SML Movie: Junior Goes To Legoland!

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hey junior ready for school yeah let me just finish my cookie crisp cookie crisp it's cookies for breakfast that's insane you can't have cookies for breakfast that's a dessert food this is absolute lunacy you can't do anything thanks junior i get really worked up over a cookie crisp guys guys guys i was digging in a dumpster looking for my breakfast and guess what i found trash no three tickets to legoland lego land oh i've always wanted to go to legoland i love legos dude we should totally go yeah we should go this weekend no we can't the tickets expire today well today we can't go today we have schools cody legoland is worth skipping school for i mean that would be cool but our parents are going to ground us cody why don't you just ask your mom if you can go well my mom's not going to let me skip school maybe if she knows for legoland she'll let you go i can't i guess it can't hurt to ask yeah go call your mom and i'll ask chef pee pee i don't have parents okay well i'mma call chef pee pee and you ask no one cause you don't have any parents okay dude well i'm gonna eat my burger huh he looks so delicious don't he that's a fortnight toy he's still good hey chef pee pee no junior you cannot steal school to go to dumb legoland how do you know what i was gonna ask i overheard you you and your friends are super loud now go to school right now and i better not hear that you skipped school or i'ma tell your daddy okay come on mom answer the phone hey cody why are you calling did you miss the bus or you just missing mommy bear well i am missing mommy bear but that's not why i'm calling i i just wanted to know if i could skip school and go to legoland today now cody you know your education comes first well i i know but the tickets expire today baby what is that boy asking you he wants to go to eggo land or something i guess it's full of waffles what hand me that phone woman now cody there's no way you're going to become the first black president by skipping school uh dad there's so many things wrong with what you just said but i i'll take that as a no i won't skip school hey guys chef pee pee said no julia you cannot skip school to go to them legoland wow junior that was a really good chef pee pee impression thanks i've been practicing what'd your parents say uh they said a lot of things but it was no oh this sucks yeah let's go to school oh we're not going to school we're going to lego land we are of course we are but junior her parents said no cody this is the only time in our life that we get to go to legoland for free but how well um oh i know i got an idea how we can go to school and legoland at the same time junior that's impossible no we can get penelope to pretend to be us at school but how is she gonna pretend to be all three of us i don't know she's smart she'll think of something but why would she even help us she hates you i'm gonna blackmail her with her deepest darkest secret to get her to do it what's her deepest darkest secret i don't know yet does anyone know her secrets no i don't know dude what about you cody ah she did tell me one secret well what is it i can't tell you i pinky promised with strawberry shortcake on top that's so gay cody what is it i can't tell you cody come okay you know what fine you don't want to tell us then you go to school and me and jose will go to legoland no come on that's not fair i want to go it tells her secret okay she she still pees to bed sometimes unless she has a glass of warm milk before bed [Applause] that's so embarrassing oh my god i'm gonna make fun of her no come on she told me that in confidence oh look i'm gonna call her and tell her that if she doesn't pose for us us at school and help us skip school then i'm gonna tell the whole world that she still pees the bit all right guys it's ringing junior why are you calling me i'm getting ready for school hey penelope hey pee the bed penelope hey pee the bed at night nelly unless you have a warm what was it a glass of water a glass of warm milk junior how do you know about that cody told me oh tell cody i hate him oh cody she hates you you made her cry oh man well anyway penelope uh me cody and joseph going to skip school today and go to lego land so we want you to help us get school by pretending to be us at school so make sure we don't get caught and if we get caught we're going to tell the whole world you pee the bed god i hate you junior so you're going to do it yes just shut up about it okay all right guys it worked yeah i lost a friend today cody you don't need her as a friend you have us now we're your best friends oh yeah you guys are the best let's go to legoland guys let's go my dream come true let's go in dude uh-oh guys chef pee pee's here looks like they made chef pee pee on a lego oh dude we should totally get a selfie with him cool oh i got it i got it it can't be chefy because the pizza's not burned [Music] almost done oh i cut his hair off maybe the teacher won't notice all right cross before we start today i'm gonna call raw so when i say your name you say here oh no what do we do cody uh here oh cody did you get a haircut you look bald uh yeah i let my mom cut my hair and she cut all my hair off what you like your mom cut your hair dude what are you fine shut up joseph you're bald too at least i'm not dating a doll dude he's not a doll joseph cry settle down no arguing jeffy are you here here and not as you piece of paper shut up jeffy okay joseph are you here uh yeah dude i'm here okay junior are you here yeah i'm here and cody's mom is a fat pig stop talking about my mom junior well she is she's fatty fat fat fat crap what did i say about arguing stop it penelope are you here yeah i'm here well you had a breath penelope were you too busy looking at me and i took your breath away shut up junior no i think that's everyone i can't see it anyway all right so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna go around the craft and everyone's gonna say that abc's backwards we'll start with you junior [Applause] z y x w v u t s r cube hey look guys it's a camel made out of legos hello my name is camille habib and i hope you enjoy legoland today did that thing just talk let's get out of here oh no cody your mom's here she is i don't want to get caught where is she she's right there a big fat elephant g f e d c b a uh very good penelope now what i want you guys to do is take out a pencil and a piece of paper because we're going to write a 100 word essay and they all have to be different oh my god kill me hey nerd let me borrow a pencil my parents can't afford school supplies hey nerd i'm talking to you okay if you're going to ignore me i'm going to take your doll i got your doll i'm going to throw them why isn't it bothering you i only bully people to get reactions because i don't get attention from my parents at home all right that's it i'm gonna i'm gonna beat you