Fruit Tier List

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i'll be honest i don't know why this tier list was so highly requested but a tier list of fruit is by far one of the biggest requests we've had for a tier list and we listen to you guys if you want to blast our ass with the fruit tearless requests we're going to tap in and we're going to listen because we're here for you to deliver tier lists on [ __ ] that you care about so you can have scientifically backed accurate data so that way you know where all these things rank objectively anything else that deviates from our tier list is of course wrong provably wrong disgustingly revoltingly wrong so let's take a look at fruit and see which are the best in which are the worst i've been munching on these grapes all week these are high quality grapes you're gonna like these a lot do you prefer red or green grapes red yeah my man all right it's still nice and firm not squishy yeah those are those are yeah like break the knife oh yeah ready for this it's a juicy grape full of flavor it's an easy ass tear i mean obviously we knew going into it we can squeeze in fact when you thought oh it was like a gusher when you thought there wouldn't be grapes involved you said you had to start the video by telling people that grapes are asked here so yeah in a surprise to literally zero people in the world grapes are an easy s tear if you think grapes are anything less than amazing then something must have gone awry in your life to lead you to such a awful opinion and being objectively wrong with that opinion as well the only creatures on this planet that might not like grapes or have a reason to not like them are dogs because they're poisonous to dogs so to the dogs watching this then yes perhaps there's an argument to be made that you know them being poisoned isn't super awesome but to all the humans you have no reason to not like grapes all right i'm going into the blueberry also very firm nice and new bile i don't think i use that word correctly the blueberries nubile that might not be the right word i was looking for let's taste these nubile blueberries you don't like blueberries i love the flavor they're too mushy not yours all blueberries well what i like to do and you can try this is i like to eat a grape with a handful of blueberries you're nuts i i'm playing god is what i'm doing all right let's see this is a little secret from charles kitchen that's a big mouthful though yeah it's good though they work they work so well together so you just get real wacky with it and just go in hard oh two grapes oh lost blueberry they compliment each other very well you're actually not wrong the blueberry is like ten times better when you eat it with a grape yeah i'm 100 you're a genius i know i'm telling you i've got it figured out on their own blueberries are an a tier but when you combine them with something like a grape they easily elevate to an s tier blueberries i think are a perfect complement to any like fruit salad or like fruit collage of you know a bunch of [ __ ] fruit thrown in there and make like a chimera fruit out of it blueberries do a great job of complementing everything they're like a beautiful side character that amplifies the main characters performance so i think blueberries are at their peak when they're mixed with other fruits but on their own they're still very tasty and i put them in an a tier you know what else is also very good and tasty heroic expedition let me be the one to bring you one of the finest most delectable mobile games to grace the free market it would be my pleasure and my honor to introduce heroic expedition a fantastic rpg roguelike city construction game available right now on your phone you're able to explore the unique norse fantasy world at your own pace with non-stop idol rewards waiting for you at every single turn your beautiful 3d characters will battle and get rewards for you even while you're offline so you're always making progress auto battle auto collect and get auto rich in the wonderful 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efforts as thanks use bonus code he 777 to get 30 premium summon stones log in every day to enjoy additional 100 free draws as well thanks heroic expedition so if you're interested in trying heroic expedition for yourself you can click the link in the description below to get started have you ever ripped an apple in half can you still do it oh you heard it separated this guy's a maniac is this the strongest oh you've got it everywhere you wanted me to rip it in half cleanly i like a barbarian oh yeah sorry oh yeah that doesn't even look like a good apple here very very very out of season oh are these red delicious more like red disgusting yeah more like dead dog [ __ ] those are really gross these are really mushy look at this i'll do it into the camera but look at that it falls apart in your mouth like yeah no those actually taste really bad yeah ew apples in general very good this apple in particular very very bad yeah not good at all what's your favorite kind of apple um either honey crisp or red delicious i knew we