We Made A Cursed Mini Golf Course

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Wherein, a guy is the first dude in human history to ever miss a 2 foot putt.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Vorpal_Spork 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right what are we doing all right yeah this is hole one you start standing to hit at your tee box you come out here up the ramp over the dangerous ravine if you get stuck in here you're back to where you hit from yeah that's out of bounds out of bounds out of bounds there you go yeah you've got to make the leaf in play you've got a little area to get around the raptor into the hole so this is like a par four already yeah and there's a nice dino dick in there which is cool yeah make sure to really capture yeah i got i got if you can get in there and really just get the subtle details it's crazy that you got the name of hole one that quickly though oh this is the dyno yeah this is hole one par four dino dick that's nice all right let's run it choose your weapon all right andrew you cannot choose a strixon just get a sharpie and right everyone's like initial on it yeah but i want a bomb so yeah i'll take a bomb and i'll be a callaway okay you can throw that away like just off not bigger danny what ball will you be using today um yeah give me one titleist yeah unless you want pinnacle give me titleist i thought so all right you ready thanks to g fuel for making this g fuel open possible use code moist for 30 off at gfuel.com and thanks grand theming for all the beautiful sculptures it's the highlight of my life i'm feeling really [ __ ] good about this all right shaw number one [Music] do you remember on the last like if you went all the way through you could uh on the last ball throw it on the gutter and if you ran the whole gutter or bumper the whole way down it would explode the whole lane that's what you almost did what's the [ __ ] i've never heard of that i used to do that a lot that's nice man we bowling veteran over here [ __ ] faze phillips spicy man oh there we go oh that was so good that was actually incredible i'm ready for the pga tour oh he's in in the boundaries all right matt can you beat that i don't know it's very hard what are you at this is [Applause] oh first try that is some dog [ __ ] well done go for it andrew i will go next this one's for you bomb i guess i'll take the only one that's left it's a good club it's really really long you want to switch with me i like that one [Applause] are these all like max length no these are just my old clubs that went from like 1940. yeah it feels like professional mini is that the power stance of a mini golfer oh i can't believe these shots because when you set up a shot the rest is easy oh oh my god what forgot to mention i'm a six-time mini golf champion holy [ __ ] now it's matt's turn that was actually a beautiful shot please don't [ __ ] it up oh checking wind conditions i like it yeah what's the slant of the green looking like how's the weather what's the tel what's it telling you it's telling me how to hit it oh yeah oh boy now we're cooking with gas nice snap balls [Music] let me really i got to get the juxtaposition of the dino dong in the ball danny if you need stability you can clamp your mouth on the bottom there oh yes thank you he's got such an easy shot right here that's a really good shot i take a really bad golfer it's actually really embarrassing that's unlucky uh who's whoever's in the corner i'm gonna need andrew to market ball yeah andrew did you bring it up i did not get the same luxury that ball's staying no no because the ball was blocking my shot over there was it yeah i had a bounce i don't think we need to mark the ball no i i need to get my club in there for a club length okay i guess that works i all right [Applause] i don't have much room for a back swing finesse no oh i couldn't move my clothes all right a little tough i'm glad i'm glad i was the one that lobbied for the no markings this should be good it's great all right hit me right in that's right playing all along no be careful here all right just hit me right in i mean in all fairness you can move that wall if you want we don't we don't we don't really need it i should have been told that one hit ago i'll have to do a little ricochet here like a pool shot if there's a little resistance from the wall maybe that could have worked i've got the perfect valley and the perfect opportunity to [ __ ] it up oh good stuff what was that three shot answer that's the bomb good nice here let me just move the wall course designer matt yeah designing in live time you get to see the genius at work here we go boys nice what was that seven work pretty good good yeah this is this is an interesting oh through the tail oh this is gonna be big i can't do that i'm yeah i'm ready for that to snap off as soon as you swing that's the best i can do right there oh yeah that's a good angle that's easy that's what you like to see i just can't actually i got to hold at the very top to give myself room i might be joining charlie yeah you want me to just keep going you're going for five right now i'm counting correctly that little valley right there matt that's the key to victory that's the easy pack guides it in nice good good work golf claps well danny you're still up right i am still up okay how about like that's still not gonna work you can just push it off a little if you want so you can actually