full day of paddling and foraging but because we've done so much already it's kicked in I have depleted my what little reserves I do have it's a good thing I have a big supper for tonight too you'll have to excuse the wind here but we're paddling on Lord Harris this small Lake and Mike points out this really cool-looking campsite which we're at right now and like oh yeah that's great I wonder if Lauren Harris the the namesake of this this Lake one of the painters a group of seven camped here he said yeah maybe Palin closer I'm like oh man I camped here before Kyle so this then we got to talking and we work some stuff out so we camped at the same campsite we camped that I can't that with Kyle and then the next day is the is the day that we camped here and we didn't get here till 7:30 at night we paddled him and worked hard all day long it's because we went to through birch cliff last time because Jake told us to hey and we're here now at 12:50 we couldn't have left any different even if we left an hour Kyle and I left an hour earlier or later or two it doesn't make up for the time difference right so he took us but when we leave eight o'clock five hours to get here and then Colin I took us ten or eleven so Jake was messing with us definitely there's no getting around that this is the same exact site we camp that we're at the same site now came from the same exact spot oh my goodness I couldn't believe it couldn't believe what we found that oh but this is a very nice campsite we had to come here to tell you that and to check it out so Kyle and I when we got here our it was 738 was dark the only spot for the tents right there where Mike is and then like up here and if you look we're on this a peninsula thing right so there's winds whipping in from here and then it whips right through there's no tree cover for protection so we got so got here was super windy we had like a bush buddy fire cooked up our food went to bed and our tents were getting blown all around by the wind it was nuts man it's very memorable I I just didn't know where that happened but this is where that happened I have to go watch that video when I go home [Laughter] there's two moose over my big nose in her life you don't water right now I'm struggle struggling to get over the water I hope you can see it in there it's stuck it's stuck there you go good job [Music] Hortense to end all four colleges for the day we all we did it you're done for talking for today but it's raining oh snap all right so we've gone to our rain gear another couple hours Chloe power at least an hour and a half title to a fur camp so if you went up on some Clif Bar [Applause] [Applause] you've arrived they made it to our camp we've been getting pretty wet in here for about an hour just through that tarp up try to get over the rain and cook up on the bush buddy this isn't the greatest sight I have stayed here before on my five-day solo Algonquin trip when it was raining every single day I remember coming here and I set up my tarp that tarp that we're under right now over there and I camped under it and I have my little five by seven where that one is now and hooked up my food and kind of went to bed there remember the water was raging like crazy way more than it is now and it actually looks a good spot to trout fish down there but it's sprinkling again I got my food rehydrating it's ready to go Mike's cooking up now I might I might head down there to fish in a little bit I don't know who knows but either way tonight or tomorrow I'll give it a shot but right now it's all about getting food into us and trying to get a little bit warm because we're soaked to the bone [Applause] this is what it looks like under here gear bomb exploded that's my food right there we're gonna be dug into and Mike with his fancy fancy chair no no no sitting on the bags for life [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that sucks no joke right there two times there's decent size I don't was a fall fish or a brook trout I'd like to think brook trout but man I might try switching off lures I'm losing light here but they're in there [Applause] pretty little brookie that's cool he's going back in [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well I'm in bed now I had a decent night just sitting around no fire at all I cut that little truck which I'll happy of a little baby baby trout but it's pretty humid I'm sure as you can see on the lens and the rain is starting to pick up again it's 9/3 know it's 9:00 it's just 9:00 now we're headed to bed I'm gonna lay here think for a little bit and doze off hopefully get a really good good night's sleep tonight and up and out on tomorrow so have a good night guys I'm full of mouths in here full of moths lots of moms [Music] good morning it's raining it's raining quite a bit it's past 7:00 but I'm not getting out of bed just yet and I haven't heard Mike Stern abode either so this might be a late morning this is our biggest day it's a 30 kilometer at 30 kilometer day - so if you have to get up and go but it's raining uh lay here for another half hour see if it stops there we got we got lucky seems to be a break in the rain I don't know how long it's gonna last up and Adam get everything packed away well we can't load it's