7 EXTREME Ways To Survive For 24 HOURS!

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you're about to watch me try and survive 24 hours in some of the most nerve-wracking places to ever exist like a lifesize underwater house a Tiger cage a scorching hot desert an ice prison a $1 Hotel three mystery houses but make sure you watch this to the end because one of these go completely wrong but first we're going to survive 24 hours in the desert stranded alone so these are my friends Kyle and Sean but the problem is none of us have any survival experience since all of us have have no idea what we're doing each one of us brought six survival items each to help us survive through the night please tell me you guys didn't bring anything stupid oh don't worry bro I got all the important stuff right here I brought Doritos what dude come on the second thing he brought was mac and cheese I don't think we're going to make it bro how are we going to survive with mac and cheese he also brought a pot a metal detector a magnifying glass and some survival sticks I'm not worried because I came very prepared for this challenge I brought portable sleeping bags inflatable lounge chairs and one of the most important things my PS5 let's go you're the only guy I know that can't live without his PS5 I also brought a massive blowup tent to survive the night in portable pea bags to use the bathroom and for my final item I brought a TV you wasted two of your six items on a PS5 and a TV dude this is essential to stay here guys Sean's first two items are a generator and solar panels which will give us electricity using the power of the sun he also brought portable chairs a stove a fire pit and propane to hopefully start a fire we grabbed everything we had and started looking all around the area and and walked miles to try and find the perfect spot to set up shelter we're going to set up home base right here we're using our portable generator to fully blow this up this was the best thing I could have brought how about these how could you even compare Doritos to our literal home all right guys these panels are taking power from the Sun plugging it right into the portable generator we're getting power baby look at this place I cannot believe that we have this tent in the middle of the desert and then the most important thing voila all right I am so excited let's turn on the TV in the middle of the desert 3 2 1 boom wait no okay uh wait here let me unplug it unplug it in are you kidding me it's broken the TV is broke dude you made it seem like you were dying or something relax it's just a freaking TV should never have broke on me the reason why I got these inflatable lounge chairs because the only thing you have to do to inflate them is this ready W what are you doing W spin spin faster on the instructions it literally just says open the bag and then swoop the air Against the Wind but obviously that is not working out R run run run why are none of my items working guys things are not looking good right now the Sun is going to set within the next couple hours and we don't have any water and we haven't even made food yet that reminds me wait wait I got you cover the piece of resistance well how are we going to cook that we're going to put these three sticks into this thing and it's going to make us a fire and we're going to cook some food so we take this this goes through here just like that check so we just put the mac and cheese right in here and then we just use that water you brought and we'll be good to go uh none of us brought water we did not come prepared for this but I have saw online before that there's a few drips of water inside of cactuses so we better start looking all around the desert all right the main three things we need to find definitely water food would be nice and then some gold the balloons all right guys let's get searching because there is a ton of ground here oh freck oh freck oh oh I have sand in so many places where I should not be this is going to be one of the hardest 24-hour Challenges ever this metal detective is going to be my savior I can't wait to find like some hidden Berry treasure or something there could be like a chest down here for all I know and while you guys are looking for food and water I'm going to set up the campsite it's all ready to strap honestly everywhere you look is this more sand and hills and sand if we don't find water soon I don't know if we're going to survive the next 24 hours I'm serious I found something oh my God ew you guys can see up close to this there's a ton of bugs on it and stuff there's nothing in there I really hope Kyle's able to find something using as metal detector because this is not going good for me so far let me check over this Sand Dude wait what is that there's actually something over there wait is that a golf ball it's not even metal what is a golf ball doing out here this is our first find of the day a golf ball all right guys so we have portable chairs for everybody that's one seat that's two seats woo and that's three seats we got a little campfire going on oh my God there's grass that means that there's a sign of Life over there so maybe there's water come on let's go okay you guys didn't see that oh my God I need to stop falling honestly I might research if humans can eat grass I mean if drafts can do it I mean we can too right I am definitely not bringing that up oh my God that was terrible okay I don't know if you guys can see this but look there are animal tracks right here so we have to worry about foxes tonight scorpion snakes and we didn't bring any defensive gear so make sure you guys stay tuned to see if we encounter a fox something just give me something oh do you guys hear that wait there's something here are you kidding me dude there's a full Golf Club under here please water food we need you oh this going to be so fun I'm so excited while Kyle is messing around with a golf on Club he just found I've been searching all around the sand to try and find anything that could help us oh my God there's no water here I thought I'd be able to find like a plastic water bottle or something maybe I shouldn't have brought the PS5 or TV as one of my items all right and these are the propane burners to hopefully start a fire so uh got these going was that was that actual was that actual hello oh my God oh my guys there's no way if this is filled we are in luck you made have phone of the metal detector look where I got you hydrated I hear C yelling in the distance I'm going to go head back up there because he's yelling and he might have found something this right here is worth more than the ENT ire world to me right now I got some mac and cheese to make I immediately started walking back but I didn't realize how far I actually walked so I have a long way to go and before I knew it the sun literally set all right guys the sun just went down out of nowhere but now I'm going to climb back up the hill to see what Kyle's yelling about hi oh my God I'm so out of breath right now dude you're just in time yeah I got some great news for you you ready for this check it what there's water in there wait have you guys tried this yet or no well no so I'm the one who's testing this out here yeah it's all you bro okay W wo what that water do I think the thought of this being someone's random water almost has made me throw if we boil it it should be fine right all right