Soda Tier List

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i haven't drank soda on its own in over a decade probably the last time i drank soda with a meal was when my baby teeth were still falling out it has been a long [ __ ] time soda was one of the first things that i just swore off of when i was really trying to improve my awful eating habits of like three super sized fries plus coke for the first like 12 14 years of my life and i stopped drinking them probably around sophomore year high school so it's been a long [ __ ] time which means there's no one more qualified to come in here and give you an accurate soda tier list i'm basically coming in here with a blank slate i used to be a goddamn coke fiend an addict i was drinking like 20 [ __ ] cans of coke slamming on my forehead like a frat bro i was really into it but after my teeth rotted out and i swore off it haven't come back since until today starting with the most popular soda coke i haven't had soda on its own in years are you a big coke guy i like diet coke really yeah i grew up drinking diet soda so real soda tastes super super sweet that smells like fifth grade again actually yeah um yeah there's a lot of flavor in there huh see i really knowing what diet coke tastes like i don't like coke as much as diet coke which is such a rare that you say you're a psychopath i think it's just because literally i've only had diet soda growing up man did your parents make you drink diet soda that's just all they bought and i i think they could be arrested like child services should have come up that's like child abuse diet coke over coke it's i guess better for you you know i'm drinking chemicals instead of sugar yeah i guess it makes sense i mean it's it's coke yeah it's good it's you just said you didn't like it no it's fine like i put it in a solid a or b it's i'm not like oh coke is disgusting i just prefer diet over it ah okay when i used to drink a decent amount of soda um coke is the one i would crave like hard same yeah same i also used to always drink coke when my stomach was upset if i had a tummy ache mommy would bring me coconut ginger ginger ale you know always ginger ale did you really used to make me sick not shocked by that for whatever reason basically anything that tastes almost a little yucky to me makes me like sick which is i think that just means you don't like it makes me sick broccoli i feel sick let's not get carried away actually you eat a lot i love broccoli yeah coke is an s tear i'm sure that's not surprising to literally anyone in the world that has ever tried soda once in their life it's basically just the gold standard for unhealthy sugary drinks when you think of soda undoubtedly the first image that pops into your head is coke and for good reason [ __ ] just slaps and now it's time to talk about rage shadow legends and joining me is saito oh hi saito beautiful blade saito and jackson are going to take it from here raid shadow legends you know the name by now you don't need me to tell you about how it's a beautiful action rpg game that fits directly in your pocket you don't need me to tell you that it's as fun as a game could possibly be you don't even need me to tell you it's free and you can play it anywhere you are provided your phone is also there with you of course you already knew all that so how about i tell you what's new in raid raids just passed their year anniversary and now the game is bigger and better than ever before this month they're releasing a new batch of epic and legendary champions and they're also releasing the second version of the doom tower new rewards new gear to win and also two brutal bosses to take on the celestial griffin and the eternal dragon with all these updates and new features now really is the time to jump in and raid if you aren't already enjoying the wonderful raid experience if you want to join the fun all you have to do is hit the link in the description or scan the qr code and you'll get a free epic champion his name is jotun you may have heard of them you'll also get 100k silver 50 gems and three ancient shards so you can summon even more awesome champions to keep your new power yoten company all this treasure will be waiting for you right here it's that easy just click the link in the description and maybe we'll cross paths and raid shadow legends so if you're interested in trying raid shadow legends for yourself make sure to click the link in the description below this is always the most heated one coke first person when i was a kid my dad always drank a lot of diet pepsi so i've had a lot of diet pepsi in my life but i prefer it over normal pepsi i don't know i don't remember normal pepsi i don't either i just always preferred coke i must have had a bad experience with normal pepsi i was always in the camp that i prefer coke but i'm not like [ __ ] pepsi like i can't go to this restaurant again it's not that easy i've also never had a restaurant be like we don't carry coke only pepsi i've never had it happen try anything wait really yeah it happens all the time really yeah because you perhaps just like pepsi's like a joke like you