not raining attempted absolutely drain just like tarp is - so do a little bit more water weight on the trip today but it is what it is trying to keep everything dry as I'm doing it so even these guys in the tangent um gun this put them in the backpack and pack away the tent all sorts of fun that I'll have to go reorganize this over under the tarp if it starts raining or after I get this all in I just want to lay all my stuff out on the wet ground either leave things out that I know I'll use today my rain pants I'll leave my puffy at the top of my backpack so I can get to it easily [Applause] [Music] camps right on portage trail here at this campsite but I have no no thought in my head about anybody covered out that the portage trail there ain't nobody out here well we were able to pack up everything before the rain came back that's pretty nice just gonna throw everything in my bag now and get a get a move on and see you guys on the river well I've given it the old college try got a few casting here no bites this morning that's okay we'll move along the river there's gonna be plenty of spots to fish we got to get going anyway eight thirty thirty kilometers to go zero down it's nice eh we don't crash bumper boots there's a tree in front of us it's pretty low I'm gonna have to like lay down here there's a current pushing us still too so I gotta be careful no oh it's sketchy Mike you're not I don't know man what about the other is the other side a higher just be careful you don't get swept under [Music] oh man that sucked you want you want to go around it yeah come here [Music] Oh sketchy we're grabbing the fort in front of you help at all or no yeah you know I hear you yeah okay don't let it just go just yet I gotta get back down oh all right send her through yeah I got it oh lucky you [Laughter] and we're good nice there is I remembered a little while ago about this huge huge log jam I've gone over twice now and this will be the third time it's it'll be look it's low water now so maybe it won't be so so sketchy and Mike said he saw a video of somebody poor toshing around it through the alders so we'll see we'll see how that goes but I know we're gonna pass it so there's the log jam slow water it's not as bad as I remember it being but I think that tanking the poor car the man-made pornography the smarter choice up here it looks to be that way that's good what's up no it's just right around it so go see the boot print so somebody was here at some point no those might be Moose Tracks [Applause] there's a log jam back that way that's what we circumvented through the olders like I said I'd come through here twice once with Shawn once on my own and both times I went over top but this this poor Taj was not cut done so thanks to whoever cut it cuz it's situation and there's a bunch of logs you trap there's you're just getting going in the water for no reason it's not pleasant it looks like we have may have some weather rolling in it's pretty dramatic sky regardless it's got a nice brookie let him go we're about nee reportage and I want to carry him over and we've been eating snacks in the boat compiling for a long time on this river but coming up to a 400 meter port hush soon [Music] it's got to the end of this poor Tosh it's pretty nice spot for lunch so we've got my lunch meat cheese and pita wrap can't forget the mustard packets so it's a staple you know and it's not so cold so the meats not Oh green yet three Millbrook II their colors on I don't know if it's taking the picture it is look at the pine he's all big towering white pine above us very cool sounds like there's some moving water oh there's the portage that would make sense just did this last port this 300 portage first cast those Rapids and a boat as soon as he as soon as it hit he hit another really pretty fish I want to get them back in the water real quick though I'm not we don't need to keep these they're too small for eating we have a big bull portage it's not time for that tomorrow we'll have some time to spare for that but I'm happy to end content to catch he's pretty fish all day long there you go Mike he's a beast first brook trout ever from Mike nice it's raining hailing now it's hailing on it and I don't have my rain pants on my bus way butch way very wet just keeps raining I'll soaked to the bone what about an hour hour and a half till you get the cap now the sun's shining now the sun is shining and it's still raining what is this sorcery I'm glad it's not cold because I'm soaked to the bone get back to camp when I get to camp I really got to get things in order put on some long johns get a fire going dry out correctly we better get a player tonight I know your say you're running well we made it we made it to our camp I'm shivering with the sun's out so that's good blue skies going to set up this is again I've camped here with Kyle before to where Niko showed up we won't go into that check out that video Niko are you alive or your life Niko [Laughter] if you like the way I'm dressed like my getup I'm dry I'm dry Mike's dress funny too Pied Piper over here alright where everything's pretty good now we both had supper it's down poured on us like two or three times since we've been here I've had all of our stuff to dry and