Presidential Fitness Test Is For Real Men

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in elementary school and middle school there was a boogie man that left many children dead and broken and its name was the presidential fitness test it was a fitness test that could make even the most seasoned professional athletes question their faith in god must have been designed by satan himself the [ __ ] was absolutely brutal as a child it was like designed to turn children into super soldiers like captain america but i figured that now that i'm older and at least twice as powerful as an eight-year-old child i could probably tackle the presidential fitness course so i got my friends together and we decided to go through it and it was absolutely [ __ ] brutal still to this day so the first step on the path to becoming a superhero and the president is by running a mile which i haven't done probably since high school so i it's been a little while we measured out a mile in the the warehouse and we uh we were ready to get after it that's probably at least six feet right 75. nice 50 plus 75 matt what is it well the problem is that time's not equal you'd have to do 26.4 laps that sounds a little more accurate all right i think i think andrew's gonna win i don't know if i can even run that one yeah i'll try it won't be me i'm just gonna come out and say there's not a chance either of you beat me in a mile i can run jeans you don't have laces on your shoes yeah they're running shoes i've watched you pull your shorts up like eight times today that's because they were weighed down by my phone right which i will take out for the while i'm just saying from what i've seen today i thoroughly think i have the advantage so how are you how are we going to keep track just in your head but i'm sure we'll be keeping around the same pace i think that's overestimating himself all right matt you count and they'll just i'm sure stop when you're done or something no no no no we're all going to finish the presidential fitness test and be like this is a nice little like police lineup with the great behind you it's like the lines looks good these men are wanted for committing a mile all right are you guys ready to go yeah i guess are we like sprinting or oh i'm going for a good time you're shooting for the best time andrew so oh god i had a cookie i'm feeling good guys you're gonna burn out early and i'm going for endurance all right are you guys ready on your mark looking like i'm gonna sprint i haven't raised go yeah this is this is riveting that's one this is easy i'm chicken two i know charlie's cruising i don't want to do this charlie's on three that's four how are we doing i'm feeling good i'm starting to hurt a little bit but that just means i'm warming up this joint's getting into place how are you guys doing your tag team in it we're we're keeping each other going it's hard when you're in jesus man i can't even talk and when you're this handsome oh no i'm good i'm thinking okay the cogs are turning oh lord i don't [Music] [Applause] like you just finished 9 or you're on 9. i can hear i can hear charlie fading oh yeah i can't oh he's coming up on you charlie he's coming up on you you can you can walk you can walk some of it charlie hit 11. matt hit 12. it's just the frigid temperatures uh messing with my teeth and that's slowing me down a little bit once once i get my second wind to talk how are we doing good once i get this water oh it's over so that's when the turbo mode engages why am i still going this makes no sense you can't stop [Music] oh got it gotta give the old ankles some time to cool down wow i'm running so charlotte stay down stay down running is weird when you're old that's what i needed i'm back are you are you on your last lap mat yep oh the last one push it push it let's go come on oh i gotta beat him i gotta beat him come on what'd you get eight fifty oh that's pretty good what are you on charlie 20. baby all right four more so what did you get 8 50 yeah so i need to run the night time to start running again i don't think i'm getting a sub 10. but the dream's not dead yet here come on i'll run with you all right that should be good all right oh the ankles are feeling good there we go rejuvenated i can't really look my leg's very high literal years like six or seven years ago you only got to get through two more we're almost there all right two more you can do it all right come on let's see what we're at time was it's this corner it's just messing you up you got to take you got to take that corner better it's a little sleek is it in your left leg where your shoe is the size too big no no no no not that one not that one man don't blink and you might miss me i'm ready i'm taking the final corner he's almost there he's coming in the final lap here we go cross across the line oh how are we feeling post game interview i'm ready for the next uh next mile yeah nice throne thanks this is the presidential throne that was good i haven't ran in a long time but i bet you wouldn't guess it andrew how many laps do you have left uh undone wow i threw an extra lap in there all right i'm gonna put an ice pack on