SML Movie: Junior's Big Vacation!

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we're gonna do it doesn't mean I can't tell you oh sorry teacher I'm just really bored of school I can't wait for summer vacation yeah me too junior I can't wait to go to the beach and see all the hunky dudes and their thongs playing volleyball so I do that hey summer what you hate summer you like school like oh do your nerd and at me no I'm not a nerd dude I just like the ACS school in the food look I don't have air conditioning in my house or food so I like to come to school you know it's gonna be super hot all summer well why don't just come to my house have fun have AC and food okay yeah come to my house all summer sorry Junior it looks like I'm not gonna be able to hang out with you all something why not because we're going to Alaska to go whale watching all summer long well watching if you want we'll watch why don't you stay at your mom I want to see a humpback whale don't you have pimples on your back there's your humpback whale sorry Junior come on Cody those whales aren't gonna watch themselves bye Junior that's so when Joseph they do well you're still gonna be looking at with me all summer right of course dude I don't have a life all right Joseph you come with me you got a warrant you're just gonna walk into a house like that like we got a business back outside what he's right what was that about no dude let's go see what that's about yeah uh hello hey there I'm the police is Joseph here I know he is I just saw yeah he's right here oh why did you snitch on me dude what did Joseph do well Joseph he has been stealing Lunchables and candy bars from the gas station for the past three years it just took us forever to figure out who did it because Turtles don't leave fingerprints dude I was hungry yeah well I'm hungry for justice and you're gonna do hard time in juvie two months the whole summer until school starts again what the whole summer yeah but dude I don't wanna go to jail you're gonna go to jail you're gonna see what it's like to spend time in a Cell in a nice warm bed with three meals a day one hour of outside time and a TV man that sounds like a vacation only two months yeah okay okay three months Wow six months okay okay uh yeah all right fine how about you stop hitting me and we work this out in the car Cody's in Alaska and Joseph's in jail Who am I gonna hang out with all summer jail Georgia's calling me Joseph hello Joseph hey dude I got my free phone call that's cool um jail dude it's great the food is awesome I got my own bed and my cellmate loves to give me massages he's all over me what massages yeah dude he he likes to kiss me though it's a little weird but I don't complain monke we used to do it too okay I don't want you to be in there for dude I don't even know I hope it's a long time though Oh hold on to you it's shower time I wanna see what this drop in the show business is about I'll talk to you later bro bye wish me luck okay okay no friends oh my god now Oh Jesse I can hang out with Jeffy hey Jeffy hey Junior what are you doing staring at this wall why I'm making sure it doesn't go anywhere it it's not gonna go anywhere I know okay I'm staring at it oh well I was just wondering if you get hang out with me for the summer okay junior go stare at this wall what so you can't go play toys nope but it it's just a wall I know I'm making sure doesn't go anywhere okay see you later junior oh man I can't wait to watch Charlie and Friends it's my favorite show ever Charlie and Friends is filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today I gotta go to work I work at the gas station in today's payday it's time to get paid let's do this what do you want yeah I was wondering if we could hang out for the summer no I don't look I don't even want to go outside it's super hot and sweaty and sticky it's gross I just want to watch TV well I was wondering if you could kick me to Disneyland no I don't want to take you to Disneyland either look how much you go in at chef P because that sounds expensive okay uh uh chef peepee yeah what do you want you stupid brats well isn't it summertime you should be hanging out with your friends well Cody's whale-watching in Alaska and Jo Jo's in jail for shoplifting don't you have other friends nobody else was hanging out with me well you're lucky you have those friends I don't have any well I'm your friend ill no you're not look I work for your dad if I didn't have to work for him look I wouldn't even be talking to you we'll be your best friend forever chef peepee no we're not to hear you bother me all the time god I was thinking we could hang out all summer Jr I will rather sit my hand on the stove for a week than hang out with you well we can do it together no Julie your get away from me God well I was hoping you could take me to Disneyland we already been to Disney World Junior yeah we've been to Disney World but not Disneyland Disney World's in Florida Disneyland in California why would we go all the way across country just to go to another Disney that's stupid because it'd be really fun it'll be a cool summer vacation that wouldn't be fun for me too yeah well I'll go see the Grand Canyon that's just holes in the ground if you want to have the hole in the ground I will give you a shovel and tell you the big one and they're