Among Us Impostor Tier List

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👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/GoodJumper 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

"I love you Charlie, if you're here i'd suck your cock"

Actually said it

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ahpau 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good video from Charlie

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lonelyyungbanz 📅︎︎ Oct 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Who the fuck are these people

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LIVERLIPS69 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Train's arguing skills really shines on among us

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Xirree 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
this episode of liquid ladder was brought to you by gentian impact welcome to the official among us impostor tier list i was voted the best imposter in among us history by both the developers of the game god and my parents so i'm the only one qualified to make this an objectively accurate tier list for among us imposters and i'm taking the condom off i'm going to tell you right now there are going to be some feelings getting hurt here but just know the truth doesn't have feelings you deserve to be where i put you it is completely accurate so buckle down and get ready for the truth so we'll go ahead and start this is going to be an s through f tier list with the exception of having one category above s this is the mastermind mega supreme intelligence category where i alone sit on this throne i'm undefeated and ranked among us lobbies i've never even been caught in a ranked among us lobbies i literally slap all 6.5 inches of my meat across cheeks when i play ranked among us i'm a pioneer of imposter strats coming up with the signature ones you've probably heard of by now such as the afk strat where you pretend you're not playing for two rounds then you make a kill go back to pretending to be afk and no one suspects you as far as among us goes it would take someone eating every apple from the tree of knowledge to even come close to challenging my intellect as the imposter which is why i am at the top of this food chain now that you've wet yourself after that resume let's start moving down the list i'm going to start with the most popular ones first to immediately slap them on this bad boy so we're going to start with xqc when you tune into an xqc among a stream you know you're getting two things tinnitus from all of his screaming and shouting and some actual really good plays not everyone's gonna be able to appreciate xqc's playstyle because it is pretty aggressive and at times overbearing but the man's like a human polygraph and an among us lobby he can sniff out a lie from a mile away and he pounces on that [ __ ] like a hungry wild animal but when xqc's on imposter he is a virtuoso he makes some extremely smart kills he always has good alibis he makes sure that he has an entire you know [ __ ] lore set up for what he was doing in that entire round and it's always very convincing when xqc and i got imposter in the last ranked among us lobby we played it was the cleanest victory of the day i think it was like a [ __ ] 45 second round of actual gameplay he knows the ins and outs of being an imposter and what's required to throw people off his trail all this in consideration xqc sits tightly in the a tier and the only reason xqc's not in the s tier is because he doesn't recognize when a lobby is supposed to be more casual he's always extremely competitive like he's fighting to prove he's the smartest person on twitch at all times so because he doesn't dial it back for the casual lobbies he joins in sometimes the lobby will just vote him out just because they don't want it to be super serious so he becomes his own worst enemy in those cases and that's the only reason he's not asked here he's extremely good at the game very competent and playing with him even though it is extremely sweaty it is still fun i've only done it a handful of times but i did enjoy it i'd like to take a bit of a break here and see you by the fireplace and tell you about a lovely new game that just came out called ginshin impact genshin impact is a brand new exciting open world action rpg game that is available right now explore the incredible world of tavat by walking climbing swimming and gliding throughout the beautiful vistas the world presents to you take power over several natural elements to best fight dangerous foes with the exciting elemental combat system are you going up against pyro enemies bust out your hydro character to best take care of that problem that's right not only is the game beautiful it's also incredibly fun level up your characters by completing exciting story quests or you can even team up with friends to engage in even more exhilarating gameplay options receive exciting game launch rewards by playing now there's lots of rewards up for grabs to further grow and expand your characters so if you're interested in playing genjin impact you can find it for pc at the link below in the description or it's also on ps4 and ios and android devices so definitely feel free to check it out if you're looking for a brand new adventure in a nice wonderful new world so yeah now moving on to disguised toast disguise toast is to among us what mike tyson was to boxing a reputation that extends well beyond the sport that they're in this guy's toast is like the boogeyman of among us he's [ __ ] scary to even think about being in the same lobby with because if you're imposter you know you're not going to pull a fast one over toast you have to either head hunt him immediately or get extremely lucky that he's deciding not to call you out because it's like playing against an actual super computer this guy's toast on crewmate is extremely smart he always knows who the imposter is at all times i feel like he's [ __ ] aim-botting or something toggling on knowledge but when he's imposter god damn it disguise toast he'll kill you in front of the whole group and then convince the group that it was actually just a suicide he is really smart with his kills and he's really really great at wiggling wiggling himself out of a tough corner as imposter this guy's toast this is an easy s tier even when he's not taking it seriously which i don't really see him do too much anymore anyway