SML Parody: Jeffy's Chick-fil-A Problem!

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come on where are they I swear I just bought a fresh supply of them oh hey Jeffy have you seen my green beans oh green beans daddy uh nope no green beans aren't they I don't think we have any but I just bought a week's worth of them how are we already out I think everybody get your green beans because we love them so much don't look behind you that's true you guys do love my green beans a lot oh man I was really gonna try something new this time I was gonna put sour cream on them it was gonna be so good it sounds great but we don't have any so you can't well I'll just go to the store and buy some then oh no you can't do that because green beans have been banned in the whole world why are they bad because the farmers that were making the green beans all died so so then they can't make any more green beans still don't look behind you I don't buy that for a second but I'm not trying to figure out if that's true or not so I guess we'll just do takeout yay maybe we do something like a little cheaper like I was kind of thinking the McDonald's dollar menu McDonald's dollar menu ew poor I'm not eating that come on Jeffy you know I don't have the money for Chick-fil-A I mean that's rich people food why don't you just steal it really you want me to possibly go to jail and ruin my reputation over stealing chicken what reputation no because you don't have none nothing to ruin nothing to lose I really want spicy nuggets please fine just get in the car then yes oh come on let me in let me in okay they're coming they're coming oh my God Jeffy I can't believe I just got away with stealing Chick-fil-A oh I'm gonna go to jail if they find out about this but I don't think the police are after me yet so I think we're good oh great hey buddy open up Hey listen any reason you were doing 70 in a 30 Zone oh I I was I I didn't even notice no I didn't notice you've been drinking today no no no no you see what happened was I uh you know I I got Chick-fil-A yeah and um we were just in such a rush me and my son to get home to eat it you were hitting the speed bumps man like I think you had air time I yeah I just you were flying I am just that hungry you know officer I mean you probably understand too you've probably been hungry before right yeah yeah right okay Officer my daddy stole Chick-fil-A what was that shut up shut up shut up you just said what was that nothing nothing he's just being silly you know how kids are you're gonna need your license and your registration oh okay my daddy also has warrants out for his arrest man you're gonna have to get out of the car I can explain no you see I just got back from the dentist with my son Jeffy and uh he had a bunch of cavities filled and he needed a whole bunch of laughing gas so he's out of it he doesn't know what he's saying right now are you sure about that yeah no I'm 100 sure kidnapping me he's not actually my dad hey are you kidding yeah 10 53 I'm gonna be back up on the traffic stop I think he's armed oh no oh my God oh my God I can't believe you made me do that all right now it's just Chick-fil-A snap out of it seriously Jeffy the police are gonna be after me I still no they're not Daddy how did you even steal this anyway how'd you do it I just walked in there and they said order for Greg and I said I'm Greg but I think they knew I wasn't Greg and now the police are gonna be after me and I'm gonna get the death penalty no you're not you're not you're gonna be fine it's just Chick-fil-A and now we can have spicy nugget yeah you get to have spicy nuggets I get to cower in fear all night so when Brooklyn guy shows up at the door asking for my arrest just tell him I died I'm gonna eat my sandwich under the bed whatever okay there better be spicy nuggets in here come on spicing up but what is that well howdy partner ah daddy my Chick-fil-A's talking now hold on there I'm just as confused as you are is this the chicken bar or what no this is our house how did you even get in there the house am I in the city are you a city Folk I don't know what are you supposed to be my nuggets man I'm hungry hey partner you got any food in here it's my nuggets oh here's the bird seed no we stop Daddy just stole this stuff don't mind if I do no wait I didn't say you can have any oh partner this is Papa the lion bird seed isn't it it's my nuggets oh I've never had anything quite like it you got any more no no please get down there's more Daddy get out here oh well what partner if that's your bird seeds then this is my bird seed I'm gonna take it over here wait no get back here Mr Chicken I'm sorry but you really gotta go oh partner hold on I'm just eating my sandwich here I'm not hurting no one know-how speaking of eating can you help me with them sauce packets I'd open it but I can't kind of my weird bird feet and my wings that can't actually open up trust me I would love to but if Daddy sees a random Chicken in our kitchen eating his stolen Chick-fil-A not only will he grab me from fortnite for like 10 years but he's gonna call Animal Control well that's not very hospitalized to you guys I mean I'm not hurting no one I'm just here eating my sandwich if you were in my chicken coop I'd woke him you in with open arms partner well this isn't a chicken coop and Daddy's really mad today so you gotta go all right all right fine I'll leave after I'm done eating this delicious sandwich oh speaking of which what's in this thing anyway chicken well I know what I am son but I'm asking what's in the sandwich it's chicken like it's made at your eating chicken white eat Chick-fil-A but I'm a chicken oh I know and Lance oh yeah I was wondering why you were yup no yeah I would yep oh Lord what have I done I know okay I look back in now ever again oh I know it's bad I need a man partner oh I gotta sit down I gotta I gotta I gotta process all this oh Lord Oh Lord oh Becky oh Tommy I'm sorry I didn't know nothing I'm so sorry what have I done I was Becky and Tommy oh my beautiful wife and my boy and they were probably in that sandwich and now they're gone for good because you've been in my nugget I mean my nuggets were really buzzing oh with the Chick-fil-A sauce the Polynesian you know Daddy should get Chick-fil-A more often you [Applause] maybe we can honor your family by having a Chick-fil-A dinner party tonight and then we can play fortnite afterwards no I'm gonna make sure that