I Fell Into QUICKSAND...

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today we need to try to die in Roblox guys is it hard to die in Roblox oh yeah well I die all the time in Roblox yeah me too so this game should be super easy okay level one says pick a hole um this hole I think we did it yay woohoo wait level two is lava pool guys this is so easy slippery ice oh I just wait what the heck I'm taking damage right here it's cuz you're slipping into the wall I'm going to go really hard in the wall oh yeah all right here I go here I go one more one more ah I died yay all right I'm waiting for you guys dangerous bridge oh I just died uh-oh oh wait guys I'm in jail now well how do we die in jail you got to use the toilet seat it's the only thing you could do hey get out of my toilet oh guys what happened I tried to escape and I died oh what the heck where' you guys go uh oh all right level six guys we're doing a great job dying keep it up it says to pull the lever so I'm pulling it hold on let's see okay I'm pulling it I'm pulling it ow what the heck this ceiling just fell in on us uh there's a slide I love slides oh no that's not a good one yay that was a lot of fun level eight nature so somehow we need to die from nature we can get out of here oh I just did it oh I did it guys get out of my way get out of my way daddy wait for us okay I did it come on Daisy too easy why are we so good troll what's the troll it says you are love what what was that I just died all right me too street light we need to die in the street light oh it's really hot you have to jump you have to jump on the street light it's really hot come on guys keep jumping keep jumping I can't jump that high yeah this stupid helmet is making it so I don't take too much damage should we go one at a time no oh oh oh oh I'm getting destroyed right now I'm about to die this is so dumb this is a really dumb way to die yeah this is dumb yay I'm dead no I'm stuck oh I died kill damage clone sit I get sit clone hey look there's two of me oh I just hit damage guys just hit kill just hit kill I'm at the unknown what oo I don't see anything okay I just died what the heck what do you mean you died wait electric fence ow from what where' you guys die from I just walked I'm walking well Daddy I just died from an electric fence this thing hurts so bad guys I don't see anything just keep jumping oh I found it um guys uh I'm taking a test right now what do you mean you're taking a test answer everything incorrectly and you will oof what color is math what color is science this is so stupid that's a dumb one so the color of math is normally blue so we pick red the color of science is green so we pick yellow how do we know this because it's in my brain then what's the color history huh it's normally yellow so I pick Brown it's not working oh we need to answer stuff incorrectly red yellow yellow grade one guys you better figure this out why do we have to up grade two I don't know what this means D is really hard I did it it's red green yellow got it I did it let's go you're welcome underground lava what we need to do parkour whoa there's lava uh I'm not good at parkour wait it's underground look we got to open it up hold on oh so hold on you go over there Johnny and you hit the button you hit the button Daddy no I'm on this button don't wa to hit at the same time it's a puzzle I don't like Puzzles underground lava so we need to get it to where we could fall in wait it's a speed thing where you got to do it both at the same time all right I'm going to go over here quick H it I'm clicking it all right now let me go to this one I'm a freaking genius oh you have to individually do it yeah Daddy I knew that oh God Did It guys I need help uh this is going to take me a minute Tall Grass what the heck is this hey look we got to get to the red thing it's the kill block oh I'm going all the way up here yeah I got it I got it um Daisy are you having trouble with the parkour how do I get up this one you have to do parkour oh reverse dropper Daddy what the heck does that mean oh my God I'm flying I'm flying oh my gosh I know what happened I did it all right Daddy I'm doing it oh my gosh I was so close all right go this way go this way wait what I did it it's like not enough time guys what how do you die in The Tall Grass um you die in The Tall Grass there's a block you got to find a red block I can't get to it you got to wiggle your way you got to wiggle your way through did it wiggle wiggle wiggle all right now you have to do a reverse dropper we should wait for Daisy Daddy stop okay I'm going to hide in the corner all right me too Daddy I'm coming in the corner cor oh God we're being hit Daddy we're being hit why does it just keep saying you are love you need to do the reverse dropper oh Daisy where are you trying to do the dropper Dad this is really hard I can't even hurt myself if I wanted to I need to get hit one more time hit me one more time please Daddy I literally can't get hit I died how you got to move I'm getting my health back really now I'm stuck uh-oh I found it that was an accident I died on accident guys I'm having a hard hard time what are you doing Daisy I keep touching the red oh I just died from the raining damage oh my gosh trapo daddy where was it you just got to walk around it's in the corner okay Daddy oh God Daisy we were going to wait for you but you're just too slow I did it all right well now you need to hurt yourself in rain oh that can't be too hard oh yeah I'm going crazy right now wait a minute hey why are you leaving me no I'm stuck no okay it's not raining enough I know you need to just go into a corner do I just sit yeah I'm in first person right now Daddy I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it