So...College Kids in a Ford Super Duty Made a Call

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so we got a call for an f-350 that's stuck in the sand out here to sand hollow tonight and we're just gonna head out there and see if we can get it it's nice and cool out there and we got the night crew with us surprise they're the same as the day crew except the dogs yeah we're bringing the dogs with us tonight because it's nice and cool and there's nobody for them to pester except for us oh my god [Music] so are you all together then yeah yeah did you have fun at the lake at least before you got started [Music] i have no idea [Music] oh yeah okay i think we're going to do 50 feet on this one just just cause okay we're gonna go ahead and get in this get it fired up are the keys in it okay i'm going to stretch it clear out and go [Music] the reaction kind of freaked me out you didn't think that jeep was going to do the job i didn't when you guys said you were again in your jeep on the phone i had my i had my doubts but did it yeah that's that well you gave us a call we got you out so yeah get a shirt you can check us out on youtube at where'd them dogs go rudy [Music] so we got a call for i think a razor actually two razors in two totally different spots and they're both rentals and we're gonna go out there and see if we can get them out we got our camera crew back there and we got ed yeah hi everybody weather's uh nice no clouds a little warm we'll get the job done so this is the way i came but it might not be correct go back and look the other way if we can't find it then we'll just continue on up and do the first one while we think about where in the world this one could be [Music] i'm pretty damn hot i didn't see that ed can you get my pressure gauge where's your ass in the center console [Music] is is my equipment suitable for patient transport if needs to be i mean i'm volunteering it i'm not i'm not renting it out that's what we're hoping for here to hear something from them we're gonna go look for ours then thanks uh if you see us here on your way back just say hi ed you're gonna learn to quit climbing in a jeep with me i guess we'll get out of here you'll notice a pattern matt always says hold on kids after it's already happened [Music] as long as we keep going downhill ed we're doing great we're making progress yeah yeah this one doesn't look too bad maybe drive this one on that was a trip coming over there okay we've only got one damaged wheel i like that we're gonna have to winch it we don't have the keys [Music] no key yeah oh man [Music] okay i just want to hold the wheel [Music] no ed we're just gonna make it worse and worse we have a protocol we have to follow here now we need the wheel turned quite sharp the other way okay ed do you want to go twist that switch [Music] just turn it off and on [Music] stop okay go did it wrong and we still got it i did it wrong all right okay let's go [Music] so if you're not familiar with blow sand sand dunes like we have here they're always changing they're shifting they're going to be different in four hours than they are right now i can't cross razors with a loaded trailer on purpose we've done it on accident before it looks like it's going to be nice but we're going to go find out ed we're going to follow our instincts i can't see the elevation changes in this sand that's a real problem because sometimes i need to gather a little speed to do something and i don't want to end up like these razors that's how they get this way they don't see these elevation changes and they launch off of it ed you got to stop me before we drive off the apex of a dude you just be like don't do it hang on kids oh my goodness did i just drive through the worst spot all right ed we're starting to get into some more familiar dunes here [Music] that it's gonna be a long time before i complain about a rough road you know when it was out there matt says we backed the trailer in crooked or something and i said what do you mean we reminded me tano and the lone ranger was out riding their horses and a hundred in the savage indians come up over the hill the lone ranger says oh we're going to be killed tyler says what do you mean we pale base that works okay let's load up and get the next one we got one more to go get find out where it's at yeah so we had both of these calls come in today for the same customer and we looked for this one earlier we kind of had bad directions so we went and got the one that we had better directions for so when we were dropping it off we clarified the instructions and they said it sounds like we've already been exactly where they said it is so we're gonna go try again to see if we can locate it they said go under the tunnel right not cross the road go under the tunnel turn left and drive up that road where they're doing construction and you'll see it on the right they're like you can't miss it isn't it is that it we're gonna drive across some bushes here they're gonna clear this all out for a freeway so i'm doing it guilt-free somebody bet that i was gonna go straight home and after i lost the jump box that i was gonna go straight home and fix this so that wouldn't happen not realizing it doesn't really change my usually jump bot yeah i don't know what they did okay just hold the wheel right there try to pull it over a little bit if we can i don't know if we can but we're gonna try [Music] okay [Music] hey ed you want to trade me places again go again go again stop [Music] oh well that ain't working [Music] okay bump it again again again okay go again [Music] so much more trouble when you're not here ain't even close you'll have to call me when you go out i don't know you're always at work and i don't i never disturb you on your [Music] afternoon so ed we just didn't come far enough this morning they didn't say they were on the road they said they're up by the construction they didn't say they crashed into the construction [Music] i've done it thanks to our good gravity we're going to see who has the more sand in their shoes these shoes suck randy's got you beat on that one so turns out the grown-ups put their boots on this morning and went to work so that was about a half a day's worth of work yeah everything went well nobody got hurt and we didn't lose anything yeah that's right in the words of ed we've done it
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 797,251
Rating: 4.9563389 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, We got stuck, RZR, we got a call, sand trap, sand dunes, night, night rescue, Ford, super duty, super duty super stuck, college kids, Humvee, Fire Department, Hummer
Id: kIA6Id9SErs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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