Sean what is going on over here well all you got to do is uh push the propane in watch us is out of nowhere just go like yeah Sean please make sure that doesn't happen y look it worked yo no way I can with these some mac and cheese let go we are making it work so it said just to wait 78 minutes and we're going to have some homemade mac and cheese from the desert Kyle I'm not going to lie this was a good idea we're going to put the flavoring inside now we're going to use one of these sticks to mix the cheese inside of it I don't know if that's our best option oh okay never mind all right so the pasta is cooked but we do have to figure out how to get the water out of the pot actually I think I have something I had my backup fire pit which had this lid that is uh you know kind of a mesh thing come on oh y look at that go it work it is now time for dinner that's actually so good we did a good job all right guys we haven't shown you guys something in but now it is time to show you guys ready 3 2 1 it's a literal light up LED 10 all jokes aside it is getting really late so we're all getting ready for bed hoping that we don't see any wild animals tonight as you guys can tell there is not a lot of space in here so we're all going to have to sleep next to each other we'll see you guys in the morning all right guys Jeremy's asleep right now I'm going to mess with him watch this what was that bro you're going to wake up Sean relax oh should we prank Sean I think Sean needs a little sand blanket oh oh dude what are you doing you like that you jees were you in on this no I wasn't in on this at all oh my God guys I just woke up in the middle of the night I should not be awake right now but I just wanted to take a look outside and just really realize where we are right now I have always been extremely afraid of the dark and this is honestly making me terrified because I can't see anything and I know that there's wild animals out here so this is definitely my cue to go wait did you guys hear that oh no I'm going back inside what the what the heck is that wake up wake up wake guys I heard an animal out there I swear dude just tell him we're sleeping bro dude he'll understand bro he's probably chill if a fox freaking came in here and ate me I'd probably be happier than I am right now I think I'm alive right now we made it to the morning wake up let's get out of here bro oh my God I can't believe this is real that was the worst sleep I've ever had in my entire life oh my God look at that Sunrise we have officially survived 24 hours straighted alone in the desert let's go dude I cannot believe we actually did this but this is only the first for our challenge of this video time to move on to the next one let's go this is a 300 lb tiger and I'm going to be locked in its cage for the next 24 hours but first I need to make a run for it without getting eaten by that tiger we're getting out of here oh I don't like that okay I'm in here where's the lock I'm officially locked in the cage I am so nervous for the sun to set because I'm literally going to be with a tiger in pitch black darkness oh my god dude dude oh oh my God what's your name I heard your name is Lexi I know Lexi and we're really good friends so far everything seems to be going good but the day literally just started I need to stay in here overnight so this is my cooler right here I have food water drinks I also have some raw meat to feed the tiger later in the video just in case if it gets hungry because I don't want it to eat me okay actually I got to stop saying that I'm freaking myself out I'm taking a seat on the ground right now cuz I am literally shaking I cannot stand up right now what's your favorite color okay oh I have a good idea for how me and this tiger can Bond and maybe it'll stop trying to circle around me trying to find a way to get in here to hurt me it's going for a swim a look at the little baby oh my God oh my God oh my God holy oh my God no please go back in the water you look cute see oh my God it's true Tigers like hunting from the water I was doing research on this before I thought this was a cute thing thing but it's making that killer face right now oh oh my God bro I feel like the tiger is trying to find any way to get in this cage right now so I have a plan on how to cool down the situation right now okay cuz it right now is literally running around my cage okay Lexi the tiger let's please be friends okay all right watch this I'm taking off my armor oh oh my god oh oh my God bro it scared me every time it does that oh I heard that they can sense when you're scared so I'm going to dress into something a little bit more comfortable to see if anything changes this is the closest we have been the entire time right here I'm finally getting a little bit comfortable oh Lord okay we're changing we're changing we're changing okay oh okay no no no no no no okay where this is supposed to help out a friendship not make it worse hey buddy hey oh hi hey you see what I'm doing here I got the stripes like you I'm orange okay let's see if her mood and energy changes at all oh okay hi oh my goodness the tiger keeps on looking down there oh no you cannot get in here no it keeps on crawling at the freaking cage a huge problem about all this is that tigers have night vision so when it gets dark out side the tiger will be able to see me but I won't be able to see her oh crap bro how am I going to spend 24 hours in here bro I actually don't know this is definitely my biggest challenge yet cuz it's right here okay so this is going to be my bed the tiger is taking a PE right now I might need to join her in a little bit but I'm a little bit too scared to really just take a pee right now hey so this is where I'm going to be sleeping tonight are you cool with that it is sh head now okay I am terrified to go to sleep tonight because let's say the lock falls down or the whole cage falls down then I'm going to then then then there's going to be two tigers in this cage no I am a tiger remember that you don't want to bite one of your own if that's a thing I have been in here for a while now we are currently at hour 5 out of 24 woo but that means I have 19 more hours left in here I need to come up with another game plan cuz it keeps on circling around my cage I am going to attempt to feed it oh oh my God oh my god oh yes isn't that so better tasting than me isn't it a Let's Dance we're full now we're not going to be hungry for the next 24 hours right okay yes I am getting somewhat used to this tiger I'm getting a little bit more comfortable but as soon as the Night hits they have night vision I don't and I am the only thing that's really nearby this tiger so time is really starting to pass by and sunset is around the corner I have a master plan on how to be good friends with the tiger brought some milk in my cooler because I heard that Tigers actually really like milk got some food of my own I brought some protein bars so I can keep my protein up oh wow okay this is the nicest we've been to each other oh look how long and sharp and no no that's it right here my goal is to feed her this entire thing so she's not thirsty or hungry oh oh my God okay I feel like this is working out I feel like the tiger is really starting to understand I actually didn't even know that Tigers like melt this much okay this is the first time she has laid down this is crazy Improvement I'm getting