yeah claustrophobic was that one it was so small all right Dad let's seriously sit here and wait for Daisy nope get out of there daddy okay I'm just going to I'm just going to die a little bit Daddy get out of there okay I'm going to die a little bit too oh you need to jump okay I'm going to wait then I'm going to wait all right we're waiting we're waiting we're waiting Daisy just already hurry up I'm at trap door all right just go around till you find the trap door in the floor found it all right good claustrophobic oh this is scary uh I'm stuck in a wall all right you just got to keep going through yeah you just got to keep working through oh did you do it Daisy I think so well hurry up I'm trying to hurry I can't help you guys run off without me cuz you were too slow you're just not really good at dying um what do I do after I jump up you got to keep going oh I found stairs there you go guys I died yay Daisy's with us let's go let's go all right come in this pool and jump come in the pool and jump it's nice and nice and warm in here right um it's a little chilly no it's warm oh yeah ow I died weird grocery store I love grocery stores uhoh oh my gosh oh God the cabinets are falling on us ow what is going on here this is not right ow this is actually not right I died I'm suing that store because the shelves fell on my face yeah that was that was stupid difficulty fling what oh I see what you need to do here you got to fling yourself as far as you can I was W even do that come on come on so I have to run really far yeah I got you were loved I did it how I ran and jump why do I not die same here Daddy this is dumb take a hole oh no daddy you were so close I did it go go go go yeah I did it too barely what you doing apparently I got to dig a hole oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm digging a hole there is ice cream waa I want ice cream I want ice cream I want ice cream I want Strawberry I want chocolate give me vanilla oh goodness gracious my forehead that was not chocolate walk 250 studs for void all right seems pretty easy one you don't have to count them Daisy now you're going to actually start counting this three we're already like 100 in we're almost there easy peasy all we had to do is walk and then we died that was so stupid I can't believe you were actually counting wait what the heck I just died instantly ow just walk forwards I walked forward and did not die mystery I just died again oh I went to the Sewer guys just walk forwards on both of them and you it just instantly dies oh God I'm opening up a vault I'm opening up a vault wa guys how do I tell you that I walked forward on the mystery and I did not die oh my God Daisy oh got it quick come in here quick quick quick all right get go run run run jump in jump in before it goes back yeah oh oh we're dead hallelu oh I fell in a hole I'm dying hey get away from me morvin scoot over hey jump on this brick jump on the brick I'm just walking in a circle yay we're dead sewer sewer yippe ew wait I can't get in the sewer I bet the Mutant Ninja Turtles are in here I don't want to see them this place is absolutely disgusting ooh I think I found a secret area where never mind dang it oh I found it Daddy which way did you go there's a little pit that you have to jump in so when you go down to the left and there's like the multiple doorways take the first one on the right first one on the right I died where ow oh I found it just jump jump in the sewer I thought rats were going to eat us yeah that would have been way cooler seat glitch I'm too ahead of you Daddy hold on elevator well I died oh oh God go to the kill brick ow seat glitch what is this I don't know how do you sit down uh H maybe I got try pooping wait let's talk to this guy no doesn't work wait let me talk to him hi how does the glitch work bye is he going to talk to me bro talk to me guys we're stuck there's probably a way to glitch through I think it's got to be something with this well obviously Daddy it's right in the middle wait someone stand still jump on my head oh it doesn't work oh this sucks we have one skip I think I think we could skip it once I just skipped it no I went back to the beginning no I think you could skip all the way back come on come on let us through enter pass codes below the provide no um what did I do where'd you go it says pickle hole you're back at the beginning oh just hit the back button guys we're stuck all right I'm spending 25 Roo and I'm going to go to the next level it's on the right side of your screen sounds good fine fun slide well that was too easy how do we go from something impossible to something easy glass oh my gosh we're in glass oh my gosh did I to jump it's cracking it's cracking uhoh guys glass Bridge wait it's from squid games so it's right left left right no left left left right left right oh right bye Daisy D it what is it right left left left left left left left left left right uh oh daddy why are we in a dungeon right now oo it's scary Oh Daddy I'm on fire Daddy I'm on fire oh God I'm letting myself on fire this isn't good hold on I'm about to die oh God my head's on fire generic Obby full of challenges just remember you strong enough to overcome every single one of these no I'm not okay didn't like that wa how did I do this how does one jump up oh I did it what the heck and then I walk up here and then I jump across here how do I do this no guys this is impossible oh I just jumped all the way up daddy look how hard this part is you have to jump instantly daddy you have to jump instantly oh no you died see see how hard it is Daddy dang it I don't like Roblox parkour can someone just boost me up in instead there's no boosting in this game all right here we go here we go here we go no how am I