SML Parody: The Boxing Match!

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[Music] okay Joseph you ready to play some chess yeah dude I mean I've never played before but I'll still smoke you all right I'll go first ah here we go no Joseph you can't move the pawn three space is only one or two oh we're gonna be like that yeah that's not how it works but wait what no you just went twice in a row I have to go first well okay fine and you you go twice then I don't care but that's not okay whatever let's see here what do I want to do dude you're taking too long just go here what no you can't do my turn for me Joseph that's that's not that's not how the rules work at all we're taking too long so I just figured I'd move your spaceship because if you left your king completely open I can get checkmate right now if I wanted to well dude I need a Checkmate too I mean all I gotta do is right there dude there you can't you just went three times in a row just oh my God you're being an idiot that's not uh what dude pieces why are you bringing the race card into this that's how they do with the color of your pieces oh my god dude you're just mad because I'm better than you no you you just said you've never played chess before this is your first game you think you know everything but you don't you don't know how to play chess you're bad at this too okay though let's just face the facts it's just that you don't know how to play any game that doesn't involve throwing a ball wow more racist comment for the race Joseph let's just say you're not good now we're gonna go down we're gonna throw down right outside what are we gonna do outside you wanna fight we're gonna do that right now I don't want to fight no I I definitely don't want to fight yeah you know what you mean you wouldn't be worth my time dude you go down five cents I beat you so fast I I guess why does it always has a resort to violence though I don't want to hang out with you guys anymore I'm just gonna go home and do my homework for once oh my God hey Cody I only found one Sprite in the fridge and it's sugar-free so you can have it I know I'm good Junior thanks though hey wait what happened to the chess board and where's Joseph where'd he go I don't know he doesn't understand how to play chess and he got so upset because I told him he doesn't know how to play chess and then he wanted to fight me and I was like No And then he left he went home but he was gonna stay longer than five seconds this time well I guess not this time oh well great job Cody you made him mad he went home so now he has to go and apologize to him apologize it wasn't even my fault well it probably was if you made him mad so I'm gonna go get him you're gonna apologize and we're gonna play a game that doesn't involve both you getting mad at each other I don't want to apologize Junior no uh all right Joseph Cody has something he'd like to say to you so go ahead no no I don't no I don't all right dude let's hear it uh okay I mean Joseph I'm sorry for what sorry that your ego is so fragile and even me just telling you you're not playing the game right because you're not get you so upset and makes you want to fight me even though you know I'm right [Music] this Saturday you and me we're gonna box and you better be here because if you're not who you do not want to know what's gonna happen box hey no I I don't want to fight you no oh wow Cody that could not have gone any better it's so cool you guys hit the fight on Saturday I don't want to fight Joseph I'm gonna lose it my mom's gonna have to buy me new glasses again oh yeah she totally will unless unless unless I train you to beat Joseph why would you do that he's your friend too exactly he's my best friend I know all his weaknesses okay well what's in it for you well I get to see an awesome fight on Saturday you last longer than five seconds and it makes up for the Sprite you guys spilled let me guess you're gonna make me clean that up oh my God Junior what do you know about boxing oh you don't need to know a lot about boxing to win you just need strong muscles okay well I do have rock hard ABS you're already halfway there you just need to throw a punch yeah yeah it's like little love Taps yeah Cody stop God Junior ow tap to you oh man we have a lot of work cut out for us okay you get the mop clean up that Sprite and then we'll start your training okay okay Cody are you ready for your first training exercise yeah before we start Junior I just want to say thank you for doing this for me of course Kodiak do anything to help my friend win a fight okay why am I wearing this blindfold though well because we're gonna test your instincts my instinct what does that even mean well in case you can't see Joseph when you're fighting him we gotta make sure you can still Dodge his attacks and still hit him even though you can't see why wouldn't I see Joseph he's the only person I'm fighting I'm not gonna close my eyes but what if you blink Cody don't you blink yeah I blink but that takes like that doesn't even make any sense shut up Cody I'm the master you're the student now you see this punching bag right here no well you're gonna hit it and when it comes back to hit you you have to move out of the way before it gets you okay seems simple enough it's almost like I can't see oh my God it's right here okay I think I feel it okay go ahead and bring it back yay blindfold off Junior are we in your garage yes oh my god let's just do something even easier okay [Music] laughs okay Junior make sure you still hold on to it okay not gonna drop it Cody it's so heavy though yeah that's a sit up again [Music] I think you're ready really good uh yeah sure you just uh you get a lot of sleep tonight you Champion you I got stuff to take care of so just go home and get a lot of rest yeah okay Junior thanks for your help uh yeah just make sure you get a good night's sleep oh there you are dude I've been looking for you all day you ready to help me train now oh yeah of course Joseph I do anything to help my friend win a fight okay good because I've already got a little bit of training done earlier today complete fourth uh wow Joseph