SML Movie: Jeffy Almost Drowns!

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ugh i finally get a day to just sit back relax and not go anywhere come on marvin we're all going to the beach what the beach yes the beach it'll be fun yeah day i'm gonna swim in whale poop i don't want to go to the beach it's hot and sandy i don't like it but marvin it's a beautiful day out we need to be outside no i don't want to go and today i'm also going to tan my beach balls well i'm not going you guys go i'ma stay here no we're all going marvin you're being a stupid beach very mature come on marvin isn't the beach so nice no i hate it it's hot i want to go home marvin stop whining just try to relax hey dan can you help me build a sandcastle no i don't want to play in the sand i don't want to get all sandy marvin go build a sand castle with jeffy i don't want to well can i go play in your water no jeffy you might drown marvin let him have some fun yes jeffy you can go swimming just don't go out too far yay can we go home yet no marvin we just got here oh i just lay on the towel water scary water see marvin isn't this relaxing yeah i guess it is someone needs help i got you bro don't worry i got you i'm not gonna let you down oh my god thank you for saving him we're not out of the woods yet breathe damn it breathe oh you saved my life mister oh thank you for saving our son yeah it's what i do wait brad rose i haven't seen you in forever what you know each other yeah he's one of my exes marvin you didn't tell me about bread yeah he was not important enough to come up hey what's up man my name is brad with a big d at the end cause when a girl goes on a date with me that's what she gets at the end a big d well it was nice to meet you brad thanks for saving our son let's go no marvin wait we should do something nice we should invite him to dinner we don't do anything nice for him he's a lifeguard he's supposed to save people but i'm actually not a lifeguard i was just laying on the beach working on my perfect tan and i saw that kid needed help so i just did what any good person would do well that's nice that's really nice brad so we're gonna leave now no marvin we have to thank him we don't have to thank him brad come to dinner tonight okay but i'm pescatarian so i only eat fish but you know that wouldn't you rose he likes salmon oh okay well that's real nice all right well we're gonna leave come on jeffy jeffy i'm so glad you're okay i can't believe you invited your ex to dinner wow thanks for caring daddy marvin he saved jeffy's life who cares again thanks for caring daddy well you didn't save him marvin i would have if i would have had a swimming suit on i had this outfit on your only outfit yeah and to be fair danny you did wear a tie to the beat i didn't want to go to the beach you literally dragged me there marvin we're gonna thank him and cook him a nice dinner i'm not cooking him dinner i'm not doing anything for that weirdo well fine chef pee pee will do it then chef pee pee yes chef pee pee i already paid him you paid champion to cook dinner for him yes marvin we don't have much but we can thank him over a nice dinner why do we have to thank him i'm sure you thanked him enough when y'all dated how'd you even meet the guy anyway i was in california at the santa monica pier and we hooked up a couple of times jesus a couple times i was young marvin it didn't mean anything if it didn't mean anything then why did why is saving jeffy meaning something to you like don't talk to the guy i don't like him ugh you don't have to like him marvin but we do have to thank him over a nice dinner why does it have to be a dinner why can't we write him a letter you want to write him a letter yeah i'll write him two letters f you marvin oh that's a good one daddy give me four fingers that's what i'm talking about that was smooth go downstairs and help shove pee pee cook the dinner oh i'll help all right i'll do stuff to the food this looks delicious hey chef pee pee my wife said you're cooking dinner oh yeah it just got done this looks amazing i know thank you what are you doing what is it not supposed to look good no my wife's inviting her ex-boyfriend over for dinner oh with her ex oh why don't you just break up with her well her ex kind of saved jeffy's life he was drowning and she wants to make it up to him by bringing him over for dinner oh well that makes sense i thought you sucked that cookie i thought you made disgusting food well not when i'm getting paid and your wife paid me 20 so i went all out well i'll pay you 20 extra more dollars to spit in the food like i wouldn't do gross things to it like when he eats this food i want him to throw up like when he sees his food i want him to never want to come back ever again that's how gross i want to be oh you want me to go all out yeah i want you to ruin this food okay let's start with this oh that's so gross i know i know oh that's disgusting watch this whoops hey marvin let's put the strip in this litter box oh that's disgusting let's do it isn't this the most diabolical disgusting horrible meal you've ever seen yeah oh it makes me want to throw up oh yeah that guy's definitely not gonna want your wife after he eats