he's still right on point with everything he does in the game he's a well-oiled [ __ ] machine now moving on to train wrecks another massive name in the among us scene right now and for good reason train wrecks is like an actual prolific writer when it comes to his imposter stories he's like the stephen king of imposters when he does rarely erase suspicion when he's on imposter he's able to construct this elaborate story about what he was doing that round with some passing that makes so much sense and then he's able to make compelling arguments against the other players in the lobby so then they start fighting each other he just turns this entire thing on its head and has mutiny arise in the lobby where then all of a sudden they forget train wrecks was ever even a suspect it's like he's able to hit the entire lobby with this minion black neuralizer where they just totally forget train wrecks was ever even around any bodies or anything at all so this is an easy one train wrecks in my opinion definitely asked here no no doubt about that next up is pewdiepie felix has the worst luck when it comes to getting imposter and among us we've played cumulatively probably like nine or ten hours of among us together and i think i've only seen him on imposter two maybe three times and of those two or three times i know for a fact he's won twice because this [ __ ] [ __ ] always left me alive until the end had me vouch for him and then goes against what i say and then votes me off or some [ __ ] in the end and then wins so felix is making it like real personal here like it's hard for me like i view him as like a raid boss of an imposter when he's in the lobby with me like if he's imposter i know i'm probably gonna lose because i can never say it's felix because felix either dies immediately like he goes into the round has a [ __ ] heart attack and dies as the first death or he makes it to the end he's the imposter and i've already vouched for him and then i get betrayed so i'm just going to go ahead and slap felix at a b tier imposter here his achilles heel is just [ __ ] rng he never gets imposter so i haven't seen enough from it all i know is that when he's imposter my cheeks are gonna get slapped around and just confused but yeah just because he never gets impostor i haven't seen enough of it to raise him on the tier list which isn't his fault moving on jacksepticeye my [ __ ] boy sean sean on imposter is always impressively deceitful he's able to constantly garner the trust of the whole lobby through like these totally isolated kills that he does early on and then spends the rest of the round with the whole group so that way no one ever suspects that it's sean he's able to find people that just go out on their own to jerk off near a vending machine on one of the maps and kill them and then go back to the group so you never know how fresh the kill is and since most people assume a body is new they just immediately write off sean because they he spent the last like [ __ ] three minutes with the group faking tasks or just being near them and watching so they never really think it's shawn who branched off and got the kill he's really good at that i'd say that's his definite signature play style and it's really effective when sean gets imposter he rarely gets caught the in fact most of the time sean gets caught it's based off of just [ __ ] around where we're doing like speed run where we're just shouting out names and going full caveman and voting off of it i rarely does sean ever actually get caught in lies or caught red-handed so sean to me is definitely an a tier on the among us imposter tier list and i think it could be asked here if he got it more often but again it's pretty rare for sean to get imposter from the games we've played next up is valkyrie valkyrie i always think is imposter when she's crewmate and never suspect her when she actually is imposter she always is like super passionate about the info she's dumping out there in the lobby and it always makes sense you're like well [ __ ] you can kind of see that she's telling the truth based on how she's saying it so she's able to convey this level of like authenticity to everything she says which makes it really hard to figure out when she's imposter and when she is imposter she's [ __ ] vicious when it comes to weaknesses in a story like if i say something that all like kind of doesn't make sense she attacks that [ __ ] like it's the weak spot on a [ __ ] rpg boss she goes in on that and turns the whole lobby against you then all of a sudden you're questioning your own story like [ __ ] i guess valkyrie was right maybe i am the imposter even though you're totally [ __ ] innocent here just a totally normal boy scout doing your [ __ ] tasks the only thing valkyrie does on imposter that sometimes gets her [ __ ] over is she takes these extremely risky kills like she'll be making some kind of statement like she'll head hunt somebody and just execute them in front of the whole classroom to see and that sometimes you know isn't the best play to make because then she'll get called out and voted off pretty early for that but overall i think valkyrie sits comfortably in the a tier moving on now we're going to corpse corpse in among us is just genuinely terrifying corpse's voice is enough to inspire fear in the whole lobby where no one really wants to say anything against him because his voice is just so incredibly powerful it's like everything he says has to be true and like this wave of both fear and respect washes over you as the player in the lobby corpse gets imposter more times than anyone i've ever played with and wins more as imposter than anyone i've ever seen he's always able to completely throw people to somebody else by picking apart even the most minute inconsistencies in someone else's story during his impostor round and nobody ever really questions corpse he has a signature move where he kills and instantly self-reports and just randomly picks somebody to accuse and since it's corpse they just believe his accusation it's incredible corpse has admitted he's the impostor during a lobby and people just don't believe him he can kill you and then convince you that it wasn't him that killed you this is an easy s tier for me corpse definitely in the s tier next up is some ordinary gamers mudahar mudahar is as andrew put it an idiot savant mudahar gets absolutely no part of his accusations accurate with what somebody actually did