more and more comfortable for the night like I said I've had five cats my entire life growing up in Ohio so I knew that we were going to make a connection at some point a it just rubbed its head she's showing actual signs of comfort with me things were going great until I got hungry I have to make food I know this is a dumb idea to make food in a Tiger cage but I'm starving and I haven't ate yet today cuz I've been too scared to eat we got one ooh listen to that listen to that I'm not the best cooker but I got to do what I got to do cuz this is really my only food oh hey oh I want toat e right now this is killing my appe I ate my first meal of the day but I'm really starting to stress out now because it's 8:00 p.m. and the Sun is about to set any second where the heck has time gone it is literally pitch black right now and I'm alone in the dark with a tiger do you remember [Music] me I know it's dark outside but hey I'm the same guy from earlier the bugs are biting me like crazy right now now I'm going to give the tiger the rest of the meat I have and then say chicken wing necklace oh my God this is literally 10 times scarier I was feeding the tiger some chicken wings but then it Focus turned to me okay I know I'm wearing a necklace but no no no no don't look at me like that please please don't look at me like that hey kitty kitty kitty a here you go here you go oh okay wow she is so much scarier at night bro I wish I was joking guys I wish you guys were in my shoes okay here we go yes man you chew loud bro is she licking the cage because she's trying to get to me or what's going on here let's say a tiger licked you it would rip your skin off and that's because they have a very sharp razor-like tongue and I think it's trying to lick its way into this cage uh I think this means that she's still hungry oh wow oh my God she is huge I didn't even realize how big she was until she really just standed up like that so all the chicken is is gone okay let's talk things out here okay go to sleep go to sleep I don't want you to hurt me tonight go to sleep I don't taste good okay hopefully that works I'm going to try and go to sleep now okay just night time definitely so tired definitely feel comfortable enough to sleep next to Lexi it was extremely hard to fall asleep because I have a ton of bugs and mosquitoes flying all around me and a 300 lb tiger that's realizing I'm trying to sleep so she's trying to take advantage of that oh my God bro I just got woken up though what is she doing what is she doing I thought she was like digging her way in here or something oh my God okay okay what are you doing tigers can actually sense fear so I need to calm down immediately oh wow oh my god oh wow I'm just trying to turn off the lights here I'm trying to go to sleep okay so I'm about to go to sleep I've had a really fun day with you can we just please end on good terms before we go to sleep okay well guys I'm going to try and go to sleep I'm going to let her go doing her own thing I think she's going to sleep now okay good she just went over there in the corner I tried falling asleep for the second time of the night but things were not looking good I am getting absolutely destroyed by bugs out here guys this is honestly a lot harder I thought it was going to be I thought this was going to be all fun in games but this is genuinely just really hard cuz I don't really have a bathroom I don't have a p these bugs are driving me insane and the tiger is not giving up on trying to come inside the cage okay so I have to be extremely quiet because a tiger is laying down over there for the first time it really seems like she's about to go to sleep so I'm going to open up the door and make a run for it out of here because I seriously don't feel safe staying here overnight okay this is extremely risky but there was no way I was going to be able to make it overnight but the moment I leave this cage I'm not going to have any more protection against a tiger okay well I'm actually going to go sleep in my actual bed now I cannot believe I man it to survive that but now I'm all packed up and ready to move into a one colored house let me explain so right behind us are three houses all made out of one color like literally everything inside is one color and this balloon wall right here is going to determine what color we're going to be for the next 24 hours you better hope you land on a good color where the heck did you come from I'm here to make sure that everything goes way more interesting today all right I'm going to go for the one on the right great you're going to be greaten you do know that slime is the color green right what are you trying to say all right who's next I really hope I get a good color cuz I'm going to be sticking with this for a while Bullseye baby yeah he's blue okay Sean that leaves us with one last color honestly I don't really care cuz uh I can handle any color oh oh okay well red it is holy crap y this is kind of insane I got my own bed I got pillows I got a refrigerator there like a red toilet a red sink every single thing is blue in here why is there just water balloons right here I'll probably have fun with those later it's really lonely in here cuzz it's literally just me so I think I'm going to go shoot my sh of Lexi and I'm going to go in her Green House hey who knows I could have a girlfriend after this I got to be careful I hope this works yo Jeremy what the hell are you doing bro I'm going to go shoot my shower Lexi oh my God yeah so all right I'll see you all right good Lexi is in there so I'm going to go hide in the bed let's hope she accepts my love wait what I don't know if I like this why does my bed look so weird Dy you can't be in my room your color is blue I just wanted to like you know just hang out in here just me touch me me don't let the door hit you in the on the way out this is kind of sus over here I have no idea what this button is there's like a lock on it and there's this random lock box I definitely need to figure out on how to get inside of these because it's definitely going to be an advantage all right party people it's time to wake up it's time to get out of our houses I'm talking red I'm talking blue I'm talking green everybody get out get out I don't think I trust you then don't get food for the next 24 hours oh crap all right let's go that's right that's right come on out people let's go let's go Pearson where we going like seriously we're going to the grocery store but when we get there there's going to be a little twist okay guys so we made it to the grocery store you can go inside and buy anything that you want as long as it's in your color oh really okay yeah and also you have 5 minutes to do starting now oh starting now oh crap here we go jerem move so we only have 5 minutes so I really need to act fast okay Activia it's good for the gut health we got some blueberry yogurt we're starting off strong these bell peppers are super red okay jalapeno chips are green and I like jalapeno chips hey this is blue packaging so it counts green tortillas that's and M I'm starting to run because time's running out a watermelon we're like twins I'll take him this is the perfect aisle for me I got to hurry I need more blue foods this isn't enough wow okay does everyone have things that are to their color yes yes ma'am right now you're going to have to put everything that you just bought into a