Nissan Is Ready to Flip Sideways & Another Ford Raptor

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[Music] so we got a call for a razor that they wrecked it pretty bad said the front ends all broke into pieces so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get it it's cold and windy yeah the wind's still blowing the sun's shining and we'll get them out next time he can pull a train it's an original there we go i can see now rudy's down there wondering what's taking us so long ed's always watching for cross traffic keeping us out of trouble [Music] [Music] yeah we made it we had to jump the jeep to do it so we completed that job and got the razor loaded up and then the owner informed us that he did not want to be on youtube and he didn't want us showing this razor on youtube either so when i was on my way out with this job to complete it rudy called me and said he got flagged down for a toyota i think and so he's staying back there to get uh to get that job done so we were out here for another job and we got chased down by a side by side and this gentleman here had got himself crossed up sideways on a dune we'll see if we can help him out here it is [Music] it's freezing [Music] mr gear i know [Music] but don't get underneath it oh man that's steep [Music] yeah so what you can probably do is get in it and just like turn your tires and it'll probably pull you down and pivot and then i'll just ease on down with you [Music] it's freezing high he's at the bottom [Music] way better than have a couple of schmucks and racers to try to do it well i think it's taller than i thought it was it's on a bush too it's tall so are you with him or you just can't we just saw him over here and looked like they could use some help and then realized that we weren't quite the recovery team to help him this is kind of what we do all the time really happy that he caught us and that we were able to help and oh yeah thank you sir i appreciate it richard right yes yeah okay see you guys have a good one enjoy the night so here's the dealio we got tracked down by a side by side and they said somebody else had gotten stuck and needed help um while my dad was helping with that recovery i went over and helped the gentleman who had gotten sideways on the dune we were able to get hooked on him make sure he wasn't going to flip over and ease him down the hill and it all went good so what we're a pretty good b team you can't say that why we're the a team oh yeah we're the best we're navy seals one of us well maybe you should watch where you're going so we got a call for a ford raptor i believe that stuck out here to sand hollow on the water tower road we're gonna head up there and see if we can get him we got lizzy and max back there we're making friends slowly but surely and the weather's sunshining uh windy real windy and cold that's why i got my wind hat on today and we'll get them out [Music] i don't know if we're gonna find a smooth patches lizzy why are you so tired is it for thanksgiving dinner no probably be cleanly volleyball for like four hours and you were gonna go play again today yeah of course why wouldn't you want to play volleyball [Music] that's where it says why can't we drive that out [Music] after you lock those hubs back it up turn around and just back down in here after you lock in the back up down in there yep we're not buried i stopped when i saw this okay it'll it'll go up that just fine okay whatever you think you're the pro but oh yeah reverse working this thing hard i mean that's a pretty good hill it's going to be hard for me to get your action going that way this way we'll just pop you right out okay sounds good i uh yeah i could have went forward i just thought i'd get more stuck yeah you're in a good spot right here we'll just roll you right out of here okay cool it won't be violent or anything okay sounds good oh we can talk about that we talk about running over the rope you guys notice with rope i'm using [Music] it happens to be yellow matt's recovery road got my own rope now so i might my i didn't have a strap isn't my jeep yeah i was like thinking i was like i don't think we're gonna get out of here okay lizzy i'm gonna put her in this since my insurance covers her and not you you can stay in or however you want to do this so lizzy we're gonna ease down um i need a little bit of speed to get up that hill but it's okay if you let the rope slack as long as you make sure you don't run over it let me get up on top and then i'll just ease [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] easy as that these aren't just a toast drop they're also like a bungee rope oh they are yeah so you can still kinetic energy in it makes a little tiny jeep like that actually be able to help a big truck like this that's awesome yeah yeah cause when i was looking at that i was like we stopped i was like i was like we're gonna get stuck real bad on that i was like at least right here we could maybe push out and then anyway i was like oh just call someone you see anything else for me yep she's got a shirt for you oh no way [Music] sweet thank you guys sweet i didn't know i'd be getting a new shirt should i put it on yeah there we go reflects my guns doesn't fit all right looks good and that's where you'll be able to see it matt's off-road recovery on youtube okay okay you guys have a great thank you guys that wasn't too bad no that was pretty easy it didn't run over your rope and got them out
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 706,224
Rating: 4.9487491 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, Ford Raptor, Raptor, Toyota, roll over, rollover, stuck raptor
Id: Sw5LFcixDRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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