hit the ball there you go give yourself an actual swing just drop it right in the hole it's fine i'll take can i just have a thinner putter here try the baby putter that's it [Laughter] there we go that might help a little bit oh wow not really but a club change is a big audible yeah seasoned golfer oh all right give me my phone you're done with it yeah stop taping it here club course designer matt is here we've dismantled the whole course oh what is happening there goes your sponsor what the [ __ ] is this okay well now i have the valley oh yeah yeah yeah danny you just lost your sponsor don't lose your wife changing course conditions i hope it goes under the grass [Music] yeah you had a good start so just start on the tee box here yep boom you can aim for the wall if you're adventurous bounce off you're going down the stairs and the hole is right between the mower huges oh there we go this is a tough one because instead of grass there's concrete we're gonna have no control over speed my specialty two mobi here just one hole got it you know exactly what's the name of this walnut um yeah i was trying to think of something like that i'm in last place right now but not for long can't wait for this to just go through the wall it's going to get the correct angle right trajectory i made a ricochet montage once in a game so i'm pretty good at this kind of [ __ ] which came here's a war for my city oh i'm going to launch it up the window he's tasting it come on don't you stop there you [ __ ] not bad that's a pretty good shot that's pretty good it's rolling oh no it's like nah that's chase jam matt's got a guy with the magnet over there if someone could take danny's club yes of course of course i'll feel the ball one of the worst shots what a power show how did that loose it's got a good line though it's a good line it is a good line my shots are for setups you know andrew plays the long game yeah i am in first that is true set up the line always entering the zone i think that's good just go ahead and hit it again okay yeah you're up next i can't get much speed on this one there's a tight there's a tight little corner it's maybe i think we're going over the same exact shot again [Applause] oh you knocked this down oh there must be some kind of warping yeah something tells me these weren't perfectly straight guys your balls are touching oh something's getting broken maybe me and he throws himself down the stairs oh wow beautiful oh he's going to end up in the stack wait wait she's coming i'm still technically i like fishing for crawdads oh i'm hearing a lot of good yeah i think that's good that sounds good right in the hole hey [Applause] here to watch yeah all right who's up next that way i don't just start blasting balls that's scary hey don't touch my ball i'm trying to give up oh my i had to give a club link oh yeah yeah yeah all right you ready for this watch this ricochet that was actually [ __ ] nuts that sounds really good it's still going oh oh that's actually probably worst case scenario all right i'm gonna play it off the back of my club so i don't have to touch your ball because i'm not an animal oh [ __ ] and how did that work out not good i was trying to be nice to danny and it [ __ ] me over yeah look at that oh that's actually worse than charlie's that's what i get for being nice oh that is abominable they can't even see the ball matt here i'll get the light out so they can see his shame light up his shame put it in a spotlight why are you bowing i was trying to be nice to you you [ __ ] okay i don't want to go you can do that if you want hey hey you think i can bounce it off the weight i wanted to and then i just didn't even swing okay well i'll go for the hard shots you did as well yeah you're fine from a hard angle talk about a [ __ ] in a hard place yeah let me just see where the hole is so i can get it over there yeah you're gonna have to like use a nice drip some good angle on it all right oh oh that was actually really good oh don't get sucked in nice who would have thought that lollipop would actually be an officer yeah that's some [ __ ] that's right who designed it all right charlotte this is number three for me because i got a good boost down the stick well how am i gonna that was my number like behind the back oh oh is godzilla come did you hit it no yeah do you hear that though it's someone's speakers oh i like it that's not bad that's [ __ ] good that's a that's a green regulation right there that was actually like a style shot does it matter me i'm trying to focus beyond those [ __ ] it's difficult oh the green is so warped that is a bad place [ __ ] you this is not i'm starting to think this is not regulation call behind the foreskin oh i don't know what to do here you know what charles i'm gonna have to ask you to move and go for a ricochet oh god he's insane do we have a lefty putter uh i don't think we have this technology it's like a middle school slowdown you're trying to take a [ __ ] while hitting good work oh god good word oh this is our role i think it's me again yeah i get my club line is this number six already matt was called one of them let's see one two three four this would be fine yeah it's golf what was golf one of the nine sports you played because i don't know if i believe it i'm better at real golf somehow this is real gold yeah very good let me get the top down angle here i'm getting like the drone all right i think i have to do a setup shot here