this oh yeah definitely not he's gonna take one bite he's gonna run away and never talk to her again oh yeah definitely okay i'm gonna tell my wife that dinner's ready so uh just make something normal for me and my wife okay okay are you gonna pay me for that too yes yes all right baby dinner is ready wow marvin you seem to be in a good mood yeah i realized i was being stupid getting mad that your ex-boyfriend's coming over for dinner well i'm glad you've matured marvin yeah who's that that's probably brad ugh let's answer the door okay hello hi brad what's up thank you so much for coming to dinner thanks for not wearing a shirt oh i don't believe in shirts i just feel like they constrict me and i gotta be free you know he's a free spirit you know did you have to bring a surfboard to dinner oh yeah you never know when a gnarly wave's gonna rip by and also it's basically a part of my body like literally help it's fused with my hand help well come inside that's what she said to me just shut up and come inside so like i mentioned at the front door this surfboard is stuck to my hand so please help me mm-hmm doesn't this food look good bradley uh my name's actually brad with a big d at the end because when i take girls on dates i know you already explained it just look at the food oh chef peepee made me a salad so brad what do you do for a living bro i live for a living you don't have a job no wow baby it sounds like you dated a total bomb well actually marvin brad's family is very wealthy yeah have you heard of the shell gas stations yeah yeah well my family invented those check the necklace your family invented the shell gas station yeah so i'm loaded like a baked potato so all i do all day is just surf look at beautiful chicks and beg people to help me with the surfboard that's stuck to my hand please help me someone well i think it's time for us to eat because i'm as hungry as a shark you know i get bit by a shark one time really yeah at the aquarium petting zoo i punched him right in the nose cause that's how you deal with sharks in case you didn't know you're so brave yeah i kept all its teeth on a necklace back home i got it at the gift shop i can give you one if you want but i only give it to people i really care about well i think we should focus on eating let's dig in yeah unfortunately i am left-handed and like i said i have this surfboard stuck to my hand so please dear god someone help me well you could just like you know eat with your face like a little piggy like a little dirty pig boy like a little like a little stinky pig boy yeah i i guess i guess i'll do that did he it's okay he just he just had a mouthful he's fine marvin what brad bradley bradford oh no baby i think he's dead no no no calm down just hold on hold on i'm gonna call a doctor and i'll be talking to chef pee pee baby chef baby hold on hold on let me guess marvin he hated it no no no no no he had a stomach ache and pooped everywhere no he threw up and pooped no no he ran out of the house crying like a little baby no he's dead what he's dead no he can't be not from the food he died from eating the food we killed him no we didn't kill him no we just made the food dirty whatever we did poison him and now he's dead and we're going to go to jail no we're not going to jail i'm not going to jail for your relationship issues my body's too tight for that oh my my wife wants me to call a doctor what do we do look look i'mma dress up like a doctor and i'm just tell her that everything's fine he's just sleeping or something like that and then we're going to bury the body oh i like that idea that's a really smart idea i love that yeah yeah i'm very smart i know what i'm doing oh okay get a doctor outfit okay poor brad what did you call the doctor uh yeah he should be here any moment hey hey hey uh did somebody call a doctor yes doctor he choked it i think he's dead oh no he can't be dead no no no not from eating all this good food he's probably just sleeping with his eyes open yeah crazy kid let me check his pulse who knew marvin he's dead he doesn't have a pulse i know that just lie to her is he dead oh no he's not dead he's just sleeping with his eyes open yeah some people fall asleep after eating good food he's just in a food coma that's what they call it oh i think i've heard of those before yeah yeah yeah so doctor what would you suggest we do with the sleeping body uh oh we should drag the sleeping body to bed yeah yeah yeah yeah so we're gonna take the body and put it in bed you just finish your salad baby come on doctor hurry all right muffin let's get rid of this body muffin oh yeah you know i love that mustache baby no no i gotta fight these urges we gotta focus on the body yeah the body first so how would we get rid of the body you said we were gonna bury it no we can't bury the police dog can sniff out the body and and dig up the body and we'll get caught oh we gotta think of it another way to get rid of the body oh have you seen breaking bad yeah i see it breaking bad yeah they put the body in the bathtub and then they pour the acid over it so it eats up the body oh that's genius yeah there will be no proof and there'll be no evidence and then the cops can't find them oh