SML Parody: Jeffy's Snow Vacation!

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[Music] oh man i wish i was young again hi buddy oh kermit please don't beat me today i'm doing everything you asked no don't worry i'm not gonna beat you actually buddy corporate's forcing me to give away and all paid vacation to one of my employees courtesy of me i'm paying for the whole thing sometimes i hate being the ceo so who won well you're my only employee so congrats i won the trip oh man this is amazing where am i going somewhere up north in the mountains oh and only you can go no one else i'm not paying for anybody else well i wasn't gonna bring anybody else anyway so it works out oh man i can't wait to see snow i'm gonna go pack right away yeah wait buddy it's only three o'clock your shift isn't over oh man oh doc his pay later all right there's my snow hat and finally ah my advil i can't go anywhere without it well time to catch my flight oh hey daddy where are we going got my mickey mouse backpack i'm ready to go you're not going anywhere that mickey mouse backpack i hate the rat you know that well where are you going dog nowhere no we're fun it's just um um a business trip yeah business trip you hate those uh business trip to where um hawaii yeah really dangerous in hawaii too uh there's earthquakes and tsunamis and you just you should stay here if you're going to hawaii why are you packing all these warm clothes shoot why is he so observant um because uh well you see it it might be really cold and i'd love to over pack you over everything just in case something bad happens so uh i have my warm clothes on top and uh my summer clothes on the bottom yeah so i know you're seeing snow socon please go with no you can't go with jeffy it's my vacation me i want it for being a good target employee and kermit says only i can go well we both know if you don't let me go i'm just going to sneak along with so you might as well let me go well well then you have to eat green beans the whole trip yup i'd rather eat green beans there and eat green beans here [Music] fine jeffy you can go i mean i guess kermit won't know it's not gonna be there all right i'll go tell everybody else they can come too wait no jimmy get back here the next day all right jeffy here we are what do you think uh one word run down wait jimmy that's two words actually it's one word well it's rude is what it is now look while we're here i want you to be on your best behavior you got it i don't want you breaking a single thing otherwise kermit's gonna kill me i'll only break two of those really expensive looking wine glasses no you'll break none of those expensive looking wine glasses now look go tell everybody to pack their stuff while i steam some green beans green beans again whatever oh is that snow wheat oh man i love this snow hey junior you're not gonna believe what i just found what loads and i'm talking loads of snow oh wow really i noticed oh we gotta be more observant junior i think you're standing it right now well do you wanna play in the snow we can make snow angels we can do snowball fights well jeffy the neighbors have a sled over there i was thinking about stealing that i love stealing junior all right then let's go take it see jeffy the neighbors just left a perfectly good sled unguarded well let's take it then junior yeah sure we'll borrow it for a little bit and then just bring it back uh yeah sure junior borrow it uh yeah all right let's go all right jeffy are you ready for the greatest ride of your life i've never been show ready junior all right ready here we go jeffy jeffy if you're right that was the coolest thing i've ever done junior you have to try this yeah but jeffy you kind of blacked out after you hit your head junior it's fine i had my helmet well i don't have a helmet it's fine you can use mine come on uh okay oh man oh man jiffy are you sure i have to go down this slope why can't i just go down the one you went down you'll be fine junior you can't use the same slope twice or else it slows you down but but jiffy this way it looks really really dangerous you got my helmet you'll be fine you ready no i'm not ready wait i'm gonna go [Music] jeffy you pushed me in your oncoming traffic you idiot sorry junior i didn't know you didn't know why did you push me down the same slow you're fine junior just come back up all right i'm coming back up aren't you ready to go again no jeffy i think i'm gonna go inside what why forever well junior no you're not we gotta go again no i'm not going again you push me into the street well junior you have a helmet so you're fine yeah i think i'm gonna keep your helmet for that oh and i think i'm gonna push you back in the street what nobody messes my helmet junior nobody well you know what if that's how you want to be then then we're gonna have a snowball fight and winner gets to keep the helmet find by me junior run it all right all right time to check on these green beans oh wow they look really good oh and they smell good too wait who's at the door it's probably jeffy [Applause] jeffy you know you can just go through the bathroom hey buddy just here to check up on you making sure you don't have anybody else over or anything oh yeah yeah of course not no no it's just me yeah just mario just a mario vacation aren't you supposed to be a target though don't worry buddy target's under control now do you mind if i do a walk through the walkthrough yeah you could do a walk through it's just uh i have to take care of something first nobody don't shut the door nobody don't bowser bowser you have to hide no no no i already called