EDP445 Situation

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i'm sure by now many of you have at least heard of the edp 445 situation that sounds like some kind of [ __ ] call of duty zombies easter egg but for those that don't know edp 445 stands for eat that [ __ ] he was a big youtuber he had a huge online presence and this week he was accused and with a lot of evidence backing it of being a pedophile and with video evidence him showing up to a meeting place where he believed he was meeting with a 13 year old that was actually set up in very similar style to like a chris hanson investigation by a youtuber predator poachers that name actually is shared by other people who hunt predators but today this was done by one person or one group in particular and that person the big face behind it is not a good person at all and that's why i wanted to do this little intro here because i want to make it clear that there's no heroes in this story you can't root for the person behind the investigation of edp they did a good thing but they're a [ __ ] person the main guy behind predator poacher has had a lot come out about him recently showing his prank calls to a blm hotline where he just says the n-word he said the n word hard r multiple times believes he's like an edgy troll but his trolling is just saying the inward epic prank and he's just not someone that i can really appreciate the work of but he and his group were the ones that broke this story on edp who is a very bad person as well who with all of this evidence coming forward which is pretty damning have put together this whole case against edp 445 and today i watched it all on twitch streamed it with the community so that way we could all be caught up on the internet lore together i've heard it's really bad so yeah the general gist of it edp 445 a huge youtuber very popular youtuber i personally wasn't super familiar with his work i'd always heard his name though stands for eat the pussy445 so this came out a day ago which was to hype this up i think this is only reading text messages and this is when he actually showed up this is the only thing i've seen this guy has a [ __ ] up past like even on this channel apparently some videos that are still up from streams where he'd call blm and drop the n word to them or something like he'd call organizations supporting blm and just start dropping the n-word or some [ __ ] like this guy is not a good guy so everybody go subscribe right now go subscribe and uh if you want to see the full chat message i'm sorry to interrupt again another thing the reason this video took so long for them to put out is because he wanted to wait for it to get full monetization so that's why he kept hyping it up and the reason why he kept pushing it back because it wouldn't get full ads on it so this guy's kind of a real piece of [ __ ] if i'm being honest like he does a good thing in the worst possible way and show interest who starts a conversation like that you're old so what what a talk dropped a mean ass [ __ ] man they say [ __ ] chivalry is dead this guy is suave now that is how you flirt that's a good line for tinder i'd say if you guys need any help on like your game take notes from edp dropped a mean ass [ __ ] and then send an audio message do i have to go to the other ones in order to he sent a picture of his [ __ ] no [ __ ] all right hold on does it we're gonna have to keep going back and forth this is gonna be like an mla formatted [ __ ] research paper here with citations for these text messages if i want to see them uncensored do i have to go to this stream for more people so do i have to like cross-reference the uncensored versions with the the stream here i can't show a picture of literal [ __ ] on twitch but i need to confirm whether or not he sent a [ __ ] a [ __ ] pic that's very bold just ordered some pizza about to [ __ ] this [ __ ] up pizza sounds good hell yeah i'm about to annihilate that [ __ ] okay he sent a picture of his [ __ ] dropped a mean ass [ __ ] and it's a full loaf this man he's sending [ __ ] pics and that is not a healthy [ __ ] that's very runny there's no solid foundation of the stool that is alarming considering he just annihilated a pepperoni chicken pizza he also sent his dick yeah but that's not nearly as cool as a [ __ ] pic edp was breaking new grounds they were only just starting to talk it had been two days i think and then he hits her with drop a mean ass [ __ ] and then sends a picture of his toilet bowl with poopy in it yeah i'd show the other video but i'm worried of how many pictures of [ __ ] he might have sent like what the [ __ ] is this hi how are you good how are you good just having lunch what did you eat tacos that's cool what are you doing just got done beating my [ __ ] now watching youtube oh yeah i just had some tacos also just beat the [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] what are you doing yeah he sent a picture of his actual unedited [ __ ] he didn't even put like a cute little emoji over it so i'm a little concerned to show it i think we're right here i how is this possible i just went to a random point in here how's the bathroom trip going going great i'm [ __ ] this [ __ ] up are you sure he only sends one [ __ ] pic like it seems like that's all they talked about was him [ __ ] i went a little too far i skipped ahead in the lore i was at 14 minutes not 20. i accidentally spoiled chapter two here it seems i like this part relax i'm not a weirdo or anything when literally five days ago he sent a picture of his actual [ __ ] in a toilet no no no we're doing both videos the only reason i'm going back and forth is because these are censored and i want to understand how we got here oh he seems bothered that she's 