SML Movie: The Cheerleading Competition!

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oh my class today is gonna be a wrong boring day we're gonna be learning about numerical analysis so we're going to spend all day breaking down this really long equation until you guys understand it so step one is right here um teacher can me and Heidi leave class to go to cheer practice we have a competition coming up yes we're gonna stay here and do this boring come on Heidi hey they're gonna leave class and go do cheerleading cheerleading is not even a sport all they do is just shake pom-poms hey guys you want to lie and say we have to go to cheer practice too yeah dude let's do it what no guys I want to stay here and learn about numerical analysis I put the anal in analysis come on Cody you have to go with us a teacher can meet Joseph and Cody go to cheer practice two are you three really a part of this year team yeah we're part of the cheer team guys Follow My Lead give me an F give me an a a give me a t t what's Cody's mom [Applause] you get it Cody she's fat yeah oh that's pretty good you must be part of the cheer team you can go guys it worked okay let's go to cheer practice no dude I'm gonna home I'm not cheering like no damn girl come on Cody let's go make fun of the girls at cheer practice okay Heidi let's practice our cheer routine oh no they're having seizures Cody called the nurse what are you doing here junior go back to class we want to see what cheer practice look like mind your own business go away but me and Cody want to join the cheer team you can Junior your boys ooh Cody somebody doesn't know what year it is it's 2022 Penelope boys can join girls Sports just go away Junior I want to join the team so you can stand on my shoulders and I can look up no Junior it's Duos it's two girls one cup remember that Cody where they poop in the cup yeah I've seen it is it real I don't think so well anyway speaking of two girls how about a little girl on girl action right Cody I'm gay ew Junior go away well come on Penelope okay how about me and Cody we start our own cheer team and we go against your team I'd like to see you try come on show me one cheer all right Cody like we did in the classroom give me an F no why not I'm not gonna fall for that again Junior wow you guys are really good I'm scared now well we have to work on our team chemistry look we're gonna go home and practice and then we're gonna cheer circles on you okay all right Cody are you ready for this cheer competition Junior I really like these outfits you got us and as long as you don't wear underwear and stand on my shoulders I'm down for whatever I think we're gonna win right Cody uh no I think we're absolutely gonna get destroyed but hey I'm along for the ride Cody it can't be that hard to cheer all they did was this well yeah I guess that is basically what they were doing yeah so we're Naturals at it we're gonna win we don't even have to practice well I think we should still practice no no we shouldn't practice we should spend all our time and energy trying to get them disqualified because if we have no competition we're gonna win well I guess that's true but how would we get them disqualified by this steroids where the hell did you get steroids there's some creepy clown that gave it to me but look if we give these steroids to the girls then they'll get disqualified because we'll tell the cheerleading committee that we think they're on roids and they'll get tested and then they will be banned and then we will win but Junior how are we even gonna give them the steroids you leave that up to me ladies Junior what are you wearing oh these are just our cheer outfits jealous much yeah Cody your hair does look pretty cool oh thank you Junior why are you holding a needle oh well the flu's going around so I just want to make sure you girls got your flu shot yeah I did well what what strand was it was it flu a um I think so well this was flu B and flu B is going on really bad so you should get this shot no thank you oh then you need this ow Junior what the heck are you look I just protected her from the flu by giving her the flu so take that that's not how it works come on come on let's get out of here all right well I got your anonymous tip about that girl using steroids so I tested her and she disqualified no we didn't find any steroids in a system but she did test positive for HIV very sad Junior where the hell did you get that needle Billy you told me that was a steroids needle well great Junior now we ruined a girl's life because of an elementary school cheer competition we gotta think of another way to get them disqualified Junior I think we should just give up on getting them disqualified well do you think that girl now that she has HIV do you think she's gonna feel good enough to cheer oh yeah probably well we have to find a way to make the girl so sick that they back out of the cheering competition well how are we gonna do that Junior by pudding laxatives in their drink and then they start pooping everywhere and they're like I can't cheer in front of everyone if I'm gonna poop everywhere Junior I don't think they're gonna trust any drink we give them after we gave that girl HIV listen I'll get them to drink the drink here go get me a glass I can pour Miralax in it hey ladies not now Junior Heidi randomly got blood tested and found out some really sad news Jesus uh well you know what would make you girls feel better some ginger ale no Junior oh come on it's ginger ale oh yeah no height oh that's right drink up that ginger ale how's it making you feel bad for them see Cody I told you told him what uh just that you guys would want some ginger ale yeah me and Cody had a bet going on I bet him ten dollars that love ginger ale what did you do the ginger ale Jr I put laxatives in it so when you girls drink it up you'd be pooping all night and you wouldn't be able to dance in the competition tonight the competition competitioner oh great Junior not only do we give her HIV now she's gonna be in the toilet all night what uh uh let's go uh Jenny I think I'm dropping out of our cheer team why because we've done so much harm to this innocent girl and I feel really bad don't feel bad Cody let's win for her we're winning her honor wait shouldn't we let her win no she's on a cheer team for a reason she loves competition if we just drop out and let her win she'll feel bad well I think she's gonna feel bad now that she has HIV and diarrhea come on Cody listen if I promise no more gorilla Warfare will you stay on the team yeah and I guess that's what I'd call that okay I promise no more physical harm to the other team wait what kind of harm are we gonna do we're gonna do other kinds of harm because I got other ways to