dibs on this bed this isn't about the stupid bad kermit's here he's gonna beat us what's a kermit the kermit the frog have you not heard of him never heard of it i'm watching charlie leave me alone well you can't watch charlie kermit beats you beating i take a beating wait does he bite dizzy bites i don't like that i don't care still watching charlie well you won't have charlie or a bet if he beats you um i'm thinking about it well you don't have time to think about it come on wait no but i don't wanna sorry bowser i'll come get you when he's gone okay kermit okay you can look and do your walk through you seem a little out of breath buddy what were you doing well i i was uh i was i was making sure oh i was making sure that we had a fresh two-ply toilet paper yeah that's it you always have a fresh two-pointer you're always gonna actually have toilet paper of course yeah let me inspect it buddy what's that i need to make sure to check he wasn't inside oh what's this buddy green beans i don't care i can explain everything better explain why you're cooking green beans in my kitchen oh you're mad about the green beans yeah i hate green beans no well i'm sorry about that i was making green beans because uh i'm doing a green bean night just for me just for me so why is there so many of them trying to feed other people no no no i'm just big we're having a party tonight no i'm big and round that's it i'm big and round interesting i need a lot of green beans well everything seems to be in order for a minute there buddy i thought you had other people my condo what's that oh what do we have here mickey mouse backpack i didn't know you're a fan of the rat i'm not and why do you have it or is it somebody else's who's hiding here it's mine it's my backpack it's my disgusting disgusting backpack why do you have this if you hate it so much well because i'm doing that that scare therapy where you know you expose you something that's something you're really really scared of and i don't want to be scared of the rat anymore so i bought a rat backpack to uh get over my fear uh kermit what why are you smelling if you don't have a nose i don't know i like smelling things even though i don't have a nose not for you to judge okay all right buddy if this is your backpack i guess you passed inspection but i'll be back i always am oh so if you have anybody and i mean anybody in this pathetic condo in the mountains you're done see you around oh man told you i win junior my helmet's safe now uh best two out of three jeffy junior i already beat you once what makes you think you can win this time because this time i have the element of surprise jeffy jeffy we have a problem ooh direct hit jeffy we have a problem oh come on daddy it's always we have a pro on this we have a problem that these are your problems not ours well this time it is your problem too because kermit's here and if he sees you we're all gonna be sleeping in the snow don't worry daddy kermit won't see us we'll be fine okay good now don't let kermit see you if he's wandering around i'm gonna go inside take a hot shower oh man it's cold i can't believe mario didn't break any rules i could have sworn he was gonna have other brats in his condo oh man i guess i'll bust them next time that pathetic snowball oh wow junior another direct hit not bad jiffy i think i just hit kermit oh there's no way it's kermit i mean he is green maybe it's a green giant from the green bean can i hate that guy throw another one no jesse i think that's kermit oh we're gonna be in so much trouble i gotta hide oh what's he gonna do wait a minute those are mario's brats i knew they'd come along they were just hiding outside oh he thinks he's slick he thinks he's real slick that's slick enough for me oh he's done all right the green beans are all done i better get everybody inside for green bean night all right time to get jeffy and junior for green meat night oh hope they didn't get any trouble out there anybody ever play final f this is what's for that it's scary but not as scary as what i'm about to do to you but did you did you change your mind my creamy night no but it did change my mind about you staying here in this condo what what did i do outside in your breath hit me over the hell with the snowball of course you knew that mickey mouse backpack wasn't yours okay he begged me to curve i didn't want to take it but he was beating me if i didn't i told you only you can come on the vacation then what'd you do you brought the whole filthy family you know that's all right just say it just saying already i'm fired from target aren't i no you're not but the window is gone so have fun sleeping in the snow but no you can't do this to me i have nowhere else to go that's the point have fun don't curve can i at least pack my stuff first let me think i win daddy jeffy you've won 26 times in a row how many times to say i'm not playing why so upset i don't know jeffy it's because i'm spending my vacation in the snow it's not that bad could be worse you could have lost your job at target that's true at least kermit so i can keep my job as long as i find a way back home since he's not paying for a plane ticket anymore because of you why do i feel like we're forgetting something hello uh is anybody there i'm still in here mario junior it's cold guys can you at least bring in a tv so so i can watch charlie guys [Music] you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,024,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1NgXRO2wkfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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