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guys we have an issue in Roblox there's a catnap infection going around and I don't want to catch it ew that's so gross what's a catnap it's catnap from poppy playtime it's basically this purple cat and if it touches you you're going to get the catnap infection wait I'm allergic to cats wait you're allergic to cats Daddy yeah I'm going to throw up and start pooping all over the place well Daddy that's why I Got This Bat so I can hit the cats away wait what did you get the bat everyone follow me come over here grab This Bat okay everyone you need a bat to help protect yourself okay I think I have one Daisy do you have one yeah I have a bat take this all right perfect guys get ready to fight all these cats oh my God look at them all out there there's a pink one oh God I jumped down I jump down help me help me oh God I'm in here I'm in here no guys I just turned into a purple cat e wait you're a cat come here Daddy come here Daddy Gooby I got you I'm being captured I got you gooby need help I need help bite me the neck bite me the neck I'm being suffocated I just turned you into a cat oh no I'm turned into a cats come here Daddy oh I'm a cat I'm a cat I'm a cat wait Stacey I got a k I'm already a kitty yay we're all kitty cats guys that was fun no I hate this game where are you guys I feel like I'm moving on my own how do we turn back into normal I'm sucking a wible yeah me too oh yeah I'm eating someone else oh my gosh oh no I'm dying ow you're dying oh God I just fell back into the river yes I'm back to normal guys if you die you turn back to normal I'm trying to get this girl I'm going to jump up down and eat somebody daddy where are you where are you daddy oh God I'm being attacked I'm being attacked come here no come here Daddy get away from me no Daisy Daisy let me go Daisy ow ow no now you're a blue kitty really I ate your giblets yay now you're on a oh my God goodness I got another kid I'm going to get this guy guys we can't be spreading the infection this is so messed up I'm it's not messed up we're just kitty cats now oh God I found someone come here come here ah no they're stuck in the river she trying to get away but I'm going to get him guys get him get him get him ow she's hitting us with a bat got her got her nice Johnny got her let's go yeah you like that uh-huh take that now you're a cat you turned go into a cat now that was so cool where are all the people at I wish I was a pink kitty yeah I want to become a yellow kitty wait guys how do some of these people have guns um Robux he's a blue cat now but I found it ooh I can get it for 150 Robux permanently all right I'm going to get a gun no yep Daddy I got to get rid of all these cats I'm sorry no that's cheating I'm going to eat this guy become a cat become a cat I am a cat I got a gun I got a gun K cat's got a gun take that JY come here no no I got you Daisy let go me you become a cat yeah you're a kitty cat sh me out no I wanted to be a pink Kitty wait you even have a cat you even have a gun when you're a cat yeah he's a gun cat oh God D I just shot you that up there is all she's safe oh God sorry Daisy I died as a cat Gooby stay right there Gooby don't move oops W Gooby how' you just die uh I think I just fell oh I just died too I touched the red border yay now I'm back to normal hey Daddy daddyy stay up here stay up here I'll shoot them if they're up here oh God oh God oh God back up back up back up oh we got a wild one he died he died we got an infestation I'm shooting them Daddy ah oh God get up out get up get up get up get up okay I have a bat again um guys I'm being attacked by a whole bunch of people with weapons well I'm going attack you too JY cuz I'm a bad guy now I hit you you're a bad guy yeah don't die Gooby I'm on a bad guy scene not on the cat scene wait I died too go don't die no pink guys grabbing me I'll save you gooy no I'll save you I'll save you I'll save you thank you thank you going to kill the cat yeah I shot him I killed him I got him guys stay together Stay Together uhoh got you gooy get away from me come here let me grab you help oh no Daddy on me I got you Daddy I got you what's getting suck out of me no daddy oh I missed my shot Daddy I'm sorry I missed Johnny I'm a cat now get away from me get away get him away I'm coming to save you D I'm coming no no this isn't fair guys really I have a bat I have a bat and you're going to be a pink Kitty no I don't want to be a pink Kitty Gooby I will eat your blood someone help me Gooby where are you goobie's dying I'm now a red cat hey Gooby I'm a pink cat you're a pink and I'm a red I'm