SML Parody: Jeffy's Target Takeover!

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all right finally I'm done stalking this aisle oh it's time for my lunch break I'm so hungry what's going on guys today I'm in Target destroying the shelves because my dad beat me today and I need self validation from strangers online check this out oh yeah take that Pokemon oh wait follow me over here guys only losers play Pokemon wait oh come on seriously guys I just finished stalking that well there goes my 2 minutes lunch break buddy why is my merchandise on the floor I didn't do that some kids knocked it over sure blaming it on the kids like always oh my God I really didn't do it though buddy I need to talk to you in my office now it's important am I finally getting health insurance yes no you're not getting health insurance follow me okay come on in buddy can I get you a coffee you're going to need one after this uh no thanks I'm afraid you're going to put thumb TXS in it again all right suit yourself buddy take a seat we got to talk h buddy I just want you to know I'm never good at these things I never like having these discussions but it's very important and now that we're both here together I think it's a good time buddy you you feel really far away from me right now I feel like we're drifting apart this is a discussion we have to have face to face we need to go through this together buddy I'm going to come closer buddy how are you doing you look nervous yeah I am nervous because I think I know where this is going and I don't like it I know but buddy we've been we've been thinking about this for a long time I think you and me both know what's about to happen oh my God okay Kermit look I'm sorry okay I'll stock the shelves faster I'll Swit the floors I'll even clean the bathroom I know I said wasn't going to fold on that but I will no buddy you you it's it's too late I've already made up my decision oh my God k please I can't lose this job I need to pay the bills you don't let me break it down for you with a diagram I don't need a diagram so buddy this is my life as a graph this green line right here is my happiness as you can see when I was a kid I was pretty happy but not as happy as when I got my first Lamborghini oh I still remember getting the keys to this day I also bought a mansion a few years later and it made me happy but not as happy as a Lamborghini but it was still cool and I was like what could be better than a Lamborghini in a mansion H and then I met you and I decided my new life mission would be to make you miserable so what I do oh I bought Target and I was like that should make me the happiest yet but no buddy ever since I bought Target my mental health has been going downhill really fast buddy I'm depressed okay it's very sad and all but can you just fire me and get this over with it's really bad too only chives knows how bad it is I cry in the shower every day so I decided I'm going to retire wait what I'm going to quit I don't want to be CEO anymore that's right buddy I'm quitting you're actually quitting for real I'm not fired no of course you're not fired why would you think that if anything I'm fired I'm firing myself cuz I quit yay wait if you're quitting then that means the CEO position's open right that's true buddy that means I need to find somebody to fill it somebody who's been with the company a long time someone I can trust someone who deserves it someone who knows the target Spirit like me buddy you got any ideas yeah me pig me ker I'd be perfect for the physician that's so cute but no but seriously buddy I need to find a new CEO quick so if you have any ideas just let me know me I buddy make sure you clean the bathrooms like you promised see you I'm free from Target oh hey buddy wait are you stealing Pokémon cards what does it look like obviously Daddy's too poor to afford anything so I have to steal them myself huh no one's ever admitted to stealing before right in front of my face that takes guts kid I love the honesty hey how would you like a special job I don't even care no buddy hear me out you get to be that's right CEO of Target you get to own the whole dump I don't even want anymore I'm quitting today actually it's all yours does that mean I get to boss daddy around all right I'll do your job right now give me your dumb key give me your badge I'll start working tonight sure thing I get the key to Target I won't let you down Kermit I'll be the best king of Target ever dad's going to love this oh my God this was the worst day of Target ever how did I not get the position of CEO I mean I totally deserve it I'm the most hardworking and I've been there the longest oh they're probably going to give it to some idiot who doesn't know what he's doing Daddy I just got a job today can you believe it where a sweat shop not really mhm oh oh jokes on me right cuz I didn't get CEO so now you're making fun of me Daddy if I was joking why would I have this have what is that is that is that Kermit's key to Target the keys to Target because today Kermit made me the king of Target no no no no this is a nightmare no you're not you're not the CEO he wouldn't hire you you're an idiot why would he hire you Daddy Kermit says that I'm honest hardworking and that I deserve his position so he gave me the keys and now I'm CEO Daddy I don't even know what CEO means but I'll take it cuz why not you're not any of those things you're not honest you're not hardworking I mean you've never even had a job before not true I worked at Target once and you bred it down Daddy I think that says more about you than it does about me I mean I burnt it down and I'm still CEO I mean what are you doing there that Kermit hates you so much oh oh my God this is a nightmare wake up wake up wake up oh my God this can't be true D I'm going to need you to get to bed cuz we're starting early tomorrow I'm thinking 4:00 a.m. but that's 2 hours earlier than what I normally start 3:35 no okay fine I'm going to bed but not cuz you told me to cuz I'm tired yeah I'm tired what am I even supposed to do here I really want to play with that really really bad but obviously L daddy's not going to buy it for me wait a minute I'm the king of Target which means I basically own the store and I own everything in the store so I can just take whatever I [Music] [Applause] want I get as many v-bucks as I want this is the best job ever rice checks ew first thing I'm doing as king