SML Movie: Air Bud!

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all right Jeffy we're gonna play a game called horse without the S yeah so I'm gonna make a shot and then you have to make my exact same shot or you get a letter okay all right I'm gonna shoot it behind my back yay I made it easy Junior my turn oh you missed it darn it now I'm a [ __ ] but no you only get an H oh hold on okay Doug go in there there you go good girl hey guys sorry I'm late I was walking over here and this dog started following me a dog it's cute right Are You Gonna Keep it no Junior it's a stray dog it might have rabies or something do you think the dog's good at basketball what no why would the dog be good at basketball in the movie Air Bud the dog was good at basketball that was just a movie well look he looks like he likes it yeah look he's sniffing the basketball he might be good at it all right if you think so let me grab my phone I'm gonna record this dog making a shot all right Cody I'm recording pass the ball to the dog okay Junior oh my God he actually made it oh he made it oh wow yeah actually no I don't think he made it I think I just bounced the ball off his head no no the dog made it like air bug and I'm going to upload on Tick Tock and get a billion views come on ladies run the play come on do what I told you good ball movement he missed he missed a wide open dunk God I can't stand it big bird what's up coach what the hell was that I try to dunk the ball in the hoop and I missed it yeah no [ __ ] look you're six nine start playing like it I'm sorry coach can I get some Gatorade no you don't deserve Gatorade now get your ass back out there all right cool Jesus okay let's run another play the ball that's the ball dude I was open no [ __ ] you're open everyone's open it's practice look guys the game is in 30 minutes Colby come here oh me coach hey you wanted to speak to me coach yeah look I'll be honest with you this team sucks we haven't won a game all year and if we lose another game I'm gonna be fired as a coach okay so I need you to go out there and show this team what teamwork is and maybe make a few shots too okay you got it coach uh could you get off my hands so I can play though oh yeah hold on oh [Applause] poopy pooey are you okay no coach I broke my ankle well that doesn't look too bad no it snapped in half oh damn it you're our best player I know coach I'm sorry we're gonna lose that game tonight and then you're gonna lose your coaching job no the hell I'm not okay team everybody huddle up all right team poopy's out for the season I know he was our best player and we're all in 10 right now bad thing that's not good so we suck at the biscuits balls yes you suck at the basketball but but coach it could be worse we could be on 11. that's true yeah yeah and we're gonna be tonight when we lose and I lose my coaching job but that's not gonna happen because we're gonna win but coach we got four players we need five okay I will find us another player but it doesn't even matter we're still gonna lose well excuse me coach with one loss because we are a white skin not uh dark complexion so it would do this but it's true coach we need some flavor well you guys got black jerseys though this this fabric not not skill no I guess you're right we do need some brothers on the team okay I will go find us a brother you guys stay here and practice nine and eleven you guys are my two tallest players you're you're my you're my twin towers okay I need you guys to stay here and practice dunking coach we're tall like Michael Jordan yes you were tall like Michael Jordan just just practice dunking and try not to collapse okay four and seven I need you guys to practice your three-point throws yeah just like that uh where am I gonna find a new player by tonight that's not gonna happen I'm just going to sit here and watch some tick tocks before I get fired oh my God this dog can play basketball like Air Bud and it's black team I'll be right back all right guys what should we name this dog uh how about Albert no Cody we're not naming an Albert and the Chipmunks that's Alvin and the Chipmunks same name it's still ugly listen you name it a fun dog name like berry berry yeah like Blackberry because the dog's black what about Michael Vick no oh how about how about night time night time because the dog is dark like the nighttime sky Jenny that sucks how about Blackie no well no no I meant like black because he's black not in a bad way now that you said that I can only think of it in a bad way well what about Spanky ooh Spanky Muniz oh yeah I like that let's name him Spanky Muniz you like your name Spanky hey kids oh I saw on Tick Tock that dog that's good at basketball oh that dog's right here I recorded the video okay cool good shot I guess uh have you kids seen the movie Air Bud where the dog plays basketball yeah well I think we have a similar situation here with this dog I think it's good at basketball oh yeah it's super good at basketball I mean it's the next LeBron James you saw it make that shot well actually I think I bounced the ball off the dog's head no no no couldn't know he's talking about this dog has raw talent I mean you saw it make that shot oh yeah that's great because I have a basketball game coming up in like 10 minutes and we lost our best player so I think I need to borrow this dog oh you can borrow this dog it'll definitely win the game just like an Air Bud oh that's great come on dog swish all right team I found our newest player let me introduce you to Spanky Muniz oh coach that's a cat actually it's a dog and in my country dog can actually be wife where are you from I know I know it might seem a little crazy but in the movie Air Bud the dog actually helped him win the basketball game and this dog is black like your jerseys so there should be no confusion about whose team it's on in case the other team has a dog on their team now we don't really have any time to practice with this dog but trust me this dog is great I've seen it in action okay let's play this game so what do you guys want to do tonight I don't know hey guys guys what are you doing we have a basketball game tonight what we do the game tonight we gotta play oh yeah that's right we do have a basketball game I totally forgot we're on a basketball team man we play a lot of sports in between videos but wait where's Joseph what Jenny you don't remember he got hit by a bus he broke every bone in his body oh yeah I forgot about that well we have to win tonight's game for him let's go to the hospital in time we're gonna win tonight for him hi boys is this your little friend yeah