SML Movie: Junior's Creation!

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so guys what do you want to do today i don't know i'm bored dude yeah i think i get a bit of a sweet tooth today you guys want to get some sweets let's get some sweets you're so gay cody hey you can't say that why your month is over with we're into july you can't get two months yeah now you're being greedy dude wait a minute why is black history month the shortest month i don't know haven't we been through enough huh yeah you only get 28 days and sometimes you get 29 days and the super bowl's in february so half the month people are thinking about football yeah nobody's thinking about us during that month wait wait a minute does it doesn't june have juneteenth the day slavery ended so black history month should be in june and gay pride month should be in february i agree okay i don't know where you're yelling at me i didn't pick the month so it's settled then black history month is now in june and gay pride month is in february yup sounds fair to me so you guys want to get some sweets or not oh yeah let's get some ice cream on me whoa dude that's a lot of dough yeah junior that's a lot of quiche you're paid paid freaking junior bezos over here nah junior musk yeah you're the king of pedopolis i get it guys i have a lot of cash where'd you get all this money from yeah you know your dad doesn't give you this type of allowance well i've been having like a side hustle where i sell something so what i can't tell you well you better tell me what you're selling because if you're selling on my turf you better break me off or i'ma bust a cap of your ass no no joseph it's nothing that you're selling it's something else okay yeah i'm selling something that it kind of involves cody but me what does it have to do with me well i don't want to tell you i don't want to steal my idea well but if it's about me i should know i don't want to tell you what you have to tell me wait are you selling my nudes no what you better tell me what it is i'm not gonna tell you god damn it tell me okay look i'd rather show you let me go grab it grab it all right cody promise me you won't get mad well that depends on what it is oh you're gonna love it trust me introducing the cody dork plush what the hell is that no don't get upset let me explain you know how me and joseph bully you every day yeah and you get upset yeah and it hurts your feelings yeah and you cry yes but it makes us feel better about ourselves okay listen millions of kids around the world get bullied every day and they get upset and the bully gets in trouble and it causes a whole bunch of problems right so instead of bullies bullying little kids that are innocent bullies can just buy the cody dirk flush and they can bully it and take their anger out on it and no one's feelings will get hurt dude that's a genius idea how did you come up with this i don't know just laying down thinking about it i was like this is a genius idea oh dude i gotta try this out yeah try it out i'll call them names and hit them okay stupid nerd why do you wear glasses loser huh is it because you don't have any frizz dork no i see i love it see now cody see see how your feelings didn't get hurt and joseph feels better about himself a lot better dude junior i'm not okay with any of this why aren't you okay with it you're not okay with stopping bullying what no i don't like that it looks like me it looks nothing like you cody what are you talking about he's even wearing the same clothes as me no his shorts are darker well his name is literally the cody dork plush it's cody with a k i don't care junior that's clearly based on me no you don't have the island boys haircut okay you know what junior i could sue you for using my image without my permission would sue me no i just i just made 5 000 of them you can't sue me right now 5 000 how are you making 5 000 of these i got a friend in china with a factory who do you know that lives in china hey junior your order for five thousand cody dope pluses just [ __ ] thank you sensei junior who is buying all of these i have a lot of people i'm making a lot of money from this cody what junior you didn't even offer to give me any of the money you never asked for any of it can i have some of the money no okay then i'm suing you i was gonna buy you ice cream i thought that was gonna be enough ice cream is not gonna make up for this oh and now i'm not gonna buy you ice cream because you're threatening to sue me i am going to sue you because you're using this and you're making money without my permission listen i came up with this all on my own i didn't steal your image i i thought of it all by myself you never would have thought of this if you hadn't met me first okay wow you're going to take all the credit for something i work so hard for and made it's literally my face no it's joseph who does that look like i don't know dude say look he doesn't even know what are you guys talking about that's obviously based on me look then why don't you think of it yourself then how what if you could think of the cody dork plush yourself why didn't you make one why would i want to make a doll of me that people bully see that scene you didn't even think of it you're asking why when i did it and it's making money and now you're jelly well junior i'm just mad that it's based on me and you didn't even offer to pay me listen i'm not paying you because you didn't think of it maybe think of your own ideas well look watch the commercial i made and maybe i'll change your mind what a commercial i'm such a happy door hey nerd give me your lunch money okay fine but i have to go home and grab it first hurry up and get it before i beat you up okay gosh i hate being bullied hey you who me yeah do you hate being bullied well yeah i just said that plus he broke my glasses we'll try out the new cody dork plush what's this it's a plush that he can bully instead of you what really try it out hey bully come here hey nerd you have my lunch money yet i have something better instead of bullying me why don't you try beating this up huh let me try it hey that felt just as good i don't have to beat you up anymore i'll just beat up this doll and my feelings are hurt yay i would recommend this product introducing the cody dork plush only 19.99 listen to these reviews from our happy customers hi there my name's judy is that my mom my little cody's not always home so when he's not i can just yell at this instead why didn't you clean your room you little dork so if you want your very own cody dork plush and