SML Parody: Cody Gets Arrested

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[Music] so guys what do you want to do today I don't know dude yeah I'm really bored shut up Cody ow hey how about we go to the arcade dude that's an amazing idea let's go do it Junior let's go so guys we're at the arcade let's go play some games waa look at all these prizes all of them are so sick dude why is there a pze bottle as a prize whoa is that Mortal Kombat let's go guys whoa It's Mortal Kombat we're going to be playing this all night dude yeah it's going to be so cool let's play all right kids the store is closing it's time to leave no but we're having so much fun dude yeah can we stay a little longer sorry but it's time to go kids the store's closing U wait what happened to Cody oh what a shame uh uh what happened what what is that what wait is that the Mortal Kombat machine oh guys but Junior why is the Mortal Kombat machine at your house house cuz I stole it but Junior you stole it you can go to jail no one's going to know it's at my house that's a doorbell I could get it hello um yeah so in ourc machine went missing at the local arcade and you were the last kid at the arcade where'd your hack go oh um I didn't want to wear it anymore cuz it got hot but yeah did you steal the arcade machine no it wasn't us really yeah okay I'm coming in no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no arcade machine huh uh I can explain it was Cody your friend Cody stole this arcade machine yeah uh tell him Joseph yeah dude it was Cody all right where's your friend Cody he's over here follow me man this chair is really relaxing I really like this chair all right kid come down me to the station your friends R you out what what do you mean my friends red me out they snitched on you they said said that you show the arcade machine but I didn't steal that all right I'm not going to tolerate a liar kid now come with me down to the station wait no go all right kid get in this closet wait why no dude Cody really just went to jail no that wasn't jail it was more like a closet but the cop took him away yeah but it was just a closet should we go help him yeah let's go Cody are you right in there dude what Joseph is that you is Junior with you yeah dude what Junior get me out of here right now nah what Jude this is all your fault you're the reason why I'm in here how is it my fault because you lied and said I stole the arc scine even though it was you and Joseph who stole it well no you totally stole it Junior get me out of here right now well you're going to have to be nice to us if you want us to let you out nice to you what am I supposed to do uh uh Joseph what do he have to do I don't know dude well you're going to have to admit that your mom's a big fat ugly pig whale Junior I'm not doing that okay I guess we're leaving come on Joseph no no no no don't leave fine I'll do it all right we're going to go ask the cop if he can let you out wow Cody I can't believe the cop actually let you out yeah well good thing this is just YouTube the cob wouldn't actually let you out what Junior stop eating my hair but Joseph get him off okay come on dude well Cody now admit it admit what that your mom's a big fat ugly pig whale well I don't want to do that Junior well do it fine oh yes Cody kins what do you miss mommy bear well I do miss mommy bear but that's not why I'm calling oh what do you need to say Cody kins well uh you're big fat stupid Pig whale you it oh my God I'm going to be grounded forever now dude why' you say that to your mom what you guys told me to nuh-uh what wait I was already out of jail so I didn't even need to
Channel: AidenBoo1495
Views: 412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zn-40msJX5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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