SML Parody: Jeffy Gets Grounded!

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spare change anybody please just some spare change please just put it in the jar i i really need some spare change or i don't know if i can feed my family or pay the mortgage this month please anything helps just put it in the jar ah this is such a stupid idea i'm out here banging for money why did i buy jeffy that stupid mario kart live thing it didn't even help him drive better he's still terrible at it oh what am i gonna do oh man oh hey old man over here over here you have any spare changes so fine have a good day mario is that you no i'm not mario i'm uh billy bob that's my name i'm a billy bob oh man i always knew you'd be on the streets doing this i don't know why well you don't have to hide behind this time we all know you're a loser after all it's not fine you got me uh brooklyn guy i hate to ask but you have any spare change oh well i am a doctor and a policeman i probably got some extra money to scrounge up for you let's see what i got oh daddy my ipad's not working can i get one of the new ones look out mario i'm backing up the tesla oh uh hey mario have you seen the other five switches this one's dead uh ipad tesla well you obviously don't need my money god i don't even have a tesla yeah whatever mario stay in the streets you maggot god you're not getting anything so fine whatever [Music] okay that should be enough to sell this thing now to get it on ebay uh dad what are you doing my switch i'm selling one of your switches jeff you have five of these things you can lose one uh well first of all i only got three and you're not selling my switch i really like this one because the joy-con colors but we're still selling it anyway i don't care what off the seller daddy why because you need to sell the switch because we like money and we like this house so if you want to keep it that way then you need to sell a switch forget the house daddy i want my switch back well jeffy you're not just selling a switch you're also selling one of your ipads i know you have two so you can lose one i got four ipads daddy four what what yeah four you think i just have two ipads daddy no i got four you need four you really do you you have four ipads yeah oh five i got five ipads now i i had to order it that i had to you're selling one of your ipads you have to you're selling the most expensive one you got i'm not you are jeffy you're going to sell your ipad because we need the money we really need it fine i'll show one of my ipads but just one all right fine go package it and put it on ebay whatever all right put my ipad up on ebay kind of sad about it i really like this ipad it was one of my favorites oh is that an ipad for sale on ebay oh it looks just like mine i gotta get that all right daddy just sold the ipad wait you actually sold the ipad yeah it was really quick too the second i put it on there someone bought it they must have really wanted it wow jeffy you actually sold the ipad i was really expecting that you would just take off and run away with it and have an episode called jeffy steals his own ipad or something like that but you actually sold the ipad good for you buddy now we can afford the mortgage this month yeah well i didn't like the ipad that much well did you send it out yet well yeah i just sent it out oh perfect when are we getting our money i don't even know hopefully soon all right i'll sit here and wait he's at the door oh hopefully that's my ipad wait what ah well daddy got my new ipad what my new ipad i ordered it wait where did you get it from oh well when i sold my old ipad i kind of sold it to myself i couldn't help it i know you'd understand thanks for understanding you understand can you understand i understand i like the ipad are you gonna get mad please don't get mad what am i gonna do you do i run you sold me your ipad to yourself yeah so you didn't get any money for it well actually i lost money because of fees and taxes [Music] oh my ipad jeffy you have a zoom in five minutes you can't possibly screw that up it's for the class that you skipped the other day so you're gonna go to your zoom call and you're gonna be quiet and listen to the teacher got it i hate doing the zooms daddy i hate them you better do it right now go in there oh fine oh i hate doing the stupid zooms oh man they're so boring all right whatever let's get this over with good morning class today we're going to learn about stocks stocks that's so boring i hate this jeffy your mic is unmuted oh shoot uh i totally knew that yeah my mother's commuted duh of course it's on me iron though uh yeah sorry teach uh jeffy excuse me do you want to get kicked out again oh get kicked out well honestly yeah i really don't get kicked out this class is so boring jeffy you're suspended all right jeffy how was your zoom class today that was all right it was all right well at least you did your zoom because you never go to those things so yeah i told you where are you gonna get kicked out or something yeah totally happened jeffy yep the clock says that it's one o'clock but your zoom doesn't get out till two i think he found out ah daddy well i was being weird and i got kicked out suspended expelled all that i'm done you you got suspended from zoom sure did why am i even surprised why am i even surprised because every single day you go to school something bad always happens so why am i surprised that you got suspended now you shouldn't be surprised at this point jeffy you've been so bad today you screwed up my money scheme you didn't sell your ipad and now you got suspended from school so you know what happens oh oh i'm gonna get kicked out again i love getting kicked out no we made three of those now you're gonna get grounded no grounded daddy it's so boring well too bad i don't care you should have been such a spoiled brat today so get in your room oh fine oh man i hate being grounded hey jeffy what are you doing well i'm just grounded i'm bored of my room wait you're grounded yeah why don't you just play a game or something i can't daddy took it all the way he cut the wi-fi oh well i have something you can do what here you go wouldn't be kidding more that's so boring i don't want to read that no they're really good and trust me when you're done with this one you're gonna read all of these that's like 15 books morty i can't read all that don't wait forgot some there you go oh i'm gonna need these back by six though so i suggest you get started with this one and just read them in order well i got nothing else to do guess i'll read them okay great five minutes later okay jeffy i actually need my books back right now oh wow you must have really enjoyed them oh sorry morty i blacked out but wait you didn't actually read them well i read a page of the first book and then i got bored i just started throwing them around ripping the pages up oh i mean i i don't know i got bored oh well at least you try i guess i'll just gather them up you hear that wait a minute oh wait yeah what is that cody do you see that it's the ice cream man come on let's get some ice cream oh morty it's the ice cream man no ice cream i want some ice cream i gotta go get some wait no morty wait you gotta help me get out of here buddy well i can't help you do that you're grounded here morty i got a plan first we gotta knock out the guards i need you to finish them off while i start digging we're digging well yeah i gotta get out of here somehow i'm gonna use a shovel and start digging a massive tunnel under my room so i can get outside but it's really important that while i do that you bust open the security cameras outside so there's no evidence and then we both get the ice cream chippy that's a very solid plan and all let me just look for the window the window oh oh yeah i guess we just go to the window okay come on let's go all right great all right morty we made it all right come on let's hurry up before the ice cream man leaves all right let's go ice cream ice cream where is it don't worry where is he i don't know i don't see him you think we missed him no we missed him and it's all because of your stupid plan you took too long well i had to get out of the room somehow but we could just go through the window oh ice cream oh what are we gonna do i don't know we don't have any ice cream in the house ain't good ice cream anyway it's all in the truck yeah oh man let's just go back inside bye house oh oh hey daddy hey jeffy uh i know you more you snuck out so i don't really care anymore you did well yeah you guys were shouting in there it was very obvious that you just opened the window and climbed out i'm really sorry daddy please please don't grab me for an extra day well i can't even ground you if i wanted to because we lost the house we lost the house yeah you couldn't pay the mortgage i was telling you it wasn't a joke this time i really needed that ipad money oh the house is gone yeah we gotta live in a box or a trailer park or something now oh man jeffy is that the ups man ups truck oh my six ipad is here [Music] hey daddy daddy where are you at daddy delusional daddy oh hey daddy what doing who are you people oh my god [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,111,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wUbh0p9apNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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