SML Parody: Jeffy's Brain Freeze!

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oh my God no way is my luck actually changing for once I actually want something can we get in here what I won the lottery you won the lottery how much did you win now before I tell you I need you to promise me that you won't tell a single soul about it not your friends and not the news I can't let anybody find out how much money I made all right my lips are sealed I won't tell anybody okay I made wait for it 50 bucks like 50 million no like fifty dollars five zero fifty that that's it what are you gonna get with fifty dollars anything I want buddy I can live that rich person lifestyle again well then can we go to Disney World slow down there buddy we're not that rich oh Legoland a little lower can we go get ice cream oh yeah I'm in the mood for ice cream yeah sure go get your friends we'll go get ice cream tell them it's on me I've always wanted to say that whoa thanks for getting us this ice cream Mario it looks so good Oh Daddy this ice cream looks busted jumping did you really have to get the biggest size they had well yeah you said you're rich now so why not just because I'm rich doesn't mean I'm made of money this was like 20 bucks that's like half my winning well then maybe we should do went to Disney World you better eat all that I want to stay all that gone by the end and don't eat it too fast you get brain freeze brain freeze yeah it's really bad it hurts your head and it's annoying and it just you don't want it there's no such thing as brain freeze Daddy I'm not stupid yes there is and it's dangerous you don't want it trust me just don't eat it too fast and you'll be fine I'll be fine I'm a pro at this oh ow my head this is the worst brain freeze ever oh man I'm all out we just sure did Junior and I really want more that ice cream was so good more you don't have a brain freeze I ain't the tiniest cup and I have a massive brain freeze Junior I don't know what you and Daddy are talking about there's no such thing as brain freeze there is freeze Junior seriously stop gaslighting me it's not funny I'm not gaslighting Jeffy that's what happened do you eat a bunch of ice cream really fast well I guess if it's real then I'm just better than you because I don't have any brain freeze oh yeah improve it Junior I don't know how I would prove that well I do we're gonna get you a bunch of ice cream then you'll be begging for the brain freeze to stop more ice cream shitty whoa Junior where did you get all this ice cream for my dad why does your dad have all this ice cream because all he does is sit in bendy ice cream all day Junior where's my ice cream I'm gonna put that kid up for adoption soon uh yeah Jeff you might want to start eating fast all right Junior I'm gonna eat all this ice cream it's gonna be so good yeah right you need the biggest brain freeze ever Junior brain freeze isn't real I don't know how many times I have to tell you yeah we'll see about that good luck I'll leave you to it all right it's gonna be so good no wait Jeffy eats all that ice cream I mean if he does he'll have the biggest brain freeze ever ah Junior I shouldn't if you know that ice cream oh it's so cold then my head hurts [Applause] now you have one uh Jeffy yeah it's not funny hello Jeffy Jeffy oh my God you're so cold your skin is all blue well this isn't normal this is how brain freezes worker oh yeah Mario all right what's going on out here Junior told me you needed help Jeffy well Jeffy what happened to you Daddy what is so cold and my head hurts oh my god did you get a brain freeze I told you I'd eat ice cream that fast yo listen up here's his story uh okay are you gonna tell me what happened about a little guy that lives in the blue world and all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue like him inside and outside blew his house with the blue little window and the blue Corvette I don't have a blue cord why does this feel so familiar and everything is blue for him and himself and everybody around cause he ain't got nobody to listen and I've heard this before um wait Jeffy Jeffy you all right Jeffy get up oh my God all right I'm fine I'll call the doctor just wait right here what's going on here oh good you're finally here something's really wrong with Jeffy what did you do man he's blue I didn't do anything to him I guess he could say he's blue spotted these we already did that joke okay what do you want I think he has like brain freeze or something it's not serious right brain freeze yeah are you kidding man brain freeze is incredibly dangerous wait what it is why oh my God this might be terminal he he's freezing I don't know I have to get a brain scan stay here okay oh my God this is not good wait why what's wrong don't you see his scans look what the hell brain is literally nice it's completely Frozen oh man what did you feed him well all we did was go out for ice cream and he got the biggest size they call Everest oh my God this is the worst case of brain freeze I have ever seen we're gonna need to do surgery very expensive surgery you can handle it right well watery well we have like 30 bucks left how much did you win 50 bucks well since surgery is an option we just gotta wait for him to thaw out oh wait I know how to help with that come on Jeffy oh man don't worry Jeffy I'll save you come on son work what are you doing I'm trying to thaw that it works on popsicles it's the middle of October and the sun isn't even out he's not gonna thaw out out here so should I do plan B and put them in the oven no do you want to go to jail no I I just know doctor I know how this stuff worked well like I told you he needs time to thaw out so just give him some time well how much is enough time a couple of years oh God he'll never move out I'm sorry I don't know what to tell you