it just came down again so kind of hiding out under the tarp we did get it quite a decent amount of wood which is awesome check out this sky I'm gonna show you my wood pile here in a second but very pretty very pretty and daunting I actually actually really like this campsite a whole lot it's funny because I've been in all these places and never remember until we're here yeah that's the old Joe way a bunch of super dry spruce there and then some there and Mike grabbed those three birch and maple and stuff so you have some hard wood as well we're gonna sit out under the type under the tarp and have a fire tonight relax get warm the face with the all right good ones okay boy you're all prepped out thank you guten tag Steve guten tag oh she's gonna be a fire Mike fire tonight smoky in there evac evac all the sky is getting epic dude one time for the people one time for people what an awesome campsite I really really like this site look at the color coming through in the water even so pretty we have smoked this whole campsite out why we put the paddle holding the tarp up Oh wet super happy about the fire feel very good very good Italy Italy Roman and his twin brother Italy holy pass or pants pants the car Thanks no fogged up in here good eyes oh yeah fog photographic that's cool I'll be fun paddling it they just said the word foger if ik well it got cold last night I was able to drive my pants completely over the fire or at least 90% and then I wore them around the fire last night I have them on now and I'm very glad that we hunger our stuff up there because they actually did it did a lot I did not want to put on soaking wet pants today and that's what would have happened also we didn't leave our clothes out hanging up to dry because before we went to bed we could see the dew in the air from our our headlamps so it would have wet it completely it looks like it'll be a nice day we have we have a good to our paddle before we even come to a portage so I think I'm gonna leave my long johns on and everything man last night all it was crazy after we went to bed at like how long after like an hour or something call around midnight all we heard and the big splashing and it was a moose for sure right around here in the water rate right there and then it sounded like he was having trouble so we thought he was trying to climb up here or whatever all I'm thinking like oh man I don't want to get trampled by a moose like look you come up come up the incline and our tents are right there and a moose in the rut is not gonna care if there's a tent there even if he sees it you might not even seen it was pitch black so the moose to the old noggin would not it but moose huff to the noggin would not have been a good night but you know check out see if we can see any moose prints down there too it was close your canoe burrs here pretty pretty in here Suns come out there's still clouds if the sun's come out it's warmed up we're making some good progress today I have not been able to catch one fish today we've been at a couple sets of Rapids I've been trying and I cannot catch a throat to save my life nor can I catch a fall fish which is not normally a problem I'm wondering with me because the pilot was so cloudy today maybe now it will turn on it's almost 1:00 nothing well my egb Luhan it's a bit big but in all honesty I had small guys hitting this and put the past couple days and I don't want to catch a small fish so I don't there's no reason to switch to anything smaller we put in some work today we've moved man we have moved from like East to from west to east on the map big time all right well there must be no fish in Algonquin [Music] well it's 1:35 today we've titled 20.5 km/h first real day here was already and we've done this in five hours part of its because there's been barely any portaging and harvest because we're going with strength with the current down the river no beaver dams to lift over no log jams no real holdups at all it's fished a couple times but no luck so there's no need to stay in that spot keep fishing we're making good time very good time today pretty cool the sun's out right now it's been all over the map this the whole trip the weather's been all over the map but nothing lasts too long which is pretty cool sunny for a little bit rainy for a little bit cloudy for a little bit Saturday supposed to be Torro it's supposed to be a thunderstorm we'll see what happens with that but right now we're just moving on to our next court artifice top spot to stop and pee you have another little bite to eat we are burning some calories here man our arms are going constantly this is the most we've been in the boat the whole trip and it's dd5 today day five we keep coming across these old logs jammed in the river I'm like but roughly a hundred years ago I'm gonna spit up on top of it anyway there's a bunch all in the river oh look it's bobbing she's a bobbin now they got hung up and these were the ones that they didn't care about apparently and they're been preserved in the water not rotted but preserved I can see the big old nine hundred meter portage ahead and complete this we're gonna be off the Nipissing River for the whole trip that was like over two days about two days on the NIP River didn't