my leg or something i ended up going outside and puking into the storm drain not because i was exhausted just disappointed with my mild time i think is what caused it just a truly repulsive time on the mile it was well over 12 minutes or something like that and my body just couldn't handle such disappointment so i had to go puke and i felt significantly better so yeah and i think one thing that really helped me feel better was chugging some peach rings g fuel if you're interested in trying g fuel for yourself or already love g fuel make sure to use code moist at the g fuel website to get some money off your order that's code moist the g fuel for some money off all right so six pull-ups and you're the pres and you're the president yeah let's uh let's move this over what if we just reach it though what if we just pulled a tire over there i'll pull this step oh yeah there's a step ahead no you go first oh you go i want to see i think i can i'm okay oh andrew's back in the game nice all right kick the thing out from under one seat yeah you ready so i think it's supposed to be over and grip is it yeah i think so yeah that's polo ready yep oh that's good form i regret doubting you oh come out further than that and there's presidential level what's next oh i think i become like now he's just no he's just showing off oh now he's vice president is that a president yeah they go harder good work i'll stop at 15. this is absolutely my weakness if you think the president would like it we know mr biden doesn't allow chin ups all right i will take my loss like a man i like that captain knows when to go down with the ship yeah bad man come on man one more i like the last one how many is it six six six for presidential level absolutely kept on those but it's fine it's been so long like i said that's my weakness anything upper body i'm good at that a boy andrew and you're feeling it nice he wants to be the leader of the free world one more andrew one more come on come on come on push push push push nice try not to swing very good that was great push-up time i went first last time matt you go first how many am i going for if you know what's good for you 53 is apparently the standard for 17 year old boys 17 year old boys 14. now come on how old are you 26. so doing some extrapolation of data here you need to do 106 push-ups okay perfect i'll shoot for 106. all right so which form are we doing the you just said full push-ups do it your ass is high your ass is high yeah oops you're pushing up i gotta tell you i don't like what i'm seeing with that form well i know my back is perfect right now am i not going long enough he's not going low he's not hitting cheshire all right if we're doing full ones i'll do four that's the test okay then we're locking out at the top too there you go that's good maybe they do just do like half part yeah i'm telling you when you do competition push-ups they're literally here oh it's nothing nice yeah that's literally nothing i'm just going to stop i don't want to do anymore my shoulder hurts your chest isn't touching yes it is a hundred percent what's your stomach touching that's my chest you gonna try and kiss me down yeah there you go it's been touching the whole time i don't know what i'm at now though i'm in a precarious position yeah is anybody keeping track no it's at least four i think you're like thirty and six is probably like thirty if i had to guess i'll do another set in a minute who wants to be the president oh that chest isn't touching i can't i'm touching my nose that's kind of gross you slam your face into the ground i'll do another set i'll swing over matt in action stunt oh god please no whoa oh that was [ __ ] awesome matt yeah how many arrows do you have to shoot at the target for the presidential test that was only 19. take this mat damn take this drum it's a good video i've passed two out of three now matt's only passed one andrew's past one i mean in my fair or an unfairness you guys have been disqualified for not running the first round pull-ups push-ups and you can touch your toes if you touch mine i can't touch my own toes are you really yeah 100 i'm not flexible i can't do it here oh never mind i just did it oh my god andrew why my eyes yeah really it's a presidential shirt i guess you win you get the president that's your toes matt don't you um touch your toes andrew do that again i can't i don't know do it andrew go i can't come close go go go go go that's like about where i get to that's he's gearing up for the next mile uh the presidential fitness course still a very difficult course also i feel like the standards are extremely high after looking it up for 17 year old boys you were expected to do 52 continuous right angle push-ups and for a 17 year old boy expected to do i think it was 15 pull-ups i think that's a lot to be asking of a high school student but i mean if you want to be the president i guess you've got to really work for it but anyway that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,342,413
Rating: 4.9665828 out of 5
Id: UiSw0dnZ4lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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