that's uh that that's pretty hardcore uh well I guess you can use my training dummy over here I just got sweet dude thanks oh dude it's perfect it's ugly just like him okay dude I need you to say a bunch of stuff that Cody would say to me to pump me up um yeah okay sure Joseph um you're really bad at chess oh yeah we'll take this ah all right again dude you're stupid oh really Cody is that what you think well how about this oh hey maker nah um you don't have any parents and you're really really poor oh yeah how about this yeah um okay Joseph yeah you're definitely ready uh Cody is not gonna put up that much of a fight so uh I will see you on Saturday all right buddy I'm gonna put four grand on the green one and I'll put like 50 bucks on the other guy four grand um actually Kermit uh if you want my advice you should put all your money on the blue guy why is he good um yeah yeah he's great he's the best one okay I'll go all in on the blue one what's his name uh his name's uh Cody Cody okay all in Cody he better win because if not I'm gonna get really upset because that's a lot of money buddy yeah it is uh he'll he'll definitely win you can rely on Cody all right yeah he better all right Boy Bill thanks for the dollar Cheapskate Junior why is there so many people here oh cause they're here to watch the fight what do you mean they're gonna watch a fight oh I do and tell you well uh people are here to uh watch you guys fight why wouldn't you tell me that I I guess I just forgot I don't know what is all this money for oh that's the betting pile betting bio people are gambling on us you didn't tell me that either well not on us I mean mostly on Joseph honestly I see that's Joseph's pile and that's your pile who put money down on me oh well Kermit the Frog because I told him to and also your mom but my mom actually bet on me that I was gonna win she put down ten dollars oh but she also put down 50 on Joseph so is it too late to tap out it was too late to tap out the moment you guys started fighting great not only the pressure of getting knocked out but now that social pressure making people lose money in the embarrassment oh my God I don't want to do this well you're gonna be fine he's gonna die all right everybody I want a clean fight no hitting and no fighting what the heck is going on in here what are you guys doing oh hey Daddy what's up Jimmy what did I tell you I said no fight club in the house oh common daddy L all right in this corner we have the guy who's probably gonna win Joseph his friend from school and in the other corner I don't know why he accepted to do this fight and he's probably gonna lose we have Cody yeah come on guys really uh all right you guys are good what that's it we're not gonna like touch gloves or anything we're just gonna go now oh my god oh Joseph Jesus you have you got a fire in your eyes you you are out for blood okay listen it was just chess okay like it it seriously wasn't that serious right we we can all we can all agree on that it wasn't that big of a deal it just it wasn't that big of a deal uh guys I just realized shouldn't we be wearing like headgear and stuff like for protection dude no we don't need head gear you've had this coming for far too long always call me names and stuff I literally never call you names it was just chess like now that I'm here in the ring is it that big of a deal like oh my god dude you can't really out of this you know what I'll see you in your dreams what I'll see you in your dreams what what is that hold on did you guys hear that like pause what does that even mean oh god oh wow chick's gotta hurt the bunch that is not great okay you know what here's a big one from Cody here's a left hook oh that was a good one and what's going on up there shut up Charles you don't get paid to know what happens I mean Wells oh my God shouldn't there be a ref to say when I lost oh my bad uh Five Points Joseph Jeffy this is actually kind of fun right oh my God hey Joseph can we just call it truce it's not that big of a deal right no on dude you had your chance next time don't call me an idiot I literally never had a chance you kept saying you want to fight me and now we're here yeah yeah excuses excuses mom can you tell him to stop I don't want to do it anymore get again get it again a blue shirt kid you better stand back up the show's not over yet oh come on Cody get up okay okay Junior I think I have a concussion can we get back in the ring Junior I can't see we can find it up I can't see Junior I think I have a concussion wait a minute I can't see I can't see okay why am I wearing this blindfold though well because we're gonna test your instincts hey Joseph I can't see anything oh dude you're really gonna make me do this okay just stand still in a week who you actually did oh no way oh my God I can't believe I did that I actually won yeah what Junior here we go where is all the money oh you guys don't get any of the money what do you mean we don't give any of the money yeah well okay here's the thing Cody don't get mad but technically I was training you and Joseph and since I'm both of your coaches I get all the money that doesn't even make sense people who are gambling on us I won it you said no Junior this is not right no it is right because think about it Cody the real win was the friends you made along the way what see if there's no friends well okay uh how about this we're gonna play dude you were right chess is actually pretty fun no no Joseph remember chess boxing all right dude oh speaking of boxing didn't you just do your turn oh I think I did cookie seriously actually like don't punch me I'll be so mad if you do it it'll really hurt oh man never gets old nice hit dude now speaking of my turn wow you actually got my Pawn nice oh yeah but I'm not done yet dude Joseph come on buddy old pal you wouldn't hit me right it's Junior come on ow oh guys can we please play a different game no [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 415,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QQ4u85soQ3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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