SML Parody: Jeffy's Snow Day!

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[Music] it's morning already oh my god oh i'm gonna score wait a second is that is that snow oh my god there's snow that means i don't want to go to school today daddy dang dying dying there's snow on what snow yeah there's valentine's day what are you talking about jeffy you're dreaming no i'm not a guy i woke up and i saw inside there was snow and the snow started dying it never snows here but there is now i'm going back to bed no look at the outside guy look at okay okay fine fine you'll see it's snowing out sure snow there's actually snow yeah dying there's snow on shine it's like road three all over again i can't believe it dying that means i don't want to go to school one day jeffy this is not still you don't leave the house you do online school fine daddy i don't want to go to online school jeffy finish all your work do your online school then you can go outside scream jane shut up i don't want to go to online school whatever all right it's connecting please wait oh connecting oh no i don't want to go to school [Music] what the second time what is going on this is my oh i don't think this is my classroom what do i do here what do i do i'm stuck on the lava oh he died that's not my school i'm ain't going there wait what are you talking about jeffy that was not my school i just joined nine i don't think my school's on right now jeffy you're just trying to get out of school yo you want to see them for yourself yeah i'm 100 certain there's schools today ah cover me hey look at this this is not your school what is this oh my god i don't know what that was i don't know what i'm doing guys what's going on with your skull i don't know what [Music] the breaking news okay there's snow everywhere it has to snow like this in years oh my god well i came to say that there's no school today because well that's just the rule when there's when there's snow the school is a no okay i gotta get back inside it's too cold out here for me what they can't tell school just because of snow yeah they canceled school just like pokeman i can't wait what well i can't believe this when i was a kid i had to walk 10 miles and a foot of snow in my bare feet well that sucks anyway can i go shine i guess you wait first you have to struggle the driveway what why dang well that's your one chore since there's no school but then it's not even fair nope too bad if you want to play outside first gotta shovel the driveway i hate you darny i'll be checking whoa that's a lot of semen okay time to shovel the driveway all right i finished the driveway really you did it already yeah dying it was easy can i see yeah come on guy okay i die i finished the driveway let me why do you write peepee in the driveway well you told me to shovel the driveway guy that's not what i meant and then shovel the whole thing what dinos a lot of work that's what i mean though ah do i really have to yeah do it right now and i'm gonna stand here and watch you the whole time oh my god well if you're here for like i don't know like three days then that's your fault yeah we'll see [Music] that's right enough i cleared the entire driveway jeffy you did the whole driveway yep daddy i did the whole driveway wow good job oh thank you can i play now yeah sure but but but wait i don't want to watch you so go get chef peepee okay yay there you go junior your chocolate chip cookies but chef peepee they look horrible why they're perfect but they're broken chef pee pee they're not ain't good look i did my best okay when you eat a normal cookie it's gonna break in your mouth so i basically did you a favor you got a point but i don't like them chef pee pee i'm not shut up hey guys i need to talk to you hey jeffy what's up i'm not making any more cookies if you want something go to ask junior i don't want in your stupid cookie champion that's stupid anyways junior do you want to go outside in the snow with me uh of course i do chef baby do you want to come watch us of course i don't wha why because it's wet and it's cold and it's snowy but my dime is in your hand cheryl did you say he had to ask me or did he actually say i had to he said i had to ask you but it's the same thing exactly i'm not coming you're coming okay all right junior let's go and jeffy me you aren't coming or else i'm telling my dang oh your daddy i'm scared whatever i'll just go out for a few minutes that's it wow general look at all the snow jeffy i can't see anything i'm going blind by all the snow what why the sun's on it i can't see a thing oh you want to go playing it of course i do why are we out here let's go junior i can't believe i have to do this it's so stupid ah at least i don't have to go in the snow with those brats though i'm just going to stay up here jump baby come in the snow i don't want to come in this stupid snow if you don't come in the snow i'm gonna tell my daddy oh fine all right hate this stupid story [Music] shot bb are you okay i don't know [Music] jeffy me you look like jack frost shut up oh my god i hate this well come on just all of us oh jr i'm gonna put footstops in here wait why just because whoa this is so creepy [Music] look at all the footprints i'm making junior okay i guess what i'll do is just build a snowman i used to do that all the time as a kid okay i got my ball that's gotta keep pushing and pushing it i think it looks pretty good he's so cute what should i name him like chef pee pee jr or pp i know i'm not even little pp yes little peepee even though he's bigger than me he's the little pee pee shot baby where's the snowman jeffy what the hell's a snowman it's a man made out of snow oh hey mr snowman what what the hell did you just say to me sure people tell them to shut up jeffy it's a snowman you can't talk oh you just called me a teeny weeny you little tardy you know what it's not real okay he's making me really