very very okay well then with you something fun alright jr. this is a bolus and I want you to count every single grain of sand in this ball and don't talk to me until you're done what do you want me to do this chef peepee oh it's just been driving me crazy every single time I see this bowl I'm wondering how many grains of sand is in this mall and you can count it for me do you well why don't you help me oh man I got a cook and I gotta clean so you know I'm busy and you have all summer so you can count him okay Chevy I guess I'll do it yeah so get the counting and don't come talk to me until you've done okay um I can so get started one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven thirty forty fifty veggies I lost count I start over it's going to be great sure baby I'm done no wait come here there's no way are you counting every single grain of sand in this bowl know what I'm thinking you're yeah a year if I'm a slow counter I'm a really fast counter chef peepee oh really how many grains of sand is in this bowl did okay well I might be a little off I think I might have counted a little bit too much but I think there's 738 to be 700 million in there 700 million not with the way I counted how did you count then okay there's my dad see I grabbed source and I was like 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 that has to be a thousand in that one pitch jr. okay if I'm not counting right then how about you just counting it I'm not going to count it to your look I don't want to be bothered by you I hate you I'm not your friend I would rather see you die well what you mean yes I hate you look to you I didn't want to be bothered why you brought you that's why I gave you this big ball of sand to care it wasn't even the whole summer I wouldn't even see you at all you love me I wish it was nice I wish he was the nicest human being on earth because he's really rude and me he sucks beat me why do you look like that I don't know what you're talking about Julia but I got you a happy meal for breakfast a happy meal for breakfast yes whatever makes you happy whatever makes me Oh last night I wish ever he was really nice and now he's being really nice do you want to hang out with me all summer you betcha yeah you do ever I want any did you once okay let's go to the park I'm gonna play inside instead you know all these toys but I want to go into the park okay let's go to the park come on chappie let's go yet baby we're at the park let's go have fun what is so hot Junior [Music] [Music] Oh oh man I had so much fun with chef peepee at the park this is the greatest day ever I love real-life chef peepee who's that hello um it may be maybe you should go first you just come inside we'll just talk okay yeah yeah so Cody I thought you're a whale watching Alaska no it turns out my mom didn't know what the hell she was talking about we weren't going to Alaska we were just watching a documentary about whales in Alaska on Animal Planet at home so you're not going to Alaska no and Joseph I thought you were in jail what yeah I got out on a technicality do the police officer didn't read me my Miranda rights so I'm not in jail but at least I got a massage you get massages in there what you guys the whole summer you guys are free to hang out yeah well I've been hanging out with Chef PP all summer Junior it's been one day well that one day's been a load of fun with chef peepee he said give me happy meals and stuff chef peepee never gets us happy meals oh yeah we'll check this ppl baby we want happy meal stupid brat don't want some happy Beus what happened to chef peepee here duty looks weird don't you love him he's so much cooler I wish everybody was a real-life human being and he's so much nicer look he got his Happy Meals was he not a real human being before when I use a puppet now he's a real-life human being here's your happy views thanks real-life chef baby yeah see spit on me all the time why make sure you your happy meal you stupid brat bye chef peepee I love you thank you for the happy meals Junior waited chef peepee just cackle maniacally I think he might be evil yeah dude that was weird what he's not evil he just got his Happy Meals that's not evil well are you sure everything's okay with the Happy Meals why would there be anything wrong with them oh because he said make sure you eat all of your Happy Meals and then he went wha-ha-ha-ha-ha like he was evil okay Cody if you want to check out how the meals we can check her but there's nothing wrong with them let's check see Cody looked a normal cheeseburger jr. that's a knife between two buns we're right there the knife chef Phoebe's trying to kill you okay look this is just a mistake by McDonald's oh yeah oh yeah they do that all the time they hand out night burgers all the time this is what happened the guy was cutting the cheese for the cheeseburger right and he accidentally put the knife on the burger instead of the cheese oh yeah that's just a totally normal honest mistake for McDonald's to make okay what about you're having meals anything wrong with it see oh my god what it's a gun a gun yeah a gun chef peepees trying to kill you hey dude my chicken nuggets taste weird they burnt justice nuggets those aren't Nuggets Junior those are bullets what bullets yeah you know for the gun cuz chef Hiep he's trying to kill you chef baby