need any fish cut a few but after this I feel like my chances I've slimmed down quite a bit was on the lakes who knows but anyway no big deal happy I brought my fishing rod anyways and I'm happy I caught those few and I'm happy Mike was able to hook in to and land his first brook trout he hooked into a couple but he laid in one which is great knows his first one so it's a new experience for him and yeah I've eaten enough fish I guess for the summer maybe maybe next trip maybe next trip we'll get a fish bass or a pike maybe here's the Big Rapids and here's the port I see over there raining it on and off quarter to three now for this is what we're poor tossing around in big big water emptying in suddenly I don't feel so claustrophobic beautiful colors over there oh how I've missed the rain mr. rain careful in here it's all raw we got here at 6:30 is now 659 we went and got a bunch of wood we have hardwood for days here got the bush buddy going already cooking up boiling up water to cook up food tent setup blow up sleeping bag or pad we've come into our own routine here we think we get it by db5 five we go I can't talk I can't talk my brain is mush forty kilometers of paddling and some portaging and ten hours of travel today anyways after day five we have this down to a routine we're lucky we were able to grab some hardwood and it's it sent by the fire tonight dry ourselves out and relax because we didn't relax all day long [Applause] I'll cheers to today buddy shirt man that's a big one what was it pick one this is uh 42 43 and a half 43 and a half kilometers traveled today in ten hours or ten hours of total time seven something that was having something moving Mike's got a in reach and attract us the whole way so we the reason we end up going 43 kilometers today is because we met up with some people earlier yeah and they said it was gonna rain all day tomorrow thunderstorms in the afternoon so we wanted to get further than we were originally thinking that way if that comes true we're not stuck here on the thunderstorms and raining all day just to leave earlier the next morning which we've been dealing with rain the whole trip too right yeah nothing new so so yeah we put our paint we put our work in today and got here this is as far as we could get within the allotted time for today any of any longer it would have been dark see a lot of big daylight a lot of time daylight we got here at 6:30 it's dark sure that four seven so yeah we busted our butts this is probably if not the highest travel day I've ever done it's the second-highest and only by a couple kilometers so tomorrow we're from where we are now we worked it out it's a six-hour paddle to get out as opposed to being probably probably would have been a nine-hour paddle and then we can't sorry we were the seven or eight pack our paddle then we would camp to about two hours away from the car and then on Sunday go to the car but there's no real point if all day is gonna be thunderstorm we're just over it right and we're not cutting our trip short at all we've done the whole hundred miles yes they just did it to the quicker time so a hundred miles in five nights five nights six full days accomplished feel accomplished we brought we ended up bringing we brought fish crisp lard and a front end and we haven't used them we didn't really have time did we know it was like what was the earliest we ever got to a side five maybe and I think that at that time there was no good fishing or it was raining or whatever in all honestly I don't you have the energy to cook up a fish that's yet the night a night and today we thought was going to be one of our lower or travel days which we ended up doubling rained every single day Tuesday arraigned in the morning before we got up but every other day it rained you're not super cold but like last night it was down to like five laughs it was definitely the cold which is why like mid-30s Fahrenheit most nights have been like low 40s I guess it's not been super or no I don't think it's ever hit 20 degrees Celsius I've definitely maxed out every piece of gear that I ever yeah at some point I wore everything I got yeah for sure last night I was wearing everything I had well yeah man it's it's a good trip it's a very rewarding trip this is a completely different kind of trip that I did with pilot in woodland caribou this is more of a Buster button to the ground moving trip and this is the kind of trip that I used to do all the time and that I really like and in all honesty but I loved both of the times the the type of trips were where you don't have an agenda and you can just be up for the amount of time that you're out for you don't have to move around and fish if there is things to do like fish and find cool campsites and stuff and in the other hand I love to put some miles under my under my feet at the beginning of this trip I couldn't do the fight was a 5 or 700 port put the bag down we're bombing like mm no problem this would actually be a really cool trip to do like over doing twice as much time do it again but do it like 10 days and slow down there you could fish bit more see some more of the legs we definitely will you look on the map we covered the north end of the partly than North West End of the park