SML Parody: Jeffy's Magic Trick!

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behold it is our the great Jeff deeney ow give me what do you want Daddy you want to see a magic trick it's really cool no I'm watching Bad dads I'm on this week come on you're gonna love it I swear oh my God you can do one trick and then you have to leave all right I'm gonna make your hairline reappear wait you can do that just kidding I don't think even magic could do that but I do have a cool card trick just do the trick all right he's gonna be so cool all right so pick any card any card I won't look uh Jeffy they're face up just just do it oh my God fine wait no not that one what you said pick any car okay any cars except that one all right there okay uh you have the seven of Spades diamond hearts hearts seven of hearts are we done now no I got one more I I don't want any more in the diaper just pull it wait why just pull it what is that pull on it I don't wanna this that's gross I don't want to touch that just do it oh my God yo yo what's the point of this trick ew ta-da what was the point of all this you want to see one more no I don't I think I'm done where did you get all this stuff anyway I found it you found it it's from my magic kit I I can't buy you a magic kit oh you're gonna love this what ah see Daddy Marvin's amazing magic trick the deluxe edition includes I get it but Jeffy where did you get the set that's not important what is important is that with this magic trick set I'm gonna become the most famous magician in the whole world I'll make millions of dollars all while making fun of your hairline wow I always knew you'd drop out of school for something stupid what no you're just jealous you're not Marvin he made this cool magic trick set what do you do just sit at home all day yeah Jeffy I'm totally jealous that I'm not modern that's it I'm totally jealous that I'm not wasting my time making magic tricks all day yeah you are now get over it Jeffy why don't you go show this to Junior because Junior City doesn't care when you do I but you still showed me all right I'll go show Junior again I'll teach him then I'm gonna be the greatest magician ever all right Jeff deeney the greatest yeah you go do that Junior what's so funny oh nothing Cody he's just I was remembering something really funny that happened earlier today Jeffy he tried to show me a magic trick and it didn't even work and then he started crying he's so lame you want to be like a wizard or something he had so funny what what a lame loser who wants to be a wizard that's so funny though like seriously is this guy serious what really kogi I do not want to hear that from you why you were literally Harry Potter for Halloween a wizard yeah Junior you said you wouldn't talk about this anymore well I'm talking about it now four eyes you're so lameless you're cool like us but you're just not Cody you're just nine you guys are so mean whatever Cody come back I didn't mean it behold Junior I have returned for another trick oh great this guy again all right Junior I've been practicing this one for a while so I hope it works and if it doesn't work can you just pretend like it works so it makes me feel good uh yeah sure hard Junior I'm gonna make your bib disappear Africa yeah why is why is Junior so mean to me no oh wow Jeffy cool trick yeah oh my babe's totally gone oh man it didn't work oh maybe I said it wrong here let me try again I'm gonna make junior what disappear Zoe mama oh you killed him dude oh no that was part of my trick you see I wanted him to disappear and now I'm going to bring him back well you better um abraca please bring him back he's not back dude Zooey mama [Music] um no it's okay I got this I'm a magician I'm the best I just have to um figure this out Junior he's he's probably fine dude I thought your magic was like faking stuff I I think it was real no I'm a real magician I just didn't know that I could actually do that okay hold on just wait here oh man I gotta get Junior back this stupid manual doesn't tell me anything what am I gonna do oh hey Jeffy I thought I heard you whoa nice magic kit can I see a trick uh not now Morty but I have a question uh okay so if you were doing a magic trick for your friend and then you were going to make him disappear and you didn't really think it was gonna work but then he did disappear and then you couldn't get him back what would you do well I mean first thought should be Magic's a pretty powerful thing I don't think you should be messing with that stuff and second off that sounds like kidnapping me oh if he makes me make some kidnapping so I mean honestly I turned myself into the police people you're messing with magic that's such a bad idea no it's all Marvin's fault I hate Marvin what's up Marvin supposed to be it's it's no Morty he doesn't don't be a snitch if you made his son disappear he has the right to know I think I should go tell him no you don't know Morty stop oh hey Bowser I have really bad news to tell you what do you want well you see Jeffy he was messing with the dark arts and yeah and what where did he go what is happening to me oh no I shouldn't have done that now Morty's gone too I just can't let this get out uh Hey Jeffy have you seen Junior uh make Daddy disappear wait what oh no no Daddy's going too oh man that's three people I gotta stop using this one it's dangerous oh how do I reverse this this stupid book doesn't even help what am I gonna do wait I have an idea [Music] hello uh is this Marvin the legendary magician yep that's me Marvin the gate if you want to assert me for a birthday party I think I can pinch you in I mean I might be a little busy this week but I'll see what I can do sir I have a really big problem and I need you over at my house immediately who is this how'd you get my number Marvin please it's really important I'm willing to give you money oh well how many macaroonies are we talking um I'll give you like everything in my daddy's wallet I mean