that round but the actual core accusation who he's accusing is always the imposter he has this like sixth sense where he knows who the imposter is but can never get anything accurate about why they're the imposter he just somehow always knows and doesn't even know himself why he knows but that's not him as the imposter mutahar is the imposter is not the best in the world but it's all it's probably the most entertaining mudahar i feel just immediately kills when it's off cooldown he'll just kill you like in the middle of a hallway where there's three people coming up that just watched him run by and mudahar has this tell where he just doesn't talk when he's imposter whereas in every other round he is extremely talkative so i mean he's not the best imposter in the world but definitely one of the most entertaining mudahar i'm going to put in at the seat here and while we're down here playing in the kiddie pool at the sea tier i'll go ahead and add another entry into this tier it's going to be jackson of podcast moist meter and the tier series that jackson yeah he's not great he's imposter he'll make some really smart kills but the second someone even suspects him he has no defense he just rolls over and shows his [ __ ] like if someone's like well i saw jackson go over kind of near the body he's like nope i disagree then you'll have two other people be like no but jackson you were going that way and he just keeps saying no i disagree so he's you know he's too honest he's just he's too honest of a boy to be a great imposter but he makes some good plays sometimes but unfortunately i have to do my boy jackson a little dirty and plop him here into the seat here next up is pokeymane i've only played with her one time and i think she got imposter three times in a row and then never again but in those three games she went on a little bit of a rampage in one of them where she clutched out a big [ __ ] dubski so i don't have a whole lot to go on i don't have a whole deep analysis like a john madden type deal for pokemane but based off of those like three impostor games she got back to back to back she did pretty well especially in one of them so i'm just going to go ahead and go with b tier for the same reason as felix i just don't have enough data as from her as an imposter to go any deeper than that so pokemane sitting comfortably to beat here next up is michael reeves again i've only played with michael one time and i think it was his first time ever touching a goddamn computer game judging by what was happening with our game michael reeves would like [ __ ] sprint into walls and then talk about how he was reading like game facts tutorials on how sabotaging worked so he'd basically just tell you that he was learning imposter as he was playing imposter so michael reeves i imagine just chalking up being brand new to the game he wasn't you know a superstar but by the end of the stream i played with him he really did get the hang of it he'd kill me and then vent across the map convince everyone he was there the whole time so he made some big plays as he got his dick wet in the game so i definitely think he has a lot of potential to grow but just from that day of playing with him i'm gonna go ahead and slap him as well into the sea tear he also every time someone would talk about a body he'd start laughing about it and like smile like no it wasn't me so you know he wasn't out there for the you know the sweat of it he was out there just for the fun of it and that's what really matters but objectively as an imposter michael he's sitting at a c tier next up into the thunderdome is summit 1g summit 1g plays the game extremely laid back and relaxed at all times so it makes it very hard to know when he's imposter and when he's not because he's still just as relaxed about everything then you know he'll be like yeah i was yawning or something like that you're like oh that makes sense you know that sounds about right and then it turns out he's the imposter and you've just had your ass spread for you he's very convincing just because of how laid back he is the one time we were imposters together we were just so in sync reading each other's mind we got a nice double kill to start the round off and then suspicion was thrown everywhere but on to us and it just cascaded like that because he plays it very laid back i'm not typically just going [ __ ] wild into the mic either so it worked really well him being just so relaxed in his play style makes him very hard to read i'm plopping summit 1g at an a tier imposter moving on to nogla nogla is just another player that's so well-rounded at every aspect of this game if he's trying to win he's probably going to win on either crewmate or imposter like this guy he's got it [ __ ] figured out he can absolutely mess around and just throw games for fun but when he's actually like putting on that brain power hopping into cerebro and reading some minds he is all over this [ __ ] nogla at all aspects of the game is super [ __ ] good but on impostor specifically he makes some really good calls and some really convincing arguments against totally innocent people where the people he accused just start backing down because it's just so overwhelming i'm putting no glitter nest here next up is ludwig ludwig's got a big [ __ ] brain this man was an english major he'll toss out words you could only dream of figuring out when he's imposter his plan is simple confuse everybody else he'll just toss around words like bloviating and [ __ ] like that randomly he'll just say sarcophagus like it's impossible to get a read on this guy he makes good calls on imposter vince away he just plays the game very fundamentally sound he's not a superstar he's not going wild out there making some you know espn top plays moments but he's methodical he's consistent and he's impossible to pin just because of his large lexicon of words his vernacular is nothing shy of impressive i'm putting this boy at an a tier moving on now to hug bees andrew andrew is new to the game but he's really getting the handle on it super quickly he doesn't get imposter overly often but when he does he either makes the most of it or immediately [ __ ] himself in his own ass andrew will like to strike very quickly and if he gets anywhere caught or even close to suspected he kind of just rolls over on it he makes a lot of you know growing pain mistakes where he'll lock doors in front of his own [ __ ] face with a body behind