no one ever eats chicken ever again not you not your miserable father no one I'm gonna get rid of that Chick-fil-A in there Cody I can't believe all this Chick-fil-A was just sitting on the counter and nobody was eating it I know right Junior I mean free Chick-fil-A just don't tell my mom about it because she doesn't like you when I eat fast food wow Cody your mom's really lame she doesn't let you do anything but at least I have a mom wow okay Cody too far hey there fellas what you got there um uh Chick-fil-A oh Chick-fil-A oh how is it well uh yeah we we haven't actually started eating it yet you know I was kind of looking for some barbecue sauce before oh yeah true I was looking for some Chick-fil-A sauce oh I love Chick-fil-A sauce true oh you're looking for some barbecue sauce I can take care of that for you oh don't worry family I'll protect you from this mad house what are you doing I'm taking my boy back those are my nuggets no that's my boy listen I barely ever get fast food just let me have this this once no I'm not letting you filthy humans eat my boy any longer if you want your nuggets you're gonna have to get through me no I'm good you can have it well that's what I thought oh uh you can keep the fries I don't really want that all right boy good news I buried the Chick-fil-A in the backyard ain't no one getting it now all right sounds good what you got there um just some KFC I got kind of hungry wait KFC like Kentucky yeah fried yup chicken I had you okay you took the Chick-fil-A I'm really hungry boy I told what am I supposed come on we can share it no I'm not eating that that could be like my cousin or my grandpappy or my parents eat a burger there's no more of the lemon there a Burger I don't want a burger well I don't care about the cows I just care about the chickens oh no they're here for me no relax it's probably just the cops they're here for Daddy I mean he did steal from Chick-fil-A no no I bet it's the chicken farm but I know I'm still alive this is unfortunately daddy died oh wait Kermit oh hi buddy what's going on sorry about your dad oh it's okay wait Kermit you work for Chick-fil-A now oh yeah I got hired as the regional manager for Chick-fil-A I mean ever since Target burned down I needed to do something with my life anyway buddy I was checking the chicken records earlier today and apparently one of the chickens didn't get flayed at the factory and the tracking chip shows that he's in your house so uh where is he uh chicken uh no I haven't seen one I mean you know we can't afford Chick-fil-A so I don't know why it would be here seriously buddy I need to find that chicken where is he come on I can't wait around like this forever buddy why do you look so nervous oh wow um Kermit maybe you should go to a different house um you might have better luck uh we definitely don't have a chicken what the oh my God he's right behind me isn't he oh the binder down now um I can't they'll fire me come on down on the ground if you value your life yes sir what the Mr Chicken what are you doing oh my God buddy let's not do anything we're gonna regret now here's what we're gonna do you and that dumb kid in the helmet are gonna get inside and sit on my couch caprende but buddy I don't live here I don't have time to be moseying around okay get in my house no but buddy seriously this house is filthy it's like poor I don't want to be in there quit oh we gagging and get inside yes sir oh buddy please all right here's how this is gonna go down I'm gonna untie you and you're gonna run back to Chick-fil-A with your tail between your legs and you're gonna tell them that chicken is off the menu capacity but buddy we're Chick-fil-A oh we sell his chicken I don't care oh my God you're gonna change your menu to to fish yeah no one cares about fish but then we would be selling fish fillets and that's trademarks shut up buddy it doesn't even matter you know if I tell them we stopped selling chicken they'll kill both of us I don't care it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for chicken kind and even if we do stop there's always going to be the others PDQ Zaxby's boy what Popeyes well they all sell chicken too of course they do buddy people love chicken well I mean I kind of get it it did taste good when I had it earlier but but you wouldn't eat your own kind would you of course I would I love frog legs they're a delicacy in Germany wait really no I'm just saying that so you take this gun out of my face buddy I don't want to die I stay with y'all calm down and celebrate with the Chick-fil-A a dinner party but what about my family buddy the way I see it is that your family um can you put the gun down oh sorry it's a little hard to talk yeah the way I see it is that your family they died for the greater good we'll see they were probably served in a six piece with a side of fries and the diet coke well that doesn't make me feel any better please put the gun down your family's life mattered because they made somebody else happy wait are they dude you see Chick-fil-A makes people happy not sponsored because it tastes so good chicken is really good well my family did always say that they just want to make people happy and if eating chicken makes people happy well shoot who am I to deny that all right we're gonna release the burden of all chickens just don't think about the flaying process it was really gory wait we're not done it was really gory yeah I can tell I mean it can't be more gorgeous Put the gun down okay okay so I mean I guess it's okay for me to eat chicken land now you're getting it because it makes me happy exactly chicken makes everybody happy wait do you really not eat frog legs no of course not I just didn't want you to put a bullet in my head Oh yay Chick-fil-A on Daddy's credit card oh boy I'm so glad I don't gotta feel ashamed about eating these delicious chicken tenders anymore you said it buddy and uh I wanted to ask you um if you don't mind or if you maybe need a job um we could use the help at Chick-fil-A if you're interested really good job for me why I'd be honored to work at Chick-fil-A Perfect You're hired um now if somebody could maybe get me out of these ropes that would be great my uh tenders are getting cold [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 429,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RloS42Msetw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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