get them disqualified Junior come on no listen it's not gonna harm them physically no more pain okay so this is what we're gonna do there's gonna be judges at this competition right yeah and judges will not vote for racists yeah so if we can get on video Penelope and her friend to say the n-word then the judges will not vote for some racist and then we will have the advantage Junior why would they ever say that just leave that up to me no no because every time you say that something terrible happens I'm gonna get them to say it just follow my lead okay Cody are you recording yeah hey ladies go away Junior I'm just here to apologize for you Heidi I'm sorry for giving you HIV and diarrhea it's okay okay I guess we're gonna cut that out of the video it's not okay okay Junior listen Penelope I have one question for you if you answer this one question me and Cody will drop out of the cheer competition and you'll never hear from us ever again ever again I swear fine ass ask your question okay so Jay-Z has this song called blanks in Paris name of this song I'm not saying the name of the song but it's called it's blanks in pairs is it friends in Paris buddies in Paris what's that word Penelope I'm not saying the first word of that song Junior did I mean I just want you to say it one time and then I'll leave you alone forever if you say it first then I'll say it wait if I say it first you'll say it yes Junior you say it first and then I'll say it oh that's easy Nick Junior I can't believe you actually said it I thought if I said it she would say it you thought she was actually gonna say it we made a deal no she pulled a fast one on me no she didn't pull a fast one you're just an idiot you deleted that video of me saying it right yeah sure because I don't want to get canceled right of course then I have to make an apology video so look we have to find a way to get them disqualified Junior if we spent this time actually practicing we might actually have a chance for beating them for Rio we have no time to practice now Cody our only hope is to get them disqualified so let me think okay what's your next idea oh I got an idea if we get Penelope grounded then her dad won't let her cheer in the competition because she'll be grounded okay how are we gonna get her grounded you leave that up to me no no I don't like it when you say that her dad's a doctor right yeah I'm gonna call him up hey there somebody call a doctor hey Dad oh hey Penelope what are you doing here I thought you were a cheerleading practice no I decided not to be a cheerleader I want to be a certified thought instead come here Daddy I like this junior well I mean you are getting older so I guess it's about time this sort of thing happened what no I'm dating boys aren't you mad no I mean you're just gonna be that age well you know what I'm gonna go vandalize cars outside oh well just don't get mine it's not insured well you know what I think I'm just gonna be homeless my whole life and do smack wow well I mean I gotta say I'm I'm pretty disappointed I mean as your parent I wanted better for you I mean I'm a doctor you're a shitty doctor ass dumbass doctor okay that that actually hurt really bad I I try really hard I just you know I try to be the best doctor you're not even a good doctor you're not even a good father you're horrible at it you're bad I hate you you know what you know what I think I deserve that yeah yeah I haven't been a very good father to you Penelope and I'm sorry you know what I'm coming to your cheerleading competition tomorrow night to support you I need to be a better father you're right wow Junior I think you actually improved her relationship with her dad I wanted her to get crowded sucks yeah well the opposite of that happened okay you know what we have to go to the extremists of the most extremes you know what we're gonna go break their kneecaps what yeah we're gonna grab a bag and we're gonna Tanya Harding there we're gonna break their kneecap so they can't dance so Jenny you said no physical violence oh screw that I'm going to the most physical violence I could possibly go come on hello and welcome to the elementary school cheerleading competition we have two teams competing today so let's introduce them first up we have the Powder Puff cheerleading squad and oh no here comes the boys we have the Rowdy Rough cheerleading gang foreign the Rowdyruff Boys oh no dude you were going first I wanted them to go first so we can break their kneecaps Junior we didn't practice look we just have to go out there and do the best we can come on okay Cody you ready no just improv it one two three [Music] give me a oh oh give me a b b give me an e e give me an s s give me an e e obese your mom okay so I'm the judge and I rate that a c you hear that Cody we got a C so when the girls go on the stage we break their kneecaps we win but Junior I think we should just be happy with our C we might possibly win no I'm breaking their kneecaps all right next up is the Powder Puff Girls all right Heidi they got a seat that's really easy to beat I know we got this okay come on all right Heidi like we practiced one two three [Music] foreign the Rowdy Rough Boys are disqualified for trying to break the Powderpuff Girls kneecaps the Powerpuff Girls win we won I didn't know yay well you guys won fair and square get out of here junior damn who pissed in her panties Junior you ruined everything we still could have won we had a flip in ours and they didn't hey Heidi yeah well it turns out I got your blood test wrong you don't actually have HIV yeah hey in Penelope congratulations on winning the championship I'm so proud of you thank you Dad I didn't know you showed up oh yeah of course I did after what you said to me earlier I decided I really need to be a better father you know what let's all go to Chuck E cheese okay okay come on Heidi you too it's wheelchair accessible okay well Junior looks like you actually did do some good you you helped Penelope with her father well I just wanted to win you saw how bad I wanted to win I was willing to kill to win I was willing to destroy everyone to win they left the trophy behind Cody they left the trophy that means we won Whoever has the trophy won right no Junior stealing the trophy doesn't mean you won we won celebrate [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,696,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, the cheerleading competition, penelope, puppet, puppets, show, hilarious, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, junior, joseph, cody, friends, cheerleading, cheerleader, jackie chu, logan, lance, brooklyn guy, adventure, joke
Id: 4Ef_f5omcdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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