blender and if you guys don't drink it I'm going to take away everything that you guys just bought and you'll be left with nothing why do we have to mix that together you just it's part of the challenge bro it would be bad IFI had no food or drinks in here so I'm going to go through with this this is going to be really gross I got one of everything up here all right I didn't know we're going to be mixing all this together but uh should be no big deal are you kidding me Pearson honestly just take my food it's not worth it I'm not putting that in a blender and drinking it oh you know there is a steak over here oh my gosh we almost forgot got that's the best part I might have missed it or something I don't know go oh my God I cannot believe you actually did that oh my God that was actually trash yeah just take my food you want me to take your food hey I won't tell the boys if you let me keep this stuff come on no bribing the ref okay you know what I'll take him too yo what did he do I'm not even going to eat him come on I see you already started on these bad boys no no no no I didn't need it anyways so we've had water blown in here the entire time I really need to place some SM to get Shan out so I'm going to drench him with water balloons to get him really uncomfortable and then he's going to have to leave here we go yo what the hey how's it going oh oh my God hey they're having a war zone right now since you guys want to get messy I have a little surprise for you guys what is this they're all punishments in your color don't do it then just leave you can lose the challenge can't get messy come on come on come on ice bath nightmare okay um Good Luck I wouldn't want this one I don't want what Jeremy and Sean got so I'm just not even going to spin at all not at all nope I'm done are you forfeiting I'm leaving I forfeit what is she supposed to give me a nightmare when I'm asleep or something like what is me I yo what the heck is that yo what is this guy yo oh Red's my favorite color too we can hang out all night let's watch come on all right boys I want to let you in on a little secret throughout this entire challenge there has been a secret code in both of your houses once you find that code it's going to open up something I need more context here okay well you're just going to have to open it and find it to find out I don't even know what to believe anymore bro I don't see a code in here where is is there numbers in here like seriously like is there anything inside this fridge now I have pieces to sink everywhere oh my God I see the number three nothing's in here I don't even know where it is I found another number number four 3 four 34 okay where's the last one where's it at oh I I know one of the numberb I know I know one of them you know number yes yes yes what's what's the number is there anything inside the candle there's a four on this TV all all right here we go here we go here go yes I beat you too aan I got the keys what do I get bro sorry guys I forgot to mention that whoever presses the red button first got slimed and Jeremy that was you are you serious it wasn't a gift it was a punishment sorry so I just set myself up for failure right there but you did great high five honestly you being slow helped yeah I'm really glad you landed on nightmare thank you person for introducing that who even is this guy I I don't even know to be honest what the what the heck did you do to this place what do you mean what the heck did I do it's what the heck did you do to my place that I'm supposed to be staying at overnight yeah that's true whoever eats the least amount of donuts in a minute gets punished I am not losing this stop talking Jeremy and start eating okay okay go go I hope I hope all right all right let go let's go yeah what wow okay wow yeah go H bro yeah these Donuts are actually really good they're going down like butter you're not going to win this man there's no way P donut all right you guys have 15 seconds go go go oh it's so good he's so much better than flesh what's he even saying 10 no n eight come on Jeremy s 6 5 4 what the hell three 2 one time time ate a lot sure okay there's no way sea ate more than me let's see how sea did you guys did did a lot better than Jeremy what do you mean he did a lot better than me you know what I think we have a clear winner here Sean and the weird guy what how the heck did they eat more than me I ate so fast no they ate fast wait what do you mean Nate was that weird dude helping out too better luck next time hey oh oh my god oh Jeremy I hope you have fun sleeping in this mess I don't know how long Jeremy can deal with this stop touching me stop touching me you don't belong in here you're over there no I stay I Stay no you're not I stop there's no bed in here St there's no bed I stop you st you st no I'm not I'm getting out I'm getting out hey we did it yeah yeah hey we did it we did it hey no food no nothing we still won let's go let's go oh now we can be together all night I don't even care that I lost because I know I'm going to have better luck with this next challenge yeah I don't know about that bro we'll see we're about to do the most intense coin flip ever whoever wins is going to say at a 100,000 Hotel whoever loses is going to stay at a $1 Hotel team we know the circumstances we're not staying in a $1 Hotel we're choosing heads I guess I'm choosing Tails Shake on it guys let's go let's go we're about to be some millionaires you're going to need this buddy good luck are you guys serious right now how am I even going to find a hotel that costs a dollar yo we got a limo you taking a limo to the hotel are you you kidding me I've never been a Lio before what the heck hey poor Jeremy man I don't even know what he's doing right now weather's hot today huh just to let you know I can't do that far gpsa middle of nowhere I don't know where you're going man we do our own personal bar here Jeremy staying at the $1 Hotel yes sir you said it's in the middle of the nowhere yeah middle of nowhere I don't know what kind of Hotel you kids go hey yo M been talking nonstop about bringing girls to our new place we're sending 100,000 hotel where are the girls at we got him man oh right I drop you out here right here yeah where in the middle of the nowhere sir can I like call you if I like get lost or anything no very good service here so I'm afraid not yo we made it boys yo this place is Mass boys we about have The Best Time Of Our Lives let's go let's go let's go okay guys he wasn't lying when he said this was in the middle of nowhere like where the heck am I at right now I feel like I'm a lost boy but if I walked all this way it's not even a real place oh do you know where the girls are at you need a limo you need need a nice hotel you need some money that was like we're s look at this hotel this thing is a skyscraper boys we're lucky we're here let's go yes sir holy crap there's a hotel sign literally in the middle of the woods I'm not going to lie I'm kind of sketched out but we hiked all the way here let's go check it out this hotel is lit gold like what the heck the walls in here are literally made out of snakes skin dude uh hello hello excuse me hello hi oh I'm sorry I think I was talking you on the phone oh yeah Jeremy yes awesome welcome to the coziest hotel ever bro there's our hotel room oh my god dude it has two door bro I'm about to cry it's so beautiful I'm