green I'm also red okay let's all group up and then we go for anyone who comes down like this person got him oh Daisy that was brutal good job Daisy they didn't stand a chance o I want to get this person in the water we got two we got two people come here come here let me grab you I got another one oh get him Daisy get him I'm going to help you yeah take that O come on let's get this one over here I'm going grab this sh oh this person this person I can't grab him he keeps running around get him get him get him what the heck I can't get them when they have a b I'm coming for you take this got them yes you got them you got them eat them d eat him alive this guy just got thr into a cat I'm going to become a human again ow uh you guys I just fell off the universe was that good what yeah I was in the W and then I grabbed somebody and it made me fall into the universe look guys Goku's here you guys know Goku from animes no I love Goku she's so powerful Gooby they don't watch anime Goku's on my team too bad I'm going to eat him no no oh a JY why' you get me because I'm a cat so you have to be a cat oh man I show you you a green cat guys I need help are youny I will come help you no eat him this actually is not fair turn into a s come on into a city this game is too hard I need some more overpowered things you got turn to cat it's not fair it's pretty fair you you don't think about it I want just want to be a pink Kitty wait what is this would you like to buy poison potion ooh all right I'm going to buy a poison potion let me just go up here first all right let's see what this does oh my gosh I got it all right who's a kitty cat me um your daddy all right Daddy come over here where are you I'm with my squad oh yeah we'll take this ah poison wasn't me what it do can I hit you Daddy no I'm eating someone right now are you kidding me it didn't do anything oh I'm back to normal oh look this guy's like five night of foties oh God I got kitty cats on me I got kitty cats on me no I'm going to come save you oh my gosh this is too hard I can't kill a kitty cat I need a better weapon guys I stepped into a puddle and got turned into a kitty oh yeah you're dead oh no he's turning me into a pink kitty meow what he just became a cat now I'm a pink cats and I say meow ooh I see a guy over here it's the anime character I'm going to get him got him yes good job Daddy good grab you son go to and even the cats oh yeah good see he's pink he on our team ooh more people over here come here come here how do I pick up these coins I want to pick up a coins yeah I don't think they work oh I got someone oh yeah now you got the catnap infection take that I think we should play a little game what's the game dadd I think we should all go back to normal and then we see how long it takes for each of us to become a cat ooh that's a really good game and whoever lasts the longest wins it's going to take like 3 seconds all right I agree let's do that everyone go back to normal I'm back to normal oo guys look we just got teleported to a new map this looks so awesome wow look at just all these water bottles and these cans of beans wait hold on guys there's a bunch of cats out here I don't know if we're going to be able to leave don't worry I use my I use my bats I would not go out there if I were you thisy be careful Gooby get out of there get out of there Gooby sh you're dying to my hand ah okay I'm going to make a run for it go go go go go I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running get out of there get out of there it ran to the right let's go there's one behind us look another safe room there's a bunch of different safe rooms 's beans come on Gooby come on Gooby I don't Mr Kitty catch looks like it's safe this way where'd You Go Daddy over here ooh look at this area guys do not touch this stuff is like lava do not touch it Gooby whatever you do guys look in there look there's a big there's a big catnap in there where Straight Ahead you not see it Gooby look he's looking at us oh no I see him it was a cat photo that's kind of terrifying wish he could pick up these coins yeah I don't know if they really work e be careful not to step in the glue all right we do not want to step in the glue that's a cat kitty save Haven save Haven kill it kill it kill it he's half Health he's half Health a got him let's go good job guys if we just stay together we'll literally survive we're on a team guys I found an actual catnap what How's he in here what is he doing in here what he doing I'm going kill him uh-oh my basetball batat broke right here Gooby can get another one I got a new one bat there's a cat there's a