SML Movie: Junior Saves ToysRus!

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so guys what'd you get for Christmas nothing dude I still don't have a family it'd be really hard for Santa's elves to make you a family Joseph what about you Cody when I celebrate Hanukkah so well my dad gave me a hundred dollars for Christmas what dude what you gonna buy a family calm down Joseph I really wanted to buy toys but there's no toy stores around here yeah I wish there was a store with toys like for us yeah like they had toys that are there for us yeah like Toys R Us remember remember guys Toys R Us oh yeah oh yeah that was the fun store yeah but it went out of business because they don't have any money yeah I wonder what happened to Jeffrey I'm right here no no no not you Jeffy I'm talking about Jeffrey the giraffe I like giraffes but no Jeffrey was a giraffe and he was the mascot for Toys R Us yeah I'm gonna look him up dude yeah Joseph look at what he's doing now oh dude apparently he's homeless he's homeless oh yeah Jenny he doesn't have a job and there's not that many jobs that a giraffe can do he could be an NBA player yeah I guess he could oh dude if I want a clean fight winner takes all go [ __ ] oh poor Jeffrey yeah he ate those punches at least we know he's not starving yeah he had that six piece with a biscuit goddamn I wish there was something we could do to help him what like get him boxing lessons no Cody he's homeless I think we should go find him and offer him to stay at my house Junior I don't think your dad is going to let a giraffe live in your house it's Jeffrey the giraffe the mascot for Toys R Us of Cory's gonna let him stay I don't know Junior it seems like a bad idea to let a homeless giraffe in your house why well he's doing underground street fights he's pretty desperate come on Cody he's a childhood mascot just like Jared from Subway and if Jared from Subway was outside would you let him in no no I wouldn't but what about all the sandwiches I don't think the sandwiches matter anymore five dollar no Five Dollar Foot long no no none of that matters I think he's getting a lot of footlongs in prison he's in prison oh yeah for what uh just shut up Junior don't worry about it all right guys come on look let's go find Jeffrey the giraffe and offer him to stay at my house yeah okay let's go uh guys I think I found him Jeffrey oh dude he's down bad we'll work for food is there anything we can do Jeffrey oh yeah we'll work for oh oh no Jeffrey come on oh Jeffy but if you're offering Jeffrey listen um we have a house you can come live with us for a while until you're on your feet I think he wants to go I think he's pretty desperate I don't know what he's doing now he's celebrating come to our house Jeffrey come to our house this way Jeffrey all right Jeffrey welcome to my house go inside guys okay dude watch your head Jeffrey yeah oh [ __ ] guys Jeffrey fell down Jeffrey we told you to be careful come on do you need help come on come on Jeffrey your mess all right Jeffrey welcome to my house Junior he's really tall I mean I know he's a giraffe but damn so what do we do with him now what do you mean Junior this is your idea it's homeless so he's probably hungry uh Jeffrey are you hungry I think that's yes dude all right Jeffrey so go downstairs and go in the fridge and grab whatever you want my Hibachi looks so good wait what's all that noise is that a giraffe hey what are you doing in my refrigerator wait what a beer bag wait when you get back here right now get back here oh get back here you Longneck Master you thought you could get away no you can't oh you can't take my beer [Music] ah guys I think I just saw Jeffrey run into the bathroom with a bunch of beer maybe he had the poop dude but put the beer though maybe he's thirsty god let's go check on him Cody uh Jeffrey you in there we should just go in okay Jeffrey oh Jeffrey oh buddy Jeffrey are you okay Jeffrey I don't think he's okay uh Jeffrey oh okay oh oh Jeffrey careful buddy oh no Jeffrey Jeffrey okay let's just let him sober up yeah just just stay right there Jeffrey don't hurt yourself it's in time oh Cody I don't know what to do well Junior I told you it was a bad idea to bring a homeless giraffe into your house I just wanted to help him out I don't think we can help him we gotta give him something to live for but Toys R Us is closed that's all he had to live for junior why is there giraffe stealing beer out of my refrigerator oh that's Jeffrey the giraffe from Toys R Us I don't give a damn who he is look he's stealing that's what he's doing but he's just going through a lot right now yeah going through a lot of stuff in my refrigerator look I called the cops so haha oh no Chef baby called the cops hey there somebody called the cops about euthanizing a giraffe is stealing well we have a giraffe in the house but it's Jeffrey the giraffe from Toys R Us oh no not him again what you get calls about him a lot oh yeah all the time ever since Toys R Us closed that guy's been a mess he'll do anything for a buck I mean you name it street fights prostitution smack he had an only fans for a while but nobody wanted to buy hoof picks but no that guy's a mess well we only let him in the house because we wanted to help him out why would you do that he's a wild animal we were in the Christmas spirit well Christmas is over and so is his life because