actually pretty excited to stay here honestly here's your key you might not even need it doors don't really close oh wait the doors don't close this is it this is it no way no way no way I'm going to do it oh my oh my God my God yo there's no way this is our room what bro what bro there's a staircase there's a staircase look at the fireplace the fireplace is purple you can play as I want you do it 341 p.m. oh uh do you have a basketball um no yo this view though you can literally see the entire city here bro this place is huge there's so many rooms y we have a piano and our living room we're in $100,000 Hotel I'm definitely going to BU some dros over check out is at 11:00 a.m. everye that you go past that it's going to be a dollar does this Clos at all um I guess sometimes just make sure it's closed because of the raccoons raccoons all right this is pretty much it so this is where I'm going to be staying tonight yo we have our own workout equipment here too hey what's in here there's a whole gym in there bro where's the door like there's no door right there it's just kind of just like you know yeah we're doing some repairs we haven't finished that one this hotel room is so sick where's m a hot gym Bas I don't know I'm trying to find them this place is been of than my entire house bro I swear everything is made of gold here bro our hotel room has an upstairs you watched this before right yeah oh crap what is that everybody subscribe right now to wish me good luck bro this is the fanciest bathroom I've seen in the Hotel this bathroom load is Big than my whole house there's like pipes like inside of the I would like to offer you some extra pill yo there's a freaking why are there so many bugs in here right behind you there's the toilet I think the toilet's broke no no they they work oh by the way this your toilet paper We R out couple of days ago so here you go here we [Music] go yo Matt why aren't you in the water man I don't know how to swim drop a like and we'll teach M how to swim I'm sorry to ask but do you have any bug repel cuz there's just like a lot of bugs in here that's going to be like an extra dollar all right we come to her shower or something like that yo we're about a feast let's go go go we didn't even order this but they just gave it to us I guess it's just our welcome so I'm going to be taking a shower with this H uh okay do you Haven have shampoo and body wash by any chance um not really but I do have this it's normally what we use to take a shower okay I wonder if Jeremy's getting this special treatment what is this a piece of gold it's just so heavy hey cheers to Jeremy being in a $1 hotel and us spending the night in this $100,000 Hotel there's more food hi how's it going my God oh my God this is crazy I show you the shower the bed let me know if you need anything else okay listen that does not sound sife well guys this is where I'm going to be staying for the night I mean at least I have a roof over my head though enjoy your food look at all this food there's three of us and they gave us six placeat it's actually food like the girls to oh guys look how small this place is this is literally the whole hotel so here is a very nasty sink let's see if it works nope doesn't even work okay I guess we don't need that I'm going to see if this thing even flushes oh nope that definitely didn't flush ew what is that there is stuff growing from the ceiling so yeah we're in the presidential suite and I was wondering if we can have like a butler it work it worked oh my gosh thank you so much oh my God I am really exhausted from that walk here so I'm going to try and lay down and get some rest I'll see you guys when I wake up gentlemen your wish is my command I will do anything you ask require yeah can you my chance to bring up six fine girls bro there's a chicken in here holy crap I was asleep for like 5 minutes and the chicken runs in here I get a massage of course which type deep tissue Swedish Butler please sit on the couch all right all right take your shirt off bro what are you doing in here oh holy crap I might have to take mine off as well rubbing it all out right it's kind of good not going to lie if you want to have girls over we must give you a bath if you had our extinguished bubble bath do you think that his bath chin up oh absolutely hey buddy it's it's okay it's okay it's okay hey is it just me or is this Butler like kind of off like his mustache is falling off and he's like massaging I think the bath I think the bath ready I'm going to go check on Sparky guys I honestly do not know what to do I need a shower I need to use a bathroom I'm hungry I'm thirsty but none of that is here [Music] fun fact is that us humans swallow about 10 spiders a year I'm going to be swallowing 10 spiders tonight in this one night I wish I was at the $100,000 Hotel I guarantee you they're having the best time of their life right now and I'm here your bubble bath is ready this is the most Exquisite and distinguished bubble bath we have in our Fleet as you can see and here's my gym for the night we have some pool bars right here y I'm really living life right now where are the chicks I told you there would be chicks after you took your bath really saor in the bite yes what do you think about it's delicious that was awful right so you're going to want to have a little bit of this inside of it I told you you must bathe first and cheesecake how do you think I got my I got to make sure my place is neat if I'm paying for it you know look at all this this place is messy guys the bot up the room I don't know if I like that you literally put a chees sake in here I got his freaking shoe this was on the wall one cobweb down many more to go I can't tell this Windows crack or not oh that's definitely cracked thank D's done this is my shower for the night woo oh my God we're living out here I'm not who you think I am let's party yeah ma'am excuse me I guess it's only me now in the middle of the forest I have no idea where I am right now I don't see a single street sign anywhere yeah let go let's go this place is huge oh you know what else is huge uh yeah you're out you're out what yeah we got to get out of here no no guys am I for get him out of here get him out of here get wow that guy made a mess I heard the har downstairs and that's tall than it so I I I don't know I don't know ready for the massage y I hope it's a cute girl guys that's the massage I feel like a million buts crazy than is I actually got her number I'm going to it overly so the sun literally just set in it's pitch black outside right now listen to all the [Music] wildlife that's actually pretty scary I'm not going to lie this is probably going to be one of my most roughest nights I feel like I'm in a horror movie right now I'm in the middle of the woods nobody's here well I'm going to try and get some sleep cuz I'm really tired cuz I just want to wake up and get this all over with Matt bro where the heck have you been yo who are those girls what's the problem hey that's all you man who is that ma'am is that you hey who is that I hear you is sleeping in the other room right now and he's shaking up the whole building snoring so loud this is the room Matt's sleeping in hey quiet over there guys I just woke up I already know I have have like 1 th000 bug bites cuz I'm itching like crazy right now oh my that was probably the worst sleep in my life though so I'm