cat kill it kill it kill it he's a One Tap One Tap got him smacked him in the mou another one another one oh my God oh my God help me save Johnny oh my God thank Gosh guys thanks for saving me that was a close one he was literally going to eat my neck and turn me into a catnap I see a bunch of them there's two kitties behind us where where where oh behind us behind us behind us kill him kill him kill him ah die nice good job team let's go we did it cuz we're the best team yeah we're too good this game more more of them we need to kill them all oh my goodness all right guys come on come on come on Daddy you go first though just in case someone dies they'll get you first okay sounds good daddy run daddy run many of them oh my God there's a lot more than I thought I got pushed into help me r eating me go safe room daddy there's like 10 of them run I'm shooting them I'm shooting them go go I got out my life daddy they're right behind you Daddy they're right behind you I just shot him daddy run daddy run yes we're alive woo uhoh you guys Gooby where are you I'm in a different secret room help D help me help me she's dead she's dead she's dead she's not oh my God oh my God another one another one come here buddy I'll break his Bat upside your head come here he's running haha I got him to run a take that yeah yeah I just broke my bat on his face go that sick daddy wait I think I see you guys behind us behind us behind us run this way I'm coming you guys got to mess this one up right here Daddy don't go in there daddy don't go in there really daddy kill him kill my daddy kill him oh no he's a cat he's a cat oh my God oh my God there's a lot of them he's making classic cat noises come here go SC oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God I am the king of the cats oh my God there's five of them what are we doing now I'm a cat too I'm a cat clone I'm a clone of a cat no go no go no you turn into a cat now you on a cat team there's so many cats what do I do daisy come on you just got to join the Dark Side come in here I don't want want to be a kitty come here Daisy come on join us as a kitty daddy you just died what you went into the red daddy that's what happens when you go into the red oh my god get him you didn't show it on my screen we got some JY toat too oh you can't get me come here Daisy come here can't get me you know we're literally going to be able to get you you're never going to be able to get me oh Gooby you almost had that guy I tried to grab him but he made me into the wed poch yes yes I'm turning him into goo come here Daisy I got something to show you yeah I'm trying to show you my back here Daisy com to the goo hey stop it come here run you now my Pink Kitty ow Gooby you killed me I got you gooby come out here um N I don't want to please Gooby I'm not really sure I want to do that but your family's a kitty now yeah but I think I want hey guys what are you doing over here wait wait oh God I'm being chased no no let me out oh I got the wrong one Daddy get away from me I got one I got a special bat now you got a special bat yep how'd you get a special bat Gooby I just picked it up and it did so much damage yeah that's why you're about to die help me I tried helping you I couldn't help you gooby I'm sorry now I got turn into a cat an evil cat I'm here I'm to no go hey Daddy that was so dumb how do I go back to the other one I'm a cat now meow ouch come here come here I go out there with the baseball bat and then I use my pistol ouch you just hit me in the face Daisy I'm trying to help you no I'm trying to help you become a cats no no no no me da da no no I hit the goo ew now you smell like a cat all right guys how about we go see what other Maps we have let's do it all right everyone follow me I'm going back this way let me just turn this guy into a cat real quick there we go wait go are you guys come here come here go here come here come here come here oh no run he's coming to get me oh I died oh whatever ooh guys look at this map wa it's like we're in a city I got my baseball bat wedy guys kill the Cy cats there's only like two of them we can't let them spread the infection uhoh uhoh on me on me on me no I'm hitting with the bat yes behind behind get the blue one get the blue one come here I got a gun you can't run forever he's a one hit he's a one hit a got him nice look at this guy right here this one this one he's got dragon wings or something what Mar turned into a cat help me no he helps me no no no no no no no no no no GG no I'm a k the infection is spreading the infection is spreading oh no B come you no that ready to goo dang it uhoh uhoh no no