supposed to time that how just got to get lucky it's impossible so how do I get from up here up there you have to go around you have to go like that like that okay okay Daddy this is the hardest one you go first wait daddy there's no way there's no way I did no I can't get that one it's too fast okay I'm going to wait for you guys cuz I'm in a room that's really weird what if I just skip this level Daisy you're not skipping it you have to do it legit oh oh oh oh oh I did it I did it come on Daisy you have to do it legit oh God where are we all right fine if you want to spend roox then you could spend roox but just know you're trash I'm trash whoa where are we now that's what I was saying it's kind of weird oh I just died we're in one of those Minecraft blocks no we're in a glass maze no I don't do glass and mazes The Mazes of glass what if it's just straight ahead okay nope it just brings you to Nowhere it's going to be over here to the left oh did I see a little glitch in The Matrix hey daddy bye daddy where'd you guys go you just just died yeah come on let's leave my daddy let's me's leave my daddy come on trash bin it's pink in here go go go Daisy go quick go quick go quick I'm going to beat you Daisy he's behind me diving board diving board easy wait what the heck daddy you're an idiot am I though come on come on the shredder wait what hold on hold on this is I'm being shredded I'm being shredded why is it not working bye daddy how oh I got shredded puzzle okay there's a puzzle I'm good at puzzles let me go H guys I'm sitting on the shredder and I'm not dying you have to go into it that's why oh oh is there a button we must hit this makes no sense I'm very confused um is is it possible to jump up here guys I know how to do it no you don't how I can move this block ooh you're a genius oh my God you're actually a genius bye losers daddy wait bye wait for us Lobby level did we do it what the heck we're in the lobby daddy you're an idiot what do you mean you're an idiot why am I not dying I thought that would kill me this is the beginning guys I think we did it all we definitely did not why would this guy not kill us oh I was going to do it and not tell you daddy that's mean mountains you know what that means got to get to the top Daddy come on did it no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh how am I doing this I'm going to beat you no no I slipped too Daddy don't worry is this a trick no it's not no yeah yeah how do I grab onto the ladder bye-bye okay oh my God I almost gets the path first try I just fall off the ladder no bye-bye you stink oh no I stink daddy I already tried that one you actually smell oh looks like it's red adios loser woohoo Daddy come on you're actually cheating why is the pack you're using me to your advantage um it's like right left left right something like that that wasn't very helpful it's right left and then left again D what the heck we have to do there that was so easy that's was kind of weird bye wait what I died me too or like I'm not like lasting long enough how the wait maybe we need to go into it and then go like that oh you're right how' you do that oh I did it how do I get up no no oh you might have to jump in got it yay I'm insane quiz Obby okay what's the quiz bro the quiz is literally parkour oh wait what's the friendly white block name bro or Pal bro it's pal it is pal was it pal dang it how did you guys turn sideways I went first person oh you weenie did you just call me a weenie no no no what was the first secret in the game found hotd no it's definitely this one oh my gosh no I really don't like this game this game is making me angry now I'm confused oh my gosh I did it I did it how am I supposed to get up no oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I did it I did it Warehouse um rebirth I got rebirth you will lose all your levels but receive two rebirths nope don't want to do that what does that even do I don't even know guys this is getting too difficult it's pal and then it's the one on the left Daisy okay both lefts Daddy what do we do here these are getting too difficult oh this was supposed to be easy H any faces see any faces any boxes of faces maybe we got to rebirth I'm going to do it I'm not going to rebirth no I'm back at the beginning no no no no no no let me out let me out I want to go back I want to go back and I found it no you didn't daddy in a box oh my gosh guys this isn't fair now I'm more way at the beginning I did it I officially won you won that was the last one yep no well I just beat you no that ain't no fair and I got to level 53 you know what whatever I beat you to that place daddy so I was actually faster and better than you nope I won I won oh yeah what the heck how' you diey what happened to you I'm still trying to do the Obby oh my goodness really yeah I got to the very end and I jumped in the wrong one well guys we did really good at dying and we technically all won yeah but I actually won no Daddy I beat you okay no you did that and a story well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye
Channel: Jeffy and Marvin
Views: 195,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, jeffy, supermariologan, puppets, superluigilogan, funny, superbowserlogan, comedy, roblox, roblox meme, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox roleplay, here's jeffy, jeffy sml, jeffy and marvin, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, roblox jeffy yeet a plane, simulator game, jeffry, weird strict dad, weird strict dad roblox, no swearing, no cursing, grandma story roblox, I Fell Into QUICKSAND..., quicksand, i fell into quicksand..., quick sand
Id: qrjdjaBz2OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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