going to call Newber home and I'm going to get some real sleep I feel extremely gross after that so I think it's time to go for a swim I introduce to you my first ever home my underwater Mansion I guarantee you you've never saw such a thing before now it's time to dive into my new mansion woo now it's time to give you guys a tour and let me show you my roommate come on in guys this is so crazy how all this is underwater I didn't think this was going to be possible but look who did it put these things here so they're like monkey bars so I can get around and now it's time to introduce you guys to my roommates roommate number one oh how's it going honestly I never thought I'd be a in a floating bed oh and introducing your second roommate live wo wake up get out of my room get out of my room Jeremy I'm trying to take a nap let's go let's go let's go get out Li since you didn't want to get out of your bed we had to drag you out of your room thank you so much now it's time to give you guys the underwater Mansion T um I know it's like just for the night but uh can we move in with you you want to move into my house I mean why not where's live hey yo what are you doing up there so this is our kitchen area where we're going to do all our underwater cooking you guys know how to do that right that doesn't sound possible yeah how do you do that you guys said you guys know how to cook if you guys don't know how to cook you guys are out of here all right I'm out now it's time to show you guys the world's first underwater gym you guys already working out yeah get more work at when you're working out underwater yeah bro it just hits different ah 1 2 3 4 and here we have an underwater trash can for Jeremy belongs what I was the one who kindly invited you to my new house and you're treating me like that so much for this sweet invitation this is amazing I think you guys are being ungrateful jery um I know we like just started the tour and stuff but uh is it cool if I use the bathroom I feel like it' be a good way to show the house off bro I already know dang right you're about to explode my underwater toilet no I mean it it'll flush down right dude I just got this place today there's no way you're staining that I mean I already peed in your house so what wait what I mean I W wo W get out of I don't really care what you say I'm good anyways wo that was nice bro did you actually just take a poop you're not going to want to go near there anytime you realize that's just going to spread everywhere oh I flushed it that doesn't matter so I listed this house online and I said it's for sale and I have people coming over right now to tour it but little do they know I was actually talking about this house you know what that's kind of evil Jeremy yeah that's messed up thank you guys so much for making it yeah thank you for having us yes beautiful house oh absolutely absolutely all right so Jeremy is an earpiece in right now we made a bet with him whatever we tell him to do he actually has to do it no matter what anything anything no matter what it is oh I like this wow this is amazing incredible it's basically ready whenever if you guys are really down to sign the papers today just let me know absolutely this is perhaps the nicest house that I've ever seen well yeah this is really nice but the thing I wanted to show you guys is actually out here not this place what do you mean oh just here follow me guys so this was actually the house that I was talking about um that I had put online right here this house yeah in the water yeah so how how can we live in this thing um how about you pull out that spaghetti and meatballs out of your pocket well on the bright side I did bring lunch PR us right [Music] here it's incredible stream as loud as you can and just jump into the pool like an idiot yeah throw a tantrum okay that'll probably raise your chances at selling the house so uh just jump do that now now get out and just act like nothing happened just forget about that oh sorry all right well are you guys ready to buy the house I don't think so no no we're leaving this guy's a little weird what do you think after all you put them through you got to make it up to them give them 500 bucks at least you can do yeah come on wait wait wait wait guys guys guys all right this was all a prank but since you guys came down and since I waste your time I wanted to give you guys $500 oh my gosh does that make up for it yes heck yeah nice doing business with you guys who's hungry o me let's eat let's eat well luckily since this is a house we have a fridge and I have some pizza hey no are you hungry eat it it tastes good right doesn't it taste [Music] good you guys are being very unappreciative about all these nice things I'm doing for you I invited you guys over then you guys ruin my pizza by throwing in my face who would want that I think we're being great guest since you guys are being so ungrateful we're going to do a couple of Challen es and whoever loses has to leave the house what Wow Let's just all be one happy family and stay in the house yeah I'm sorry we're really sorry for what we did to you Jeremy like we apologize whoever bicep curls the least amount of reps underwater leaves uh we can't breathe underwater I've been working out a lot but I don't know how that's going to do [Music] [Applause] underwater oh that n 10 it's really hard to hold your breath when it's underwater and you're working out all right it's not your turn you think you got what it takes yeah I want to stay here I love it here now all right all right what was that never mind never mind that was so hard and you can't breathe how was it if Jeremy be three that means you're out of the challenge oh no you guys already know I've been lifting I've been training all day underwater jery I don't know if you thought this through because if you losing your own challenge you get kicked out of your own house oh you an idiot you an idiot oh crap one two 3 4 5 6 [Music] 7 10 that was 10 didn't said no record you tied me yeah all right you know what that means Li all right here we go here we go Li bye Li get out of here you're getting kicked out bye now it's just me and you bro let's go we're here at the basketball court cuz you know every Mansion has a basketball hoop you know true and the first person to make the shot wins okay I need to go first no I'm going first what it's my Mansion you're not going to make it anyways here we some heart in the house a get the heck out of my Mansion oh hey the challenge is the challenge get out of here no no you're not no you're not here you go get out of here get out of here come on I'm going to get better at basketball so I can freaking Rob your house from you next time I hate you all right bye Ben now that I'm finally all alone I can finally eat in peace first underwater meal that tastes so good all right guys I didn't think this out but I'm shivering my butt off right now cuz it's starting to get dark outside so I don't know how I'm going to be able to make it through the night I'm not going to lie this is actually really comfortable for it being a floating bed I couldn't manage to get a lot of my stuff in my house to sink all the way to the bottom that's probably good because I won't be able to breathe let's just hope I don't toss and turn at night and you know just go like oh yeah that be all right guys I'm going to get some sleep cuz it's super late