completely we went so far that the map cut off we had to start using a different map like it's a big chunk we did and I've done most of this chunk already split up between me and Kyle or myself or me and Sean a lot on the Nipissing for that one but Mike and I did a bunch of different stuff the Col and I didn't do and we did way quicker time but we are impactful it's not a tandem and yeah that was the plan that was yeah bust bust our butts yeah yeah it's a good trip it's it's I feel very accomplished and it's not over yet there's still gonna be a bunch of stuff to do tomorrow you know it's was no joke of a day we have minimal portaging tour which is great our packs are a little bit lighter but my I'm swear that tarp when I brought that tarp in it probably weighed a pound and but now pro weighs three pounds it's so heavy with that water on it but that's alright so things that I would do different next time for this exact trip I probably would forget about fishing altogether yeah I caught a handful of fish Mike was able to catch that his first rookie which is great but it really wasn't a highlight of the trip for me and we didn't really spend too much time doing it either really wasn't that hot yeah we were fighting that point in the Sun every day three months ago dark till 9:30 10:00 great oh it's like 7:00 yeah 7:00 on the dot and it doesn't get light out you can't start until 7:00 or 7:30 that's right it's dark definitely dark till 7:00 yeah but so lots of cool things there we saw two moose I hope it come through in the GoPro I'm not sure but I saw two moose we heard two a mother and a calf and then the the rejection and the stop exactly go right off the hop yeah Kingfisher kingfishers like crazy a couple nice haw lots of frog poop no nothing too crazy I I'd only seen one bird Algonquin however many times I've ever been here yeah you might be seeing a little bear tonight yeah because this site has there was an old railway that runs just behind us that was build in 1915 or until 96 so the map says oh yeah it's only like 50 yards behind us there's a old rail bed that runs for whatever a long distance but I could imagine bears wheel it up and down yeah everything animals are the team of least resistance for sure that's all right so last night barely got any food left for anyways if we don't stay tomorrow I think that I'm gonna do cold breakfast tomorrow morning it's supposed to be raining when we get up so I'll probably do it just bars and just hustle I got some biltong we've been calling it foot tongue because it tastes like feet but we're gonna it's like a jerky type thing I'll crack that tomorrow and yeah we'll just do that some bars in the morning hustle hustle hustle I don't expect to get much footage tomorrow as the same as today like as you can see as you can tell from hearing it was just a Buster what kind of day you guys saw the highlights everything that was important you saw other than that was just mundane Mike and I not talking in paddling for three hours at a stretch but it builds it builds confidence being out here in the rain and doing all that stuff and a build experience and stuff is where it's like the next time you come out like you're not so very concerned when it starts to rain you just know what you need to do you know you need to have your rain gear ready you know you need to have a fire and I could dry out your stuff pack on the clothes underneath the rain gear even if it gets wet like I've never been a trip with this much rain but you could see even on this trip if it was like 10 degrees Celsius colder my closer to zero and one of us had fallen in accidentally at some point in time like say last night after we were frozen and we were wearing what we had left fell in trying to get water yeah it'll be a tough situation pretty quick yep no doubt but I guess that's the downside to going late in the fall you get the colors and everything but well that's good too or not neither of us are solo so you could be a little bit help though that way like if that happened I'd be stripping down and jumping in my sin bag and hoping you're building a big ass for your good thanks bud oh good times I'm glad I'm glad everything worked the way I would do differently as I didn't bring enough food during the day I was just constantly hungry like for three kilometers how many calories you think we burn today yeah no I know I eat man when I eat breakfast oh here hey like an hour later I'm seeing I'm hungry really yeah like a at the mostly we get in the boat start paddling I'm starting to eat again but I don't have it food turns to fuel yeah very quickly yeah I've definitely have a proponent that many times food is fuel completely it's just in burned out when you get to a port haj you know you need to eat beforehand and if you don't you really sluggish lessons learned yeah this is a good trip I wouldn't mind doing this trip again in a year or whatever and four nights four or six maybe doing four if you started the first day in the morning I'll be so rough anyway we're just gonna stay here relax and enjoy the night we have a bunch of hardware the fire's good it's not too cold we got the tarp up so tomorrow if it's raining in the morning when we get up we can we can still deal with everything