wait measuring money but if we're talking a whole wallet well I'll be there in 60 seconds yeah machine now pick a card any card no I'm good Marvin oh come on Jenny I insist it's really cool no you see I need help with your magic kit because I screwed up okay then what did you do so I did a magic trick which was really cool where I made my friend disappear and then he just didn't reappear and he's been gone like all day I don't know what to do well I mean that's pretty cool she I mean you were able to do a level 10 trick on your first try I'm pretty proud of you I know it was so cool but now he's like gone I think he might be dead please Marvin you gotta help all right dead singing did you check Marvin's magic manual I mean there should be a solution in there no I checked your stupid book what did you do to my book what nothing Jenny are these demonic incantations what what did you do no I can't even read it doesn't even make sense where did you get this book oh I found it where the black market sunny I think somebody cursed my magic set with real spells so that means Junior's dead probably I mean I don't do magic I just do tricks Marvin it's all your fault you were the one that bought my [ __ ] off the black market you idiot you killed Junior you killed Morty and you killed Daddy I don't do real magic it's just party tricks forget this stupid [ __ ] what are you doing take that you dumb [ __ ] Shoney what are you doing I'm burning your stupid book but that might have been what we needed to shove this mesh really you tell me after I throw it in the fire I didn't think you'd burn it idiot oh oh man Marvin what am I gonna do you better help me pay for the funerals you can't even eat it aren't you Sunny yeah my IQ is like seven so what yeah I can tell because you keep saying that you made him disappear but that doesn't mean they're dead it just means they're not here so where are they at I don't know Jenny I didn't cash to spell but maybe Wikipedia has something about this wake up wake up wake up what a sacrifice in front of an audience that's kind of hard a sacrifice hey Marvin do you want to take one for the boys wait no see no don't do me it wouldn't work because yeah we're not in front of an audience so how am I supposed to get in front of an audience I don't know oh wait what if you host a magic show and then sacrifice them we earned the show that way they'll think it's a tricky and won't get in trouble that's a w idea but who am I gonna sacrifice yeah have you guys seen my shirt hey Cody um do you want to be the assistant in my special magic show yeah you want me to be in your magic show don't tell Junior but I'll do it oh great all right when the time comes use this what what is that reach my sacrificial dagger but I thought you didn't do real magic I don't oh okay well time to do the best magic show ever ladies and gentlemen welcome to jeffy's magic show [Applause] my magic show all right guys you guys a really cool show for you tonight it's gonna get a little demonic later but don't worry about it all right for my first trick I'm going to make this bunny disappear um where's the bunny where where did the bunny oh there's the bunny there's the good bunny okay guys no no stupid funny don't touch okay I'm going to make this bunny put him in the Hat he's gonna be gone it's gonna be cool all right mate come here all right don't worry about it I don't know put them in your hat all right guys just like this before your eyes this bunny will be gone Zooey mama that a bunny is gone guys come on guys for you good yeah you can't uh you like that all right this Trick's gonna be pretty cool guys I got these cards here okay can I have my assistant come out and pick a card yeah okay I'm gonna get a card yeah okay I have it all right now that my assistant Cody has his card everybody in the audience I want you all to check your pants wait what do you mean what does that have to do with the card if the trick worked then everybody should be seeing fresh diarrhea in their pants oh yeah oh god oh all right everybody now for my final trick I'm going to be sawing my assistant Cody in half with this weird looking sacrificial dagger yeah you're gonna what what no I didn't agree to that all right Cody I need you to lay down on the table what Cody shut up just do what you're told yeah okay all right yeah oh this is a bad idea oh this is really bad I don't know why I'm doing this all right everybody you're about to witness the greatest magic trick of all time Cody I hope you're ready because this might hurt a little okay I don't think I want to do this anymore I changed my mind did I ask you to talk you're joking right all right bear Witness yeah yeah all right Marvin the DD's done I sacrificed Cody wait you actually pointed off well of course I did you didn't think I would do it well no I mean wow I don't know whether to be impressed or call the police so where are the boys at where's Junior Daddy and Morty how am I supposed to know I never dig the spell before remember so you're saying it didn't even work I don't know maybe they'll be here like oh so this is just a waste of time I shouldn't have even done this oh poor Cody what the all right Jeffy we're home we brought you food oh but but what's going on here you must have used a teleportation spare and yet a disappearing spell you just send them to Wendy's teleportation so you guys weren't even gone what no we we just got teleported to Wendy's or something and I got you a biggie bag if you want some yeah and we had to walk home so thanks for that you have got to be kidding me right now yep guess it means we didn't have to do the sacrifice hey Jeffy have you seen Cody oh Cody um yeah he's probably just uh he's probably just busy I don't I don't know um where he where he went I I am never doing magic again [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 213,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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