right now I've been working all day on this house so so I'll see you guys in the morning all right I'm going to dry off and put on some clothes because now I'm about to face some extreme weather he saids - 10° in there I cannot go in there you know what else you can't do uh steal no no no no it has only been like 5 minutes in this ice prison and I'm already shivering man I can't even believe a place like this actually exists this whole place is made of ice like look at this you better tough it up because this is going to be a full 24 hours it's about to be a real long night for you we please at least just like turn the temperature to Second by a little bit yeah yeah here let me do let me do that real quick uh no wo desperate times call for some desperate measures so that could probably hydrate me for the night I'm going to be locked in here overnight and this is my bed okay this is not comfortable at all y you're a crybaby you're locked me in here just because of a donut like grow up hey hey hey hey it's hey you matter you matter it's okay it's okay how about we make him cry how about we make him cry let's go let's make him cry boy you're going to be so cold you're going to be crying the tears are going to freeze to your face I'm going to be right back I've got something good over here mark my words I am definitely going to find a way on how to get out of here this place was not made to stay overnight it it's freezing in here yo what the heck this is real snow how did this even get here while they left to go grab something special they said I thought it would be a good time to do this there we go so I know how to take a pee now but what am I supposed to do if I have to take a poop guys you would not believe what I'm about to show look at this my pee literally Froze that is how cold it is in here look at this it's literally froze okay this is kind of gross why am I messing around with my PE I can't believe I got myself in this situation all because of a donut like you can just go to the store and buy an extra dut like come on now yees are just messing around at me like I'm a toy or something doctors say that you cannot stay in negative degree weather for more than 30 minutes and I'm blocked in here for overnight all right Jeremy we've got some awful punishments for you that if you can get through them we'll give you something that might actually help you oh oh oh I love these guys okay Jeremy for the first challenge if you can sit in that fridge for an entire minute we'll give you something special we're not going to tell you what it is though wait bro it's already cold enough in here I'm not trying to go inside of a fridge sounds like a personal problem this fridge is literally tiny and it's freezing C in here here we go in three 2 1 time to freeze boys it's going to be a long minute a real long minute holy crap it is even more cold in here than inside the it's already cold enough in that prison I can't imagine how cold it is inside the refrigerator it doesn't get much worse than this oh my God I am starting to lose all feeling in my entire body oh my God he's got to be freezing to death in there three two boom one minute oh my god get me out of here Jeremy you completed your first Challenge and as a reward you get a baseball bat let's go come on oh man I still have a lot of ice to go through this is probably like over thousands of pounds of ice I only have a baseball bat how's it supposed to be special this ice prison's going down come on come on get me out of here come on I continuously tried to break out but a baseball bat is not going to do I can't do it my hands are way too cold for that all this is literally thousands of pounds of ice what if it just falls on so I was walking around freezing my butt off until okay Jeremy you ready for the next challenge uh just give me like a minute I need to take a quick pee real quick all right oh my God are you kidding me this guy is disgusting okay I know this is really gross but this is the only thing that's warming on my hands right now but all right I'm ready for the challenge let's go okay for the next challenge you have to dump all 10 of these slushies on your head in 10 seconds before you fail and you're stuck with the bat what you think I'm like a superum you can't even do that that fast here we go in 3 2 1 go let's go hurry up I was doing this as quick as possible but these slushies were freezing and then time ran out that's it times up he failed the challenge I just said all that for nothing are you serious right now oh you actually do get something I forgot to tell you what happens when you fail a challenge what now my entire jail cell is a blue cloud this place is literally a wreck how am I supposed to sleep in here I am getting extremely worried about my body temperature I locked myself in a refrigerator poured over five slushies on my head while all being in a -2° ice jail okay for the next challenge you have to take an ice bath in order to unlock something what the ice bath is already cold enough being in this prison and now they're adding ice hey no no we don't need that oh my God all right I got to do what I got to do I don't care how cold is in here I'm going inside an ice back bro it is already so cold in here I'm surrounded by ice I'm going inside ice oh I got a pickaxe let's go I need to bust out of here cuz I'm freeing cold I have never experienced being this cold in my entire life before but if I want to escape now's a chance to do that because I literally have a pickaxe I am literally this close to being out but I can't fit through here just yet hey let me out yes I already know the second I escape this and the yetis are going to be all over me but I kept on hitting and I think I did it yes yes oh oh my God okay where are those yetis at now I'm going to steal back what they got me in trouble for and after all I got the donuts oh my God I cannot believe I manag to escape that ice prison but this next challenge might put me back in prison today we're going to sneak into our friend Lexi's house and spend 24 hours overnight in there without her noticing that's what we're filming yeah don't be a Baby Dude it'll be fun you don't realize that's my ex-girlfriend I I don't want to be a part of this the video just started you're leaving you know what I didn't need you anyways but now it's time for things to get serious it's ninja time baby all right guys the ninja costume might have been a little bit too much but guys I'm not messing around today like I said it's ninja time shh don't tell anybody about this as I was sneaking around like a boss I ran into one major problem literally every single one of her doors were so only left you with one thing to do that was easy after successfully sneaking into her backyard it is now time for my master plan these devices will literally allow me to climb up any wall no matter how tall it is so these are literally going to turn me into the real life Spider-Man let's do this thing this plan is perfect because one of their Windows is open but first let me explain why I'm doing all this so I think Lexi is very dang pretty pretty dang dang cute okay but the point is she's never given me a chance so today I'm taking matters into my own hands and by the end of the day she's going to be my girlfriend oh crap I left my backpack down there and I absolutely need that to survive the 24 hours here yo I need my bag how am I