13 but then for some reason continues to talk oh okay here we go so he has like a realization here not enough to go to jail over okay okay so how does he continue to like fall for this then i was eating a corn dog today and the [ __ ] burned the roof of my mouth i spit that [ __ ] out so fast uh all right it's just a little psa don't take pictures like this these kind of pics just never really work it's just kind of a weird pick make sure you get some good flattering angles you don't need to put like a ton of thought into it but just enough to know where it doesn't look like you're crawling under someone's bed where are you ticklish on my back and stomach if you ever want something for me and you want it the easiest way would be to tickle me okay i i hope you don't tickle me that's my weakness if edp was a boss battle tickling would be his weak spot that'd be your dps phase one of these days i'm gonna surprise you put my hands over your eyes and be like guess who that's like the worst surprise ever that'd be like the last way i'd wanna be introduced to somebody oh this is so [ __ ] weird i want your first kiss to be enjoyable this really does remind me of to catch a predator like the chat logs that they'd show so he was like super into nibbling on her ear and being tickled and [ __ ] started talking about sex and then here he had a realization like that's [ __ ] illegal and wrong and bad and now we're caught up no we're not oh my god this is still not it cute little fingers oh how did this okay what how did this happen literally like five sentence or not five like ten messages ago he's like this is bad can't do it we can be friends cute fingers by the way so you want to have sex i can go easy of course nah edp doesn't go easy he goes ultra nightmare mode there's no slowing down there man's just a [ __ ] machine i honestly enjoy doing what my youtube name says uh eating the [ __ ] yeah munching down on those beef curtains baby yeah there you go edp what's the 445 just a random number i chose nothing to the meaning definitely has meaning now i think the 445 absolutely has meaning the amount of years he'll spend in jail well probably not you guys i didn't know this i learned this the other day you guys remember jared fogle the guy who had like 15 quadrillion quable bites worth of child porn on his computer as well as like openly admitting to abusing kids you know he only got 13 years in jail did you know that i thought he got life imprisonment this man had so much child porn they had to invent a new way of measuring how much he had and he only got 13 years in jail this had to be like a full-time job texting this guy putting in nine to five hours here on the text messenger can't wait to hug you and kiss you on the lips on the cheek on the neck and i'd kiss and taste you down there the vagina ah the old fahina man edp really does just have a way with words i love the kiss and lick the top of the foot i love the toes actually huh so i can lick and suck your boobs pretty incredible how does it feel pretty incredible to be honest the nipples get hard and really sensitive i'm telling you this is a lie edp went full fanfic here he didn't [ __ ] a school teacher he didn't suckle on her nipples this this doesn't sound like anything a school teacher would say i'm gonna i'm gonna know more about edp's [ __ ] life than his therapist does there's so many text messages for a virgin the vagina is tight ah here we go getting a health ed course from edp the man who just sent a picture of his [ __ ] basically when intercourse happens the penis is stretching open the vagina and forcing those muscles to temporarily stretch apart from one another that's where the pain comes from ah yes she should have quizzed him and what exactly does the potassium pump do in the body edp you seem very knowledgeable on anatomy and physiology can you complete my homework you use the wrong form of your edp some teacher you are your body is full of excitement and anticipation you're wrong you're again your body i'd anticipating the sex poetic shakespearean in fact i also like role play hey that's where you dress up and pretend to be chris hanson arresting me to big fetish my cute-ass little baby girl [Laughter] how many days have passed since he said we can only be friends this is illegal this is bad this will [ __ ] me up if it ever got out i can't do this and then he immediately goes into babe babe let me suckle your nipples man he's he really knows what to say i ran out of toilet paper while taking a [ __ ] at the auntie's house hey now i'm starting to get a little hot and bothered if i'm being honest this guy is just smooth the amount of times he's told me about his shits that he's taken sent me a picture of his [ __ ] how can i not start to fall in love you know what i mean such a sassy little [ __ ] i i love it come to your house climb through your window and kiss your cute ass passionately that's the only solution all right climbing in like the the tooth fairy but instead of leaving money under the pillow he leaves a little kiss a little nibble on the ear maybe suckle on the toes a bit whoa what the [ __ ] handcuff you throw you in the back of my car and bring you back to my dungeon that got really intense super quick what's brewing if i'm being honest it's that i can't wait to feel how tight your vagina is [ __ ] is really hard that's how it gets when guys get horny he's really gone in hard now he's [ __ ] firing in the turbo boosters here before it was like oh i can't wait to just put my hands over your eyes and say hello surprise right into [ __ ] how tight is that [ __ ] my rock hard dick is about to burst oh you even have me jerking off damn you he's shaking his fist in the air while he's jerking off in a god