were friends for a reason you honey chris kind of oh yeah i can i can eat honey crisp for days you know which one's always [ __ ] sucked up what is it lady lady jugs or whatever name oh lady drugs yeah wait what what is it it's like lady mamas what the [ __ ] is your name is it still red mm-hmm smith granny smith that's the granny smith's always like i like lady jones it's situations like these that always leave me stumped on how to tier list this properly because the apple we received was dog [ __ ] this is something straight out of a dumpster after a hard night of raining the night before so it's all mushy and gross and yucky so this apple in particular is about a d-tier apple but apples in general i mean those are very good they're always enjoyable like the only ones that i don't really like are the granny smiths but even those are just not bad either you know what i mean so i think apples in general if we're going to just tackle the fruit as a whole just not on this day our a tier so i'm think i'm going to go with that instead of just taking this particular apple granny smith whoa what kind of apple is this now how do you open your bananas do you go [ __ ] or stem shaft normally i go stem but i can do the [ __ ] approach too we'll switch i'll do this shaft and you can do ass all right get a little pinch here good separation oh these are good bananas i don't eat the ends really i do who wants to eat that who looks at that and says yeah let me let me eat that part nobody wants that i agree i mean it's the worst part yo all right mmm delicious you just can't go wrong with the banana i'm so proud of those for doing a healthy cheerleaders you know what's even good about bananas even when they start to like decay and decompose you can make banana bread out of them like they never that's when they're best to bake yeah they literally never have a time where they're not useful another shocking placement here but bananas going all the way up to esteer there's a reason why there's staple fruits that you always hear about like grapes bananas apples and [ __ ] it's because they're good they live up to the hype like they are just consistently good fruit this is a nectarine i've never had a nectarine have you no neither have i let me check it you ever ripped a neck drain in half oh that doesn't feel like you should try to pull it apart oh there's a pit in here really yeah or there's like someone hiding inside of it i don't know but like there's something very hard in here mm-hmm what secrets does it hold i got it you got it gorilla glue it's uh i don't know it's a coral what is happening to this yeah there you go ew that's kind of gross what is it i don't know i don't like what it looks like though is the middle part safe no like don't touch that stay away from me it's poisonous no you can eat it well what is it there's some pits that are super poisonous yeah um i don't like this it's cutting this the skin the skin's the worst part the skin is definitely the worst part it's fine it just doesn't have a whole lot of flavor no it's very bland it's like it's really gamey yeah it's like eating mushy styrofoam tastes like beer yeah quail if you will yeah mediocre at best indeed at the absolute best opening up a nectarine was like opening up an alien's egg it looked like something extraterrestrial the pit was really wacky and goofy pretty concerning but the flavor for what trace amounts there were wasn't terrible i mean like i said mediocre at best so i'm slapping this at a c tier okay yeah you can handle it you know your way around a grapefruit i guess let's just dive right in oh there was nothing ceremonious about that at all oh look at it the grapefruit is all the worst parts of grapes condensed isn't it enlarged nope nope how are you this is like your favorite fruit why are you having such a [ __ ] hard time i don't know just why not bite into it like this i'm not a savage good right nope all right let me try it from the back oh jesus she's a squirter what the [ __ ] is this thing doing christ do you have sugar you could try it with sugar god they're bad every time oh i remember watching an old stand-up comedy routine centered around how awful grapefruits are and i couldn't agree more they are truly repulsive i know there's a lot of grapefruit fans out there and there's even like the grapefruit technique for sucking dick and [ __ ] so it's a very popular item but i think it's just terrible it tastes [ __ ] nothing like a grape it has nothing in common with grapes it'd be like me naming a bar of soap pineapple brick or something and then people buy pineapple brick expecting it to kind of taste like a pineapple as a [ __ ] bar of soap like it's false advertising it's misleading and it's [ __ ] terrible not a grapefruit fan f tier for me i used to peel these in college all the time i'm not even going to use a knife to do it the old-fashioned way i developed my own technique here just get a finger up in there i love that that's what you did in car yeah that's all i did i just peeled oranges all right this oranges are ready oh right into the apple whoa it's a little mini orange