up oh oh god oh god oh god i ripped his head off oh god what did i do i killed him paris paris this kid just ripped the other kid's head god all right all right i'm here what happened i didn't mean to do what i swear i didn't know my own strength i'm so sorry all right talk to the judge come on bucky guys let's go in this ride oh yeah dude it looks sick uh i don't want to go on it it looks kind of scary what dude you're afraid junior don't be such a wuss well what if it like falls off the tracks it's not gonna fall off the tracks this is lego land they have the best safety yeah come on cody let's ride it yeah well i'm gonna stay right here and just watch come on joseph let's go ride the great lego race coaster since juniors of woods yeah let's do it dude i can't believe junior didn't want to ride this ride yeah dude he's so lame hey look it's joseph and cody oh that's what that noise was yeah that happens all the time this is legoland wait aren't you supposed to be in school hey get back here well your friends broke everybody in their bodies especially joseph i'm pretty sure he's in a coma oh man and that's a waste of cookie chris you're not gonna tell my parents are you that you're wasted cookie crisp i don't think they'd care no no that we skipped school oh no no you kids have suffered enough and besides there's no way they can hide these injuries from their parents they're gonna have to tell them well can we sue legoland for a million bajillion dollars well first of all it's legoland i'm pretty sure they don't have a million bajillion dollars and also no because you signed a waiver when you came into the park that said they're not responsible for any injuries this sucks yeah well i gotta go do an autopsy on the kid that got his head ripped off so cody how you feeling i feel like i broke every bone in my body huh hey guys why you had a breath penelope were you too busy looking at me and i took your breath away shut up junior no how did school go it was a disaster we got caught everybody put ellie piece of bed no what the teacher fell for it what then how was the disaster bully ripped cody's head off what what happened to you guys oh the roller coaster came off the tracks and they broke every bone in their body well at least it was worth it no it wasn't i regret all of it guys at least we didn't get caught you guys posted that you were in legoland what was the point of me covering for you at school no no we didn't post code did you post no why would i do that joseph said right here ha ha ha skip school to go to legoland hashtag parents will never know shoes if you post on facebook we're going to love the land it's all your fault jonathan but own it joseph be a man stop giving me the silent treatment junior he's in a coma i don't want to hear that excuse you know what go on your phone right now delete the post delete it what's his passcode i'll just use face id look at it look at it junior his face is in a cast [Applause] junior that's not gonna get rid of the picture well it got rid of him and that's all i think that made me mad so now i feel better junior can you get me a bottle of water oh wow now you want something go get it yourself junior i broke every bone in my body is that even an excuse i wish you would have broke your mouth then you wouldn't have been talking and making annoying noises officer simmons have you called to inform the parents that their boy's head get ripped off yet no no yes sir i'm not really good at giving bad news it's part of the job simmons all right sir i'll do it right now hello hi this is officer simmons i was calling to inform you that your son's head got ripped off by another student today at school is he okay no he's dead oh my wait wait what's going on cody's head got ripped off he's dead wait who you know the little one with the glasses oh oh oh okay baby yeah yeah yeah corey cory well one lesson off the feed thanks for letting us know officer yeah no problem i can see that you're taking it hard so if you need someone to talk to call someone else thanks officer how are you feeling cody honestly i've been better sorry about telling them about your p secret yeah i'm still mad about that that's fair ow junior i got him a stupid ball of water could you open it for me god princess what else you want me to do for you could you pour it in my mouth okay now i know what i'm being taken advantage of i'm not doing that junior he broke every bone in his body me me that's all i hear when you talk god what who's at the door oh no junior what if it's my parents well why don't you go answer it i'm in a body cast i wish you in a body bags not to hear your mouth hello hey cody's friend we came to invite you to cody's funeral yeah we have a dakota death badge this is gonna be hard liquor tickle bitters it's scent like sin city we're gonna party like it's 1995 [ __ ] yeah that's the year toy story came out baby damn right well cody's not dead oh no i know you're just grieving but cody is dead he got his head ripped off see i told him to do the neck exercises but he don't listen well no he's upstairs that's right he is upstairs with the man upstairs yeah man upstairs talking about god or he in hell if he ain't been praying well no no he isn't live he's still alive he's upstairs in my room wait alive like living damn it tyrone we're gonna lose the deposit on the dj and the strippers no no no baby the strippers are coming either way look look let's just go ahead and make sure our son's still alive okay don't cancel the dj yet who's at the door junior your parents what damn it there you are still breathing damn it cody we thought your head got ripped off and stuff uh no i just broke every bone in my body because we went to leg oh no no we're having a school play called the paraplegic mummy and he got the lead role as the mummy uh yeah that's it i i'm a paraplegic mummy ah run for the bear belligic mommy that's scary i'm gonna get you as long as there's ramps oh my little boy is the star of the school play oh he's like a little leonardo dicaprio uh-huh wait what is his paper cody's death bash what the hell guys it was supposed to be the biggest party of the year and then you want to be all alive and [ __ ] you were going to celebrate my death well it would have been a celebration but you're still alive so go get your little alive ass back home and pull weeds to pay for the dj well at least we didn't get caught ha ha penelope you still be the bed [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 20,749,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, legoland, lego, legos, junior goes to legoland, junior, joseph, cody, friend, friends, entertainment, jackie chu, puppet, puppets, show, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, chef, rollercoaster, crash, brooklyn guy, simmons, florida, amusement park, penelope, hilarious
Id: EhfzmKddq1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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