SML Parody: The Snow Day!

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[Music] so guys we went do today what Junior what's wrong you sound depressed yeah dude you feeling all right no I'm not feeling all right it's the worst day of the week I'm not doing good what it's just Sunday what's so bad about Sunday that's the thing Cody I hate Sunday Chick-fil-A is closed and we have school tomorrow we have school every week what makes this week any more different well it's the week before winter break Cody I don't want to go to school I just want to go have fun outside I hear you but it can't be that bad I mean just one more week and then we're free to do whatever we want oh that's not it Cody I also have a lot of homework I have to do well it can't be that bad well let me show you and then you can decide for yourself yeah oh my God Junior that's so much homework yeah yeah I saw my homework oh my God how many pages is that uh how many days of school has it been since we started yeah so you haven't done any homework all year no Cody I thought that was pretty obvious oh my God yeah you're gonna fail no Cody I'm only gonna fail if I don't get it done before winter break that's what the teacher said so you really have to do all of this in one week you yeah well actually I'm not going to do any of it I'm gonna pay you to do it all yeah I mean it is just simple multiplication yeah if you give me like ten dollars a page then maybe I'll do it oh I was thinking more like five cents for the whole thing that's such a scam I'm not doing that I think fine Cody you're just gonna have to help me do it myself we're gonna start with the hardest one okay 73 times 35 it's not that hard no Cody you're wrong it's 12.73 times 35 see the 12. that's just oh my yeah you're getting held back all right you know what I think I'm gonna ask my dad for help he'll help me unlike you hey Dad I need your help so can I skip school tomorrow the next day and actually it's the whole week you want to skip school for the entire week are you sick no I feel fine is it snowing outside I wish is the world ending well other than the wars in our burning economy I'd say we're pretty good then why on Earth do you think I will let you skip school uh because they didn't do my homework you didn't do your homework I mean you're the things I would do to you if this wasn't a family-friendly channel oh man you have five seconds to get out of my room okay I'm sorry I'm so sick of that kid [Music] ah bad news Cody I asked my dad to help me out by letting me skip school all week and he said no Junior of course he's gonna say no why would he let you skip school because I didn't do my homework Cody and I don't want to do it what wait you did the first page of my homework thanks Cody oh yeah I got bored oh you put your name where my name's supposed to go well of course I did I did the work why would I put your name on it because it's my homework Cody my name goes there well it's my work Junior I'm not letting you take credit I wish it would snow why well because my dad said I can only miss school if I'm sick it's snowing or the world's ending and I'm up sick and I don't think the world's ending so I wish it would snow Junior I hate to break it to you but we live in Florida and I don't think it snows here and it probably never will I know Cody I I just have wishful thinking that's all all right well I'm gonna go home and do my one page of math homework you have fun with yeah all of that oh okay so I have to get started on my homework oh oh man we're going to wait to go see snow it's gonna be so much fun thank you so much for taking me oh my god really shut up if you keep doing that I'm not gonna take you sorry Rick I'm just so excited to see snow get in so exciting this means so much the only reason we're going to Canada is so I can refuel my portal gun and so I can see my in-laws oh well I mean will you do that can I play in the snow and have snowball fights sure I don't I don't care in fact I kind of want you like not near me so you can go off and do your own thing okay are you not gonna have a snowball fight with me I don't care you ready hold your breath wait a minute did I hear that right Rick and Morty are gonna go up north you see snow oh man I want to see snow wait my dad did say I could skip school if it was snowing it's snowing where they're going homie I gotta pack my bag before that portal closes so I can go too okay Joseph you have all your snow here packed in my bag right oh yeah dude I can't wait to go see snow hey guys I forgot something so what what Junior what is this isn't your homework uh yeah uh uh about that me me and Joseph uh I got bored of doing my homework so we're gonna go pretend to be on vacation we're playing pretend vacation pretend vacation what does that even mean well we pretend you go on vacation duh and we pretend to see snow what no Junior you should pretend to do your homework it's all due tomorrow I'll do it after I'm done playing come on you want to play with us you want to see snow I would love to see snow but it doesn't snow in Florida and I'm not gonna pretend to be on vacation that doesn't even make sense Junior where's my inhaler oh um yeah I I think I uh accidentally put it in the bag why would you why would you do that because I thought it was Joseph's that's not cool okay where is this stupid get him Joseph what are you doing all right guys let's go see snow foreign yeah oh my God yeah where am I what happened yeah wait what am I dreaming yeah Junior Joseph where am I Tony you're awake welcome to Canada Canada yeah we're in Canada now it's never snow day Junior why how do we get to Canada well Rick and Morty opened your portal and I went through it a portal so there's no way back home well no because I don't know where they are and they need to open another one if we want to go back junior I said I don't want to go on your stupid vacation but then why did you come Cody I didn't you knocked me out oh yeah oh my God Junior I can't be here I have school tomorrow Cody relax you don't have school today if we're in Canada no tomorrow no Cody it's Monday here in Canada we're time ahead so school is today oh my God Junior I gotta get home no Cody you can't go Cody just try and relax and enjoy yourself look at all these snow it's so cold no no I can't be here I gotta get home okay come back no my God you see a gorgeous view Cody Junior how high up are we um oh I don't know like 15 000 feet we're on one of the highest mountains here 15 000 feet Junior my inhaler yeah you said you had it right I need it I uh I I don't have no seriously Junior where is it it's in the bag I know I I just