in there yeah there's always a little special surprise inside the cereal box this is like a good orange yeah it's not nearly as good as i remember it tastes like an orange it's a pretty sweet orange that might be it got no tang did you wash your hands recently yeah did you use soap yeah because i taste the soap good it's pretty soapy maybe that's what i'm tasting is it the orange or your hands it actually might just be my [ __ ] hands you just dump soap on your hands while washing it off no i washed it a little bit i haven't really eaten oranges since college and i liked them a lot back then but these were not up to the memories i had of them those very wet and cherished memories of oranges so i'm going to go ahead and put them in a b tier because they're definitely above average but that was just a little mildly disappointed expecting more have you ever had a mango i love mango this i don't think this is mango i think that's a mango yeah when i picked it up i figured mangoes aren't normally green so i guess let's get it let me try cutting towards my thumb the triangle did you ever know anybody like that they just sit there like in the weight room and cut fruit like that and eat it right off the knife like a pirate no we knew multiple people like that they just sit there they go like this you cut a piece off and they're like off the knife at the gym yeah what's the weirdos did you make fun of them was that made out of like chili pudding all right okay i don't know if you're giving mango a fair chance here i don't dislike it i absolutely don't dislike it i just don't think it's a [ __ ] mango do you have the receipt on what we bought mm-hmm yeah we might want to it's definitely amazing this is definitely a mangle i don't get a mango taste from this at all it is very not ripe i mean it's good whatever this mystery mango is is good i'm still not entirely convinced this was a mango i've eaten a lot of like canned mangoes as well as mangoes and like fruit dishes and i've never tasted mangoes quite like this it wasn't bad uh i'm assuming they're right and this is a mango and it was just maybe out of season or some [ __ ] i couldn't tell you but it still wasn't bad i'm gonna put it at a beet here what the [ __ ] is this it's a baby coconut no it's this this is a cube this is a kiwi right okay i didn't know these things had hair it's like tommy pickles are these black things okay to eat yeah i don't not like it it's got a good texture and i don't like a lot of fruit textures i'm very confused on how i feel though have you ever ever had a kiwi skin no i haven't either are you going to eat the skin no the hairy skin furry can you eat the skin on a kiwi yeah it doesn't hurt you is it good for you just don't think about it being tommy pickles as you eat it i like it yeah that's good another one that was just kind of playful kiwi fruit at first i wasn't super into but the more i ate the more i enjoyed it i think kiwi fruit is pretty enjoyable and it actually has like a lot of nutritional benefits from what i read up on so i mean i think that's just great all around i'm giving kiwi fruit a b tier teetering on a tier i'd need to have more because it felt like the more i ate just the more i really started to really vibe with it and enjoy the [ __ ] out of it so b with the potential for a yeah oh this is star fruit this game highly recommended from the cashier yeah so star fruit right okay you look at the end it really looks like a star oh wow yeah it does look like a star a dirty starfish a dirty starfish yeah does it look inside oh it looks real good that actually looks really cool oh there's the star yeah have you guys had starfish all right pat what the [ __ ] is starfruit jesus i don't know why i was going with that electric it actually smells pretty good have you had star fruit can do chomp or do you have to peel the skin um usually you don't eat the skin yeah you kind of cut it in like coins so you can like like yeah what the [ __ ] did i do what the [ __ ] kind of coins do you use like this little nuggets let's just try that again all right you ready yeah yours is like slaughtered no it's a this is a dead starfish whoa oh [ __ ] that is good there's like candy that's very good that tastes like gummies tastes like fish yeah that's probably it to me it tastes like some little old candy yeah i like that i do like that a lot damn star fruit coming in hot i'm gonna give that an s wow that's old an s out of nowhere are you putting that up there with the red grapes that is true so far we have grapes up there i'm sorry star fruit fans but i can't in good conscience put this up there with grapes and bananas it's going to have to be an a tier the bar is just set too high with grapes and bananas right now and i just don't know if starfish is able to break through that barrier i will have to eat more to confirm and maybe give an update down the line but for now starfish is going to be comfortably in the 8-tier all right kiwi or my god lime holy [ __ ] how do we eat this uh you cutting them so these i've had with patron shots so you just take it like this then you just come in