supposed to get inside yes thank you man he is actually stuck down there I need to be extremely quiet but I want to show you guys what I brought to survive for the next 24 hours the first thing I brought was toilet paper this is a customized RC car so I can spy around the house without even moving this is going to do the look at not me make sure you guys subscribe so the window that I climbed through is Lexi's brother's room that is where I'm at right now but nobody really cares about him I came here for fxi I also have one more thing in my back but I'm going to say that for a little bit later all right let's see if any body's home I'm trying my best to walk as quiet as I can but these stupid floors keep creaking but they could be in the living room because that's where they always are oh my god let's go there's nobody in the house so this is perfect is that a security camera oh heck no dude I got to take this down and set myself the footage since they want to have security cameras I'm making a few of my [Music] own hey hey they started the wor first all right they had it in their living room so now I can closely minor when they get home I brought a list of very important things that I want to do while I'm here but I need to be extremely careful because I didn't expect nobody to be here like they can walk in at any second and the first thing I'm going to do is Step One is almost complete I am a genius cuz I knew that this would come in handy let's go in my little bag of Essentials because I am not using this rough toilet paper right here don't mind me just grabbing my toilet paper my toilet paper that was easy cross off the list actually I might need to spray some f breze in here real quick um okay no F bre looks like that's going to have to stay the second thing I need to do is find Lexi's Secret Diary it has to be in her room hello Lexie oh I forgot nobody's here except for me Spider-Man I'm trying to figure out what Lexi's deepest darkest secrets are so I'm basically looking everywhere in a room okay I know this is Lexi's because it says in case of loss return to Lexi Rivera and it says as a reward $10 million do I pretend like she lost it and like Gest her would she give me $10 million you know what it's more important than $10 million finding her deepest darkest Secrets oh my God some of these dates in here are from like 3 to 4 years ago bro this is about her ex-boyfriend Ben I still can't believe they dated like when the heck did that even happen guys listen to this I just can't stop thinking about him he's tall has bluish greenish eyes and has brown hair every time I see him my heart races and my Palms get sweaty wait a second is she talking about me maybe I didn't need a sneak into her house anyways he is the most annoying person I know like do you know how many times he's tried to RIS me up like does he not get a hint okay I feel better now what man I thought she was about to say something good about me oh my God now I know why Lexi doesn't like me because one I'm annoying and two Riz isn't that good but good thing that there's always room for practice if you were a fruit you would be a fine Apple dang Lex's beds pretty comfortable but we on the third thing right now which is the last thing I wanted to save in my book bag well my cologne as I was Jeremy Hutchin ifying her bed I heard a car pull into the driveway oh crap no way oh crap dude there's a car pulling up right now what do I um if I'm going to get caught I definitely can't get caught like this so [Music] so holy crap I think she's coming upstairs okay right here I going hide oh my God I need to be on my a game now if I don't want to get caught now we're at the most important step of the entire day and that is make Lex see my girlfriend as you can see I'm so working on it in all seriousness I need to be extremely quiet now if I don't want to get [Music] caught [Music] guys I need to do something very important if I want to survive these next 24 hours I'm going to have to make a run for it downstairs and go grab some food and water because I forgot to pack it but I didn't forget to pack this voila I knew this bad boy would to come in handy okay the camera seems to be on oh my God okay I'll see you back on the flip side okay so I don't see anybody but I'm still trying to move around very slowly oh my God Lex's mom just walked into her room I still need to try and find a good angle to see oh crap Le coming upstairs okay so everybody is upstairs in a room right now still play is safe though psych I'm going to make a run for it downstairs I'm really pick a eater but I can't be right now I'm going to grab anything that catches my ey pickles I am not eating pickles I need to get my butt back upstairs I was grabbing everything I needed and then I saw this oh my God this is an extremely bad idea but it's definitely worth it I might regret this but this is definitely a risk I'm willing to take pizza rolls are so good 20 minutes wait someone taking a shower oh my God Lexi's taking a shower that's why she went in the bathroom I just thought it the best idea hello got the to Mom what what can you give me a towel yeah hold on did you come in here earlier come in where I took my towel what are you talking about I have no idea there was Dad here nobody's here honey I'm the only one here I was in my room what's that smell oh crap I forgot about the pizza rolls did you make pizza [Music] rolls did you make pizza rolls no oh my gosh they're burnt in the oven someone made pizza rolls I don't eat pizza rolls well who made them how would I know how the home they definitely know that something is up now a random missing towel pizza rolls randomly baking in the oven so for the past 3 hours I've been sitting in her closet just playing it safe because I want to make sure I complete this 24 hours without getting caught and then out of nowhere this happened I didn't expect her to go to bed already it's only 9:00 right now but here she is laying on her bed scrolling on her phone then she randomly started reading this book while I'm in the closet right next to her about to pee my pants I don't think I can do this anym I really need to take a PE but I need to do it very very quiet hello who is that who's in my [Applause] closet Cherry what are you doing here it's kind of a long story so basically I um you what I so I wanted to like what spit out wow do you have a small closet you're complaining about my closet when you okay you down are you down to be my girlfriend no what no no no okay I'll just go back no you're going to leave what's in that bottle just you know lemonade Jeremy oh my God I want to be left [Music] alone
Channel: Jeremy Hutchins
Views: 15,337,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Hutchins, Ben Azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Mason Fulp, Stokes Twins, Andrew Davila, Dom Brack, Amp World, Pierson Wodzynski, Logan Wodzynski, MrBeast, Loren Gray, Faze Rug, Kat Hixson, 24 hour challenge, Smiles Family, Pierson, Extreme hide and seek, Win $10000, Airrack, Ryan Trahan, 24 hours, Preston, Matthew Beem, 7 extreme ways to survive for 24 hours, Overnight Challenge, 24 hours in a tiger cage, One Colored House Challenge, impossible odds, Unspeakable
Id: HJJudcpUWIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 52sec (3712 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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