put it in the oven no no you're not putting them in the oven I just weighed my options that's all I I just fine I'll let him thaw out I want to go to jail come on Jeffy on [ __ ] come on come on this isn't working what am I gonna do oh my God why is it so hot in here because I have the heat cranked all the way up why well for starters you're standing on my frozen son what did you do I didn't do anything he just he ate a bunch of ice cream and now now he's all Frozen and stuff that's why I had to heat up he has brain freeze yeah wait you know what brain freezes of course I know what the rain freezes oh well then you can help me right you can fix this I've never seen it this bad before have you tried putting them in in the oven no apparently that gets me arrested oh I mean I I I can try to figure something out to help us yes please do anything I don't care what you have to do just get it done I think Bowser was complaining about something earlier I'll be right back okay let's see what we can do here I took his brain out why why well because you said try anything I didn't think you were gonna take his brain out can you put it back in well no I had to sever the spinal cord so I I can't put it back in so he's dead well no not officially I mean his brain is still completely fine since it's frozen okay well what's even your plan here well I was thinking I'm gonna do like a Walt Disney a what you don't know about Walt Disney no well when he died they took his head off and they froze it so then in the future then he can turn it into like a cyborg or something okay well do you have a cyborg well no but I'm gonna take his brain and I'm gonna put it into a robot except there's two big issues okay what well one we gotta wait for the brain to unfreeze and two we have to wait for robots to be invented what going to the Future and get a robot I don't time travel okay that's a lazy plot device we're gonna have to wait well how long do we have to wait yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I Let It Go ES [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh junior I finished eating all the ice cream see I told you I wouldn't get brain freeze oh hey kid you're finally awake Rick is that you yeah Rick why is the couch shiny and why can't I feel anything oh yeah the couch uh well it's because we're uh we're in the future wait what uh you're kind of a robot now Rick this isn't funny where's Junior dead Cody dead Joseph dead Bowser oh he died a while ago Brooklyn guy dead Morty all right I think he's in space or something I don't know wait Rick if basically everybody is gone how are you still alive actually I I died like 40 years ago I'm just a sentient hologram developed by Rick see oh I guess that means Daddy's probably gone too dead oh wait no no no no your dad's still alive wait what yeah yeah he's actually he's still in his room you can go see him if you want I want to go see Daddy Oh Daddy is that you who said that oh hey you got a cigarette what no it's me Jeffy you remember right hang on let me get a good look at Jews oh oh gross it's a pretty robot and Kermit do your job as a server and get in here and get his robot out no it's me your son you really don't remember I I don't have a son not died wait no I didn't die my brain just froze over yep he got a brain freeze died in 2022. honestly best year of my life oh week after he died I got promoted back in Target made my way up back to CEO I can't come now he's my servant now what button for the day but I didn't die I just had to wait to become a robot oh man honestly ever since he left best things ever happened to me why would you say that so many Yachts now don't even know what they're doing hey robot if I give you a yacht we get out I hate you oh yeah you really was stupid boys he's probably just about the worst set a father could ask for um what are you still doing in here get out I already won the war against those dang robots you want me to beat your sorry rump again I'm glad you shared your true feelings now I know what I must do wait what are you doing they're eliminated must terminate All fathers in the Multiverse hey kid I just saw what you did through your neural interface that was pretty hardcore emotion no damage received must terminate origin point of Father's happiness to achieve emotional stability what do you mean emotional damage what do you think you're gonna do I will eliminate all possible fathers until his miserable presence has been ridged from the Multiverse wait kid where did where did you get my portal gun time traveling now oh great another evil robot on the loose oh come on Big Money big money what am I gonna get oh maybe I'll get 20 bucks or if I'm lucky 40 bucks wait what the year to terminate wait what are you supposed to be Halloween isn't for another week say goodbye odds of success diminishing retreating to alternate timeline what was that oh I don't know we just came through a portal and started beating me up why did he have my shirt on I don't know it was really weird speaking of weird look what I got what is that a lottery ticket yeah I don't even know if it's a winner yet let's see well Jeffrey I won 50 bucks like 50 million no like 50 5-0 50 000 no 50 50 bucks oh well what are you gonna do with that oh anything I can live that rich person lifestyle again what can we go to Disney World slow down buggy we're not that rich Legoland uh how about we just go out for ice cream ice cream not really feeling it what if we go out for pizza actually yeah Pizza does sound better I'm not really in the mood to get a brain freeze what what to brain freeze [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 357,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: su0Mfkp6tvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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