here and that's not how you eat it though that's how you get the juice you've got to actually get on trying all you did was drink the juice that's literally all anyone does with a kiwi it's a lime it's a stupid fruit anyway all right are you ready let's go oh that'll give you some tmj oh who like eats these for fun oh this hurts like a it's like a spicy food without the spice it's just painful i don't know any maniacs that just eat straight up lime it's like a painful experience and there is like some good flavor to be had with a lime but it's not worth the trouble of fighting your [ __ ] food it's like an actual war in your mouth when you're trying to eat a lime i i feel like the only time you're gonna want lime is either for the flavor of it or because you just had some [ __ ] patron shots or something lime going in the d tier oh baby did we just bite the outside you there yeah i should just take a nibble that's a papaya right there papaya and that papaya means business no there's plenty of room you think i can get through like one clean cleave yeah here why don't i hold one side and you pull the other ready yeah nice oh it's like little dippin dots looks more like shotgun pellets yeah or dipping dots have you ever had a papaya i thought you're gonna ask if i've ever shot a shotgun are you sure those aren't like bug eggs these are these really do look like [ __ ] bug eggs ew touch one oh yeah put your oh matt finger this those are bug eggs here you figured that one yuck gross fruit why are there bug eggs it doesn't smell like much i don't like that texture not much flavor no it's really bland it's meaty very meaty i don't like it that's a loser for me it's kind of like biting a cold avocado i don't like anything about it do you like papaya no i don't think anybody would like papaya it's kind of gross it's kind of like like you could carve this if you didn't have a pumpkin yeah papaya wasn't wonderful it really wasn't i'm just going to slap that at the seeds here because i'm still kind of confused about that gee holy [ __ ] the papaya good lord it's just it wasn't amazing and it wasn't the worst thing in the entire world what's next what do we got danny move into a little like berry section berries there's some berries you're like willy wonka of the fruit family i love the flavor of strawberry like you said but i hate the texture of honey these had so many bugs flying around them i just chose the one with the least amount of bugs let me know when you're ready oh i see what you did you cheated i used to work at a frozen yogurt stand so for an hour on end i'd have to sit there and cut the tops off with strawberries like awful yeah all right i'm gonna bite it very flavorful in terms of flavor it's wonderful i love the flavor if somebody could skin strawberries for me i think i'd be a bigger fan they're a little too mushy yeah i just love the flavor i mean i don't like what it comes in i don't like to actually eat strawberries but i love strawberry flavor so i'm pretty happy yeah good flavor yeah they just need to change up the formula a little bit get them out of that casing yes i understand to some people out here the reasoning for not liking strawberries more may seem dog shitty at best it's just that texture man like the the way the strawberry delivers its incredible flavor is just sub-optimal i don't really enjoy the mushiness that much like i love strawberry flavor a lot it's just eating a strawberry isn't as good as just eating something that is flavored with strawberry or even like cut up strawberry that's been frozen a little bit works much better than just eating a straight up strawberry i'm putting it in a beet here raspberries yeah these things bang did you wash these yeah i watched all of them oh thank god okay i didn't even think to ask before biting in always good as far as raspberries go these aren't great yeah i like them because they're raspberries but a little mushy yeah speed run i mean these are ones we already knew we'd like yeah take them away danny you're making me sick yeah just speed running at raspberries a tier only reason not nest here because they still can't really match grapes and bananas keep in mind s-tier like this is the bar that has been set grapes and bananas that [ __ ] is hard to breach but raspberries they are definitely up there very good stuff these suck have you had blackberries before not for a long time they are not good oh i was like what do you mean by bitter oh those are offensive they're [ __ ] bad wow what do you mean l they're like fighting back well no they just taste bad it's not hurting you no it's hurting uh-oh maybe i have a large chair my throat is actively closing no i don't like those apps i actually want to make sure i didn't just get a terrible one no they're actually getting gross you just ate the whole thing i took a bite a nibble your maniac that's one of the worst fruits i've ever had black bears do you like blackberries it's like the best fruit right where you want to tell me if this is what they normally taste like that is i can tell you that that's what they taste like those are really bad