SML Parody: Jeffy Goes To College!

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oh boy did he's finally the day where i get to see if i got accepted into the college my letter should be in here by now i'm so nervous oh geez here we go oh there it is what does it say i got accepted into college i gotta get ready right away oh man i'm so excited to go to college this is gonna be so much fun i hope people like whippy kids there hey maury do you wanna play fortnite they just added tornadoes oh well that's really cool jeffy but i can't play fortnite anymore i'm too busy wait with what well i'm going to college now kfc my dream school what do you even do there well i take classes like ap basket weaving and intensive reading oh well can i come with uh no and honestly jeffy i don't think your college material oh what is that supposed to mean nothing but i gotta go now i'm gonna be late see ya wait morty when are you gonna be back oh uh i'll probably be going for like maybe four years i gotta get my degree oh four years morty but that's gonna be so long fortnite's gonna have like a hundred battle passes by then how are you gonna buy them all oh well i should have a good job by then so i'll be able to buy all the battle passes and maybe i'll even own epic games well see ya oh morty no way morty come back no morty please don't leave i don't be stuck here with daddy and junior i'm sorry jeffy but i really have to go oh maybe if you do better in school you can come with me someday better in school i'm awful at school that's never going to happen well i'm sorry jeffy i don't know what else to tell you i gotta go i don't want to be late oh man [Music] hey fat boy i'm not fat what do you want can you take me to kfc no they got rats in the fryers over there but morty's gonna be there for like the next four years and i wanna check the place out four years what is he doing there for four years do you get a job no he's basket weaving and something about intensive reading what jeffy you can't take basket weaving and intensive reading at kfc well he said he's going to college there so i don't know kfc is not a college well he said it is and i want to go and check it out we're not going all right what what what are you doing oh stop i'm taking off all my clothes until you take me no you can't do that okay demonetize jeffy stop will you take me fine just get in the car all right dope [Music] all right jeffy here's your kfc that you wanted so badly wow this is some fancy college it's not a college it's a fast food restaurant did you take your meds today half of them were supposed to take all the damn look i'm gonna wait in the car and when you get your food just come in and get me okay morty in there oh man that was some good chicken now i better get going wait jeffy made it to college morty jiffy this isn't college this is kfc yeah and you said your college was kfc so here i am you want to give me a tour no jeffy this is kfc where you buy chicken i'm still going to my college so we're not at your college yet no i have to drive there oh so then why'd you say it was called kfc because that's the name of it oh i gotta go i'm running late see ya wait no more you come back you're not leaving without me morty what was that oh man i finally made the college this place is so cool it's gonna be so much fun i better get to my first class though hey morty where are we going to first jeffy what are you doing here you're gonna get me in trouble it's fine there's barely anybody here so this is kfc huh kind of a dump but this is kfc but you're not supposed to be here you can get in trouble with the dean where's the fried chicken there is no fried chicken into college oh wait what's a dean oh hi there morty i'm glad you can make it to our prestigious university thank you wait a minute i don't remember inviting this breath to my prestigious university jiffy was just leaving right jeffy you were just leaving wait kermit you own this dump oh no i don't own this place i just wander around telling everybody what to do are you brain dead of course i own this dump what do you think kfc stands for uh kentucky fried chicken no it stands for kermit's fun college isn't it so fun look around yay fun now get off my campus oh yes sir right away sir uh jimmy go wait by the car and when i'm done with my classes i'll bring you home have a good day morty now brat if i ever see you on my campus again i'm gonna give you beatings have a good day i'm gonna go wander around [Music] [Music] [Music] jeffy what is your problem why are you following me around all over the place uh well what else am i supposed to do on board go in the car like i told you to uh i don't know where a car is oh man jimmy look i've been having you following me around all day and it's getting really annoying and i think it's my class which starts in oh geez it starts in five minutes i gotta go i better see you in the car by the time i'm done got it i don't have to i'm glad you could make it to my lecture hall morty of course professor and i promise i'll be on time from now on i'm sorry i was late you better be remember class starts every day at 5 00 am from now on oh 5 am yes professor all right and don't forget about your 50 000 word homework assignment tonight 50 000 words okay i won't okay i'll see you tomorrow oh man i wonder where jeffy is oh that hits the spot hey teach one go for a swim what hit me i can't swim oh man who did not who was the imbecile that pushed me in you you blocky idiot why would you put me in the drink i uh i thought you looked dirty you needed a bath what did are you calling me slimy oh yeah you're a bit slimy oh that's it what's your name oh my name it's uh morty oh well you don't look like morty i got a haircut you don't sound like morty either i love wimpy kids and going to college oh you're definitely morty i'm gonna have you expelled morty expelled uh now if you can't catch me see ya teach oh oh you're never gonna see me again cause you're out of this school where's mori's car where's morty's car oh my god get out of here oh man where's morrie's car where's more oh i think i see it i'm gonna get away from this free oh good morning he's not in the car yet he'll have no idea oh man i really hope jeffy's in the car by now i'm so exhausted and i have to write that 50 000 word homework asylum tonight i mean what kind of homework is that oh if he's not in there i'm just gonna leave him behind oh man i have to get home i really gotta start my homework wait jeffy you're actually in the car oh wow i thought you would have gotten into trouble and got lost again or something oh yeah totally not any trouble morty but if you don't mind leaving i kind of gotta get home fast you know daddy's probably still in the kfc parking lot and all we just gotta get home oh yeah sure whatever we can go home oh i have to write that 50 000 word assignment tonight oh man i can't believe i have to write 50 000 words by the end of the night that's gonna take forever but at least my professors are pretty nice today oh hey morty if you get in trouble at school tomorrow then just know it's not my fault wait wait you mean get in trouble well i heard that there was somebody on campus named morty and they pushed some professor into a fountain and it wasn't you but it might get confused with you so i just hope you don't get in trouble but if you do it's not my fault what kind of idiot would push a professor into a fountain some idiot well jeffy never mind that i have to do my homework so i need you to leave me alone all night uh okay and then one more thing i was just wondering by chance did you maybe want to duo up in fortnight they just added tornadoes no i don't want to do up in fortnite i just told my homework when you're done that's gonna be all night whatever oh and one more thing daddy says he's making green beans for breakfast tomorrow and i'm not about that so would you rather have cake jimmy i could care less if it's green beans or cake all i care about is getting my homework done all right i'll tell them you want cake too have fun with your homework morty it's not fun oh man [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh man i finally finally did my 50 000 word essay it only took me all night to do but it's finally done maybe maybe i'll just take a quick nap no no i have to stay awake wait what time is it anyway don't know i'm gonna be late for class i gotta get my stuff together oh man gotta get my paper and my books and wait who's calling me at this hour wait kfc what do they want doug hello hey marty i bet you're real proud of what you did yeah i am oh really so you think it's okay to do that on your very first day of college well i think it was a little harder than i expected but i'm glad i did it glad you pushed our peaceful passionate polite professional pragmatic professor into my perfect pristine fountain how pathetic and pointless you sure are one problematic poor punk we'll i bet you're real proud so proud that you're gonna get suspended yeah suspended i'm never gonna see you again you're done [Music] oh green beans for breakfast again daddy i told you i want chocolate cake jeffy i was never gonna give you chocolate cake for breakfast are you kidding me i was always gonna give you green beans i just said that to you stop asking i'll forget hey morty when we're done with our morning green beans do you want to do up in fortnight the tornado is probably still in the game i mean i'm probably not gonna eat the green beans i'll just flush them down the toilet but we can still duo up [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 857,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: B9SeRRT6Pno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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