you don't want to be bullied anymore order now so cody what do you think i think i'm suing you that's better than last time see before he was gonna sue me now he's just thinking about it no i am definitely suing you you just thought you were thinking about it come on dude make up your mind are you on the fish or not i am 100 suing you for what junior you stole my lightning i didn't steal anything i thought of this with my own imagination cody your mind can't fathom the things i create in my head junior we both know that's [ __ ] i didn't steal anything cody i already mass produced it i've already been selling them stop trying to take this from me i don't care junior i'll see you in court well well i'll see you in court okay fine i thought you were gonna be like no please don't why would i say that like you know when looney tunes they say the other thing and you say you're not gonna bugs bunny me out of suing you i'll see you in court darn it i guess i have to get a lawyer with my forty dollars order order order order today we will be hearing the gaze of goldie nut kiss versus junior cody is suing junior for stealing his likeness and profiting off of it mr natkis proceed with your accusation well your honor my play is clearly being taken advantage of everything about the cody dork doll has been stolen from my client's likeness it has the big goofy glasses just like my client it has pimples all over its disgusting face just like my client it even has big yellow teeth just like my client okay i think they get it okay and what we're doing is we're suing for all the profits made off the cody dork doll and we want the production to be ceased immediately ah yes i do see some similarities between the cody dork doll and your client junior how do you defend against these accusations your honor this whole trial is just silly and a waste of taxpayer money the cody dork doll looks nothing like his client so what if it has glasses my grandma has glasses so what if it has pimples all over its face my grandma has pimples all over her ass and so what if he has yellow teeth my grandma has yellow teeth for all i know this could be my grandma frankly irana i think his clyde is just full of himself because he thinks this doll is him i mean who hasn't heard a song on the radio and thought this song is about me it describes what i'm going through perfectly but i can't sue the artist just because they wrote a song that describes my life yeah you can't sue somebody just for coming up with an idea before you did he didn't come up with the idea before me he just stole what i looked like and turn it into a doll it's name is the cody dork doll for god's sake cody with a k ah yes your honor let the record show that's a cody with a k not a c goody we think a not a c got it junior if as you claim this doll was not based on your friend cody how did you come up with the idea uh um go ahead tell them tell them how you came up with the idea uh can i talk to you for a second oh okay one second your honor what's up um so like i only thought of it because of cody what are you serious if you told me that i wouldn't have taken this case no no no i just made it so i could bully cody more i didn't think you would get this bad and sue me oh my god we're gonna lose this case no no no no let's just lie i can't lie well why not because every time i lie i yell the word cheese what it's just like a nervous tic i have but only in the courtroom which don't lie okay i'll try to say it in a way where i don't lie your honor uh my client uh he he uh he came up with the idea uh yeah in a dream he had cheese like a dream about cheese cheese cheesecake can you believe that miss duncan if you yell the name of another dairy product in my court i will hold you in contempt do you understand me yes judge i understand okay kid you're gonna have to talk from now on i can't lie anymore well i'll just lie no that's not gonna work because if i know somebody else is lying i still yell cheese wait what i'm sorry i don't know what's wrong with me oh okay uh so your honor uh the way i came up with the cody dork plush is uh i had a friend named cody but it's not that cody mr guy i'm sorry your honor but he's lying he told me he came up with that doll from his friend cody over there i didn't know when he hired me i promise please don't yell at me well then that was pretty damning evidence i have no choice but to rule in favor of cody not kiss junior you must cease all production of the cody dork doll and give over all profits you have made to cody and that is an order yes yes yes yes damn i'm good i haven't lost the case yet yeah i'll just be taking this and destroying it oh and i guess this 40 is mine too wait dude what is he doing with ice cream money he won the lawsuit what's wrong junior i'm open cause i got the best of you look you got your dumb money now leave me alone what are you talking about look i was just a little boy with a dream i had a bright imagination i had a dream of making my own little cody dork plush and you just took and destroyed it junior you were literally trying to profit off of my likeness without my permission i'm not going to feel sorry for you i was just trying to have fun i was trying to be creative and make a little bit of spare change instead you just crushed my dreams because you're greedy and you just think about money junior i get that you're trying to make me feel bad but i do not feel bad for you what's his problem dude he's mad that you took his month wow what what did you really think this was about the month all along yeah you want june and you don't want february i don't care about the month it doesn't feel right huh only 28 days huh no it was it was the doll not not the month i don't care about the money they give up the month i don't i'm not in charge of that i can't do that okay it's february just say it's february it's february fine okay see what do i do now joseph cody has all this stupid money and he ruins my fun so i can't make another cody dork plush why don't you just make something new oh i got an idea i can make this introducing the joseph plush i told you this is my turf get off my toe you'll break me some bread loser [Music] you
Channel: SML
Views: 10,139,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, junior, juniors creation, creation, doll, cody doll, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, joke, hilarious, judge, court, mr goodman, goodman, lawyer, brooklyn guy, guy, joseph
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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