SML Parody: Brooklyn Guy's Bad New Years!

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Junior guys guess what what Cody my mom says you guys can come over tonight for New Year's Eve oh she did yeah come on guys let's go oh wait wait wait Cody um how about we we stay here for a little bit okay but it's 11:30 we should probably go now well I'm not saying we don't go I'm I'm just saying maybe we like go tomorrow but it's not New Year's Eve tomorrow junor that defeats the whole purpose well um it's it's just that you know Cody if you guys don't want to go just say it dude your house sucks it doesn't suck Joseph it's fun I have Legos we have a we're going to have a pool soon in like a year or two so that's going to be fun we can watch movies in the living room except they have to be PG unless my mom says otherwise no Joseph's right your house does suck Cody let's just stay here and play games oh I have games yeah that's fun you have games I brought I brought games we have uh those are Wii games I know I brought my Wii but why did you play we have to play Rio it's it's one of my favorites we have to play Rio I'm not playing Rio K I'm not doing that Junior you don't want to do anything fun well how about instead of playing that stupid game how about we just order a pizza true Pizza will make Rio so much more fun sure why don't we get a pepperoni pizza oh it'll be large and a 2 L of Sprite we some garlic knots and you know we'll throw a cookie pizza in there too how are you going to pay for that Junior you don't have any money oh don't worry about it Cody I'll get it well now I'm worried about it just don't worry about it okay oh no it's already 1200 a.m. great that means I missed the ball drop Karen's going to kill me whatever I better get a good tip on this Pie Guys sh the pizza guy is here don't worry I got this oh finally you're here I ordered this pizza a year ago you're so funny I totally have never heard that joke before so original okay your total is going to be $35.96 I mean honestly this is just outrageous like I'm not paying for a year old pizza that's disgusting okay kid enough with the jokes I got three more deliveries tonight and they're probably going to tell me the exact same thing so just pay up and let me get out of here yeah man I don't know what to tell you you should probably leave that pizza right there in the front door so I can throw it away I mean that's disgusting I'm not eating that oh you're not joking you're seriously not going to pay for this so I drove 30 minutes here for no reason then you're just not going to pay okay we'll do it your way oops no pizza oh no I dropped it I mean if you don't want to pay you don't get the pizza stop stop it was just a prank calm down hold on wait I think I forgot your Sprite you know what I feel bad I'm going to let you have this one actually oh no oops oh no oh oh that sucks butter fingers oh it's going everywhere I feel bad for every has to clean this up oh hey maybe next time maybe next time you should actually pay for your pizza when you order it and you make me drive 30 minutes on New Year's Eve to get it to you I'm taking the cookie pizza though it's still good and happy New Year hope you guys have a great night oh yeah well I didn't want your stupid Pizza anyway Pizza Hut's better Pizza I didn't want you Pizza anyway Junior what what happened over there what was all that noise you didn't get any pizza but why not Junior where is it well it's technically all over the floor covered in Sprite Junior I told you you have to pay for pizza you just can't life hack it for free well I thought he was going to buy it okay I mean it was a year old Junior no we ordered it 30 minutes ago well no Cody the joke is that we ordered it in 2023 I get the joke Junior it's stupid it's not even even funny and it obviously didn't work so now we don't even have any pizza to eat well who cares let's just order another one and try again I that's and say what and say the exact same thing maybe this time they'll buy it no okay Junior let's just go to my house no I'm not going to your house my mom still has the meatloaf even though we said we weren't going e no we're going to stay right here we're not going to eat the meatloaf we're just going to find something else to do fine can we still play Rio now you talk well I guess this night hasn't been a total disaster I did get this cookie pizza but Karen's going to be so mad at me for missing the ball drop I promised her I'd be home in time whatever time to eat this and catch up on some Tik Tok I guess okay what do we got here like and share this post or your 2024 will be cursed yeah right I never believed these things I mean my Year is already cursed I don't need a Tik Tok telling me that time to just Eat My Cookie Pizza I guess and just wallow in my M what the that guys go like 100 m an hour finally some action in my life I need my police uniform hey man you know you know how fast you were going um I wasn't going that fast it was only like 80 mph I think no I think you were going like 100 and you look like a 12 years old can you even drive I I can drive you stupid Pig whoa that was uncal I'm going to need to see license registration all that stuff and why you out so late okay well what if I don't have any of that well if you don't have that then you go to jail I hate to say it um I okay let me just call your parents real quick oh no you don't have to do that hey hey what do you think you're going no oh God and he's gone I should probably chase him but at this point oh no forget it I'm going home I can't I literally can't I'm going home oh forget it I probably couldn't even catch him if I wanted to I'm not my cop car whatever I guess I'll just crack open a cold one and call it a night oh I just know I'm going to hear it from Caren when I get home bloody what what now what now oh God wa wait a minute officer guy was that you speeding back there Chief does this car look like a can go 100 m hour no it was somebody else I was going to go after them but I've had a rough night I think I'm just going to go home all right guy I'll let you go home then wait wait a minute is that an open container guy you can't be drinking and driving wait what no Chief that's a root beer H I don't know guy uh can you say your ABCs backwards that way I know you're safe to drive home okay uh zyx um Jay Chief I I don't I don't think I can do it I don't think anybody can do that backwards I'm going to be honest M all right well then I'm going to have to check your pupils okay sure all right oh ow ow chief that you're pointing it in my eyes ow okay that hurts Chief okay that's physically painful Chief I don't know what you're trying to do oh God can you just let me go I'm so tired guy I hate to say it but you're going to have to come with me I can't trust you to get home you've got to be kidding me but I'm fine it was just a root beer Chief I didn't do anything wrong oh come on oh well I guess that could have been worse I didn't lose my job and I didn't get beat up either even though everybody was giving me dirty looks in the cell oh great but my car