SML Parody: Jeffy's Little Brother!

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[Music] i wonder how my prisoners are doing good man let us out of here no mario shut up please let us out i want to be in a video again no mario if you don't shut up i'm not giving you any food you don't give us any food damn right i don't cost too much money but goodman why is junior the only person who's tied up in here don't just leave all right everything is looking good well well well surgeon top how's it going everything's just going swell sir do you think today's the day today might be the day we actually clone somebody oh my god yes the amount of money we're gonna make i know right everything is set we got the cloning serum right there and i got a p from a random stranger a random stranger yeah i got his dna how are we supposed to compare it to the original if we don't know who it is i didn't think that through yeah exactly so what are we going to do now do you want a peanut bottle no what's this person look like well now they've come to think of it he had a yellow shirt a blue helmet and a pencil up his nose i know exactly who that is really that's jeffy oh my god i know him pretty decently so i can tell what he looks like all right all right so how do we do this well we just combined the cloning serum with the p and scored it on a test subject a test subject but who's that gonna be one of the prisoners maybe finally we have a use for those people all right all right well i got a dip i gotta go look at dogecoin coins all right i'll see you later all right wish me luck all right i got my super soaker let's add the cloning serum i'm gonna save some of this for later and some pee i'm gonna also say some of this for later all right let's score him all right none of you try to escape we have maximum security yeah we're picking him he's the most annoying come on come on are you ready to be super soaked all right hold still [Music] why are we on top of the couch i don't know change of scenery fair enough mario can you go get naked for me get cake get naked for you sure i mean jeffy's right there i don't i don't really care sure i'll get naked for you baby okay good then go get naked go get me okay go get you naked all right i'll get you naked first how about that all right come here what are you doing skank what what happened i'm talking about the drink yeah i died the drink there's a drink called naked yes i didn't know that huh what the heck do you want me to go to the store and get it yes i do what kind do you want berry blast very blessed all right see you guys later hey daddy i'm coming with you no you're not stay here yeah stay right there i'm coming daddy you're not coming i don't think you could say that i'm out of here all right here's the naked rosalina wants let me grab some all right the very blast all right i'm gonna go get some snacks for myself while i'm at it all right snacks you already know i'm not getting any of this stuff swoons what are you doing out in the stores i said to stay home it went through come on jeffy i got naked let's go come on you're going home with me right now come on come on rosalina why did you let jeffy come with me i didn't let jeffy go to the store with you what are you talking about yeah you did he was with me oh my god that's not jeffy yeah it's jeffy who else is it oh the hell is that i'm debbie you don't know your own son when he's ready for your face how sad is not my son we talking about this yeah it is all right guys guys i got a problem my foot's coming off fairway oh my god he's got the same stupid pencil the same stupid helmet in the same stupid shirt you know what i'll prove it to you jeffy get in here i poop i told you so what is going on they must be brothers oh my god that is so cute can we keep them of course you can't jeffy yeah how do we get rid of that how cute do we burn it do we throw them away we're talking about their brothers now [Applause] it's a really bad nightmare i'm just gonna go back to bed okay night night goodbye [Applause] no look at him he's so cute jeffy he looks like you but somehow worse that's just rude daddy rude oh my god take a shower or something maybe that'll help me where's my naked he probably put it in the fridge upstairs wow you have a really long pencil oh yeah it's really nice oh we're shining something that big don't worry it'll grow someday yay i like bp me too peepee hi chef pee pee will you do me a favor and get naked for me get naked for you what are you talking about wait a second i know what this is this is one of those stupid jokes well i'm not falling for it nope not gonna be me i don't know what you're talking about chef pee pee but i'm talking about getting me naked look if you want a stupid naked drink you can walk over to the fridge yourself and get it yourself i can't do everything around this house that's so stupid i'm not talking about a drink chef pee pee what are you talking about then i'm talking about getting me naked hey y'all miss me with that sip i ain't about that life get out of here you hoe i can't believe that chef pee pee i really like you i don't care you're a married woman and that's my brother and mario i can't do that to my italian bro do you see a ring on this finger chef pee pee what is that oh get out of here i can't play like that mario's really been disappointing me and i want revenge i don't care what you want i'm out of here all right little bro are you ready for this yeah all right let's do this all right perfect he's coming with me no no no no don't die stop it what are you doing i'm taking him away no he's my little brother don't do that my god he's too much no daddy he's awesome don't get rid of him it's gonna be too much work to take care of no no daddy don't you dare you just don't understand how about this if you want to keep your little brother so bad how about you take care of him you be the daddy well die i'm too young for that i don't care then you'll see just how hard it is to take care of another kid huh you want him or not yeah i do but fine daddy i'll do it okay good see you later all right bye daddy don't listen to him you're awesome okay let's go oh so now you can do that hey guys meet jeffy jr hi jeffy junior yay that's just great jeffy junior yeah he's awesome isn't [Music] have you been parroting him yeah i taught him some cool tricks what is he a dog i guess so anyway do your special trick that's very good jeffy junior what do you mean he