SML Movie: Jeffy's Magical Pencil!

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Oh class today is alton crafts day and we're gonna be doing and sounds like he said arts and crafts marching crab junior already got the crap park done right here mom Bakr so crass let me show you what you're gonna be doing today force you're gonna get yourself up here paper so goo and some grit off you're gonna take the boob and just put it all over just like that yeah you're gonna take your will and you're gonna put it all over the pebble hey Cody if your mom was that piece of paper then the glitter would be fact cuz she's covered in fact oh you know I really like that you can take anything and make it into a my mom is fat joke then you'll pick up the piece of paper and you shake it like a girl booty in a music video for Andy it reveals your hidden message so get started cross oh man I can't wait to get started um Cody could I borrow a piece of paper Joseph why don't you ever have your own paper cuz I'm poor Cody I know I just like to hear you say it what tell me I'm honky first oh you're hunky Cody is ready Oh Mitch I'm on glitter I don't want to get my hand all sparkly mmm what can I use oh oh I know kind of get the boogers off of it oh man you clear me my paints all sparkling hey doofus I dedicate my picture to you cuz you're a doofus you know what how about you shut your nose like pirate ship cannonballs looking face up pirate ship cannonball huh that's a new one well how would you like it if you were a pirate wow you actually thought that was good yeah did you turn me into a pirate I'm doing well you still be a doofus you scallywag I wrote a song for you ooh who is a big doofus sitting in front of daddy who is stupid and really ugly is JP you're not gonna sing spongebob songs at me I'll show you I want a bigger picture down going oh you're looking for a swordfight aria well you'll never get me buried treasure you don't even have your sea legs yeah teacher he just swab the deck with me boo TV yeah whoa this thing's cool looks like a wizard with this thing hey junior and doing huh I made you something well I made you something - cool it's your mom do it I mean why me the most so I can grade it except for you Jeffy you get because you beat up the nice pirate you know what teacher Jeffy don't you put your pencil at me the teacher just turn the Charizard it's red I guess school's out there yeah hey buddy hey Jeff how was school today at school so big fat hairy guy came into class and you say you're always are Jeffy and gave me this wand so now I'm Jeffrey Potter and I can turn people in this stuff with this wand whoa Jeff you put glitter all over your pencil that's cool guys did you not hear what I said I could turn people and stuff with this bond sure you can Jeffy I don't turn you into a kid you just turned into a lion I told you I could do it Danny now works hemorrhoid at what yeah the girl from Harry Potter Hermione yeah hemorrhoid daddy's working tell me I'm not to be alive turn me back I don't know how many you're just doing but the thing well I don't know how I make it backwards I'm a call I'm a call doctor right now hey there did somebody call a doctor all right yes I called a doctor wait are you a lion yes my son Jeffy turned me into a lion with his pencil I think you might be a lion no I'm not lying well if you're not a lion then what are you a genie back well if he turned you into a lion with his pencil can't he just erase it why did you Maul the right side of my head you're making stupid jokes well the people will laughing I'm sorry you don't appreciate good comedy look I just wanna get turned back to normal well if your son turned you into a lion with his pencil why can't he just change you back he said doesn't work well he should at least try Jeffy at least try to hurt me back with a pencil he can actually turn people into stuff yeah but you didn't believe me you thought I was lying hey kid hey kid can you fix the right side of my head with that thing this is not what I had in mind Jeffy you talk about your dragon yeah I can't control it just does what it wants to do well at least he fixed your head yeah yeah I guess he did through that I got this big Philly tongue though too big for my mouth I keep biting it every time I talk I got a speech impediment Jeffy you better find a way to fix us I didn't get you through we don't want to be a zombie and a dragon for the rest of our lives barring Danny I'll go figure out how fast yeah what are you gonna do now I don't know you know fly around burn some villages marry a donkey you know dragons stuff I don't know what to do hey you uh you wanna hop on my back and fly to McDonald's sure let's go all right guys are you ready to play step cups why cuz fun Cody whoever sucks the most cousin Isobel wins seems like chores well you know I'm down dude with any punished bum for me because because you're poor we get yeah you're poor Joey we get it's getting old anyway we're gonna start on the count of three well actually uh you just drop her said you lost Wow yeah you lost so you lost Joseph yeah hey what up GA not much CD rock down problem in the house what the Brad MS I've gotten this magic pencil it turns people any things but I don't know how to turn them back but what are you talking about and let me show you oh my god I'm gorgeous whoa Geoffrey you turned him into the Little Mermaid he's not the Little Mermaid dude The Little Mermaid is black oh yeah I forgot well anyway that's so cool Jeffy turn Joseph into something oh yeah arena shop they do tell me something okay Oh Jemmy you've turned into a mr. forte there with no arms he only has a tongue piece yeah turn you guys back why would you want to yeah this is so cool gonna be a big old train oh yeah yeah I'm gonna go jump in the ocean see if I could pick up some hunky dudes Oh can't believe they kicked us out of McDonald's I can I'm a dragon and you're a zombie it's probably a good call on that part well good thing I got the managers brain hey you want to play operation oh sure you can go first all right don't touch the side my hands are too big did you find a way to fix us no but I did turn my friend stuff check yours totally just brought the fight a way to fix us I'm sorry day oh I am getting kind of hungry we got info well the only thing I got to eat his brains yeah you want to try it yesterday Joey oh my god well let me find you something healthy to eat hold on all right just be here just salad Oh baby arugula Japanese shut up and eat your baby arugula oh my turn this into something better mold on it even better Manny what kept you at least wash your hands before you eat a big dish you do gently wash your hands I don't we getting sick fine Danny wash my hands gonna wash my hands my foot wash my pencil too since I want to eat my chocolate cake what Oh clean come on go eat my chocolate cake alright it's my turn let me see the thing you're back to normal wait you're back to normal - what happened Jeffy how'd you fix us Oh what you fix it look we're back in normality pick this but wait huh there's no glitter on your pet so anymore oh oh oh wait I got away from chocolate okay everything's back normal yeah I just hope this video didn't drag on too long [Applause] dragged on like he were a dragon right yeah [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 40,211,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, puppet, magical, pencil, jeff, jeffry, laugh, funny, jokes, hilarious, entertainment, super mario, mario, video game, bowser jr, bowser junior, bowser, skit, plush, brooklyn guy, magic, wizard, harry potter, comedy, supermariologan, sml, superluigilogan, movie, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, nintendo, friends, cody, joseph, school, teacher
Id: mKY8YOQjv5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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