would not kill me he took me to the park oh okay yeah I guess that I guess that makes everything okay I take back everything I said thank you no he's trying to kill you Junior what says that he's trying to kill me so weapons the weapons that he gave you so you would die maybe these are just new toys from McDonald's no no Junior these these are the new toys these are weapons oh you know what Cody I think I know what's going on okay what I think you're jealous that you don't have a personal chef oh yeah no you got me that's what it is yeah you guys are just jealous because you're our personal chef so just get out okay fine fine but you watch your back to chef Evie's trying to kill you don't try to kill you leave dude Joseph never yeah everyone you just lead are just jealous my personal chef and you know what he's gonna take me to Disneyland and the Grand Canyon yeah how are you still alive how am I still alive are we talking about what the burger in the knife in the talkee and the stopping and dying I wasn't hungry so I was watering chubby B if you could take me at Disneyland for summer vacation Disney's yeah Disneyland you know with a bunch of fast ride they go really high up and then you fall and you scream Todd I know if we used to fall and die I mean yeah if you don't have your seat belt on you could fall and I mean if you hit the ground you would die I mean yeah they could kill you let's go really want to go yeah I know Jerry Scheff baby where Disneyland yeah whatever you stupid breath you want to ride ride to Disneyland yeah sure whatever you took me to Disney 119 met Disneyland oh my god I love human chef BP he's the coolest let's go right Splash Mountain Oh fine fine look at them they were screaming I'm not going in [Applause] Disneyland sure was fun wasn't it chef peepee no no it wasn't I got eggs you didn't die and I almost died it's everything wait it was a diet Disneyland Disneyland happiest place in the world I want to use the die jr. well I still really want to go to the Grand Canyon this summer you know the Grand Canyon's really cool what is that the grant Cannes is big hole in the ground it's like a couple thousand feet deep and you get right up to the edge like right up to the edge and a lot of people keep slipping and falling and dying so I don't want to get that close but I really want to see the Grand Canyon what you want to go sorry teacher I saw a bug on my desk guys I said the worst dream ever I had a dream that for summer vacation we took you to the park at Disneyland and the Grand Canyon Wow a really horrible dream dude my trees are really horrible every night I dream that I'm in a trailer with no a/c or food that's a nightmare well that's just his life Cody mine that my dream was really back at the end Shep you'd be threw me off the Grand Canyon yeah so I just gotta make sure that for summer vacation that I don't go to the Grand Canyon yeah yeah but guys we're all gonna hang out all summer long right yeah sorry jr. I won't be able to hang out with you all summer we're going whale watching in Alaska well are you sure you're going whale watching are you sure you're not yes I'm sure I'm going whale watching I'm not gonna be watching my mom jr. Cody that's so rude yeah Cody why would I say that oh do you guys okay are you sure you're gonna go whale watching are you sure your mom's is not gonna watch a documentary about whales in Alaska at home oh that one we're gonna watch the documentary what you told me we were going to Alaska we are going to Alaska in our imaginations okay whatever Junior I'll see you tomorrow all right bye Cody so Joseph you're gonna be able hang out all summer right yeah sure dude I don't have a life what do I have to do I mean have you been stealing from the gas station lately dude who told you all right Joseph you're coming with me what you can't just walk into somebody's house you have to have a warrant I let him in yeah yeah he let me in so you're going to jail yeah yeah Joseph you have the right to remain silent yes he does have the right to remain silent I always forget that you have the right to remain silent and in blood and Yatta Yatta Yatta now I'm gonna go make chef peepee love me mm-hmm chef beeping the peanut butter and spaghetti pebbles is almost done oh yeah that smells good Oh chef peepee what do you want Junior I was wondering if we're gonna do anything fun for the summer wait who told you told me what who ruined the surprise what surprise we're going to Disney World what yeah me and you going to Disney World silly really yeah I see your dad didn't won the gold he he doesn't want to get in the Sun he wants to stay and watch Charlie so he just let me to you go really what are we going right now oh really alright jr. what could the Disneyworld probably world I thought you hated me yeah I do hate you but even though you're a brat you're my breath [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 38,488,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, bowser junior, summer, vacation, bowser jr, plush, jokes, comedy, skit, funny, friends, chef, puppet, laugh, disneyland, disneyworld, disney, grand canyon, awesome, vlog, school, superbowserlogan, superluigilogan, sll, cody, joseph, tito
Id: 8UYvrDhloII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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