they're very bad it tastes like the aftermath of medicine sweet as they usually would be or juicy either that was a little tough i think blackberries are some of the worst fruit it just tastes horrible like there is nothing to enjoy about eating a blackberry i've never had blackberry flavored things so maybe the flavoring works a lot better in dishes but man just eating a straight up blackberry is like a painful experience it is overwhelmingly like bitter and dry is probably not the right word but when you bite into a blackberry it tastes like your whole mouth is starting to dry out it's it's just not good it's going to be an f tier for blackberries so what is a cotton candy you seem excited about this i looked it up so mad scientist wanted to create like a new blend of grape so he crossbred a bunch of things and then accidentally found that these tasted like cotton candy so then he started selling them as cotton candy grapes and you're going to be shocked they taste exactly like [ __ ] cotton candy no lie so you did a great job like an actual mad scientist did this all right let's see it's disconcerting why this really do taste like candy yeah usually they're not this like one bow size but they are [ __ ] huge you want usually that thing i'll get them with that that just tastes like cotton candy yup you ever had a cotton candy grape yeah feel free to attack it i still don't think they taste as good as like normal red grapes but i do appreciate the wackiness yeah this guy said i want to take the carnival and put it in a grape and god damn it he did it i'm still shocked that more people don't mention cotton candy grapes because it is remarkably close to the actual flavor of cotton candy except with a lot less spit on it that you'd find at the carnival cotton candy grapes are extremely good like if you like cotton candy or extremely sugary [ __ ] cotton candy grapes deliver that experience but in a healthier way because it's [ __ ] grape still so that's definitely going to be an a tear for me like i said i still think the red grapes are just better but cotton candy grapes are a really goofy addition to maybe add to your your your refrigerator like if you have kids or something that don't want fruits or vegetables i think cotton candy grapes would be like that perfect bridge like look at how good healthy food can taste you know what i mean oh [ __ ] golden glow golden glow golden berries so far we've had golden globes patrick the starfish i'm having a real hard time these are very slimy are they yeah they have like some kind of thick glue on them oh no nope oh no not for me oh i'm angry a little bit really that bad she really talked it up for them to taste like ass oh they taste like some stink ass never tried golden berries never even really heard of golden berries and these were probably one of the worst fruit i've ever tasted in my life i don't even know how to describe it really to like accurately portray the disgust of the golden berry to all of you i'm just going to give it an f tier and you're probably just going to want to take my word on it they were awful uncharted orders palette cleanser you want me to cut it in half yes i [ __ ] hate women i hate lemon and i hate when they flavor things with lemon it literally just ruins the taste this overload of citrus and filth makes me mad citrus and filth yes when you think of lemons you think dirty yeah it's a [ __ ] one of like the dirty common all right ready yeah these things [ __ ] suck jesus christ okay all right delicious i've never met anyone that hates lemons like you guys do they're great i'm sour as [ __ ] i [ __ ] hate lemon really like amazing stuff no i i like those yeah i like lemon that just [ __ ] up my jaw i [ __ ] hate lemons it's such an overbearing flavor whenever it's added to something and on its own it's uneatable probably the most controversial position on the tier list lemon f tier i don't like the flavor of lemon in pretty much anything if you add lemon to something all you are going to taste is that lemon with hints of other flavor it overpowers every single [ __ ] dish that it's added to and nobody straight eats lemons i i don't care what you say if you eat lemons you're just trying to show off if you take a bite of a lemon that's you just trying to flex there is no enjoyment to be had with that activity all right did you wash this coconut it's not oh because you have to get inside it how do you get it have you ever opened a coconut not with these utensils i was literally thinking should we high five the coconuts are you ready i'm ready will this do they break easily i mean it will possibly explode okay just be careful i won't do it very hard then that's like two bowling balls colliding i hated that feeling all right i don't want them to explode it fits oh beautiful mine doesn't give it a sip are we recording we are still recording yes oh i don't like that it's more like coconut water that's weird considering i like things that use coconut milk um i'm conflicted the first sip was the worst sip and then it's because you're not expecting it that might be this tastes like coconut tastes