drink pepsi because you feel bad like or just wasn't cooking i actually genuinely don't like pepsi but i i like coke it's just interesting yeah it's all a distributor like if you have coke products you can't have pepsi products i guess i've never gone to a place that had pepsi products it's like a softer coke like if if coke was like an explicit song this is the clean version having it that is a good way to put it having it back to back i absolutely prefer coke over pepsi 100 this is just like this is some weenie hut junior coke that's like all it is yeah it's a weaker flavor it's got more of something i don't like i don't know what it is holy [ __ ] the sugar 70 grams of sugar well actually it's 69 grams of sugar but that's terrible that's not too bad they're natural sugars and now we enter the battlefield pepsi versus coke at least in my area there's not a whole lot of pepsi enthusiasts to them it's like a myth like does that [ __ ] even exist because really the majority of places here only carry coke products pepsi isn't super popular here but i do understand up north it's a lot more popular which it's very interesting i really think it's because pepsi beat coke to the market there where they exclusively signed deals for pepsi products which means they weren't exposed to coke so they're just left stuck with pepsi i feel like it's not really a conscious choice where they're choosing pepsi over coke and i could be wrong i'm not you know a [ __ ] reddit psychologist or anything like that i'm just spitballing here because i feel like pepsi is just a weaker coke they are interchangeable yeah you can have a pepsi still be satisfied but you'd probably rather have a coke if you're already taking the plunge into an unhealthy soft drink you know there's no reason i don't really see the reason you'd go pepsi over coke unless you like a lighter less flavorful soda i suppose because it's it's different it is not by much but it's enough to be like i'd rather just have a coke over a pepsi pepsi tastes like plankton successfully stole the secret recipe for coke but never got the measurements right so just always added way too much water and then the secret ingredient it's just a lot waterier and it's not like the biggest difference but it is noticeable especially when you do them back to back i'm just gonna go ahead and put pepsi at eight here because i mean it's not bad you know a bit of an overreaction to say it's like bad or shitty compared to coke it's just a less good version of coke it's just i feel bad for pepsi like when i look at coke versus pepsi this one looks so much more this is definitely that [ __ ] nerd that gets bullied and wedgies and [ __ ] so i just feel bad talking bad about pepsi you know like he's just so weak but it's not like if you just gave me pepsi i'd be like yeah that's that's fine like it's like i said before i drink it it's not that big of a difference it is so when you go back tomorrow it's noticeable when you've had them both back-to-back i think like if it was only pepsi it'd be better just done pepsi here's diet coke diet coke first i hate diet coke i hated it as a kid interesting absolutely hated it it tasted like metal like metallic soup maybe a lot of this one i actually like it that's good oh that's a lot of fizz the fizz also stays for a long time yeah i think if i remember correctly diet coke is actually worse for you right like significantly worse well it's just because i think the chemicals are more harmful than yeah yeah does it still have aspartame in it is it carcinogen they still have aspartame no it's just well maybe it's just claimed to cause cancer but also if you look up sugar sugar causes cancer so take your pick fat in cancer not as fast at least there's not a lot of sugar here there's zero the [ __ ] foam is still not gone this whole drink is just basically beer foam all right good timing oh diet coke is an affront to god i don't know how you like diet coke it's the aftertaste yeah it's so bad it's such a bitter yucky aftertaste like i said i grew up drinking it so i prefer it over normal coke i don't get it i don't know how that's really flat thank god it's good i like it i used to drink flat soda as a kid and how was it fat it fizzed up for like 20 minutes i well that's the weird thing like i said i drink diet coke it's never stayed that fizzy for so long but after you got past the fizz on the top it just was flat it's so it's such a not enjoyable taste it tastes like dehydration like if dehydration had a flavor it would be diet coke like it feels yucky it has a bad aftertaste i think this is proof that matt is a psychopath diet coke was abominable i've never liked diet coke and maybe that's why i hate it so much now even as a kid [ __ ] hated it now going back to it here's just bringing up all kinds of terrible childhood memories puberty's [ __ ] hidden in full swing again or something it's it's just not good there is really nothing i like about diet coke it's not even it's like genuinely worse for you than regular coke it's like significantly more like [ __ ] chemicals in it or something i haven't read the conspiracy theories