him so he's got he's got room to grow but he absolutely does make some incredible clutches and really is popping off recently so i'm going to go ahead and put android a b tier with room to climb up the tier list as he keeps continuing lily picchu's next lily pichu i've only played with once and she got imposter a lot of times in a row and i think she just got [ __ ] tired of being imposter could she just wildly kill and be like yeah it just wasn't me but when she was buckling down and really striving for the championship cup lily was making some pretty impressive plays i saw her vint one time and that wasn't enough evidence to convict her because she just sounds so sincere when she's like no that wasn't me and that works really well if you're able to convey passion and sincerity even when you're lying that's a talent so that definitely panned out well lily got a couple wins off of just that tactic right there she even betrayed michael reeves trust right to his face just absolutely wiped her ass with it and won the game off of it so she was vicious and for that and just because i don't have a whole ton of data i'm placing lily pichu at a b tier next up is corey kinshin corey kinshin in the entirety of the games we played together would pretty much immediately nail who the imposters were based off of so little evidence it was incredibly impressive but on imposter everyone was always skeptical of corey until it was towards the end of the game corey was really great at garnering a lot of trust based off of these totally accurate accusations from his crew game so when he did get imposter and he tossed out another accusation people were like [ __ ] well i mean he's got to be right again because he was right the other [ __ ] 300 times so corey on impostor was pretty fearsome but he didn't get it very much when we played together so i'm just gonna go ahead and put corey at a b tier here just because i didn't see a whole ton of imposter gameplay but the ones i did see i'm pretty sure he won them next up is t payne yes that t-pain t-pain is a veteran among us player who transcends the tier list i can't even put t-pain in this [ __ ] standard tier list he's just well above and beyond that i'm putting t-pain in his own category which is just a legend i don't think i need to expand on why he's in that category fun to play with beelines his tasks even at the cost of his own life he is very task oriented as a crewmate professional crewmate when he's imposter he goes absolutely wild it turns into a real maniac next up is gb gb is the most common collected player in among us she only gives out information and only really answers questions when they're asked of her it's really smart as the imposter because she's never throwing out accusations she's only giving factually accurate information that never really seems to pin anything on anyone so no one's ever like jibby's trying to get somebody out she must be the imposter it's very smart and she never really goes super deep into things where she starts over explaining herself it's just yep i was here they were there they were with me this [ __ ] happens like she's reading a history textbook it's really smart so gb typically does well as imposter but i haven't seen her imposter too many times it's just the ones i have seen her on she's done well with i'm just gonna go with a beat here just because again the data set is incomplete next up is hassan and i've only seen hasan on imposter a couple of times and the only ones that i can remember off the top of my head he went for these like ginormous dick plays where he'd take like this extremely risky kill and then bank it all on his ability to talk himself out of the corner that he was pushed in like when somebody saw hassan do the kill or knows it was hassan coming from that direction where the body was found they throw us on against the lockers and then start throwing the accusations out and then he'll just try and turn it around that it was the other person who did it and just go for like a 50 50 like look it was this guy but just vote me out and vote this guy out so he just tries to throw everything on someone that accused him of it so he just hits him with the no you defense and i've seen it work he did it he has had it work in his favor before but i've also seen that crash and burn quite a couple times as well so i'm just going to put hassan safely at a b-tier imposter at the moment next one is lyric so lyric i think i only saw lyric on imposter a single time in the game we played together and he got so [ __ ] unlucky with one of his kills i don't remember exactly what happened but i remember lyric had like committed a kill and then ran over the body like trampled it and somebody called him out on it and he just kind of just joked around about the whole thing so i think lyric just is there for a good time which means a lot to me because i mean among us is just supposed to be fun in the first place just sweating about it's not the most fun in the world just kicking back goofing off i think that's what it's all about and lyric on imposter during that round that i can recall definitely was fun and i know for a fact he did win another one actually so i did see him on more than one i'm just going to go ahead and put lyric at b tier regardless and now on to the final entry into the tier list now keep in mind there's plenty more that i wanted to put on the tier list but just it's getting to be an extremely long video already i want to finish this off with the granddaddy of among us the founder basically of among us even more important to among us than the developers themselves sodapoppin so sodapoppin basically brought this in front of the classroom and pulled its pants down and showed everyone the glory of among us so so i think sodapoppin also deserves his own category on this tier list not only is it extremely fun when he plays it because he's not trying his hardest to win but he really did bring everyone's attention to this game and now so many people have fallen in love with it so it's a big thank you to sodapoppin for that that's going to be the end of the tier list here just know that all of these are 100 accurate based on scientific data collected by me and yeah that's about it see ya
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Views: 4,719,208
Rating: 4.9317145 out of 5
Id: YU3RZhigyqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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