yeah or you could be really big oh i could yeah i think i'll just do that actually yeah this is big baller roll okay gotta line it up nice coolest shot in this sneaky fuel open history [Music] this is only like the 12th shot in g fuel open history oh my god [Applause] that would have been sick this [Music] that's how we make sure it's difficult no matter i think i might just do a setup one here yeah i was smart but i don't actually know it's just gonna roll off no no no no no no the green is fine i'll go i can shape it to my will i think you're cheating oh yeah oh that's all right yeah again danny if you make this this is a sick shot [Music] imagine if you just went too hard and broke her camera oh boy that's a rough angle like jesus these bubbles yeah that's what i felt oh all right you got to read the green better it's master let's get it yeah put a lot of extra i don't know if there's any way i make this from here power shot up bouncing off the yeah i shot it off of the united states i'm shaping it like i should have done that i think i made it worse to be honest all right like i said it's big baller golf we'll go for it did penises count as walls can i bend the penis a little bit no no you can i can't wait i would give him club length away oh no no i'll just do a little setup here okay good setup that was say decent set up come on knock it in all right charlie oh nice work all right i'll take a six he's getting back in here all right andrew i'm like right right under the head it's protective i gotta like scoop it well i gotta like scoop it out oh no all right it's like a magnetic field sticks they're off oh oh my lord this is the tournament he's throwing it all in the trash six oh no no that's okay this one's fine seven so this is eight oh it's not in that's a heartbreaker that's not it finish your andrew you gotta see your drop let's go all right on the whole three yeah walk us through this one man all right so gentlemen welcome to the peach rings pipe dream oh really pulled that out of his ass i did i panicked for a second so you're going to start here you're going to want to get a hard hit because you need enough momentum not only to get up the pipe through the junction out the other side and as you see over here we've got a couple different terrains to mess with you we've got the rubber you can bounce off the bumpers and the hole is right here in front of mr rilla [Music] right through oh wiggle fingers of you think you got it but you did yeah i could hear it coming back no i could just set it back up i see what's happening all right luckily i'm guinea pigging it yeah this is tough this is already number three this is the one we were thinking would be the hardest oh good lord oh goodness i i actually i'm starting to doubt that it's possible my first shot was the best one this is so hard that's rough you gotta hit it square are you keeping track of these strokes that was a five give a little juice charlie i just gotta go straight yeah that is the first thing in case they watch this it's perfectly fine it's fine i thought it shot through the tube all right you just broke you can drop like at the end of the tube if you want what do you think into the tube or here where you roll down that's that's fine yeah i guess all right who's next all right i'm on negative four that's a good line right there baby yep yeah all day that's what she does i'm just gonna i'm gonna go back to the t-box yeah she'll do something that is a good setup all right number three you go through wow [Music] you're on gorilla that's yeah that's pretty good yeah i'm gonna put these walls back where they were maddie's touching the course oh my god guys knock the walls out of the way what are you an architect or something no a man who wants to win impossible with my score impossible with this hole that's why i was there i know andrew i knew it was coming this way i'll be here yeah you're on the t-box you can do what you want that felt good it looked good oh [Music] we'll kiss you on the lips oh god i'm going to miss now on purpose oh that was a bark the chakra wasn't we don't want to go until danny's completely ready oh that's that's an unplayable just no way it might it worked oh my god it worked that was nuts holy [ __ ] i've actually done this this is for the coveted nine he can finish it out i'll give him honors nice good work as of right now that's a course record oh i think this is three yeah this is your third hit i would love to see a three that blow my mind nobody would ever break that 15 yeah that'd be crazy all right this man keeps raking the greens it's a little unconventional stance but i think i can it's unorthodox right there oh how does it feel it feels great it feels really nice to break a course record on the first day man i'm a monster all right we don't even have a chance now this is [ __ ] i know when i saw danny was here oh sorry well danny got a he got a terrible score on the last one yeah still still yeah time was mad on the last one and beat andrew who both got seven yeah [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] that hurts a lot should i go again i rushed it i got cocky [Laughter] today oh geez did we put that where it was or here you can go where you went out of bounds oh out picture the line this one's for you tiger god he cheated on his wife 18 times don't forget which is almost as many strokes as you have one for each time lord it's symbolic [Applause] you're not even learning