in a long time but i know it's like not good it barely even tastes like coke it's like a grapefruit to a grape they're not even comparable i don't know diet coke just [ __ ] sucks i'm putting it at an f tier oh i made a little spill the foam's not as weird on this one oh yeah you spilled on it oh a diet doesn't have a sneak taste doesn't have a steady pour to it i guess isn't pepsi the one who made the waters we hated yeah pepsi all right [ __ ] pepsi all around so pepsi actually owns so many things more than coke i think they own way more products and they're like all [ __ ] bad like they're just like an entire company is like the shitty offshoot of coke yeah which is weird at this point in time you think they make one thing that's good wait is it yeah um is it mountain dew pepsi because that that's like their one top seller versus yellow yellow three different brands yeah they have a [ __ ] ton is it pepsi i think mountain dew's pepsi if i remember because that's the only one out of all the sodas i know yeah pepsi pepsico yeah um where coke's mellow yellow is not nearly that's the option spoiling the surprise wait we don't have no oh you're right oh is that the surprise that's that's not bad that's better than i remember i mean it's it's good so 100 of the time outside of this room i would always pick diet coke over diet pepsi but something was wrong with that diet coke so i would take this bottle of water you're just misremembering diet coke it is i had it like two days ago so you're still a sinner yes diet pepsi i'm very familiar with my dad huge fan of diet pepsi so always had it in the house i've had plenty of diet pepsi enough to fill a [ __ ] swimming pool and i've always enjoyed diet pepsi i'd still prefer a coke but diet pepsi is still like a good alternative so i'm a fan i'm going to put diet pepsi at a b because it's not as good as just normal pepsi and it's not as good as coke but it is good i'm going to just give diet pepsi a clean beet here cherry coke is one of my favorites of all time that makes me sick cherry vanilla too cherry is by far the worst [ __ ] flavor ever it's so subtle in these drinks though it's not like the cherry cough syrup flavor okay have you ever had chocolate i was gonna say your page just made me think that you've never drank this yeah i've never had it i'm just saying in general cherry is the worst flavor of anything ever make like a strawberry coke or something yeah they do if you go to like i went to the world of coke to the actual world like the coke whatever in atlanta and they have every single flavor you could ever want that sounds really cool that smells [ __ ] trash it smells like my [ __ ] oh i would be okay with that this is so [ __ ] good it smells like medicine no i know i'll smudge all these apps later yeah that's fair it's not nearly as bad as it smells maybe i just hate the [ __ ] smell of cherry that might be it and the taste but it's very subtle it's yummy i like it so much better than i would have thought it'd be this is a weird thing to compare it to have you ever had those what's the name it starts with an l it's a cough drop company it's cherry cough drops and they're delicious like i could eat them like candy and that's what this tastes yeah the cough drops i use are pretty good that's it's good yeah i'd still put it below everything else we've had except a diet coke it's a lot better than diet coke but everything else i think would be above it cherry is my least favorite flavor in anything ever always reminds me of medicine and dog [ __ ] it is just my least favorite taste in the world probably next to just eating straight up dirty [ __ ] but coke cherry i liked it surprisingly more than i thought i would i wouldn't say i enjoyed it but i definitely had lower expectations and it exceeded where i thought i would be it was better than i [ __ ] expected i'm just gonna give it a seat here i would never choose to drink coke cherry it would never be my choice but if i was trapped in a desert and i just happen to find like a coke cherry repository if i can dig in the sand and find a whole bunker of coke cherry i'd have a smile on my face is that cherry pepsi this is wild cherry i've never had cherry peppers i was gonna say i haven't either that was a hefty pour there yeah so is there difference between organic you know home-grown cherries versus oh wild cherries aren't wild i feel like i just rotted all my teeth out those cherries are very wild that is a very different flavor oh i'm misbehaving i think i've seen this one on vhs before ah that's a lot stronger of a [ __ ] cherry flavor also a lot more carbonated yeah um it's worse than that mm-hmm by a noticeable chunk wild cherry pepsi not great still not as bad as i thought it would have been hate the flavor of cherry wild cherry sounds like it even packed more of a punch and it did a little bit but it wasn't as awful as i was expecting worse than coke cherry so i'm gonna have to drop it into the d tier because it doesn't make sense to have coke cherry and wild cherry pepsi in the same tier when i think that pepsi one is worse but it's still like i said better