SML Parody: The Stalker!

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[Music] oh well it must be a costume because ostriches don't make chicken noises get out of here oh my God what is going on Daddy can we get a pet ostrich why would you ask me that when you clearly already have one and how did you get a pet on string I got them off the dark web his name is Daryl and he can beatbox yeah I can I can tell and I'm teaching him how this should be please Daddy can we keep him no no Jimmy you're grounded for bringing an ostrich in my house from the dark web you're grounded no you're grounded I'm the adult so I get to ground you uh I'm an adult too no you're not you're really eating well I'm good well you're bald well you're um you're still bald someone's at the door Jeffy we have company over and I don't want you acting like this not today I want to see you off this couch by the time I get back uh hello oh my God are you Mario I'm your biggest fan oh my God he's actually him oh hey uh yeah it's me Mario oh my God this is actually insane it's actually Mario I've played all of your games on either your biggest fan oh that's awesome but wait how did you find my address well your address is online it is yeah I hope you don't mind me coming here I was just wondering could I come in your house maybe I mean I guess so since it looks like your mom just drove away all right come inside score okay thank you so hey little buddy oh what's your name oh my God I'm actually Mario's house yep my house what do you say uh what's your name my name is Sheldon uh cool Sheldon can you back up why because of my personal space is yet going no back up a little more but then I can't smell your breath yeah it's probably for the best backup okay keep going okay it's a pretty big personal bubble oh man keep going okay you're good a little more okay A little more okay all right that's good hey can you show me some stuff for me uh yeah sure yeah I have a really cool stuff I want you to shine uh cool but don't you care that I don't have my hat or my overalls anymore yeah I'm pretty washed up I don't care Mario yeah I'm still Mario so what do you want me to sign I'll go get this in the car okay okay can you please get my Nintendo switch uh yeah sure but I don't have a pen yeah okay wait you need a pen yeah uh okay yeah you can choose whatever one you want uh I I guess I'll take the silver one remember when I was silver Mario oh yeah you remember that I remember all of your games Mario uh of course your games all right all right I'm gonna sign your switch now oh just please you yeah just just back up okay ah all right uh two what are you doing I'm I'm signing it no you don't push cute you just put your Ninja for Mario uh you don't want me to sign it to your name no oh okay uh Mar yes yes yes yes there you look so good thank you so much yeah but now it says to Mario Oh They'll think it's for me I don't care it's so cool oh can you show me something else uh is your mom coming back soon I don't know let me get something else oh God okay can you please sign my Mario Odyssey game oh Mario honestly you got good taste you guys please show yes uh okay and Nick can you look the game card oh no I'm not gonna lick the game card that's gross why would you want me to do that why not why would I do that it's unsanitary you don't want me licking that oh please just shine again all right I'll just sign it yes yes yes yes thank you so much I Love You Mario uh cool thanks can you hear back uh uh I love all my fans can you hear I love you Sheldon I would love if you went home wait I have more stuff for you tonight wait here no I don't want to sign anything more [Music] all right am I done signing everything oh oh my god oh this is amazing uh cool thank you heal much more organization in my life uh you're welcome wait did you shine all the Uno cards no why would I do that I just signed the Box well you said you love your fans well not enough to sign every single UNO card unless you paid me then I'd happily do it oh yeah Kevin no this is my personal nightmare wait can I have your shirt but no I need my shirt what are you doing oh what are you doing what are you trying to do tuck your mustache no I just put product in it you can't touch it oh you're antibacterial mustache cream how do you know about that I know all about you Mario oh okay so uh what time do you say your mom's coming to get you I don't know I just want to be here as long as I can well you can't be here because uh I I have Target in the morning so I have to get ready but you got fired from Target from Kermit uh how do you know that pick your secrets well can you give me your mom's phone number so I can call her and come get you I don't know my mom's phone number what you don't know nope well I all right well I'm gonna go to the bathroom you stay right here and like play on my switch or something you just don't follow me okay oh man how can this day get any weirder I can't help you hey can I watch no wait what wasn't weird go away I told you ate on the couch get a urine sample no why don't you things in there a toilet I'll find I'll be waiting for you when you finish oh my God that kid is so weird man that kid is really wacky he's driving me nuts okay good he's not around Mario I'm trying to eat my lunch are those green beans yeah I love green beans Mario of course you do can you like have some green beans no they're mine can I watch you eat them if I give you one will you go away maybe all right yeah you can have that one go eat it oh you know what I just remembered I have yard work to do you want to help me with yard work oh you anything for you Mario I want to help you so badly oh of course you did now come on let's go do some yard work okay all right Sheldon are you ready to help your best pal Mario cut the grass oh yes and you think for you my master uh cool dial it back just a little bit sorry okay what you're gonna do is you're gonna take these