from the green andrew you're just hitting it right at the right at the cups [Applause] he's seeing all sides of the course the scores are all very tight right now we really need to knock danny down a peg all right so andrew this is the one you get to name but oh sorry you start here you go under mr sunshine boom under crash bandicoot uh sticky torch around the weight right in front of mr pizza through the monsoon which wasn't plugged in that would be a lot better it doesn't actually have an on switch i don't think i think it's just plugged in or it's not if you say something funny yell it yeah you gotta talk around andrew what's the course called cartoon coffee okay i didn't like that i didn't either i came up with it on the spot all right i can't see much of anything so i'm just gonna you want a gopro on this or no it's on there oh cool okay all right i'm here wait go hit it oh off the weight that's this is a par 96. oh there's you there's me should we turn it to low do you think probably no okay yeah yeah this is expert mode monkey ball let's go andrew [Music] oh that's one you're back on hole number one let's do it again stroke two all right stroke two my god holy [ __ ] that was the best shot i've ever seen it then it could have been a hole-in-one oh [Music] wow are you excited [Applause] where'd you go how'd you stay there i don't know you're cheating yeah god damn it all right so with 10 strokes for all three of us we turn into low it's not going don't hit me all right i'm gonna learn from charlie i'm gonna give myself a little room all right oh i'll take it i've got it oh stop nice all right switch i'm bracing it with my foot oh [Applause] i think you have to go again matt is it under there yeah okay easy five yeah five five oh i think this is my fifth yeah where is it these shots aren't fun they hurt your neck oh here wait let me let me get your wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah he looks good i'm gonna ride daniel into the sunset i'm with you danny okay i didn't see it oh i think i may never finish this hole yep i'm with you but at least we have each other not everyone's cut out for this one yeah this one's pretty easy and you probably took the lead up this whole by far very possible oh no wait i'm trying to think of mine we'll just have to watch it back danny's at like 12 already i stopped counting oh i yeah danny just loses here should we turn off the gopro what is the mercy rule here yeah we'll be here tomorrow i'd say 30. oh all right i've seen this shot before i can do it wait why is the fan moving the fan's on the right it gives you a backboard danny [Applause] so obviously starting here yep coming around once again we gave you a little tricky terrain you're on concrete uneven concrete coming through the l up the slippery drawbridge over the gap whoa you may think this connects it doesn't wow not too much power andrew drop down and the holes right here doesn't look too menacing but it will get you easy one he's gonna he's gonna turn his ball like a magic bullet just break the mirror jeez it's still rolling in the purple oh look at that right in the middle oh wait wait okay okay i'm gonna try to follow your lead seriously absolutely just ripped out some left 100 he crop dusted or one of the toilets blew up again oh the gentle fist oh look at that setup stop yes not bad yes did you want to name this one oh i'm naming this one yeah oh man the dastardly drawbridge of danger that's a good one oh sorry oh good hit now oh wow oh come on come and join the kingdom of the promised land well i don't know how i'm going to hit up the bridge on that now i'll go first if you want first yeah maybe he'll move danny for me not very very cool he gets to go again anyway who's another golfer rory mcelroy this one's for you mcelroy we somehow somehow missed the course that's got to be this course what do you think if that happens does he go back to the tea box yeah he can make it let's see it andrew it's your turn go ahead no no no it's part of the course it's not part of the matt put that there specifically for this purpose yeah i did oh [ __ ] i'll protect the computer oh too hard i don't know why i just stopped that for him do you think they're gonna invite you back to the g fuel weapon after andrew is just coming through and smashing the course apart no respect for the chorus all right this one's for you mcelroy oh it's all right you're fine you're in the chorus we added cardboard to dead in the drop all right is this a hole in two this could be it'd be our tape job is uh coming up it has been a while yeah some all right nice you want me to get out of your way too uh yeah that was a good line up right there right on the center of gravity of course like that stance very wide very powerful oh boy i guess i'm going welcome to the fun zone man thank you sorry he's in bounds let me show you what a birdie looks like i can't believe i didn't make that i made it all this morning when practicing see the keys i got to go up the right side yeah right side it's a little sloped to throw you off yeah oh nice oh come on darling where is she in the corner she is it's all right that's a good shot that is a good shot if you hit that one that other ball it's a multi-ball score oh okay i'm so sorry it's always during the back swing all right see totally fine all right pretty good this is number nine for you andrew it is uh that's matt's oh that's mine's behind it super spicy slap shot oh