than i expected it to be and definitely not nearly as awful as i would have thought coming into this so i was pleasantly surprised let's do dr pepper pepper i've only had dr pepper once i'm a pig i'm a big fan of dr pepper i am too vanilla dr pepper ooh that is good the only time i had this is when playing truth or dare in seventh grade when we went on that field trip to the motel oh crystal river crystal rio i remember that i was so scared i'm gonna tell you i didn't go on the bus but then i regretted it so my parents drove me down i remember that because we were going snorkeling down the river in wetsuits and i was fat yeah and the last the biggest nightmare for a fat kid in middle school is to be put into a wetsuit to go down a river is this afromat yes this was afroman so i remember i get there and i'm so nervous and they start putting me in the wetsuit and the guy can't get the zipper up on the back and i'm just sitting there like mortified like oh it was terrible i remember that trouble yeah but every time i see dr pepper i immediately associate it with that with fat man people know with charlie playing truth or dare nobody dared me to do anything cool good they dared you to drink dr pepper didn't dare you do [ __ ] they just like forgot i was playing you just dared each other dudes were so cool in middle school that's my favorite so far we need to finally disagree because half of these videos are one of us saying something and the other going i agree that's not true at all in every video there's a huge agreement there's usually one yeah like grapefruit you've brainwashed yourself into liking this is [ __ ] poop ass bro isn't it gotta stop saying poop ass this is is there a flavor here like what's 23 flavors actually silence they don't they don't make any noise in here 65 grams of sugar they're coming out swinging that's the problem not enough sugar yeah it's missing four grams i think prune juice is like the main ingredient really here's something hot take nobody ever agrees with me on it oh sorry i think the pepper flavor is very strong like i can just taste pepper and i enjoy it yeah i ca there's like no flavor in here i think it's maybe it's overloading my old taste buds i like it yeah i'm a fan too i really think dr pepper might be my favorite soda i don't get anything from this dr pepper professor p uh a drink i'm not overly familiar with this was only really the second time i'd ever had it i was pretty underwhelmed it boasts 23 flavors but they all just kind of mesh together and like neutralize one another and i was left with almost zero flavor that i could pick up on it wasn't bad though uh definitely wasn't bad i'm just gonna give it a seat here i i wouldn't necessarily say it'd be a first choice of mine or even like a second or third choice really but it's also just not bad it really wasn't it just i would have expected a really powerful punch of flavor from so many ingredients being in it we're moving into this was my childhood drink right here we haven't i've never had mountain dew i've never ever called yourself a gamer you've never had mountain dew this is the hottest take you've ever had on nevermind i don't think i've ever had mountain dew i used to really like when they came out with the cool flavors to come out with games and stuff yeah i remember getting i think it was halo two or three whichever one came out with code red yeah i got it at midnight at walmart and they gave you a two liter bottle of it yeah that was good stuff what do you do my parents would never buy so what is mountain 77 grams of sugar like way more yeah it's like way worse than all the other ones so what is it though like what flavor is it because it looks like a urine it's kind of its own flavor yeah it's just mountain dew yeah yeah i can't even pin that it's like gamer jet fuel yeah is it like lemon flavored no it's i honestly don't know what the [ __ ] the flavor is oh gamers do not taste good this is the predecessor to bill delphine's bath water pretty much how do you hate everything that tastes good what do you mean it is really i've never had mountain dew and thought what's the flavor to this and doing it is hurting my breath like i can't focus anything it just doesn't taste good it's supposed to just be lemon lime i thought i thought so i could absolutely kind of feel lemon in this i get it it's like if sprite farted in something else and that was it like there may be an under taste but there's something much bigger at work in here if it's a lemon and lime that would make sense why i'm not really vibing with it that is two f-tier fruits to me well then boy do i have a fun drink for you oh that is literally lemon lime yeah yeah that's that sprite is [ __ ] christ yeah it just it doesn't even smell like gamers they always got a lot of flack because it's got the yellow five dye in it which was always claimed to i think shrink your testicles yeah that was always like a myth because it was that was always the biggest thing was it could i can't afford to lose any more yeah i was not confirmed okay good mountain dew i know you're gonna have to [ __ ] take my gamer card away