and put everything away but tomorrow is the last day 90% sure tomorrow's the last day bar barring any unforeseen circumstances so I think in the morning I'm just gonna throw all my stuff in the bottom of my backpack and get going home that's right soaking wet danke danke danke bet our stuff is already anyway it's true all right guys okay with you in the morning 7:00 a.m. were up and out of it's raining already so is a rush job in the morning eating breakfast bars and the pin the boat breakfast bars in the boat beer bongs and Bentley's bars in the boat is warm it's warm this is like an all-day rain type things before pelting us it's very very light rain right now last night it frickin came down like hard drop I'm so happy with my tent that big agnes tent is so old late sold at 7 years old very old i was used when I got it and it still holds up completely waterproof she drives a cart in there bottle a note here trying to get out in the rain on the last day is very reminiscent of my five-day solo trip here at Algonquin double springs ago actually in fact this whole trip has been very reminiscent of a couple different alcohols with triple head I feel I'm actually very content I'm getting a little chilled underneath I should have put long johns on underneath my pants and then the rain pants on but it was very warm this morning I was already overheating just getting into the boat with all the rain gear on already just motor and through these Lakes will come to our first bar size and then that will give us some warm [Music] back hike through the woods generating some body heat that way have a little bit of a snack at the end and then continue on so I've probably well put my gloves on in my - cuz well a little bit warmer that's what I was doing I had a tarp and every night I'd have to have a fire under my tarp and sleep under the same tarp employ or driving stuff though is a test of attrition that's great words anyways it's nice to have some with me this time cuz that was I was crazy by myself put all this very daunting knowing that you're gonna wake up in the next morning it's gonna be this forever no don't rest there relaxing just hard art artwork then again I'm not complaining I keep referencing it it's something that's very fresh in my mind right now and it's a memory that I hold here because I get it and I accomplished it thing is what's road here a few days ain't no just get no no you can't if you turn around and go back the same way you came it's the same boat on him sinuan report on you on your travels on your own you're gonna get out when you're supposed to get out so if no magic button there's no save me airplane you just got to do it so that's why it's super important to be prepared when you go into the backcountry I know a lot of people think of Algonquin there's maybe a beginners trip in place but you know what it's a huge car we're right smack dab in the middle of it and this is just as real wilderness as anything is that the elements out here can get you just as they can in or BC or hypothermia falling getting the water things like this see damn we did that super happy that I did get in there oh man packets so heavy all the weight of water weight in it good news is my food bag is almost empty that weight is gone and the big Portage's are done we did it so silly we had to do it to do our loop but all the big hard difficult long four colleges were the first couple days we were barely on the boat without we approximately paddle the first couple days and our packs for the heaviest then it's just the way it was way we had to do it the current the full Nipissing goes that way we couldn't do it in reverse so anyway that's the trip that's what we planned I'm glad glad it all worked out the weight almost actally we're making great time it's not even 11:00 o'clock and we're almost at our last portage or the whole trip and that's the 600 something and then we're on back on the kiosk from here that's probably another hour and a half or so paddle paddle or hush till we get back to take out we had 22 kilometers today in like less than five less than five hours it's pretty good skies are being generous right now it's not pouring on us just just moving trying to stay warm almost out finish line's in sight when these Hey hello thank you yeah good trip guys there she is oh the wind who catches it like a sail oh man hold onto kiosk proper and there is the take out see canoes and cars driving around and all sorts of civilizational we did it Mike yes lots of portaging and paddling feeling very accomplished well I think I'm gonna end the video here guys thank you very much for coming along Wendy's weights that's the other next one bye
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 1,039,997
Rating: 4.8205705 out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Axe, Ontario, Canada, Fire, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, epic, algonquin, trip, outside, outdoors, adventure, 100, wilderness, movie, 100miles, fishing, catch, cook, trout, moose, canoe, fun, buddies, offgrid, joerobinet, youtube
Id: VDFcouuD3e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 17sec (8237 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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