got impounded guess that means I got to get an Uber cuz I'm not having car and drive buddy what do you give me a wallet Are you seriously robbing me right now in front of the police station I'm not asking you to ask questions now give me a wallet you have got to be kidding me right now this is a joke why is there nobody on guard right now hurry up or I'm going to get in trouble I don't have a wallet it's in my car which they took from me m I think you're lying I think it was right there in your pocket I I you can check I have no reason to lie right now listen my ear has been awful so far can you please give me a break I don't care and you know what I think I will check can I get somebody out now plant your teeth on the curb oh ow ow ow wa Brooklyn guy did you let yourself into my house what happened to you buddy you look awful oh dude today has been so so bad yeah it looks like it here let me get you an ice pad oh thanks that that's going to help I that's all we had oh man this has been the worst year of my life year it's only January 1st I know I got another 300 days of this nightmare uh well actually 365 days oh that just hurts that that just that just hurts what happened to you why are you all beat up I got mugged I got beat I was in jail I mean the list goes on man it just I I saw this stupid Tik Tok last night I forget stupid wait what what about this Tik Tok I don't know it said if I didn't like and share it my 2024 would be cursed or something yeah you're right that is stupid yeah I know but at this point I'm convinced it might actually be real oh come on think about it how would you get cursed from a Tik Tok does it make any sense I don't know but everything that can go wrong has gone wrong uh okay well not to make things any worse but um I I really hate to ask just say it a Junior told me last night that you threw Pizza on our front porch so I was just wondering if you could clean it up wh why didn't you clean it well I I didn't make the mess what are you 5 years old you can't clean up a mess outside well I it's just you know I mean I got other stuff to do oh shut up I'll clean it up thank you why am I doing this this isn't even my mess well it is but it's not my fault they didn't pay for the pizza I wasn't just going to give it to them for free maybe I should have lik that Tik Tok no I've got too much dignity I would never um hi Mr Gator you like the Papa John's uh why don't you walk over there so I can clean up this mess no you don't want to do that okay well I've seen Animal Planet I I can do this I just got to hold his mouth shut so he doesn't hurt anybody hey Mr Gator you're going to make a really nice handbag for Karen come on that's it Gator I'm going to turn you into Gator bites what happened to you all I did was tell you to take out the trash I did I I I threw a pizza away and I killed the alligator we don't have an alligator not anymore you don't well what should I do should I call a doctor or something let me get my phone real quick wait a minute I can't call the doctor you're the doctor shut up God please just shut up God you have to be so rude if you're going to be like that just go home I don't have a car okay well why don't you call your wife and have her pick you up because my phone is in my car which got impounded all because of that stupid Tick Tock you know what give me your phone you want my phone shut up and give me your phone right now why I'm going to find that Tik Tok and I'm going to like it no I'm going to love it and I'm going to comment and I'm going to share it with everybody cuz I can't deal with this anymore man well okay I don't have Tik Tok on my phone cuz I don't believe in that see it's Chinese spyware and I don't want to get spied on Johnny's by Weare you can use uh Facebook reals though I have that what yeah I I just use Facebook reals I mean that's safe right no one can steal your information through that no okay well why don't you use Junior's phone then I think he has Tik Tok on there Cody Cody look at my new Tik Tok I just made what new Tik Tok oh Junior that is so lame those are the worst kinds of Tik Tok no it's not it's an easy way to get likes everyone's liking it cuz they don't want their 2024 to be cursed everyone's liking it cuz they're a bunch of idiots who believe in that sort of thing yeah but look who liked it oh my God Ryan Gosling liked your Tik Tok yep that's got to be fake no it's the real one I checked oh my did he follow you you no a that sucks but if he did I know it' be so cool give me a phone please give me a phone get out hold on just it'll be real quick oh God this nightmare is going to end finally I'm just going to like the Tik Tock and then hopefully what wait wait a minute you you you made this um yeah can I have my phone back now you want understand that you ruined my life right oh cuz he a stupid Tik Tock what are you talking about oh you saw the Tik Tok and you didn't like it wait wait a minute aren't you the guy that threw my pizza on the ground last night yeah no offense you deserve that I mean come on you should have get off of me let me go let me kill him I swear to God I'm going to kill him Junior just delete the Tik Tok a but why CO's got so many likes it has eight likes just delete it I'll go get you another Pizza just please delete the Tik Tok for me my life is awful I can't take it anymore wait seriously like a free pizza a full free pizza well I mean if you're being serious I'll delete it right now sure see guys I told you I could get a free pizza Junior at what cost I mean Bor Brooklyn guy all that he's been through who cares we didn't have to pay for the pizza now we can eat it that's all you care about is getting the free pizza Pizza it took a day to get it but whatever yeah I know it's probably going to taste really good okay but guys did you want to um um uh we can play some Rio I no no Rio I don't why I bought an extra controller we can all play I don't want to play it it's so fun you wouldn't know how fun it is unless you play it no you know what you guys can play Rio but you're missing out Junior and you're going to take the pizza okay Joseph do you want to dude put it in already let's get started yes finally I'm free no more curse no more bad luck I can enjoy my 2024 hey buddy how you feeling oh wow you look you look great you wouldn't even be able to tell you got hit by a car uh Hey speaking of that I got you some ice yeah there you go just use all that up oh also while I'm on the subject uh the neighbors were shooting on fireworks last night and uh they might have burnt a few holes in my roof so if you can get up there when you get the chance and fix that that'd be great cuz I don't know how to do that that's oh also I called Karen and she's coming to get you she'll take good care of you I promise so uh yeah you just wait here for her to come get you and go ahead and use that [Music] ice [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 184,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1iGLNwReg1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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