SML Parody: Chef Pee Pee's PP Pasta!

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I want mac and cheese with no cheese wait what I want mac and cheese we want mac and cheese with no cheese what do you want mac and cheese with no cheese we want mac and cheese with no cheese we want mac and cheese with no cheese we want mac and cheese with no cheese we want mac and cheese with no use cheese which actually sounds pretty damn good we want mac and cheese milk cheese we want mac and cheese with no cheese we want mac and cheese with no cheese cheese cheers take out the cheese I will put the cheese baby we're all just talking about normal mac and cheese with no cheese yeah Okay then if mac and cheese without the cheese isn't what you want then what do you want we want pasta pasta pasta pasta but but we don't have any more pasta I cooked all of it yesterday Chef Pee Pee if you don't get that pasta right now I will end you oh okay okay I'll go to the store I'll get some pasta ah the freaking store where's the freaking pasta section that it is time for my daily freakery but who should my friend oh boy this is so many different types of pastas we got like Linguini spaghetti oh what's around here penne rigate what kind should I get though it's so hard to decide oh I spy with my two little Beanie eyes someone I can freak oh little creepy pasta Rasta give this boy some pasta what the what the hell is this oh my God I know what to do I'll get this and it'll be perfect Revenge I'll force them to eat these peepees for making me go out and get the stupid pasta it's gonna be such an epic plan [Music] that'll be sure to Frick up his day he doesn't know what will happen when somebody eats the beefy pasta all right Winnie Linguini let's do this baby let's check out the back what's the instructions say uh a follow Chef weenies past the directions for ultimate taste the only noodle with a heart on oh okay cooking directions remove weenie pasta from box and placing four to six cups of boiling water all right we're pouring this baby in oh look at the baby so many people wait what's the next instruction say to do all right wait until it's done cooking and then drain pasta uh do not rinse with cold water as weenies tend to shrink okay then okay all right let's pour it in there over here looking out there get in there get the freaking there already okay okay all right all right anything else to do on this I would just say what to say ah caution your weenies may be hot and wet keeping this in mind before you sleep up a weeding linguine into your mouth or someone else's well damn good thing I'm not eating any of this it's time to serve it up for those idiots I can't wait to see the look on their faces paint glitter sounds Cody Chef people get your ass over here what is it Jeffy are they pee pees what no no those aren't pee pees what is it half and I'll explain here [Music] [Music] all right Jeff do you see that now and why it looked like that you think it's a pee pee right okay now grab one of those noodles all right put it right beside it see how it matches up yeah perfectly you think that's a peepee uh-huh well let me get back to work all right Jeffy now does that look like a pee pee to you nope yeah what's it look like it's like a cat exactly so these are peepee pasta the cat pastas pushy pasta man nice let's go am I dig into this yeah you'll do that all right oh my God what happened oh I went I went on the pee pee oh I'm gonna overdose on this yo what the heck yo oh my god oh is this PP oh I could go for more of this hell yeah oh I need more PP in my mouth oh whoa what the heck something's happening when people eat this oh pasta oh what's huh I didn't I need something to happen to me I'm gonna try it ah wait Wait nothing happened to me wait what the frick what's even happening to everyone anyway if he sucks my Glizzy I will become dizzy but it keeps us busy I'm good I've been twerking for boys for so long because everyone will be coming get it from the from the baby pasta but but nothing happened when I I got a story about this oh my God Chef PeePee where is this been my entire life you've really outbound yourself this time oh look at that Cody Cody uh what is it dinner look around did you notice that everyone's turning gay once they eat the pasta people are turning gay without my help what happened okay Cody that's that's besides the point what happened when you ate the pasta I haven't eaten the pasta yet Junior I've just been admiring it mostly okay well this is for a test you you have to eat it eat it Cody all right I was getting ready to eat it looks so good Junior wait yeah it tastes really good actually nothing happened either well yeah nothing bad happened I guess it's because I'm already gauged in here but but nothing happened when I ate the pasta too wait you're telling me nothing happened when you ate the pasta right yeah and I'm already gay and nothing happened when I ate the pasta so what does that mean for you I'm okay I'm not gay I'm not gay are you sure about it he come a little closer down my ass this is showing pee pee all right hey Jeffy what's going on let me knocking out my pee pee oh yeah I hear you like that now huh yeah sister oh guess what what I have a PP too Jeffy