from me here because i've never had it until today and i gotta say i didn't like it not nearly as bad as diet coke don't get me i'm not trying to put it down there in that [ __ ] cesspool that swamp of diet coke it's nowhere on that playing field in that ballpark but i didn't like it i really didn't uh maybe it's just not for me maybe i don't have proper gamer dna to be able to fully enjoy the flavors of a mountain dew i just don't i don't know but i i didn't enjoy it i'm just gonna have to put it into detail it's hard to explain because i can't even really pin the flavor it was very citrusy and i guess i'm not a huge citrus fan to begin with so that's probably why i didn't enjoy it all that much now were you a big orange soda guy no i've i've never had orange soda uh the only i don't want to try no i'm very upset we didn't get grape soda by the way because i [ __ ] love it i only know about orange soda from keenan and kell oh i love orange soda that's all i know it from if you're watching come drink orange soda with us i'm sure he [ __ ] hates orange soda now oh all right do you want to go yeah you don't give me the one he [ __ ] hyped it up i really liked it yeah i liked it i did as a kid but i also like mountain dew orange there's another one i used to crave pretty hard yeah same with oh i loved grape soda too i just never really liked fruit flavored stuff is the big thing this just tastes like they melted candy yeah i'm gonna guess there's an ass ton of sugar in here 73 not as good only 72 are added though which makes me think they used a little bit of real orange juice this actually smells like an orange but only the left one oh it's pretty good that's pretty good yeah these that's nice these sodas yeah that is nice a lot better than mountain dew yeah orange and grape always were amazing i used to drink white grape juice until i was like 14. interesting it was like um what was it welch's white grape juice yeah welch's makes a watermelon juice oh so good i used to drink that in college i drank out of sippy cups till i was like 14 as well i was just drinking white grape juice out of like a little as well why i don't know it became a habit i probably wasn't 14 that's probably like 17. it was probably a couple weeks ago yeah i guess you were always doing that at lunch in high school there's charles over there drinking his protein shake out of a sippy cup and eating his meat sticks vienna sausages white grape juice and a sippy cup mom was there with her titty out as well just getting my nutrients that was always the weirdest part of high school high school was weird i really thought orange soda was overhyped but this [ __ ] exceeded it again i'm not like a huge fan of like fruit flavored sodas or anything but this was on another level this was really good i'm not even like the biggest fan of oranges in general i mean i do like them but not to this level i wouldn't have expected it to work so well as a soda i enjoyed the [ __ ] out of it i'm giving orange soda nest here i'm doing it i'm putting it right up there coke orange soda that's ester for me now baby your favorite yeah saving the shittiest there's there's two left your favorites well i've only ever had root beer in our flavored lube so that's what you like no you hate it i hated it it tasted just like it so you're probably not gonna like really here let's go root beer first i think i'm gonna hate sprite more all right let's go sprouts do sprite first i don't know how it's even possible to hate sprite it's just very light flavoring natural or neutral soap oh neutral it's hurting me it's exploding oh my god this is the one i had to drink as a kid so i got pretty tired i just don't like lemon and i don't like lime so well the lemon lime soda should be great yeah that's why i'm kind of expecting to not like it that's a good one for your stomach too though because there's no caffeine yeah this was another one you drank when you were sick yeah but not you but yeah normal people yeah everybody else that didn't drink coke when they were sick [ __ ] dummy it's such an odd take wasn't coke was coke or pepsi designed as a medicinal drink yeah but legend persists yeah that does not smell good i'm not i'm not feeling it let's see not sprite you probably know that's real light you probably don't despise it because it's not abrasive it's not like here's a [ __ ] lemon yeah that's just kind of like bubbly water do you at least taste the flavor okay it's there in the back seat just waving at me back there not being too obtrusive do you like it you do that's pretty good though what you thought would be your least favorite you're enjoying yeah it's pretty good wow we're opening your senses yeah i have never even considered trying sprite i can't believe that out of these you haven't had sprite mountain dew dr pepper orange soda orange soda or root beer so you just want to come on here and lie then huh because i said i have had this all right remember that salty that one i don't and now sprite this was the biggest surprise of the day florida man tries sprite the ending will shock you i actually liked it i hate lemon hate lime and this