SML Parody: Jeffy's Video Game 2!

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hey Daddy can I play my new Switch game on the TV no Jiffy I'm watching TV right now oh man but I really wanted to play my new Jeffy game it just came out it's gonna be so fun well if you want to play a game on your switch just play it on the tablet oh but the tablet is Dead come on can I please play the TV Jeffy I would rather watch paint dry than watch you play a game right now all right let's do it do what what you said your daughter watch paint dry so I'll go outside let me paint the sidewalk and you can stare at that while I sit in here in my game like it was a figure of speech Jeffy I don't I don't actually want to watch paint dry your life is a figure of speech can you get out Daddy I told you if you touched then I will call them and I told you they're not gonna come for you you're 18. I'm gonna do a Child Protective Services I'll call them go ahead you're gonna waste their time okay I'm I'm doing it I'm going to call you know what now you can't play your game that was uncalled for all right Daddy what your god-awful parenting skills have taught me is that instead of nicely asking to do things I'm just gonna start doing them so I will now be playing my brand new Jeffy game on your TV and there's not a thing you can do about it well no no Jeffy you see I I'm the adults I can use the TV whenever I want to do it you can't just take it I know I yeah I made it you made this you can't even read how can I expect that you made a game because dirt helped me do it he did all the programming and I did the design your brain dead brother that we turned into a PC helped you build this game yeah and it's really good yeah I highly doubt that I bet he doesn't even turn on I bet it does Welcome to the Duffy game wait what the heck this thing actually worked of course it does daddy the game just came out yesterday and reviewers are giving it perfect scores oh perfect so or what do you mean a perfect score IGN gave it a 10 out of 10 and we know IGN never lies really is that good no no no no no it's not uh they gave Mario Odyssey uh 10 out of 10 and Matthew you can stop Goombas I mean you can't do that in this game really daddy in my game you can Stomp the green beans but I like green beans well nobody else likes green beans okay get over it and in my game you can also collect the Cheerio box it's so sick whoa come on Jeffy that's a ripoff of my game you click coins and mine's the same thing okay what do you do with the coins well usually like seriously what do you do they don't do anything sometimes you could buy stuff like an odyssey okay what do you buy you buy Cheerio boxes so why not just skip all the filler and get right to the Cheerio box and the good stuff what are you talking about you don't buy them Cheerios with coins Jeffy and my Cheerio boxes actually do something if you get them all you unlock the secret level oh yeah yeah well I secret levels too so there in what one of your three games I have way more than three games oh yeah prove it what Daddy see Jeffy look at all these amazing games what is with all this garbage get this out of here garbage this isn't garbage day they're Classics look at this one this one's pretty okay it's a bad example no one likes the one but oh this one right here Bowser's Inside three classic everyone loves that one is that Luigi's Mansion Daddy it's not even the Mario yes it is yes it is I'm in that game you have to save me it's a Mario game I'm sorry but these games are irrelevant they're probably older than me and Junior combined no they're not Mario honestly just came out look see look it says right here that it it came out five years ago I'm old I'm old and bald and overweight are you done um you don't have a job I don't think you're gonna get a job because you're lazy hey Junior look at this new game I'm watching a review right now carefully you can meaning of it all we are happy to give The Jeffy game a Flawless 10 out of 10. Junior what was that the review for The Jeffy game oh you're the game well yeah that's what I was coming here to tell you about what you have it too oh yeah so why were you watching a review if you already bought it because I need to know if it's good or not Cody that's why you watch reviews well no you watch the review before you buy it you already bought it so what's the point no cookie because now I can refund the game the food's bad but it's not bad so I don't have to go down the store buy it come back just to play I can just play right now but you had to buy it in the first place Junior nothing you do makes sense oh shut up Cody I don't micromanage everything you do okay anyway I'm trying to get the golden Jeffy wait there's a golden Jeffy yeah you have to beat all the levels oh what I better get him faster than you you want to bet Junior oh yeah it's bad all right five dollars I'll get them before you oh well I'm thinking something embarrassing like uh a loser has to shave their head yo um well I don't know oh are you chicken Cody you can't beat me I like my hair but I I think I could beat you I I would do that bet sure all right fine then lose your hands to shave their head all right sounds good wait what are you doing I'm playing the game of the switch yeah hang on and you're ugly and that red shirt is just way too small on you yep and those blue pants Oh I just don't like them okay Jeffy I get it all right Daddy I'm gonna go back to playing the best game ever made okay and I'll go back to playing the best games ever made you know way more than your one game yeah whatever oh oh man my Pro Controller is dead dad can you buy me a new one no plug it in I don't want to plug it in because that means I have to stop playing my game but you already have to stop playing the controller's dead well I want you to go to Target and just buy me a new one it's not that hard why would I waste mine you a new controller ow what the is this all real of course it's real daddy people love my game so that means my bank account goes up because people are buying it so go to