scissors you're gonna walk over to the grass each blade and you're gonna cut the grass just like that and make sure it's nice and short but why don't you have a lawn mower because I can't afford it I'm too poor you have to use the scissors and I'm gonna be behind the house cutting bushes so don't come look for me and hopefully by the time you're done your mom's back so uh have fun okay anything for you Mario oh finally he's gone I can relax whoa Daddy did you win the lottery or what no I lost I lost big time where do you get all this stuff from a psychotic fan he won't leave me alone he wants me to sign everything all this all his Mario merch and he's being really annoying he's annoying you yes even more than you I'm sorry if you are not annoying noise to be my job only I'm supposed to annoy you well you better step up your game then because he's doing a way better job than you ever would all right I'm gonna go have a talk with this kid yes please get him out of my life excuse me sir but I heard that you were annoying Daddy and that's my job so I respectfully ask you to leave oh but Mario said he loves me well no that's just plain cap Daddy doesn't love anybody he doesn't love me he definitely doesn't love you he is a cold heart you're breaking my heart yeah Daddy was telling me inside in your dog water you gotta go can I at least come inside to get my stuff oh fine I guess but then you gotta go did you miss me no I locked the door for a reason I finished cutting a grass like you asked but how did you do it that quick because Diane quick they call me John Wick that doesn't make any sense oh Mario I'm so glad you kept all my things I knew we weren't done uh well you know what I think since we're such good friends I can get your signature for once ye Mario wants my signature oh I would be so very honored oh well here you go sign this whole thing don't really use your full name wait am I shining gear Mario uh an autograph oh he wants my autograph held in me yeah uh here's your pen just sign the whole thing oh shine it just for you Mario okay perfect here we are Mario I signed it for you okay perfect wait your last name is Mario too of course it is I literally changed it but you can't change your last name I have my way oh okay well you have to get out what yeah you have to go you sign the restraining order what does that that means you can't be within 10 feet of me or my house so get out but you're just joking stay away what 10 feet you have to stay 10 feet away from you have to get out of my house or I'm gonna call the police and you're gonna go to jail probably for a second time but you would never get out I don't like you you're weird finally okay finally all the trash is off my couch daddy you got the weirdo out of our house uh yeah I took them in the signing restring or so he can't come back oh that's smart uh Jeffy have you seen the mail yet today I'm looking for job applications well no I'm not checking the mail but why not go see for yourself okay what what the [Music] oh why why are you doing this to me hey Mario I'm exactly 10 feet from your house just like you won it no no I didn't want this I wired you off my property but but you don't really mean that yes I do how long are you gonna make my life miserable until we're both dead I I hate you well I hate you you're awful no I only know you for 10 minutes I already think you're the worst person I've ever met no you don't mean that you're psychotic you're despicable you're evil I hate you you are a terrible human being you know that you're terrible yeah maybe you should have shared your feelings before you shined all my Mario memorabilia oh you want your Mario memorabilia huh that'll get you off my property okay I'll get you your Mario memorabilia no you want your stupid toys so bad take them ah Mario what are you doing Mario I'll go 11c I'm sorry take this and this thing's just weird Uno's overrated oh I didn't even get paid for these why would you do this now take all of your filthy stuff and get lost foreign actually I'm gonna keep this one now get out of my sight oh my God I can't believe ish Mario destroyed all of my memorabilia how could you do this to his number one fan my life is over it's meaningless now that's it that's it oh man finally he's finally uh ah gone hey Daddy what why are you so mad sorry Jeffy it's just been a rough day you think it was a good idea to do all that yeah I got him to go away didn't it yeah but if I were him and you destroyed all my stuff I'd get so mad well you're not him Jeffy he's some kind of weird stalker psychopath you're just normal psychopath I guess but if he comes back he's your problem well he's not gonna come back oh man all this stuff has made me super tired I guess I'll just go to bed early later that night foreign [Music] what is happening okay what on Earth is going on thanks Mari you helped us catch Sammy wait what Sammy Sammy The Psychotic stalker he's been on the run a while now and he's finally gonna be brought to Justice wait but I thought his name was Sheldon oh he's giving you fake names very funny your feeble pregame bars you won't keep me locked away forever I escaped the one channel happily do it again anything for you Mario oh shut up wait hang on why is he dressed like me that's what the psychopath does he dresses like his victims and then well I'm not going to tell you what happens next because yeah it's not it's not very PG uh okay can you just get him out of my house before he wakes up yeah you're lucky we got here in time or else this would have been a much darker video I'm out of here I'm tired of looking at him all right whatever just make sure you lock your doors and close your blinds have a good night I did I did [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 564,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AtsWO02vmCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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