of Target is Banning any cereal that isn't Cheerios are those green beans daddy we're baning green beans I don't even care it's gross I don't even want to look at that in my store oh my God this is a nightmare I can't believe jeffy's my new boss Daddy please report to my office thank you oh great what does he want what do you want Jeffy I'm trying to work hey Dad there's my favorite bald employee you can go ahead over there and take a seat I'm going to discuss some business ideas with you if you don't mind Jeffy I don't think any business idea you could ever come up with would be worth hearing but fine lay it on me let's hear what you got oh dadd just wait until you hear about this one free Fridays Daddy all items marked 100% off doors open 7:00 a.m. and most important rule have fun thoughts Free Fridays okay no that is the stupidest business decision I have ever heard Jeffy people are going to get hurt with that well Daddy that's kind of the point like I want people trampling over each other I want screaming I want lots of blood I mean the whole idea is it's like Black Friday but every week and more fun cuz everything's free okay no this is stupid how are you going to make any money if everything in the store is free I don't care we're doing it like I've already made the call Daddy I just wanted to get your reaction to it now get back to [Music] work folks Target stock price has officially hit 15 cents after newly appointed CEO Jeffy introduces Free Fridays the company's financials are in the gutter and is on the verge of bankruptcy excuse me sir what are your thoughts on this well I just got a free iPhone by walking in there and not even paying for it so I love Free Fridays I'm going in for an iPad next week there you have it folks customers are happy but at what cost mhm I'm the bestest Target King ever we're doomed Oh Daddy what Jeffy have you seen the news daddy Target is officially the greatest store in the world all thanks to me you know Jeffy I'm honestly impressed I can't believe you managed to sink an entire business in the span of a week Daddy I didn't sink crap do you know how many people like Target now I mean go to our stores on Friday it is packed people can't stop buying all our products nobody buying anything because nobody's spending any money they're just stealing it always caught up on money it's why Kermit failed it's why you would have failed daddy you see I think bigger than that I think about customer satisfaction okay that's important too but you know what else is important making money don't have to just have to okay here's what happens if you don't make money Jeffy that means no more business and no more business means no more Target D it's weird cuz I I thought I was the CEO but here you stand here with your bald head lecturing me about what I need to do when I already know what I have to do and oh I forgot to tell you Daddy we've got new uniforms for you to wear is that a wizard cloak oh and it's no longer Target as of tomorrow it's actually jeffy's Kingdom I rebranded the whole dump jeffy's Kingdom see you at 3:30 a.m. Daddy what I'm not wearing a wizard cloak I I don't even know what all these papers mean they just keep on sending them to me and acting like I know what to do I don't even know what CTO is I was just given this position by Kermit I just want to be the king of Target getting play with my new toys but they just keep on sending me emails and calling me on the phone I'm not picking up I don't know what to do buddy buddy are you crazy you ruined my company buddy the stock price is in the gutter the whole thing is going under what are you doing shut up I'm trying okay I didn't want to be your stupid CEO anyway I don't know what any of this means B you ruined my legacy everything I left behind what am I going to be known for now this that excuse for a company the poop is coming out Kermit the poop is coming out it's coming out I can't stop it cuz I'm getting nervous yep I'm pooping what am I going to tell the shareholders the investors they're all counting on you but you don't know what to do buddy I should have never made you CEO you ruined all of it g just get out of my office if you're not going to help I don't care well that's the one thing I had to stalk today cuz we literally have no more inventory oh okay yeah you're welcome wait it's not even Friday yet oh my God this place is a joke Jeffy you have screwed up not now Daddy I'm stressing cuz I have to figure out what to do you should be stressing you made our company go under Jeffy we both are going to lose our job I didn't mean it I just wanted free Friday to be fun Daddy I want everybody to get free stuff like I did well there's a reason no other store does that Jeffy it's a bad idea I tried to tell you that now our stocks have plummeted nobody's shopping at our store anymore they're stealing everything okay dadd it's okay I'll fix it you're me me and you are going to fix it you're going to help me fix everything no no no I'm not helping you fix crap cuz you know what I quit I'm done Jeffy I'm done with all this I it's a mockery of what I used to do I'm wearing this stupid uniform I don't even like it you can't quit no dadd you're fired you get out my office dad you fire I never to see you again I work at Target I do not work at jeffy's Kingdom so I quit I'm done you can fix this by yourself you can't leave Daddy no no you know what Jeffy no no no you know what I'm going to do when I get home I'm going to go home I'm going to sit my butt on my red couch and I'm going to play some fortnite yeah yeah I'm going to play fortnite on your PS5 since you're the one making all the money you can pay the house bills you can do all the work you can pay for all our food while I sit down and play fortnite cuz you know what it's time for me to retire [Music] too I quit I want to be Target CE anymore I'm done die I'm done I quit I don't want to be king of Target anymore no Jeffy you can't just quit like thatone to step I'm going to go play fortnite I don't want to worry about any of that anymore I'm so done D I'm sorry no no someone has to step up as CEO Jeffy it it doesn't work like that Kermit we need you again Kermit anybody hello huh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 309,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p5uQABvxaC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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