damn you [ __ ] why have you done this oh okay hold on i just i just read that uh let me just make sure there's nothing there hold on i'm not taking any chances here oh he actually sent his [ __ ] oh god what is happening he's going wild in the text messages now [ __ ] he's busting nuts twice in a single text string a string lord i'm gonna come i'm gonna send it on instagram it's not letting me send videos here what the [ __ ] that's come babe i hope he like came into a glass or something or like a petri dish and stirs it around like a whole lesson ah madam this is splooge also known as semen many other names basically whenever it feels so good to the point where i can't take it anymore that's what happens yes the milk the cream holy [ __ ] you aren't kidding this is really like [ __ ] bad and then the fact that he actually shows up this is actually horrible oh no he's becoming self-aware he starts to recognize like [ __ ] these these could actually be screenshotted oh and then from that concern immediately back into like playing the health teacher i know your body is growing and starting to develop that's why i agreed to this i want to be your first little cute ass i want to bend you over my table and oh i just want to throw you on my bed and lick you up oh what the [ __ ] this is worse than like 50 shades of grey writing and that shit's horrible they un-ironically use the term like sodden panties in that book what do you think about that i like that conclusion as if you just dropped the mic yes i wanna [ __ ] your [ __ ] butthole i wanna [ __ ] your [ __ ] so what do you think will you invest in my company like it's shark tank that's probably the face he made when he went to meet her in person and it was just two dudes with a camera that's probably the exact face he wore right there it's like a youtube shocked thumbnail of course real vaginas don't produce lube has he is he a virgin it's not like vaginas are just dry it's not like sticking your [ __ ] into like sandpaper maybe he just means like it doesn't produce astroglide or something like a specific lube brand like they don't have like a it's not like spider-man's webs like in the amazing spider-man where it's like put new web slingers in there for vaginal lube but vaginas actually do get lubricated themselves they're like a self-lubricating apparatus really kiss your daddy good night sleep tight princess [Laughter] so he this is when he finally started to believe this could all be a [ __ ] setup as if there had there wasn't an entire [ __ ] three seasons of an extremely popular show all about this exact same thing even being fully aware of this very real possibility for yeah literally for like the ten thousandth time in this conversation yeah i guess every time he busted a nut he started to realize this could all be [ __ ] fake in a setup but then after post not clarity faded away he went right back to the let me suck your [ __ ] toes and take a [ __ ] he doesn't want to be let's go have a talk right there okay okay can we give him a lav mic so we get better audio let's let's really go in here put this on edp coming out here okay go ahead oh i was actually coming out here to pick up a cupcake and then go back home oh okay um there was do they do they sell cupcakes in this driveway because oh okay so you should title the video instead of you know your video almost three hands with a 13 year old you should title your video almost with a 13 year old i think that'll get a lot of hits edp i think so yeah oh so this is you good one so he's got like a whole little okay the routine prepared what made you so you initiated conversation with a 13 year old knowing she was 13. yes or no correct okay so is that a good the guy in the background is trying so hard to seem like he's not listening you've been exposed for this before correct and you called them but this is damning right this is i had to make sure myself do you recognize me no okay i had to make sure myself well that didn't really work you don't have the chris hanson prestige yet me and my friend you know who i am nope hilarious man okay that hurt well i don't understand why why are you attracted to like 13 years like why are you attracted to underage that's a good question yes why do you like children in one of the asking the hard-hitting questions you've always wanted to be with someone younger are you cops what goes through your head they should have rehearsed a little bit like what they want to ask what goes on so why are you a pedophile there's loneliness dude do what chris hansen does he does a really good job with interviews let me get let me because we're not like that we're not like yeah we're not attractive bro come on man you know exactly no we're attracted to female or our own age dude let this be known let this be known i am not so what are you wearing hey not a pedophile a guy that is but we can afford this the cops because absolutely most definitely this is not your first time either right right this is absolutely whoa this is actually this actually is my first time you just had it once yeah that was that second that was a bit rough on that one edp first time was you've done this before yes um by me no though yeah so now as far as the whole fantasy goes you know what i mean let's be real okay you know what i mean like what what does that mean it's not saying you know what i mean you don't know what you mean full fantasies that's what i mean okay so i'm not calling you the keyword if you know what i'm talking about look at these screenshots yeah but you know what i mean you do fantasize about females under the age of 16 yes or no sometimes yes okay what are you doing holy [ __ ] about a 13 year old correct yes or no okay holy [ __ ] this is [ __ ] rough holy [ __ ] i know but you said earlier it was your first time okay oh my god so we'll get to that so you said so 13 is the fantasy like for me okay 18 i think there's hot 18 year olds i wouldn't do anything with a 17 year old right but there's hot 17 year olds but i don't go yeah when i see a 17 year old just like i can't do it like it's just not right what do you what are you going on about maybe about seven months ago this is just an extremely long confession he doesn't he's not fighting any of this what what was it that you that made you realize holy [ __ ] example is a bad analogy you know like if there's a there's a hot 19 year old into me i'm like oh awesome but if there's like i shouldn't say there's such thing as a hot 12 year old but if there's a 12 year old into me a 13 year old jesus christ so so what makes it okay for you to come here it doesn't make any sense i'm just being honest with you but like why would you send it to a 13 year old like that proves that you were turned on by it well he said that a million times we know that because because you were you were hard when you were doing obviously yes or no he said that millions of times i read it what are you gonna do when you came here i felt like i knew his [ __ ] pretty well by the end of those messages honestly chris hansen did it very well chris hansen was a beautiful weapon against pedophiles but youtubers are not like the only reason this video even surfaced is because they were finally able to get full ads on it if this video never got ads this wouldn't even come out they would have just let it ride or let it die they really just in it for like views to exploit bad people like edp this one seems staged okay i can tell you this one is definitely not staged because his entire youtube career has ended this one is definitely not one of those fake ones i can i can assure you of that like even the interview is it's not even an interview the questions are so you're a pedophile why i also like hot girls but if they're 17 it's like they're hot but you know i can't do that it's like what are you [ __ ] talking about like you should have just taken chris hansen's script you know not this did they call the cops that's what i don't know like i don't know if they even get law enforcement involved if you take their word for it they do but i i don't know i don't know enough about them so i i couldn't tell you yes or no i would hope so like if they went through all this effort did a full investigation and didn't give it to authorities they should also be at some level responsible for like endangering minors to allow someone like that to continue doing their [ __ ] so i would think that it would go to law enforcement at some point but this isn't the first miner you've talked to before correct right and there was more than one minor holy [ __ ] this summer i've had i've had all these females reach out to me about you and you know first i was like okay attention honestly i was but then i see more and more and more and i see you saying if anybody finds out about this oh what a good way of looking at that hey i was uh manipulated and abused by this guy attention [ __ ] of how many miners you talk to like you know obviously it's been five so after five what would you say the number is six six six miners name them um holy [ __ ] is he just making this up because he's like actively making everything worse i feel like he's just making up names like real talk man obviously you didn't go with the f because you're talking to a 13 year old i believe you did know her age before yesterday which one this is unreal right now about the cameo oh you're in the camera right he's the one where you talked about the boyfriend gets you up for the cameo i'll send you privacy probably 14 maybe 15 i'm not sure seeing this really makes me appreciate chris hanson's work even more can you explain why you find her attractive but i was just trying to i guess i never even stopped to consider how hard it must be to do something like this this is so long for no reason they're saying nothing they're not actually interviewing himself in all these situations okay i'm just gonna skip a little bit do you guys mind if i skip a little bit this is this is really bad like i thought it was last time you're soliciting child photos from this girl that's another charge you know that right do you know how many charges you did here today three more than a minute what you you counted them like pokemon cards three three charges collecting them all two counts of graphic photos you asked for graphic photos from this girl and you came here to engage in sexual activity with a 13 year old hold on this is like an actual question like this this is actually hitting him with something actually something misdemeanors they're not in france let me see where this goes they're fellings so then they're so you are we were also a little bit submissive to her yes or no so you were a little bit submissive to her yes or no do you like being do you have a fantasy so you did it you fantasize about 13 year olds yesterday okay do you also this guy's like the only guy that's actually trying to go somewhere with this what about a 13 year old and you have the audacity to say please don't do this are you serious you're you we should be asking you please don't do this to miners i mean he's like that guy or the girl in game of thrones walking out the bells shame shame he's department a friend right now yeah he's at the apartment well yeah he needs to get picked up right now what are you panicking for he's clearly calling a friend to get the [ __ ] out of there he's trying to get extracted from the mission okay please please please come quick he's calling he's calling it looks like he's calling some backup okay oh