somehow worked really well i don't know if it's because i can appreciate the very subtle flavor because it's not really like it's not like a star player this isn't like your star quarterback on the football team this is a player that rides the bench but he has a lot of heart there's flavors in here but they're not trying to be intrusive they're just there and you're just kind of drinking a very hydrating pretty decently tasting soda i mean i i don't even know how to explain it sprite was just enjoyable i liked it i'm giving it an eights here even the container is gross this looks like from the [ __ ] 1800s i've never ever liked your beer oh this looks so [ __ ] bad there's some cups it looks so [ __ ] bad like just the coloring of it too [ __ ] ass [ __ ] brown logo and everything it looks gross oh you meant the ball i was like yeah literally seven other swords today i'm missing the bottle it just looks bad it's that color that i can't have for my kidney it smells so [ __ ] bad this smells like the flavored lube it did the lube tasted a lot like yeah that's not good man it's not nearly as bad as i thought it would be at least i never would seek out root beer but i'm not upset when i have it i think the last time i had a root beer float was on a road trip when i was like four that does sound good though it's not horrible it's i wouldn't say it's good though like i'm not enjoying it but it's a lot better than i thought it would be like i need a [ __ ] nap how is sugar putting it's the citric acid it's just the kidney stones blocking these kidneys they're shutting down you don't get that way when you have like too much sugar and you just feel like your body wants to you're supposed to be like no you're supposed to be a like a brick in my stomach god you're such a weirdo you never had [ __ ] sprite god damn right no it's not bad it's like a c t right i put that right in the middle finally root beer i'd never really had root beer until the flavored condom video really my first exposure to even the flavor of root beer hated it there and it was tolerable here again i wouldn't say it's bad or shitty but i also wouldn't say that i enjoyed it it wasn't a beverage i was drinking and having fun with it's just a soda that i could tolerate i'm just gonna give it a seat here i don't have super strong feelings on it one way or the other to be honest so i think it's just pretty average all right now do the whole mixture yeah this is gonna taste good oh come to papa oh you have your own two man wow whoa jesus man let's not get out of control it's not it's not that exciting why would it do that that's like 600 grams of sugar in this yeah that's pretty gross oh there's still liquid in the cup oh this under idiot you don't even understand basic science i don't like that i don't like it you know what comes through the strongest is the aftertaste of mountain dew i didn't get all of them i always used to do just coke orange soda and sprite whenever i would not go down the line and that was always the good stuff yeah try the coke uh fanta that's a really popular one i have some cups you say coke and fanta i do taste a lot of mountain dew to be fair yeah it's i'm getting the flavor initial flavor of root beer and aftertaste of mountain dew give me the coke too is that equal pores yeah approximately how many ounces seven okay and what is this called mesothelioma what was it meso mix the same thing it's actually made but this is what it is it's just like fanta and coke together who makes it um coke probably yeah i would think so might where they would sue the [ __ ] out of somebody i'm coming i don't like just sitting here covered inside that's your own fault here we haven't done a single cheers today oh true that's cute nah that's not for me i feel like they're not mixing well so they're like well did you mix it or did you just let them sit there for me that ruins the orange soda and the coke they fight in there it's a war it sounds like they're battling in my mouth it is a german soda oh fair very aggressive yeah i really do feel like they're fighting each other in my mouth yeah that's not they're not working together in harmony are there any other mixes you want to try to throw in there um what if we mixed water and sprite what happened has anyone ever done that i guess we could try it today this is going to be nuts yeah the flavor why did you even ask him you had to know something like that was coming i saw him look at the water i was like it's [ __ ] what's this what if this creates the best soda ever yeah what if it really changes the flavor it's crazy no one's ever had like water in sprite before yeah the melted ice nuts this is uncharted territory you're gonna get wild give me a cup i've got a good feeling about this the two most abrasive flavors on the table now he doesn't like it it's it's very very watery for some reason yeah wonderful it's almost like there's water in your sprites
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,484,014
Rating: 4.8701277 out of 5
Id: RnQWvZF10rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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