I'm gonna go break his neck break his neck why that's how you euthanize a giraffe they get big neck so you got to snap the neck well don't do that we want to give him another chance oh I'm sorry kid it's for the best I'm putting him out of his misery so where is he he's this way all right Officer he's right here oh oh Jeffrey what happened look at you he used to be a childhood hero now look at you you get piss drunk in a bathtub yeah that's why we're trying to help him officer uh okay kid I'll tell you what if you can help him get back on his feet by the end of the night and get a job then we won't have to put him down okay you mean it yeah oh okay Jeffrey we're gonna find a way to get you a job and bring Toys R Us back and just stay right here sober up buddy we're gonna help you guys guys the cop said that if we get Jeffy the giraffe sobered up and a job by the end of the night he won't break his neck but how is that gonna happen he's a drunk yeah dude there's no way he's gonna get a job the only thing that makes Jeffrey the giraffe happy is Toys R Us so let's bring Toys R Us back but Junior we tried that once before and it didn't work yeah well guys what do most people do when they're washed up and they have no money uh sell their bodies no they do boxing oh yeah but he already tried that and he got his ass kicked remember the six piece combo with the biscuit well what if people got paid 300 million dollars to eat that six piece combo with the biscuit but who's gonna pay him that much money well most people fight Floyd Mayweather and they make 300 million dollars in a night and we don't even need that much money we only need like a couple million to open up a Toys R Us on top of Macy's well I mean yeah I guess I would pay to see Jeffrey get his ass kicked by Floyd Mayweather yeah so let me go find a boxer that'll fight Jeffrey on pay-per-view he'll make a couple million and then he'll get Toys R Us back and then he'll be happy and they won't break his neck okay let me go find one uh Mr D money sir what's up you're looking to fight uh yeah we want to set up a fight ah 100 million every fight hunting me every night that's the number gonna be putting up well that's the number if you want to put up who's gonna fight uh Jeffrey the giraffe he used to be the mascot for Toys R Us he'd like to fight you I'm interested well why not because I only fight people who are well known and who give me lots of views on pay-per-view because I pay per view well um Jeffrey the draft is famous because he used to be the mascot Toys R Us people would love to see you beat him up nah not answer oh you know what how about I bet you all the money on this table that Jeffrey the giraffe could beat you up in my living room tonight oh that is a lots of money okay deal in your living rooms tonight okay yeah yeah if we win you pay us all this money and if if we lose we have to pay you all this money okay you got yourself in there I'll see you tonight okay okay guys the fight is set up it is yeah with a professional boxer and millions of dollars and everything wow that's great so he just gets knocked out and he gets paid maybe Toys R Us will come back well Jeffrey has to win but what yeah he only gets paid if he wins the fight Junior there's no way that drunk giraffe is gonna beat a professional boxing well he has to because if we lose we have to pay them millions of dollars but what let's listen guys Jeffrey's gonna win in the fights in my living room right now so we have to get him ready just come on we have to get the fight all right Jeffrey all you have to do is win this boxing match and Toys R Us will come back are you ready D money oh I'm ready just ring the bell ding ding oh Jeffrey Jefferson go get the money go get the money okay wow I can't believe Jeffrey actually won I guess him being gigantic paid off and look at all this money we can open up Toys R Us Again hey there I'm here to snap Jeffrey's neck oh look at Jeffrey he's got so much money now yeah cause he got a job oh wow I guess you kids prove me wrong I don't have to break his neck yeah come on Jeffrey let's go open up Toys R Us on top of Macy's yeah it's back Toys R Us is back I am so happy Toys R Us is back it's finally best I want all of the toys so I call up the boys and we jump for joy it's finally back Nerf guns Hot Wheels and Legos Jenga and dominoes I'll never let go it's like crack Toys R Us is back can't believe it Toys R Us is back back back back candles the sexy candles I need them all show me their balls take up their clothes Jeffrey Jeffrey the giraffe so glad that you're back we brought you a Big Mac we need him right I just I just want one toy but I can't afford it so I'm gonna steal it if the police Star Wars that's really cool monster trucks that's really cool Barbies Toys R Us is back can't believe it Toys R Us yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's best what it's back [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 5,546,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, junior, joseph, cody, geophry, giraffe, hilarious, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, store, toysrus, junior saves toysrus, song, music, macys, joke, fun, friends, friend, help, prank, costume, laugh, adventure, mall
Id: 491tubZN1Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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