this guy sucks looks like he's calling some backup so be sure to subscribe to the channel turn on your notifications we have a ton of new viewers it will help us a ton we flew i knew there was going to be a subscriber call to action so be sure to uh yeah i knew that was coming okay so that is [ __ ] rough that was a lot worse than i thought it'd be edp got [ __ ] blasted yeah the investigation i think was a very good thing done by very bad people i did also see this one the things this guy says are really bad like racist all kinds of horrible [ __ ] from this guy and a lot of people have taken note of it but not everyone i i don't think this guy should be gaining so many subs for this [ __ ] he did a good thing and he tried his best to make a lot of money off it and capitalize on it constantly calling for subscribe actions refusing to post the video till it has full ads so i think the guy sucks but what he did was good and when he's talking to this guy in particular he keeps talking about how so i'll break it down the guy here is suicidal he gets caught and he starts talking about how he's suicidal he's tried to kill himself a couple of times and in response this guy says you can't kill yourself because you're jewish that be a hate crime what do you some kind of jewish nazi and then just keeps he keeps saying that for like five minutes like that's his whole joke he has like a little stand-up routine about why this guy shouldn't kill himself because he's jewish it's it's horrible i actually before finishing this up i do want to look them up one more time they claim that they've done this before and the chat has told me that they've had people arrested i want to see that okay let me just immediately show you why i doubt that these guys actually care and are doing this for a good cause just going to their website this is the first thing before you get anything else you get payment plans this is [ __ ] up so now where can i find out their track record have they actually gotten bad people off of the streets or do i have to pay to get that information holy [ __ ] making merch for hunting pedophiles that's so weird what does that merch even consist of it's gonna be like one of those like cool dad shirts like i'm a veteran i didn't fight in wars for you to look at my daughter i'll put you in the ground it's gonna be like one of those i hunt pedophiles for views on youtube or for money on youtube excuse me at least so at least anxiety war i do know the channel at least they seem to actually want to do something good and being successful is just it came with the the turf forum like chris hanson though i wouldn't really compare anxiety war to chris hansen but what i'm saying is at least they seem to be in it for a good reason and there's also no information on the site except for buying things i just wanted to know do they have any proof that their investigations and this content they've made has actually gotten anyone arrested put away off the streets anything a lot of you said that they did so i'm just wondering where you found that information who wouldn't want to walk around with a shirt that says predator poacher hunter's club that'd be pretty cool ah so the first thing that comes up when i look this up vigilante investigation creates issues for prosecuting cases talking about the predator poachers ah wonderful there's not a lot that the police can do to sanitize a bad bad investigation from a legal perspective so they actively made it difficult to prosecute a pedophile they're doing the opposite of helping yes here's the main difference something i talk about things like to catch a predator is done in collaboration with the law enforcement so that way it's done in the right way so that they can actually face legal ramifications okay so here's a positive one i don't know if this is the same group because the guy behind it asked to be uncredited and unnamed which does not sound like the predator poacher guy at all but uh a vigilante predator hunter got two people arrested and one of the charges stuck i don't think this is the same group though because the guy explicitly asked to not be named whereas this guy wants all of the limelight possible for as much money as possible so i don't even know if that's the same guy but if it is something has really changed along the way that was in march of last year yeah the benefit here is as opposed to the other ones edp was a public figure that was preying on children so even if he doesn't get any legal charges which i think the evidence is there that should work even if he doesn't he's now lost the platform where he was preying on kids so that in and of itself is a good thing i would normally agree with that no bud but the thing is he was using his public platform to prey on people so he should be publicly shown in this light so that way people can avoid him i think that is very much the right way of handling this case in particular to make it all public i don't think anyone's sympathizing with the predator it's really just a matter of the person who caught the predator is so unlikable that you can't help but mention it when talking about the story i really don't think there's anyone on edp's side everything he said and did is deplorable but when you have the guy who caught the predator saying like quickly get here he's calling for backup you can't help but be like holy [ __ ] not only is the pedophile evil but this guy is also evil like you know what i mean it's it's hard to just focus on one guy when they're both bad
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 11,026,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eMKjfbIPAtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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