SML Movie: Jeffy The Karate Master!

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well Daniel mice don't be short Rex let me stop it you're being annoying good plant five I can play out shop yeah yeah you go play outside just stay in the yard ed don't talk to strangers okay daddy time for that Wow I got my dinosaur shoes on yaaarrr hey little boy you want some candy yeah I'm candy how about you get in the back of my collar we'll have some fun okay what is to be doing why is he getting in that car you know this guy is nobody offered me candy okay this car right now then just you you want the candy right yeah the car get all the car why did you get inside a stranger's car cuz he had candy I told you not to talk to strangers hold up daddy you said don't talk to strangers you never said don't talk to strangers who have candy and he had candy Jeffy's the same thing don't talk to strangers what would you have done if he were taking you he probably were taking me to the candy store it bought me more candy no he wouldn't jump he didn't have the money to do that daddy these are king-size he obviously got that cash he got that paper we're no Jeffy he doesn't have that paper you have taken you to his house and chained you up Oh kinky I like where this is going no Jeff you're not supposed to talk to strangers would you have gotten to his car if he didn't have candy no so you only got in this car cuz he had candy yeah I'm glad we established that you're not some of the type of strangers even if they offer you candy if he offers you candy supposed to punch him in the face why do that he was just being nice to offer me some candy and if I were to punch him in the face I'll never wear got the candy he wasn't trying to be nice Jeff he was trying to take you by offering you candy when people offer you candy every time her to punch them in the face and grab the candy all right what about Halloween I'm just supposed to be rocking in the fridge at the front door like Dandong here's your candy bye put in the W on Hal you don't punch people candy Halloweens the only day you don't do it die I'm so confused I'm gonna sign you up for self defense closets cause if you knew self-defense you would know not to get us inside a stranger's car and you would have hid them you were to rock them up so you know I'm gonna sign you up for self-defense classes right now oh please answer Oh Jackie Joo hey Jackie - it's me Mario I was wondering if you teach my son karate oh yeah I could teach you some karate but they're gonna cost you $200 alwah 200 an hour that's expensive yeah but I gotta put k-dog on my family dinner table and cat and dog ain't cheap okay well is there any way can give me like a discount you know well we got $200 our $100 half our $50 15-minute and we also have $25 seven and a half minutes you're just cutting everything in half yeah this car well discount I just really need teach my son karate because someone almost took him today and I want to teach him self-defense so he knows how to get all those situations Oh all doing the dollar hour whatever okay how do you find a cheaper option a cheaper option all right Debbie I found you a cheap karate instructor off of Craigslist yo what's up your blood gang gang what's your crack I've got to do to get it M word pass you're me now you got to get a black belt if you want that pass Oh word up no there will be no passes giving out Jeffy he's here to teach you karate or what's your name Oh my name Blackie Chan I got it in the hood because I know how to play Mortal Kombat real good how much do you know about karate oh I know a lot about kitty I don't like it so much they mess with my stomach you know Sam carrot tea yeah can't see you know can't pee no no no I I hired you to teach her about karate you know fighting oh I know how to fight look look I know how to fight I've been to prison okay you got to know how to fight it knows if you drop a soul you'd have gone Oh No okay but like I need you to teach him like self-defense because today so I'm pulled up and offered him candy and he got in their cars what candy what candy it was this candy right here if it's not snick there's a reason I'm not getting into that car we're gonna know he shouldn't get in the car no matter what type of candy they have what well what kind of car was it if it was a leopard eat it I'm getting in that car no it was not a Lamborghini it was a regular car well don't get some regular cars with people with regular candy okay well yeah you know no matter what can do they have or what car they have you just don't get into a car with a stranger so that's what I want you to teach them I want you to teach them self defense like if someone comes up to him and offers them to get in the car for candy you know how he says no you know you know I can do that all right I got this piece of wood from Home Depot I think he's supposed to break it a song so hit it mmm oh you did it oh man that was incredible all right now what my $20 is I'm not gonna pay you you didn't do anything yet Oh God okay look I'm gonna be the creep oh look little boy I got some candy and I want to tickle your butt now what is your response oh okay I'll take your candy and you can get to tickling no this is TKD I'm not tickle your butt look at it a little bit don't let anyone do that he'd have a kid you know we're done here you know what here's $20 you can leave $20 all right hey these how go okay Jeffy do not listen to anything he said that was a little waste of time and a waste of $20 look Jeffy I just want you to learn self-defense well I already know how to fight Danny well what then want to get in the car oh my god why in the candy Jeffy Jimmy USO's that's right what you two loans you know what you're not gonna learn anything let's just go put you in bed and you're not allowed to go outside anymore come on alright Jeff you're gonna go to bed and you're not allowed to go outside anymore but what about going to school what what do you mean I have to go outside to go to school okay you could go outside to go to school that's the only time you go outside know about you check the mail you don't need to check the mail I'll check the mail oh my god package I'll let you know if you have a package when I checked the mail well can I go inside to chase the Easter Bunny no what about sherry Claus what what about him he jumped John he's outside when he's on the chimney but then he come inside so you can see him when he comes inside well day what happened if I need fresh air the open a window but that's outside no you stay inside the house and open the window and just stay inside well can I stick my fingers out the window no why they're just fingers okay fine you can stick your fingers outside all right what about my hand yes your hand em arm you can stick your arm out the window just all of me no you can't go outside oh you're not going outside No Jeffy you guys still don't hiss at me stop it Jeffy you stay in bed you're not allowed to go outside okay I guess it's back I want to give him some more candy I wonder what worries in oh I bet it's that one right there I like it is attention oh yeah yeah sure what else I whose air boy remembers the guy that gave you candy oh yeah hey I got some more I can't come outside I'm not allowed to only my fingers well you can throw me your candy boy are you trying to tickle my butt I can meet you on the front door I can't believe Jeffy got inside a stranger's car and I tried self-defense [Applause] no but tickling today sir I will miss you my reaction skills suck I can't believe I got caught I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kid yeah we've been trying to catch the butt tickling bandit for years but you finally did it Jeffy with those karate skills of yours would you mind shutting the door for me yeah you just closed the door on my face sorry oh it's fine let's just go tell your dad what you did oh my god yeah your son close to Cawdor on my face well he thought the creep yeah I guess he did that too well Jeffy I guess you didn't heed to learn karate after all you already know how to defend yourself I told you daddy all right you know how I fight every time somebody messes with me bye yep Bob just like the car door right on my face Bob well how did he close the car door on your face anyway well I didn't get out of the way because I was too busy daydreaming about my cat you see my cat likes to chew on like lamp cords and stuff so I left them home alone and usually I unplug the lamp cords but I think there's a lamp cord I forgot to unplug so I'm just kind of worried about them Andy has asthma so there's that well I hope your cat's okay then yeah me too and anyway the message of this video is never talk to strangers and be careful when people are closed and call a door so they don't slam it on your face yeah so Jeffy did you get the lesson of this video yep don't talk to strangers even if they have candy in the car door on the face whatever all right Jesse I'm glad you learned your lesson you're allowed to go outside again just don't talk to creeps yeah I can go out sure yeah [Music] [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 24,373,326
Rating: 4.8221469 out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, jeffry, jeff, sml, supermariologan, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, karate, jackie chu, black belt, funny, jokes, laugh, comedy, skit, puppet, super mario, nintendo, mario, candy, entertainment, show
Id: rZ1yxpyJrb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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