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all right welcome to this episode of Matt's towing and recovery this is our question-and-answer section there's a lot of hot questions that I see all the time and I don't have time to answer every single one of them so we're gonna make this video to answer them there's also a couple questions I get maybe even not very often but I feel like they need to be answered better than just something I could type so so the first question in common I get all the time is something along these lines what are these people doing clear out there all by themselves they've got to be up to no good they got off just buried a body or whatever this is a tourist destination and we have amazing land features in every direction from here and people come from all over the world to see it Zion is the big draw but there is lots of other places around and so people fly in from wherever they rent a car they see something on the internet that they want to go find they type it into their GPS and they drive their car trail it gets stuck that's what they're doing out there they're tourists and then a lot of comments on oh they're from California no wonder that explains everything now they're from Tennessee they flew to LA they went to Universal Studios then they drove up here in in their california plate car and got stuck wherever and it doesn't matter they could be from all over the world or from any state I don't know what else to say about that I just think it's funny that people instantly will judge somebody by their license plate not realizing they could be from all over the world [Music] so why are people out there everywhere getting stuck what are they doing out there there's laws that have them just one and around DPS don't show them the right location and they take the wrong turn and it just gets stuck all right the next question I get all the time is there like these people are surrounded by other people out there why are those other people not helping them get unstuck like where we live everybody helps everybody the truth of the matter is I probably taught one vehicle for every thousand vehicles that get rescued and the private individuals do help other people here just like they do wherever you're from but there's that fraction of 1% that they're either surrounded by somebody who's unwilling to help but more likely they're surrounded by somebody who is unable to help because they're also on a rental car that the previous renter stole the jack out of or something like that it's these people are out here without any recovery equipment and so there's not a lot of help to be offered simply because nobody has the gear and more than likely they also don't have any experience in it so I've I've been to in situations where there was easily enough people around to push the car out but they didn't know that they could even do that because they weren't familiar with any type of recovery situation even the most basic of getting out and pushing which sounds strange but not everybody's had the same background and experience so they don't have a good enough read and neither jeep-like matter I get a lot of comments about my tire pressure and how much tire pressure do I run I've put it in some of the videos I'm running nine pounds all the time but not my shops not very far from the sand dunes it's not worth it for me to air up an air down what about the customers why don't I air their tires down it's a liability issue for me so if anything happens to that tire in the next month after I aired it down and they're to back up they're gonna come back to me for I found that it's easier for me if I just adjust my driving technique and my tire pressure and get that vehicle back on hardpack and sent them down the road so I get asked a lot of times why did I pick a Jeep Cherokee to do offroad recovery it seems like it's barely getting the job done and you're right it is barely getting the job done but that puts it ahead of everything else that I've tried and I'm not the only one that's tried this business the reason I landed on the Jeep is I like the packaging it's a lot of dry storage it's light it's got a good drivetrain that I can keep running it's easy for me to modify and upgrade for what I needed and it's the right price they're really they're really affordable compared to some of the other things it is the correct tool it's not intuitive it's not something you would guess instantly is the best tool for the job but we've been doing this for a long time and there's others in the area that's been using the Jeep Cherokees for the same purpose that I use mine and it's the right tool it they're fast and they're liked and you can add another one inexpensively I have to get three Cherokees on a job before the price is the same as one four-wheel drive record so it's far more economical for the customer and it's faster for us it's less downtime for us and we're not taking 100 thirty thousand dollar rig out there into the sand we're taking a five thousand dollar everybody out in the sand maybe we'll take two five thousand dollar rigs and said but I have to have a lot of Jeeps afford equals one hundred and thirty thousand dollars worth of equipment in the center why do we use a Jeep Cherokee instead of something else that I don't really know except it's just fixed up real good to work and work in the sand or the snow and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about the sand we have here so beach sand is coarser than the sand we have around here not only is a coarser but the grains are actually shaped differently so the sand that we have here is called blow sand people caught blow sand it'll call it powder sand powder sand really explains what it's like but the grant the granules are round if you've done a lot of driving on the beach and you watch these videos and you you you know you may have some good advice I've noticed the beach the people that drive on the beach always telling me to air down to 18 pounds or 20 pounds but the guys that are used to this desert sand that we have here the blow sand they're like you need to be at 10 pounds you need to be at 8 pounds and they're right we've got to go much lower to navigate this sand do you think our sand is a little bit worse here than other places oh yes a lot worse it's finer it's just fine blow sand everybody get stuck in it here's