pretty good can you cut me off a little pieces of meat actual coconut meat it's really hard harder than i thought it'd be it's like a dog toy there's a lot of different things to rate about the coconut for the tier list a it's defense mechanism coconuts are hard as [ __ ] it's like trying to break into a bowling ball so they are asked here when it comes to defense nobody's busting through this [ __ ] without the proper tools like a screwdriver and a hammer a part of any good coconut fan's arsenal in order to actually enjoy the fruit second thing to rate is the coconut water milk whatever the [ __ ] it is inside there it's okay like i said the first sip was the worst sip by far and i like things that use coconut milk so i'm assuming that maybe it was perhaps some flavoring from the screwdriver which had just penetrated in there and just got some of that yuckiness in the in the mixture but the meat of the coconut even in this coconut was still good so taking all of these things into consideration i'm just going to go ahead and put coconut at a nice c b tier somewhere in that general range because coconut like actual coconut like shavings and like the coconut meat very good and coconut milk coconut water is great in things so i i do think it's a very versatile fruit you know what i've convinced myself it's going to stick at a bee how dumb do you feel why was the core that soft because it's probably very old you should not have been able to cut through it like that i'll take this side and i'll let you do whatever you're about to do yeah the right way of eating pineapple all right i guess we're you're just gonna eat the corn what do you mean there's no corn in the pineapple what's there is what you don't eat this center part i want it yeah why wouldn't you all right i won't eat it but it's really hard normally normally if you like you could chew on it but you couldn't eat it that's not true at all have you guys eaten pineapple before yeah but not straight from like a whole pineapple they actually have these really cool new machines and publix have you seen them before the pineapple coring machines no you pick out your pineapple you put in the machine and it scoops it up and just goes and all of a sudden all you're left with is the full skinless ring of pineapple with no core in the middle and no green on the technique is so much better than mine was you're right i got before yeah that was very hard pineapple is so good it's the best fruit i think i agree oh the best fruit to just straight up eat flavor like blueberry and [ __ ] i don't like pineapple flavored [ __ ] what's it like eat a fruit yeah like blueberry flavor strawberry flavor like you wouldn't seek out pineapple candy exactly but like to just eat a fruit pineapple is the best pineapples going right to the top ester if you have had pineapples you will likely agree i've actually never really met anyone that didn't like pineapples surprisingly i've met people that don't like grapes don't like bananas but i've never really met someone that said they didn't like pineapples it's just a [ __ ] amazing fruit look at that bad boy it's like a [ __ ] grenade that's not oh cool that does look really cool it's like cookies and cream ice cream yeah so yeah the inside of it is so bright wow can you eat this skin it tells me no it's almost like a pineapple and a kiwi had a baby lord did you see me did you see me man handle that that was like a mario party mini game and you crushed it the whole i got a perfect carve wow cut that bad boy in half wow maybe this is my call this is wow it's like a fish out of water why do you always cut toward your fingers because that's when i know i'm most secure since safe man that's flavorless there's no flavor actually zero [ __ ] flavor in this but i want to try something the forbidden technique why do people like this so much it's really expensive no there's nothing there's actually no flavor there's zero flavor actually zero flavor and i don't like the texture there's nothing to like about this other than the appetizer did you wash your hands again no man what flavor soap is that i thought this was your carving i mean you're calling let me see your car now i just squish out the whole inside well you cheated because you busted it you busted it out of the you were impressed for a second yeah wait what the [ __ ] though look at this it's like a hold on it's like a sleeve yeah like a fruit fleshlight yeah holy [ __ ] look at that that's super cool there's nothing really special about the dragon fruit when it comes to flavor or even like enjoyment as a meal but there is something very special about it in terms of its appearance and its ability to be used as a fleshlight you can stick your dick in this [ __ ] and it'd be kind of cool so for that reason and pretty much that reason alone dragon fruit gonna be a b tier
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,341,108
Rating: 4.8790193 out of 5
Id: FZQrn1ru-tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 12sec (2292 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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