no don't get me come here Gooby no nope nope Noe you're I don't like that I don't like that I don't want to do that you like what don't you like uh I don't like you turn me to a cat no no stop I didn't know that was inv invisible wall no let's go Gooby is now a cat guys we're spreading the infection I'm turning into a cat now be I'm a cat okay that's a robot not a cat isn't that what a cat say people poop got someone no they just go meow oh yeah I say meow meow meow meow meow meow I'm a cats let's go I just turned this guy into a kitty cat I'm going to hide right here and then when somebody comes out I'm going to turn him into a cat this is my next victim all right Gooby look you can just hide behind here Gooby look hide behind the doors right heal yep and then once they come out we get them come on Marty step out come on Daddy you come in come inside oh God I just died there goes Daisy oh my Hy come here no Gooby stop Gooby become a cat no I don't want to become a cat yes no you become a cat what why can't I grab you cuz I'm going so fast I'm right on top of you no you're not you're behind me look I'm grabbing you look I'm grabbing you he's eating me oh God oh God D I got you don't worry don't worry don't worry you're not going to turn to a cat you're fine you're fine you're fine you're fine let's go told you you were finey where'd you go hey hey Gooby what are you trying to make a plany come over here I'm making something to get him Daisy Daisy get him no Daisy no no get him too late I've turned into a catch oh my God oh my God now we got to kill Daisy sorry Daisy but now you kill me yep hey Daddy get away from me Daddy get away from me daddy bye oh joh be on my team you on my team you on my team yep yep yep we're on your team Gooby kill Daisy kill Daisy don't kill me I got her now she's on our team this guy this guy hi yes guys I think we killed all the cats wait really we win the game yes we won there's no more cats we be the infection we cleared out all of the Cats yeah let's go we're kind of the best justes no one step on the goo and then we won't become cats anymore we literally won this game was way too easy oh cat cat cat in the back in the back we got a blue cat he's strangling someone dadd it's you ah kill him kill him kill him Mon's the cat M's the cat don't kill me uhoh my baseball bat broke you know I have a gun I got another one no uh-oh my bat's broken you guys what do I do the infection is growing the infections growing kill him kill him kill him uh guys there's Street Cats now no daddy look what you did look what you did noty help help me I'm trying Gooby I'm trying come on come on come on come on oh no it's so me cat no oh my God Daisy run Daisy run they're going to catch me I don't have a b I'm here daddy look what you did daddy look what you did right in the forehead uh you guys I'm kind of stuck on the wall Daddy help me yes Daddy good job we got one more he's almost dead shooting him he's a One Tap oh go you need help Gooby what are you doing yeah I'm stuck on the floor I need some help somebody wants to kill me maybe I don't know what happened but you literally are stuck I'm kind of stuck in the floor over here uh it's very dark Gooby I think you're broken oh I got you doing damage all right Gooby stay there two more shots and boom boom got you yay we spawned daddy where is he where is he here I just missed him he's a fast one how is he so fast I'm going to get him Daddy ah shot him we got to Coral him we got to Coral him got him got him he's got Sprint on Daddy's sprinting I'm here I'm here got him got him he's the last cat one more shot and Boop bye dropping dead we did it let's go we did it we did it we're too good we're too good we're the best we're the best well guys now that there's no more C we officially did it and we're the heroes cuz we stopped the cat infection let's go well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye if you don't subscribe you're going to get the cat infection ah
Channel: Johnny and Marty
Views: 360,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, jeffy, supermariologan, puppets, superluigilogan, funny, superbowserlogan, comedy, roblox, roblox meme, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, here's jeffy, jeffy sml, jeffy and marvin, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox jeffy yeet a plane, simulator game, jeffry, The CATNAP INFECTION in Roblox..., smiling critters, catnap, poppy playtime, the catnap infection in roblox..., catnap poppy playtime, catnap roblox
Id: w2YTcbEyGQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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