well I got plenty right here oh what do you mean you got plenty right there don't you want my baby no I think I'm good it's a nice enough Jeffy it's a nice BP come on I'm not really interested sorry you're not interested in me then who are you interested in I am other people in mind are you kidding me all right I guess I'll try out someone else and not you all right oh my God this is the best pasta I've ever tasted so good I need more I need I need more Cody I need more PP in my mouth ah there's not enough to go around what am I gonna do I have something that I can help you with in that regard Bowser you got more PP I got one extra large peepee oh cause I'm feeling I feel a little sussy all of a sudden yeah yeah oh yeah you want to see my pee pee what oh you know my pee pee that's what I was talking about I don't want your pee pee what do you mean you don't want my pee pee first you're monitor but that's a specific size of Point uh yeah absolutely why wait you have someone else am I gay now Cody I like pee pee I'm gay all right guys are you all gay kidding me uh everybody's already daddy nobody still wants me I hate this ah okay I got someone else in mind Cody everyone already someone else in mind oh my God [Applause] baby oh my God Chef if you make dinner and didn't even tell us how dare you yeah yeah good but don't you want to eat something are you starving no oh well I guess that's more for me don't mind if I do oh this is this is tasty y'all [Music] I'm actually in the mood today [Music] so you might want to take advantage of that [Music] did you hear me what did you say sister what oh what is it what do you want did you hear what I said what did you say I said that I'm in the mood today okay never happens so what are you trying to say huh that you should take advantage of it um I I don't swing that way sister what no I'm in the man oh my God hey yeah and I'm going to seek other men right now bye Junior well I don't want to come out of the closet why I don't know when I when I'm sad and crying I like to be in the closet me too oh why are you crying because Mario's gay oh well all my friends are gay too yeah uh what's going on here we have to do something about this yeah we can't just sit back and let everyone be gay like this why don't you come out of the closet final come out of this closet all right let's go we need to think of a plan yeah we really do but how do we make people ungay I don't know uh maybe you could make them on gay um do you know what I'm saying no not with Jeffy oh yeah that would be really weird yeah yeah uh what else can we do there has to be something yeah I mean I would honestly do anything the devil yes my name is Greg the devil the devil yes so I hear you guys have gay problem oh yeah all our friends are gay we want to change them back oh no he's there any way I can help yeah yeah yeah anything right right Rosalina yeah anything you could do to change well since being gay oh and we won't go there I can basically just transport them to well and they can ban for all of eternity uh I I think we'll pass on that one yeah no yeah they're friends we don't want them to burn in hell then suck my dogs for 24 hours straight anything but those two things please please oh oh okay anything please there is one more thing that I can do what's that means you give me a sacrificial animal [ __ ] any part of the body a sacrificial animal poor but none of us are gonna have any of that we don't want to kill an animal I got it what wait what here here will this work oh my god did you even [ __ ] forget it it's an animal bone does this work I wasn't expecting you to get animal bone but the yes okay well do it make the monkey oh I will make them on gay give me the animal ball oh yes oh yes yes oh that was delectable okay now I do my spell one two three your friends are now hot and gay did it work I don't know let's go check let's go check oh my God ah no one's gay anymore no one even wanted to get with me now I know I will have the chance to get with them I'm gay yeah the [ __ ] they are junior everyone's like gay anymore thank God they're okay this is great I'm gonna go find Mario oh perfect this isn't a good thing during your own hey guys look at me I don't even want PP no more I want coochie coaches [Music] man [ __ ] you Cody shut up Mario Mario are you still gay am I still gay what I'm not gay yeah you were uh I don't know what's going on back there let's not talk about that okay well that's good because I wanted to do something tonight uh okay but first I found more shepherdy's leftovers I'm gonna dig in oh my god sister that's so good it's busting you're kidding me why it's so tasty yeah imagine we shushing guys that was mad sus wait wait Junior you're gay hey guys I got something you're gonna want to see all right here guys we clearly stated that we wanted mac and cheese with no cheese and what is this normal pasta penis pasta at that Chef PeePee he [ __ ] us over what are we gonna do about it we want mac and cheese with no cheese [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 494,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021
Id: DDdo722G8Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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