just his pants yeah like teaching him how to be like him like father likes sunday that's not a good thing yes it is they're bonding i told him another trick daddy let's see it all right do your special oh attack the heck that was a little bit gross but all right you're supposed to potty train him he is probably trying to die he's trained to avoid the party you're pant training him i know that treating him the is pants i know it's awesome isn't it no yes take him to the toilet no all right are you ready to go learn some more tricks yay let's do it all right let's go take him to a toilet now no let's go jeffy jr toilet take it to a toilet no don't die no toilet no go no no no no [Music] stomach take him to the toilet take him all right debbie jr you ready to learn how to use the toilet all right now still in the toilet all right now [Music] i feel like we're missing a few stuff here okay here get out the toilet real quick all right so oh i know what we're missing silly me you have to bring these things up okay you go like this all right and you put it over there you try it good work okay now on this thing okay no no no no no no no come back up come back up okay are you good are you good okay oh no no no no stop it okay no not poop oh no no no no no no are you done all right now my dying always says we need to watch the toilet after we poop oh no jeffy junior okay fine i'll see you oh why why why oh god dang it oh look at how dirty you are oh you're a really dirty boy you know that all right we're gonna give you a bath okay can you say bath [Music] that's close enough all right let's go buddy oh god dang it okay come on all right buddy are you ready oh he's fine hey can you say bath you say bath close enough okay so here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna teach you how to take a bath all right all right now hold on stay there one second have some fun all right so this is called soap can you say soap soup close enough all right here use the cello there you go keep doing that you got this do you feel clean yet ah ah you guys on my eye ah do you feel clean yet you feel clean hungry food oh you need food you need food what do you want drugs yeah all right all right we're gonna go get you some drugs come on come on i'm gonna get you by your pencil let's go get something no no this is too fruity hey chef pee pee do you have any drugs what are you talking about wait wasn't what i should really be asking what the hell is that oh it's my little brother jeffy junior you know i don't even care i'm not even surprised okay so basically he said he wanted shrooms so i'm assuming he wants drugs are you uh drugs no i thought he's asking for drugs well what do you want shrooms mushrooms he wants food idiots oh he's hungry i thought i heard him say that okay so can you get him some mushrooms no there's no mushrooms in the house well then what can you make us i don't know it makes you think yourself i don't know how to cook well don't cook just get something um like what why don't you get naked um okay okay let's go i mean everyone loves that in this house right [Music] oh all right chef pee pee this doesn't really help with the food situation but here we are what am i looking at why are you guys naked you told us to get naked yet peepee but honestly i wasn't fully comfortable getting naked on camera i was talking about the fruity drink the god thing fruity drink ah we're stupid you're stupid anyway we need food chef pee pee food we'll go get something what can we get i actually threw out this pizza it's totally expired go eat that it's outside in the trash okay but he wants mushrooms can we put mushrooms on the pizza do we have any actually come to think of it mushrooms are just fungus right yeah and i think there's some fungus growing on the pizza oh good yeah be perfect yeah all right little buddy let's go all right eat up why does he not have a foot can you stop doing that anyway we need to figure out where this pizza is in here okay hold on let me open it [Music] there it is oh look at the ants extra flavor eat it up well do you like it [Music] more flavor mushrooms hey okay oh i probably just wanted a food coma it must have been that good daddy mommy wow you really sucked that drive damn right idea hey guys what's up so jeffy how's being a father oh it's been really good day no way i doubt that yeah it's been really easy i don't know how you struggle with it what do you mean easy yeah so basically i taught him how to use the potty no you didn't yeah and then i gave him a bath and he cooperated i don't believe it and then i gave him some food wait jeffy i couldn't even get you to do any of those things that's great jeffy i'm so happy for you thank you mommy [Music] well jeffy i'm actually really proud of you yay being a good dad are you matured wow jeffy you can keep your little brother yeah awesome yeah oh my god it's so awesome just keep taking care of him i will be all right oh i don't know what to do now well where is he oh well i was just feeding him what were you feeding him i found a mushroom pizza where'd you get that from oh i found it outside outside why was it outside because it was in the garbage garbage garbage jeffy you're not supposed to eat all the garbage because it was expired a spike you made expired no like aspire like i aspire to be me oh my god you gave him expired pizza was there mold on that pizza um what's mold it's like stuff growing on the pizza it's fungus jeffy well mushrooms are fungus he wanted mushroom pizza chippy people could die from eating that stuff we have to check on him where is he um he's outside in the garbage can i thought he was having a food coma passed out we gotta go save him come on here he is that oh he's not here jeffy where did he go um piggy compost decomposed already i didn't mean it guys i tried oh my god jeffy i can't believe you killed him he didn't have his fault he tried to be a good dad yeah he's right it's all your fault what it's not my fault it's your fault you're the one who said get naked thank lord james charles if i didn't find this guy gonna want to kill me i got the mutant back he's going to the lab got him back and i got a snack [Music] so
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 2,012,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, sml jeffy's brother, jeffy's little brother
Id: dkLzumksp0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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