i like it oh okay just gotta walk her out come on come on baby girl it almost fell in love with you oh sew in the green though yeah i'll take that all right who's up oh he's going to hook it oh yo hook shot oh that would have been cool that would have been amazing that's the tile under there for you that's wow that's that special terrain you know it's like mario golf it gets wackier and wackier great shot though daniel thanks i appreciate it all right guys wow we just beat frieza the androids are coming oh this is a tough hole uh that's matt malik yeah you cannot have picked a tighter space to push oh my god yeah man good stance this is hurting oh boy it's not good this is where super spicy matt does his best work it's it's still moving all right okay it's still moving this building's not level yeah it's a building's problem oh good setup though charlie you were keeping track what am i at uh you were at nine getting in here so this is like 13 or 12. 12 or 13 yeah charlie scared me remember because you went up the ramp and it went back oh oh he's running away this hole is the worst i gotta bounce the end there oh it almost worked oh here we go andrew yeah yeah you got it i'm getting it you've got it i'm getting there don't worry careful on the green oh i'm careful and everything that's the technique nice that's a set up shot that's a good shot am i next still yep finish it just go until you get it oh [Music] it is i know i'm just saying you've been sitting here that long nice oh charlie wow nice hole that felt good footage god damn oh that's that tile for you rookie mistake oh i'm tilted now [Laughter] yeah you have to tickle her in there there we go perfect brilliant [Music] give us the rundown all right this is the final hole women's bathroom two boys [Applause] the real-time course-making around the scuba helmet nautilus into the men's bathroom you're going to feel a little more comfortable yeah your eyebrows oh i can smell the men yeah urinal a very difficult hole placement wow that's tough oh you should actually honestly go like that actually there you go all right this one's for all the ladies that have ever taken a [ __ ] oh [Music] [Applause] i almost took out the camera no you're standing right on the belt okay he's not using it though you see you see what i mean yeah stop it's a good shot oh stop [Music] all in one let's go it's easy golf is easy easy golf i just talked out there danny just saved your shot what look at this roll perfect [Applause] yeah yeah [Applause] i guess i won't hit it that way how did you guys just make it open so easy no that's a good one good shot yeah that won't work it's a good luck i like it all right matt matthews yeah in a women's room where he shouldn't be yeah men going where nice stop damn right on the line too that's not bad can you stop what the [ __ ] if you're in a good shot then maybe watch this one see oh you were in my way [Music] [Applause] i give away my secrets good shot oh oh oh that was huge good shot danny oh yeah we take those oh we're smooching oh oh good shot danny uh i might play this one safe with a setup shot i don't know how else i'm gonna do it i could take a big risk bouncing off of that bounce off my jacket as is as it doesn't go oh boy oh it's moving for you ah there she goes oh bouncer is see through no final hit daintily see you're welcome thanks oh good that's the microphone again [Applause] good [ __ ] oh i'm not going to break the diving helmet or am i he's unpredictable oh good good setup yeah that is a good setup perfect it's gotta stop though it's gotta stop no it's gotta stop [ __ ] oh fine no no bye now [Music] [Music] it's gonna use the terrain beautiful beautiful arc come on come on that's the best shot so far a little goes a long way with your tile do you do you want like grease all right watch your feet oh the toilet bowl come back out oh lord let's let's get a real-time update i take a [ __ ] this toilet i flushed it i'll take it so what i've learned is a little goes a long way look at the touch the feel oh man oh man he's got a pad right on the line that's perfect yeah you couldn't have drawn that up better i ain't bought it here i'll get an over-the-door shot oh doctor disrespect shot is the door lock dating for privacy yep okay i have stage fright so be nice [Applause] here i'll hit your ball then what do we do oh oh thank you wow thank you so are you hitting again no no that was perfect you just helped [Applause] in there we'll never know if it went in well let's just say yeah oh i think it went in those are some good shots don't [ __ ] it up charlie if i get this this will be six i think or five five or six a little goes a long way as they say was that the sound of the ball going in you think let's find out [Applause] all right who's up i'll miss 20 thoughts let's be all right that's a good one that was close you got it i hate golf you're doing just fine am i though yeah it's a wee bit slippery messing with the green eh all right step lightly the shower is going to turn on [Music] [Applause] oh all right matt bring her home there she oh first putt they're solid up and down oh nice good work good round gentlemen and shakes all around excellent all right let's go get hand sanitizer yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,937,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5kyu1wKRYjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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