Am I being set up?!

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so we got a call for a ford raptor and some other type of vehicle with a jet ski trailer they're stuck out the sand hollow different places so we're gonna head out there and get them it's time time for what you ask time for youtube to give matt his silver play button for reaching a hundred thousand subscribers due to covid they didn't give it to us on time but we were able to work with their team and we got it done matt doesn't know we have it though and we're gonna give it to him in a way we think is gonna mean a lot to him so we're meeting up with jace from ohana adventures and we're gonna go out to sand hollow and we're going to get him stuck and we're gonna have matt come pull him out it's gonna be sweet i haven't showed you guys yet but i've got the silver play button right here [Music] yeah i brought a little bit higher shoes this time i don't have boots though so i have some i was dumping sand out of my shoes and socks yesterday it was fun i mostly went this way because i was curious to see see if i could actually hack that yeah guess if i could get my tire on that rock right there well you can just back up and go let's go around already stop i met my man so here's what i'm thinking if he just tipped over this edge so we wouldn't be able to get him down because he did not rock him down or i'm thinking that edge over here this razor [Music] i think if you back down to those rocks there and then just kind of go with this it goes up here and get up on top of this yeah if you could do that a little farther good morning john i am stupidly stuck i am south of sand hollow within an hour okay awesome all right my friend we will see you shortly okay thank you bye so the raptor is gonna be up here up there somewhere would that stick in there so when he gets up here yeah but i don't want him to see it before he like pulling up so a little bit deeper oh this is the hardest we've worked all day oh he'll see that right as he comes out but you cannot see that from anywhere i was trying to go into that hole right there just kidding i really wasn't that's why i had to hit the brakes yeah yeah you you made a good choice actually [Music] oh man man this is a nice truck thank you this is what lizzy thinks she wants you know but nothing will get you out of this mess i don't think before you no i'll let you do your thing so what do you need just there's a little grinding and then a pop underneath and i was kind of freaking out about it but okay this thing will hook up pretty good i think what's under the uh my reflective like panel on it like the chrome panel [Music] it looks like a silver play button what are you talking about it goes right up underneath oh it is my silver play button worst delivery service ever so how much of this is set up a hundred percent this is jace from ohana adventures he's another youtuber there's something wrong under there and nobody is i noticed it too i was like what is that thank you all right lizzy let's pop this out of here actually we should just leave okay right after you pop out you're gonna be getting on the brakes so you don't pile into me in those rocks if i see you coming i'm gonna have to jump those rocks [Music] keep going keep going [Music] for the first time ever we get to see matt a little off his game who did it that was great that was fun you got to do what i do or you're going to get stuck you got to do it hey shark okay this way a little 20 degrees lizzy we're leaning 20 degrees you're gonna fall off here in a second right nice hey at what degree does this tip really gentle forward stop it's a okay soft slow all right i'll trade you places now i can't trust anybody man i sure thought you saw that when we were pulling up well like because i thought you were looking really quick i saw it i just didn't know what it was and so then i'm like and so when i said it looks like a silver play button i was being like i was genuinely saying that's what i didn't think that's what it was i'm just like that's nice though that was fun there you go yeah and all the excitement yes there it is yep so what i'm holding here is a silver play button and this is awarded by youtube and the only reason i have this is because of our fans out there the support you guys have been giving this channel since i started it uh like april of 2019 thank you so much i couldn't have done this without you and your support i'd like to introduce you to my team here we've got randy cameraman you guys know him ed is pure talent he's he's ed brother man weatherman ed we've got tim here drone pilot and cameraman jeffe he is director of operations and production manager my lovely wife jamie she has put up with this this has not been easy for her we got lizzy here she has she's the newest member of the team but she's a lifelong friend known her since she was born we've got brynn camerawoman very good at that and rudy who does almost everything we got lady and max they're part of the team when it's cool enough for him to come out here from all of us at matt's off-road recovery thank you [Music] there's no leg lamp but it's still a major reward
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 829,873
Rating: 4.9724126 out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, We got stuck, Ford, Ford Raptor, sliver play button, Ohana Adventure, Jase Bennett
Id: WTbvjY9dv7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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