how's Joseph doing well as well as someone can do once they've been hit by a bus he can't talk cause his Jaws wired shut and he can't move because he's in a coma but he can hear you I think well Joseph we're gonna win tonight's basketball game for you yeah buddy getting hit by a bus is crazy hello and welcome to the NCAA basketball tournament NCAA stands for no cats allowed at all [ __ ] no I don't have enough players Big Bird Big Bird he's a dog today's matchup is the Pirates versus the bib squeaks whichever team reaches 10 points first wins dip off we'll start shortly all right you bunch of sissies listen up my coaching job's on the line tonight now you see how many fans we have none zero because we suck that's okay Coach that would just be a distraction I hate you oh okay but if we're gonna win we will at least get one fan okay so there's only one rule tonight all of you need to pass the ball to Spanky he is our Kevin Durant okay he's gonna win this game for us everybody got that okay cool all right let's play uh Cody we're playing the team that took our dog well we're gonna win at least one game this season wait dogs can play yeah it's the Air Bud rule there's no rule that says he can't play basketball only cats well let's go play guys oh what white is that a doll a dog can't play basketball huh really I guess that's true it's all like cats all right let's play ball foreign [Music] come on guys you let him score that fast give the ball to Spanky I got you coach here you go Spanky yeah I got the ball God damn it big bird you bounced it over Spanky's head give it to him my bad coach I got you this time I got your ball again oh my God six to zero timeout timeout team get over here okay team we are getting our asses kicked out there we got to come up with another plan we give the ball to dog like you said yeah but Spanky's not the problem he's a professional no I think maybe Spanky's more of a catch and shoot kind of dog so what you guys need to do is drive the ball down the court find Spanky open on the arch and then pass it to Spanky okay you got it coach all right let's go let's go here you go play on [Music] oh you're not gonna make a shot you're not gonna make a shot I saved it oh our ball again good hustle seven good hustle Spanky no I'm going for it oh let's go oh my God timeout timeout team get your ass in here coach coach I made it I got two points yeah you made it you're about to make your way to the bench but coach I made two points yeah you get two points but guess who was open for three oh spooky yes that's right big bird Spanky but coach Spanky messed up three times in a row already I will not hear you talk bad about Spanky okay Spanky knows what he's doing coach Spanky was laying down yeah well that's just Spanky style okay Spanky lays on the ground until the other team forgets about him and then boom he strikes like a snake okay everybody just give the ball to Spanky it's not that hard you got it okay just coach okay get your ass out there here you go Cody here you go vanilla get out of my weight dog boy way to go Spanky he distracted us so that big bird could block her shot and people say this dog can't play basketball here you go Penelope pass the ball value pass the ball wow he stole it because you're a girl you know how to shoot shut up Junior I'm open I'm oh ah here you go Spanky I can't do anymore that big bird you know you're supposed to set a screen so spank it can get open all right secret team meeting secret team meeting right now guys Spanky sucks at basketball I agree dog only good for wife yeah and coaches Bonkers for thinking that a dog is gonna win us the game but coaches pass the ball to Spanky I know no big bird so I got an idea what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the shots and we're gonna make it look like Spanky's making them up how we do this just follow my lead oh great it's eight to two what the hell are they doing over there hey hey hey hey hey what are you guys doing over here chit chatting well chit chatting is not winning okay the other team is only one shot away from winning and then I lose a job and you guys are all out on your ass okay so get your head in the game and pass the ball test pancake all right coach we'll pass the ball to Spanky let's go guys right here oh man look at spanky go go Spanky go [Music] whoa you guys just see Spanky hit that layup I told you Spanky could play basketball all right guys just grab Spanky make shot and Coach will think that spinky's making it who wants Spanky next all right here we go all right Patrick passing the ball basketball Junior okay shoot it Spanky yeah Spanky just hit a three go Spanky go we can actually win now thanks for Spanky yeah whatever who wants Spanky it has Spanky Spanky what are you doing Peggy Peggy get back here Spanky no guys what are we gonna do Spanky just left listen coach coach we never need a Spanky in the first place I know he just left but it was us making the shots the whole time don't try to make me feel better we can't do it without spanking besides we don't even have enough players you're right if you don't have five players you're gonna have to Forfeit coach what are we gonna do I guess we're gonna have to Forfeit guys [Music] you got me coach poopy but your ankle's broken I can still carry this goddamn team play on here you go Penelope give me videos yeah we did it we won game over the Pirates win well guys we actually just lost all because of Penelope no wait Junior it's not my fault guys we just lost to a dog and somebody with a broken ankle it's all because of Penelope's boss you get we'll go on our team you've always played one hell of a basketball game out there and I get to keep my job yeah yeah but I'd really just like to thank Spanky we couldn't have done it without him actually we could have coached it was all us oh technically number seven we we're not together as Tim before dog but don't bring us together and we better ask them and we win okay I guess that's right and I'd especially like to thank you poopy you won this on a broken ankle you're the Goddamn goat yeah yeah let's go go go go go go go go let's go out and celebrate [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 8,368,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, air bud, airbud, parody, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, lance, anthony, elaina, basketball, puppet, puppets, show, brooklyn guy, coach, dog, puppy, hilarious, adventure, laugh, amazing, fun, junior, cody, penelope
Id: ObWyWgqYNCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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