said that to get in the bag I don't actually have it it's not here no I didn't bring it junior or 50 000 feet I can't breathe relax Cody why don't you lay in the snow oh make it snowing I keep breathing yeah oh my God yeah Junior everything is numb okay I'm making a snow angel oh this isn't helping yeah probably you're not doing it right then you have to move faster okay yeah I'm eating faster it's so cold oh my God maybe somebody should have actually packed winter clothes for the trip well maybe somebody shouldn't have knocked me out and brought me to Canada yeah Junior I don't even want to be here oh my God fine Cody maybe this will cheer you up snowball fight yeah Junior where are you that Brad better have started his homework let's see here oh wow he actually did some work for once uh what Cody Junior had his friend Cody do it for him oh my God that failure all right hey Bowser have you seen what do you like I'm sorry I was just wondering if you had seen the kids because I'm making green beans for dinner and I want to know if you want some oh my God all you make is green beans make something else I'm sorry I thought you guys like no nobody likes him spinach or like carrots I don't care just not green beans no no more green beans no we don't want them oh okay fine if that's how you want to play then sure no more green beans I get the point I didn't know what you're saying yeah nobody likes them fine yeah no more creamy okay Jesus I hope wherever junior is he's miserable oh my God I think this is the most fun I've had in my entire life all right Joseph snowball fight yeah ah Dairy my perfect snowman dude what is wrong with you hey take that Joseph wait how are you not cold what are you even wearing well that's because I'm one with the snow dude I actually grew up in Canada it's pretty hot out if you ask me wait really no Joseph will never get me my super secret Fort uh dude I can literally see you right there uh no actually you can't see me Joseph because my fort has an invisible force field so like I'm invisible and you can't hit me uh-huh sure Junior yeah oh my God again Junior I literally can't feel anything yeah no no I won have you seen Cody uh no dude I haven't seen him oh no we gotta find him oh maybe he's lost Cody Cody where'd you go Cody Cody where are you this isn't funny come out oh man the snow's starting to pick up too we better find him soon Joseph oh dude what have you got eaten by a bear oh don't be stupid Joseph bears are hibernating but maybe he got eaten by a snake or something oh wait is that him over there oh dude that's totally him all right Joseph let's go get him hang on Cody don't worry Cody I'll come see you with my trusty skis hang on Cody I'm coming I oh I almost got it I I think I'll just walk yeah I'll just walk oh man this snow is really picking up Cody are you okay Cody oh no I think he's dead wait let me check wait he's still breathing how he must be really cold don't worry Cody I'll bring you someplace warm yeah okay here you go get your hot chocolate and your warm clothes that should warm you up yeah yeah yeah yeah hey Morgan thanks again for letting us use your Penthouse so Cody can warm up oh yeah no problem um well again this isn't my penthouse this is technically uh Rick's in-laws uh place so please don't tell him uh you were here uh yeah I I don't think he needs to know that yeah he specifically told me before he left uh Morty I swear to God if you have anybody in this Penthouse I'm gonna send you the fire dimension for Infinity oh well that doesn't sound fun uh we'll be out of your hair soon Morgan we just need to get that Cody warm up a little bit more all right no problem hey Cody how you feeling yo Junior what happened well we had a fun day in the snow that's what happened oh a fun day is that why I can't feel my arms or legs well you're making a lot of snow angels I guess Junior I know what happened I want to go home okay we can't go home we have to go back out of the snow and have more fun but no I know how to do oh come on Cody admit it you had a little fun today oh I was having so much fun when I couldn't feel my arms I was getting hypothermia and Frostbite see you did have fun Junior I just want to go home you have your homework I got school I don't know how many times do I have to say is I don't want to do my oh geez the in-laws are here you guys gonna leave oh no we need in-laws go to ditch the outfit we gotta get out of here what is the in-laws we're going home it doesn't matter we're going home we get to go home finally I mean these will get us back home hurry Cody we're getting out of here come on Joseph we're leaving what is the in-laws yeah oh my God we're back we're finally back finally we had a good time no no you had a good time I was miserable I've had a good time too finally uh junior I'm gonna go take a hot bath okay okay all right Joseph what do you want to do now uh dude honestly I'm gonna go home so you can do your homework you probably need to do that now oh at least I have to uh yes I have to do my homework now I can't put it off anymore Junior you missed out missed out I didn't miss out on anything I had a good day too no Junior you wouldn't believe what happened oh my God it was snowing out shy and we didn't even have school wait no school anyway Jimmy does it snow in Florida what are you talking about Junior they said on the news it was like the rarest thing that ever happened it only snow was like once in a million years and it happened today and I missed it yeah Junior I didn't know where you were it was so cool me and Daddy were kind of sledding down the driveway I mean he got hit by a car don't worry he's okay but it was so cool oh I want to see your daddy hit by a car that would have been so cool I'll show the teacher said since we don't have school then they would just send us our homework and um I got yours but I already have so much homework Junior they got you a lot like oh my God Junior like I already had all the other homework to do she told me that you had to do it before winter break so yeah have fun with that I'm gonna go visit daddy at the hospital wait no don't leave me with this homework oh this is the worst snow day ever all right Memorial you ready to go back home not really Rick I was having a fun time in the snow well I was having a miserable time speaking with the in-laws so we're going okay all right where's my portal going where did you put it oh it was right here where is it Morty I don't know it was you did [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 438,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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