Target use my fat green Stacks to buy me a new controller get me some Doritos and you can keep the rest I can eat the rest yes I don't care fine I'll get to your controller ugh where are the stupid Pro controllers at do they even sell them here anymore but wait oh great the games in stores and it's top picks too oh come on I mean my Mario games are top picks but great it's selling amazing you know what maybe maybe it'd be kind of funny if I bought the game just to see how bad it is and then return it so Jeffy couldn't get any of the money it would be kind of a funny thing to do you know I think I will oh man I'm totally gonna be junior I think of a whole level ahead of him well wait oh he's a level ahead of me oh no I can't lose I don't want to lose my hair what am I gonna do oh I have an idea Junior you're gonna say goodbye to your hair soon I think I'm gonna beat you oh you're doing good over here Cody I'm doing a really good that's great I just died a junior sorry Cody I didn't mean it it just happened it was an accident it's not a fair you know what I'm sorry Hoagie I got it I didn't mean it you know I just I am yeah I'm sorry all right time to see how bad this game truly is I better return it in the first five seconds all right here we go oh okay here we go starting off on level one and I died great I died to the first to me I knew this game was crap I guess we gotta try again here we go again I guess I'll try level one again oh oh wow actually that kind of felt satisfying stomping that green bean um maybe this game isn't so bad after all you know I mean it's kind of fun is that a Cheerio box well I gotta get the Cheerio box I can't just not get it okay on Mario and wow wow it was actually satisfying to get that Cheerio box I can't believe it you know what that first level wasn't that bad actually I kind of had fun with it I mean it wasn't better than anything in Mario Odyssey but it was still kind of good for what it was hey Daddy what doing nothing Jeffy nothing and nothing did you get my Pro Controller no I forgot that I didn't forget to buy it it's just they they ran out of the store and I didn't want to go to another store to get it yeah why do you have Nintendo switch joy-cons here what are you doing I'm watching TV that's what I said I'm doing on your Nintendo switch Yeah Yeah you can watch Hulu on the switch you know I bet you didn't know that Daddy why do you have a copy of The Jeffy game probably this is not mine but that's not mine it's mortgage I was gonna burn it when I was done with it you know like not being playing it you know just like when I was done you know relaxing on the couch you collected Cheerio boxes Jimmy I was not playing your stupid game okay I said I don't want to play it oh my God why don't you go outside and play you know and play with your friends get some vitamin D kick the ball around that kind of stuff all right daddy you have fun with whatever you were doing in here okay I will all right time to beat that next level what was it Odyssey in Mario Odyssey when I'm done watching Hulu Okay God that kid's annoying you know what I think Daddy secretly likes The Jeffy game oh bully Bill no hey loser I heard you got a new game oh yeah I did Boy Bill and it's really fun you should try sometime oh I can try you know why loser no because my parents got it for me for Christmas and I really want to know the secret level is and I can't wait that long so please tell me what it is oh you just want to know the secret level Boy Bill um well I'll tell you under one condition what name it I'll do anything when we go to school next week I want you to dress up like a pink fairy while saying jeffy's better than me I'm a loser all day okay I'll do anything except that please Lizard just tell me what the secret level is all right Billy Bill if I'm being real with you I don't even know what the secret level is I didn't like it but you made the game I know but Morty made the secret level and he wouldn't tell me what he did so that loser knows what it is so I used to beat it out of him uh I wouldn't do that boy Bill Morty has Mother's protection and she will literally turn you into Ash great guess I have to wait till Christmas oh my God finally uh sorry Junior I have to say goodbye to that orange uh whatever you call that is your hair well at least let me beat the secret level Cody wait wait a minute what what why is my Jeffy not he's not gold wait okay there we go I beat the level oh wait I got golden Jeffy too but I guess it doesn't matter because you got him first um yeah Junior I my game is probably just glitching where is your golden Jeffy I don't know Junior he's unlocked I got him why don't you have the secret level unlocked secret level you didn't get all the Cheerio boxes decision right my game is probably just you didn't get this junior Noble let me just reset it you don't have good and Jeff let me just reset it I do so you know what that means oh my God here yeah Junior you'll never get me alive yeah Cody don't be like this come on you made a bet Junior I'm not doing it yeah oh my God no come on Cody I don't want to chase you around all day just to shave your head yeah Junior what is my mom gonna think when she sees me she probably won't even know you she won't notice my hair is gonna be gone of course she's gonna notice Pokey look if I lost I would have shaved my head that's the deal no you wouldn't Junior I know you yeah I know I wouldn't have done it but it doesn't matter because I didn't lose okay Junior uh best two out of three come on Cody oh my God no oh my God oh my God it's even worse than I thought oh my God he looks terrible Junior why did you make me do this there's no way oh my God no no no oh God my gorgeous hair it's all gone all right Cody how do you whoa wow yeah I know Junior it's terrible yeah look at all that hair oh my God Junior why didn't you make me do this oh come on can we look on the bright side of things what get it bright-sided because your balls and your head's so shiny oh my God Junior I'm never coming over again let's be honest you'll be back