SML Parody: Jeffy's New Phone!

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hey Daddy can I get a new phone no Jeffy I just got you the 13 menu last week you don't need a new phone uh well I might have broken it no you didn't break the phone Jeffy you probably just scratched up the screen now you're saying it's broken so you can get a new one it doesn't look scratched to me it's it too don't even do that I dropped it stupid Clash Royale oops what does it look like you dropped it looks like you took a sledgehammer to it well the 14 pro did just come out so I was thinking about upgrading anyway I see how this is you just broke your 13 million because the 14 pro is coming out you want it and you were mad that I got you the 13. well I need a new phone you don't need a new phone chip you clearly can't take care of your phone so you're not getting one well what if I get kidnapped you're not gonna get kidnapped if anybody does let's bring it right back home because they're not going to want to kidnap you what if I'm walking home from school I break both my legs and then there's a volcano how do I call for help well you better start crawling oh it's not right fine I'm going to call it CPS if you don't get me a new phone Child Protective Services isn't going to come for some years 18. then I'm just going to move out oh finally finally really they're gonna kick you out in a day you will get me a new phone Jedi Mind Tricks don't work on me Jeffy fine back to formula okay fine I'll get you your phone God yay all right Jeffy here's your new phone that's not the 14 pro no it's even better it's the schlock the schlock yeah it's a flip phone see if you want I could call it you just flip open the hinges no sorry it's a little rusty no no no no no no and then you dial on this keypad no no I don't want this no you said you needed a phone remember who just said that five minutes ago can you get Clash Royale on it uh no Tick Tock no Instagram then what's the point do you make calls or you text people like what phones are made for oh my God if I bring this to Classic bully bill will absolutely Drop Kick Me No Bully Bill's gonna love it and on the off chance that he does drop kick you which he won't because he's gonna love it you can make one of your five emergency calls five calls yeah it's all you get with the basic plan for walk walk well yeah it's the budget version of Sprint we can't actually afford Sprints we got walk L father L father L father no this was my first phone action Jenny I know it's pretty good and it's indestructible see look ah BW father I'm going to play with Junior oh good take your new phone with you remember Jeffy you only get five calls use them wisely hey Junior what's up oh hey Jeffy I'm just waiting for my package what what'd you order uh the new iPhone 14 pro I broke my other phone on purpose so my dad would buy the new one Junior I hate you why would you say that I'm gonna see my new phone look how lame it is oh that thing is ancient yeah it's a schlock a flip phone Daddy gave me oh a flip phone yeah you want to see you can throw it the farthest oh yeah let's go to the parking do that all right bet whoa Junior this playground is so cool yeah I know right oh wait your feet look at how high it is Junior we gotta go up there with my phone and throw it off yeah I bet it'll go so far wait why are we doing this this is your new phone right well yeah I don't want I want to break it so then Daddy can give me the 14. oh yeah that worked with my dad I bet it'll work with yours all right let's do it okay you ready Junior yeah this is gonna be so much fun uh try to get in the road all right here I go yeah man Junior I hope it broke uh Jeffy I hate to bring it to you but uh it that looks fine Daddy was right these things are indestructible yeah I mean we're gonna have to take a lot more Force to break this thing oh Jeffy what is that bully Bill oh my God or whatever oh my God Junior we gotta get out of here if he sees me with this I'm ruined yeah if he sees you with it I can't be seen with this I have a reputation to keep up so I'll see you home Jeffy no Junior oh man wait a minute is that the loser with a flip phone oh this is too good to pass up well well well well loser what do we have here Boy Bill I'm holding it for a friend I swear it's not mine oh yeah loser because it has your name on it schlock because that's what you are you're a schlock boy bill please have mercy loser I think my dead Grandma's Grandma had this phone that's how old it is what are you doing loser what the oh jeffy's calling he must be using one of his five emergency calls I guess I'll pick up uh hello [Music] Bill is here and I think he's gonna kick my butt I knew this was you're breaking up I can't hear you what are you saying no I think when I threw my phone off it broke it Daddy please you gotta get here quick well I'm hanging up now Jeffy what a waste of an emergency call wait a minute loser are you saying that you broke your flip phone these things are so hard to break and you already broke it boy bill please oh don't worry loser I'll fix it for you wait what hey loser how is this for tech support all right loser now it's time for you to get schlocked in the face you broke my phone thanks bully bill but wait what well I was trying to break my phone so Daddy could get me the 14 pro and you did it for me so thanks loser this isn't how bullying is supposed to work you're supposed to be mad when I break your stuff well she later blade bill I gotta show this to Daddy Oh Daddy the stupid phone broke oh you you just walk already No Bully Bill broke it just like I said was gonna happen he was bullying me and then he snapped it in half what is this part of water damage oh because I threw it in the lake because I was mad but that's besides the