match up he just called me a teeny weeny what are you gonna do about it oh yeah call me team me one more time i thought you were a little bit i thought you were a little peepy [Music] you guys don't regret this you guys are gonna regret this hard okay why am i using my nose for this hey dinner what doing ah oh hey jeffy what's up uh i'm building a snowboard i snow fort yeah look at this it's it's completely not snowy in here so i can just hide in here and nobody will find me well i found you but that's because you found me earlier idiot whatever junior but can i hang out in here oh yeah sure um i'll be right here in a second i'm gonna go uh use my yellow crayon in the snow what does that mean anyway right like a bunny girl and hop hop like they all went when i snowball where'd that come from yeah whatever where's this coming from like a bunny doing jeffy jeffy are you still here [Music] it's so cold junior junior i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm trying i thought you were jeffy still i was getting some revenge because he destroyed my snowman oh okay look i'm sorry do you guys want to go sledding now wait sledding yeah there's a sled over there i'd love to go sledding chef pee pee okay let's go i'm gonna need this first wait why i need to get revenge on jeffy still fair enough i will tell jeffy come out come out wherever you are look i'm sorry no more snowballs no more snowballs i'm scaring you baby i'm done true it's truth okay i was getting revenge on you but first yeah truth we're friends okay um okay baby you're gonna make up for it i got you guys a sled first one [Music] yep you guys yay sledding do your thing have fun i'm gonna go do my own thing okay i'm okay so take care of yourselves i went around all right but one thing before i go one [Music] loser you know what we're just going to go sliding then let's go slime junior let's go junior okay i know exactly what i'm gonna do first i'm gonna gather some snow okay i'm gonna put in a cup okay yes i'm gonna make an awesome dish out of this it'll be so good man feels like a weight has been lifted off my back wait what [Music] freaking news okay there's a blizzard coming our way everyone get inside before you freeze to death okay if there's any kids playing outside or any adults watching them play outside come inside now or forever hold your peace blizzard i gotta get jeffy and junior hey and chef pee pee okay i need to get them before this blizzard comes oh man it's already starting to snow bad i gotta get them quick jeffy junior oh my god there's so much snow i know i've been having such a great time out here jeffy got me too junior you know what we should do what jeffy what you bout to snow for that is like an amazing idea oh my god it'll be so fun yeah i know we should get started guys you need to come inside wait why why do we need to come inside there's a blizzard coming what's a blizzard um i think it's like an ice cream or something it's a dairy queen no no no no oh okay daddy i don't want a dairy queen but thank you no no that's not it a really bad snow storm is coming wait a snowstorm that sounds like fun junior i know we could be like rudolph the radio's reindeer no it's dangerous danny there's a snowstorm dangerous the snow is not dangerous yeah when there's a lot of it is just look at all the snow that's coming already yeah it's a lot of fun guys come on it's getting bad do we really have to yeah we have to come on yeah dying are we seriously on the comments i'm because of a storm blizzard of course look how bad it's getting it's getting really dark okay but a blizzard's on so pee pee i want to be inside of him yeah it's real funny if you want to die how would i die by snow uh basically freeze to death uh get covered in snow and can't get out basically getting buried alive i guess so but what am i supposed to do about my snow day daddy based on the looks of it you're gonna have a few more snow days i guess you're right i'm going down tomorrow yeah you can still play inside today it's glitter day guess so but i don't know what to do inside well chef pee pee's supposed to be cooking something i don't know what it is but when he's done we can all eat it i guess so whatever night see you later wow he really seems sad who cares okay i got my snow okay what should i make with it though i don't know like a slushie or some italian ice yeah totally nice nah i want to make a nice dish not a dessert well first step i should probably print the pot heat it up a little bit make it easier to work with okay here i go oh get that all in there [Music] okay let's heat it up a little bit that's your baby what is it jeffy why did my daddy make me come inside i heard there's a really bad blizzard going on out there but that blizzard sounds really fun jer maybe i want to go in it no i'm sorry it's very dangerous can you tell my dying that it's okay look as much as i hate you guys i hate to see you die outside so no ah you're no hell peepee too bad well back to my snow where's my snow look at this gun mario jeffy come eat what is this jumping yeah what is this well it's chef pee pee's snowy surprise it looks weird why is probably so much more yellow than yours because i added extra surprise to yours oh and your surprise that's so baby why didn't i get a lot of surprise you'll like it just give it a try okay i guess so all right you gonna try to jeffy okay let me try it listen trying whoa this is actually really good what do you think jeffy i really like it well thank you guys well i was wondering why is it a surprise what makes a surprise the surprise is that there's piss [Music] you
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,186,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, 2020, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy
Id: Os1dxX6k9h4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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