here tomorrow you always are yo you're right what am I gonna do with school next week the better question is what about picture day because that's coming up soon picture day yeah you're gonna look like that oh my God I'm gonna tell my mom you're walking home [Music] foreign box I get the secret level oh man Jimmy wasn't kidding this game's amazing I can't stop playing it oh man I can't see that secret level is oh great storms at the door oh come in yeah I don't know why it's so dark in here [Music] oh turn the lights back off oh God that's bright oh shunny what happened nothing happened I'm just playing my new game is it the new Jeffy game yes who even are you uh it's me you feel Jefferson Creator the first Jeffy game oh yeah that game sucked what surely that was uncode for I'm just trying to see how good the new Jeffy game is and I know your son made it at all all right then go to Target and buy it Shelly the problem is I don't have any money so I was wondering if I can just try it out for a little bit no no just go to Curry and buy it Johnny I just want to try get away oh my God this is mine oh my God what do they put in that stuff um Shanny can I just uh can I just try like one level no I'm about to get the Cheerio box to the last level and let me get the secret level Cheerio box oh come on he stole our idea we made the Cheerio boxes a collectible and it was really cool no no because these are cereal boxes they're not specific ugly Cheerios so we're not gonna get sued again oh that's smart actually I should have done that oh oh god oh what's wrong you have to call 9-1-1 no here's the deal you better make sure that nobody touches this controller until I get back I need to get that last Cheerio box all right Johnny I mean I just I just want to try I'll just do one level here we go ah okay that's much better I was holding it in for at least five oh Phil what are you doing Jenny I'm just trying the game that each fan it's way more fun than mine shiny I think I'm gonna get this first Cheerio box here first cereal box but box what Cheerio boxes honey I think I started a new game for you but it shouldn't be a big deal you can just go back get your Cheerio boxes and lock your secret level I mean I mean this this is quite difficult I don't know probably took all day to get these boxes yeah it did but Jenny where are you going Sunny no I was playing that Shoney what are you doing uh Daddy stop what are you doing Jeffy is that you what did you do to the switch what's going on where am I just check it I didn't do that you were do daddy you were playing The Jeffy game weren't you I I was and it was really fun too I I have to the secret level but then Phil Jefferson showed up and I need to leave in my save file and I just got so mad I don't know what happened Phil Jefferson yeah I mean the guy who made the first Jeffy game yeah Daddy he died six months ago what do you mean he was here no no he was right here he he showed up and looked he even brought the first game with him but daddy that's just Mario Odyssey you're right but I could sword it was the first Jiffy game daddy how many Red Bulls did you have I don't know like five oh my God and you ate all the Doritos you were probably just going insane insane I mean I was playing that game for a really long time but I really want to know what the secret level is wait Jeffy since I can't figure out what it is can you please just tell me I gotta know well I would but Morty made this secret level so I don't know what it is but you know what the secret level is by downloading and playing the game now Link in the description oh great now I'm hearing voices no I heard that too that's right you guys can download and play The Jeffy game for free right now with the link down below this video was a long time in the making so we hope you have fun now let's see what everybody thinks about the brand new Jeffy game you want me to come with the what oh oh right the trippy game and the secret level okay okay hey guys I hope you all download The Jeffy game and I hope you really like the secret level that me and mother maybe we spent a lot of time making it in you know some of those cheery boxes to unlock it they're not easy so I hope you guys can power through it and get those boxes because oh man that secret level is really really cool you're gonna want to see it hey guys you see down in The Jeffy game because it made Cody go bald guys you totally shouldn't play The Jeffy game because it made me go bald oh my God I hate junior so much wait so like Phil Jefferson wasn't actually there right like that was just me like being delirious oh God I gotta lay off those Red Bulls hey everybody it's me Phil Jefferson from heaven and unfortunately Covey got me but I hear the new Jeffy Gamers really good uh I actually can't play it because I'm in heaven but I'm sure it's a really fun game you should totally download it and get the secret level [Music] you guys better download and play my new game because if you don't it like makes no sense because it's completely free and it's fun and you can see the secret level and you can unlock golden Jeffy who wasn't one a 24 karat gold version of me the runt the unter don't you want it you guys know I can like see you for this right our next goal is to hopefully get the game on mobile so that means you can play it on your phones and tablets this is going to require a lot of work so please like the video subscribe and comment we're gonna try our absolute hardest to get the game on mobile and even add some more levels for you to play right now the game is only available on PC so make sure you find a computer download and play the game there comment down below if you unlock the secret level or if you got golden Jeffy and we'll see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,686,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, sml, jeffy game, jeffy video game, sml jeffy video game, kable10 jeffy, kable10 jeffy video game
Id: rdRjcDh0aIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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