point bully Bill broke it no you broke it Jeffy you threw it in a lake and you probably snapped you're just blaming it on Bully Bill no I'm not now I want the iPhone 14 and I want Sprint no you're not getting the iPhone 14 you're definitely not getting Sprint you get nothing because you can't take care of a phone Daddy I'm dying well too bad Jeffy good luck with that the only thing to continue is the iPhone 14. guess you're gonna die you know you really are an ill father no I'm a w father I'm the best dad in the world and I'm not getting you another phone just so you can waste it fine then I'll just steal your poor iPhone 12 11 whatever it is the iPhone 12 is not poor it's a good phone well it's mine now see ya wait wait wait we're trying to get back with my phone well if Daddy doesn't want to get me a new phone then he doesn't get the phone [Music] [Music] well time to go for a swim [Music] I gotta do it my phone you threw my phone in the pool after smashing it Jiffy what he's actually wrong with you you're you're sick you're you're a sick sick boy you're sick daddy you're calling me sick you're the one who won't get me the iPhone 14. well now I'm never getting you anything ever again nope no iPhone no games no V bucks nothing you don't deserve it you're you're bad you're just awful now if you excuse me I have to go to the store all right I guess it's time for me to transfer all my stuff and my pictures and contacts and stuff my new phone oh wait I can't you are joking right now nope I got the iPhone 14 because I deserve it what is wrong with you Daddy I asked you for it all day yeah I knew if I got you this phone you know what you do in a year when the iPhone 15 comes out you'd be like oh I want the iPhone 13 I don't want this piece of garbage anymore I need to break it like you did with your iPhone 13 mini you're mean I don't want to talk to you anymore I don't do either go to your room you're supposed to be grounded wow this new phone actually is kind of kind of incredible because that Jeffy broke my old one even though he shouldn't have what what wait what the unknown number uh who's calling uh hello Daddy it's me I got kidnapped I need your help wow the speakers on this thing are incredible stop starting around I need your help please yeah right Jeff you didn't actually get kidnapped because if you did how are you calling you don't have a phone uh the kidnapper let me use his phone just get help no Jeffy I'm not gonna get help because you're just messing around you just want that iPhone wait I think you should I'm hanging up now Jeffy bye no no no what a joke how can you joke around about being kidnapped that's wrong ah hello you just save me but Jeffy uh hello uh maybe he's not actually joking around maybe he did actually get kidnapped I guess I can call the police I guess it doesn't hurt to check oh man what oh oh good you're here um so funny thing is is uh my son might have gotten kidnapped your your son might usually people know if their son got kidnapped well I know but I don't know if he's faking it or not you see he really wants the iPhone 14 he's been begging for it always is that the 14 yeah it is you like it that is nice yeah my son broke my other phone so I had to get this one but anyway uh he'd been asking for the 14 all day and I think he might have faked his kidnapping so he could get it but man this I feel like I'm doing this every week with you guys yeah I know I know and I feel bad for you but like can you maybe just like trace the phone call because he did call me earlier saying he was kidnapping like I'm just wondering if you could trace the call so we can see if we can find him in case he's actually kidnapped I I guess I'll Trace his phone we'll figure out where it came from I I really don't get paid enough for this no no you don't I really don't all right let's trace this phone foreign so according to this the phone call came from the Apple Store what you can store hey Daddy I already have the iPhone picked out so we just need your credit card so you face being kidnapped just to get the iPhone well we're already here so you might as well just get it for me no no absolutely no you're not getting the iPhone we're going home what no we're already here why are you gonna be like that you guys do know I can press charges for this right you just can't pretend to be kidnapped that's not how this works wait what yeah if you want I can put them in cuffs right now he is 18. Daddy please I don't want to go back to jail I don't know Jeffy I mean you broke all my phone State you threw my phone in the pool and you lied about being kidnapped so maybe you should go to jail you want me to take him away Daddy please I will do anything just I don't want to go back to prison I don't you know it's fine Jeffy you don't want to go back to jail then you won't go back to jail on one condition all right Jeffy here's your new phone wow daddy it's super cool I love it I knew you'd love it otherwise you'd have to go to jail now if you want to make a call you have to extend this antenna like that it's a little rusty oh God and uh you can only make one call a month you have one call wait what's the point if I mean I love it I'm really glad that you got this for me yeah that's right you should be very grateful now I had to get you crawl because you know we couldn't afford to get walking anymore because you wasted all that money and we definitely can't afford Sprint so you get crawl which is why you only get one call a month thanks yep I need love it now excuse me I'm gonna play my iPhone 14. oh God oh God [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 639,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -ADD0WlB8uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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