one is ed your dad no ed is not my dad it is a friend I met him in 2009 and he's just a good guy to have around he's he's valuable to me not only in a business sense but also as a friend and he's been a lot of fun too to get to know who is just an old miner and guard dog all right so the next question is my check engine light and we I shot this video before and it was kind of awkward cuz I sit down the counts I decided to be better in my natural habitat which is behind the wheel of my Jeep with the soft amber glow of the check engine light on my face so I am going to use that other video clip because I think I explained it pretty good in there my check engine light is on people alert me in the comments that my check engine light is on they say did you notice your check engine light is on and yes nope I'm doing this with sarcasm that engine light has been on for 150 thousand miles it's got at least three codes that don't mean anything don't mean anything to me so yeah I wish the light would just burn out so I didn't have to address it anymore but it doesn't bother me one a little bit and it shouldn't bother you if if you're a car guy there's sometimes a check engine light mean something but almost always it doesn't mean anything serious that's that's the bottom line there moving right along this is a really hot question that we get can you show us and give us driving tips in the sand that's a hard one to answer like a blanket statement obviously tire pressure is super important but it's not the same result for different tire designs the really popular large rim diameter or stiff sidewall tires that end up on the four-wheel-drive trucks particularly the decent trucks airing those down does not help very much and but airing down is important it depends on if you've got a four wheel drive or two wheel drive or front-wheel drive vehicle on what exactly it is driving on the sand is going to be very vehicle to specific and tire pressure if somebody gives you a universal tire pressure to run you'll know that they don't know a ton about it because tire pressure is also going to be vehicle and tire specific so it's something you kind of got to do I really believe you're just gonna need some seat time and even me have being around the sand dunes my whole life and learning how to read the sand dunes I still get tricked into driving places they shouldn't and needing some help so sand is just a tough nut to crack and we're working on it all the time we're gonna be doing some videos on specific driving for vehicle specifics in the future so stay tuned for that okay do you have any driving tips for people in the sand yeah hair down their tires have four wheel drive oh I believe this is the hot topic I think this is the number one question how much does this cost and I never answer we have to add other Jeep's I have a great hourly rate for the Jeep set rate for that also and me how much does it cost to get recovered by Wender towing I don't know the exact amount is so much an hour and some of its hard and we've had some hard times out there pulling them out with that spongy card type temperatures can be in the triple digits easily for weeks at a time so people ask me if the Jeep has air conditioning and yes the Jeep has air conditioning we keep it working in top position does the Jeep have a/c yes in a nutshell why don't we do the job better there will be some question about I've even had a comment where it says if the cameraman put down the camera and pushed the job would have gone easier which is correct so I have to balance there's two reasons let's start this over people noticed that there is a better way the job could have been done and like you I can go back and watch these videos and I can see that there was something it gets asked a lot of different ways and commented on a lot of different ways but what it boils down to is why didn't you do the job better and like many of you I can go back and watch the video and I can say oh I didn't see this angle or or I you know there's something we if we would have done this differently the job would gone smoother that's gonna happen with anything in life so that's one aspect of answer for that question the other one is we are balancing filming with doing a good job so sometimes I have a guy there that could help the job go better like we could put them in the vehicle a good example is the wheels on the bus I could have put Trevor or Eric in that bus and we would have lost the camera there would have been no footage isn't there a better way we could be doing this not that I know of it's just the sand drifts out there and it's hard to find them and a lot of times you can't find them they'd leave the vehicle and then walk away from it you can't find it tell us about that one on the Danish ranch road that we went up to God so I left the vehicle in the middle of the road and took the keys locked it up and they went hiking and we found it and there's been an hour driving back and forth trying to find him and finally found them and got the keys and got got it out of there we always need to stay with your vehicle okay let's try the check engine light again I don't care that it's on but it's on I don't know how to do this without being sarcastic why not a one-ton four-wheel drive roll back that I'm putting these in what stop that you don't like that I can cut it out okay let's start over all right moving right along the next day it's movie magic the reason I don't say the price is because the cost of services like this varies wildly between rural areas and metro areas between different you know highly populated States versus low populated states it's a fair price we try to be very fair we've been in business since 1977 we have an excellent reputation for being a very capable service oriented business that is fair to its customer keep watching and did a lot of hats that's why the main thing you gotta have a past join the club food pizza and burp milkshakes that's true secret to a long life huh is that the secret to a long life I guess a lot of junk food
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,430,168
Rating: 4.6771755 out of 5
Keywords: Xj, Zion national park, zion, toquerville falls, Babylon arch, sand, Sand hollow, Sand hollow state park, jeep
Id: cQvQIRVm_n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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