yeah let's do that let's do that get the ass okay i'll get the acid you take the body the bathtub okay all right i got the acid body decomposing acid why did you even buy this they saw it at home depot in the i don't want to get caught section you actually bought it well i use cash there's no trace okay good good no trace i like that all right so i'm gonna put the body in the bathtub and you're gonna put the ass on all right okay all right let's do that who's that i don't know let's answer it okay hello hey oh no the cops they must have found out about brad's body ah hey what was that what was what that that thing you just did oh that was our secret handshake yeah a handshake you guys didn't touch hands usually handshakes have hand touching at least oh no no we don't do that that's it's james yeah yeah you know you know the pandemics going on right yeah yeah so what are you doing here well i'm looking for a guy named brad i don't know a guy named brad i don't know no i don't know brad do you know brad no i don't know brad no i don't know brad either i i know it's just a chef i know a chat i think chat you know you two are the definition of suspicious suspicious don't get to fight these urges what what what was that no nothing nothing no we don't know a brad you should yeah you should ask the neighbors if they've seen brad well i did and they said they saw brad come here earlier today they did okay stop stop doing that i don't like that well look we have not seen brad and and it's like it's like it hasn't been 72 hours has it so he can't have a missing person's report yeah yeah but his family's rich and they put a tracker in his surfboard and it says that he's in here okay fine he's here he's sleeping in the bathtub what are you doing look i know what i'm doing yeah he's in the bathtub why is he in your bathtub he just wanted to take a nap so he just wanted to chill so just chill homie okay i'm gonna search the house so when the cop comes in the house hit him over the head with a rolling pin all right gotcha excuse me did you just fart no no i heard what you just said what would i say you told him to hit me in the head with a rolling pin no i didn't oh see that's just a figure of speech yeah yeah yeah yeah in my house uh that hit him in the head with a rolling pin means offer him a drink yeah yeah are you thirsty what kind of flavor rolling pin would you like yeah yeah what rolling pin i don't want a rolling pin i don't want a tall glass of rolling pin i just want to go find brad so you two are gonna stay in front of me the whole time oh he just wants to look at her booties weirdos little butt boy no i'm not a butt look shut up i don't want to hear a word at either of you show me brad okay all right officer here's brad huh body decomposing acid what do you need that for uh what you see uh i was shaving in the bathtub and my hair got caught in the drain and the people at home depot said uh to use body decomposing acid to get the hair out of the drain because it can decompose bodies and there's hair on bodies and the hair from my body is what clogged the drain yeah yeah that thick mustache here yeah yeah yeah so that's what i was gonna use that for really because there's a body right there next to the body decomposing acid that's not a body that's bread yeah that's just bread yeah yeah he's sleeping yeah doing brass stuff yeah he looks like he's sleeping with his eyes open and a shrimp in his mouth what you've never been in a food coma sir yeah food or food promo well no actually i haven't cause my wife doesn't cook good enough for that to happen oh well huh hey hey hey you both had something to do with this so you're both going to jail oh come on i don't want to go to jail so that's what happens what hold on he's not dead he's not no he has a very light pulse well you can still save him yeah let me just uh get my doctor outfit on drag him upstairs and do cpr do it right here no no no no no no no it's gotta be upstairs i'll bring upstairs we're gonna fix all right all right doc we have them on the couch all right i got my outfit on i'm ready to do some cpr hurry hurry hurry ew there's a shrimp in the way i don't like shrimp all right let's get that out of there he's breathing oh hey i have a really bad shellfish allergy what you have a shellfish allergy i thought you were a pescetarian well yeah but not that pesky what oh wow i guess you guys aren't going to jail after all we're not going to jail i'm free hey marvin is brad okay yeah i'm okay babe he has a shellfish allergy wow hey since there's a doctor here hey doc you think you could take the surfboard off my hand it's like stuck there and it's ruining my life please do god help me all right you folks have a nice night [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 18,805,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, ocean, beach, brad, marvin, rose, mario, rosalina, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, friends, friend, puppet, show, puppets, surf, surfing, chef, food, nasty, gross, brooklyn guy, laugh, joke, entertainment, logan, lance, lovell
Id: IM6lKbZCwe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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