Major Mistakes were Made, Failed Rescue!

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so we got a call for a chevy truck that is disabled up on cedar mountain i think they got some snow and did some damage to the front end we're going to go up there and see if we can get them pulled out to the road and loaded up on the trailer and sent back to safety i don't know what conditions are i know it's been snowing up there all day so yeah it looks like it might rain it's cloudy yeah about 54 degrees it's not too cold no wind for a change and that's nice yeah we'll go up and get him out got lizzy in my jeep today bananas on a trailer in front of us the weather in cedar and definitely cedar mountain is different than hurricane but there looks like there's a little breeze um it's probably snowing up on cedar mountain so it'll be cold but look at the job then we will so we're up we're climbing an elevation and well ed we need another weather report well it's raining and almost snow there's snow on the ground and we might get in some bad weather up here i don't know what elevation we're going to but it don't look that great we were supposed to be doing this job this morning but the customer had some trouble getting out of town they were coming up from las vegas and uh we're going to be working in the dark there's no two ways around it now it's snowing now we're climbing 32 degrees it's snowing that might be in the mud in the snow but i'll stay in the truck that's the smart one this is slick yeah like it's ice underneath like that's not pavement there that's a sheet of ice i want your honest opinion though this is pretty bad [Music] uh winter storm warning here for us sorry yeah do you think it'd be better to uh wait this one out and i mean it's gonna be nothing but snow for the rest of the next couple weeks but well it's gonna have to get over a foot of snow before it stops the jeeps so it's not gonna they're calling for a foot of snow total in this demand gotcha what happened with your dodge what's the story we're driving up taking a drive one afternoon i was starting to slide in the snow and couldn't figure out why and after it got stuck we're hooking up toe straps underneath it and saw that that front axle was broken cv is broken there's a mount on the axle housing that supports the whole thing that's sheared off that's ifs right yeah [Music] we're in some pretty heavy fog along with the snow i think eh i can't see outside so i don't know what it is it's about 30 degrees 25 just a white out and snowing bad and i don't know if we're gonna make it i might have to call for the cat that's the first time i've seen her doubt in ed's voice summit 9910 this is one of the crazier ones we've done i mean it's standard other than we can't see and we could drive off a cliff it's literally snowing into my jeep wow looking out there's nothing really to see it's just kind of white you can see the road signs and that's pretty much all i wonder if matt's thinking yeah we definitely should have brought the snow cat now so the original plan was actually to come up earlier this morning before the storm even rolled in and uh that didn't happen so now we're up here later in the day obviously in the snowstorm we're gonna go get this guy out so yeah just like wish us luck fingers crossed trevor what do you think pretty sketchy you should not have come you should not have cut that [Music] so here's what we're wondering um this isn't going to get any worse than it is right here going down and we might want to go down through the ponderosa that's the case i'm not going to unload if we get in trouble we can always unload pull each other out what are you thinking like this is this is as bad as it gets yeah but it's gonna keep getting worse but we're gonna start losing elevation really fast that way so they are down towards they're 13 13 miles down they're about halfway halfway distance wise between here and the ponderosa i say we just stay loaded up until okay okay all right that's what we're gonna do just follow me if i get in trouble you'll have to figure out what to do okay where do we go here just straight yep [Music] this is a mess man what's the plan well i don't know whether to keep going or turn around [Music] can you pull me up this hill yep well come look up to me this is ridiculous this is ridiculous nice bit of blizzard going on yep you can see it got considerably colder and it's snowing and blowing nice and deep rudy thought he could pull him but can't get started we're gonna back up the flat ground maybe get a run at it see if they can't make it up this [Music] hill [Music] [Music] person i can't even see anything it's cold and it's snowing and i have three and a half jackets on [Music] and it's like blowing into my face huh don't cut anybody all right i'm gonna get over here [Music] actually i want you pulling that way for a minute i need to straighten myself back out [Music] [Music] yeah i like how everything's going here [Music] i put the goggles on but it makes it too dark to see anything i left the clear ones at home unfortunately okay [Music] let off the gas mean when you backed up right when you needed it you let off the gas so now just back up with a steady throttle clear to the front of my truck don't stop [Music] that first run you had it perfect and right when your back wheels hit the dirt the burp you just let off the gas and then you roll to a stop and you've got on it i think you're gonna be okay so turn hard right and pull gently forward for a second i know i said come back and you let off the throttle i was trying to not tell you i have zero vision i know i i had this rope i was out i wasn't behind you and i could pull the slot i didn't know that [Music] [Music] this is what we need to do so i'm using my brakes all right time for the cameraman to help come on i've lifted up the front i think yeah you know dang it we were close oh yeah [Music] if it was doing that when you did it too somebody should have stopped me i was holding the break trying to get both i was holding the break right there too all right that that will never move that entire time we'll just pull you back [Music] i need a spotter am i just gonna make it yep [Music] it's not working [Music] so what's the oh you're just plan yourself trying not to roll myself can we uh just get some people to push it when you're backing up well i don't know if i popped this tire or popped it off but it's not got any air left in it let me see your light oh man yeah split all the way around oh yeah i sliced it i can feel the air coming out of there dang it dang it indeed i did bring the spare tire though what do you think ed some sort of fiasco slowed up the wind and the snow i sliced it right here back it up that's what i cut it on oh that that was on the that was the whole thing [Music] hey turn your wheel the other way turn to the passenger i would if i could okay [Music] well today here's the real hero okay we lot higher so i learned a valuable lesson too late i should have brought the bombie definitely snow capped [Music] okay rudy come pull this down when i take the pressure off of it that tire's not getting any grip yeah every every rock is going up this isn't going to work it's just going to roll off underneath there every time let me get turned around and i'll get my winch on the front yeah you go get your truck in position we're gonna need your truck no matter what [Music] oh i want to get bad mouths on this one we went too far and we didn't turn around in time and then we and then we made a couple of uh decisions and then we made at least two more after that yeah for sure all right we may not be done yet hang on let's see what we got going on here wow look at it look at my wings float is this what it's like in canada all the time not all the time of the year people do live in canada this is not why though i don't think anyway that's not why i live there or live there they have good maple syrup really gently pull it real slow stop oh my god it's under the snow you gotta find it [Music] gotta give these tires a bad review because you ruined it yeah that was entirely my fault didn't even last 200 miles do you want to hold those roasty that is a cut yeah look at it it delaminated it [Music] are i am so embarrassed you should be going out here it's okay rescuing somebody and then getting stuck yourself we will do this very differently tomorrow i'm out here on cedar mountain in the middle of the night in the middle of a snowstorm and i'm getting getting anti-seize on my fingers [Music] six people watching you changing time [Music] just roll it no i'm getting kind of cozy out here i might take my jacket off pay attention in case this rolls your wings has come in good twice [Music] like tonight yeah yeah i thought i have it on like this i know in the sand put a little pressure on it weight is everything but uh it's definitely just a little definitely carries its own weight okay a little bit [Music] okay gently go rudy pull it okay we're off okay unhook it [Music] trevor keeper on keeper on the road so if it's hunting have it shift down to third you know what i mean did you hear what he said well ed you're gonna go without a rope that was flat yeah oh that was flat out ridiculous huh yeah but i'm wondering if we should come in the other way tomorrow what do you think i think i should try to drive this in there how stuck do you want to get today i'd unload it [Music] so we decided to come in from the bottom side we got a pretty hard freeze last night and coming in from the top is not an option we can get in with the snow cap but i don't know how far down until we ran out of snow and then we're not going to drag it back up i don't play that way too early for that anyway paul's coming along for the ride because this is his territory and uh we need somebody to eat if we get stranded it's a little colder than normal today it's probably around 16 17 degrees in the high teens with snow on the ground maybe a little mud but it'll be fun hopefully i don't get cold we'll get the job done this time so it was a little early in the morning for ed to come along he he said if we absolutely needed him he would come but if not he was gonna sleep in and just wait for us to get back if we would have listened to him last night we wouldn't have gotten the mess we got in but sometimes it happens yeah it happens so the mud on this north fork road is world famous and i'm not even kidding i know i've seen comments before where people like from georgia or somewhere like yeah we came out to visit zion we got caught in a rainstorm on the north fork road and i have never seen anything like it so we're kind of racing the clock here because the sun's going to come out and turn this frozen mud into regular mud but it's not going to be regular mud because it's going to be north fork mud so the stakes are still pretty high even though this is going a lot smoother than than last night it's uh it still could go south on us [Music] we just came along for a ride today what we did last night was ridiculous but this makes it look even even worse more ridiculous even the good decisions we made were bad hang on a second paul here yeah we'd have been swapping batteries it's broke broken the whole front end's falling out yeah did you bring bailing wire by chance no and i even knew about this i did too and i forgot about it you live in glendale don't you carry that in your backpack i may have something in my bag i'm gonna look and see not see the axel's toes but yeah i just don't want it to rip the strut out it's rubbing on the strut we'll borrow some wire from the fence your wire just broke in half well that's some good wire that should work do you want this no i think i'll use mine yeah this side will come out [Applause] i knew there was going to be fabrication that's why i called you please you knew it was going to be cold and you wanted me to lay in the ground good thing you're here to engineer that paul yeah never could have got it without me all right i'm gonna mop this thing out of here gently throw him off there we go this is going along swimmingly as you can see the the differential is actually ripped loose off of its mouth so it's just laying there it's connected to the drive shaft still and then one of the cv axles is going into it so if we put this in two wheel drive we're not spinning the drive shaft um the one cv axle is spinning and going into the differential but it's not spinning the ring and pinion gears which would also be spinning the drive shaft so there's no like there's no further damage we can do driving it out like this hundred percent opposite of right i know it's like is this the same job could have sworn you could've sworn it didn't go like that the other night it should have gone like that but it didn't well that's a job done over the course of two days yeah so a lot of bad decisions the first day a lot of good ones the second day yeah so it went about as bad as it could have the first day and about as good as it could have i'm gonna take full ownership of the first day if i can take a tiny bit of ownership for the second you can okay well thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 957,772
Rating: 4.9424748 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, how to recover, vehicle rescue, sandstorm, most difficult rescue, matts off road recovery, off road recovery, off road fails, off road rescue, rock crawling, car stuck in snow, jeep fails, off roading at night, I failed, failed jeep rescue
Id: x250sUg9RAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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