SML Movie: Junior The Snack Dealer!

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all right crafts today we're going to be learning about surprise and demand supply and demand is a very crucial part of business let me give you an example today i was on my way to crafts and i stopped by the egg roll store to get some egg rolls i ordered 10 egg rolls and they only had one egg roll so their supply did not meet the demand so i go outside and i start writing we want egg rolls we want egg rolls stay with me class we want egg rolls we want egg rolls we wha what egg rolls oh man those egg rolls are making me hungry good thing i brought doritos hey junior can i have those chips i forgot my lunch and i'm really hungry can you have these chips if you want them you gotta work for them baby girl give me them lips for these chips ew no junior let me suck on them toes with these doritos junior gross get on your knees for this nacho cheese oh my god how about i give you five dollars for the chips five dollars for these chips yeah they're not made of gold but sure go get them oh you're such a jerk oh my god i made five dollars off of chips and i still have a candy bar i can eat oh man i can't wait to eat my chocolate bar did you say chocolate bar yeah dude you know i love chocolate ooh i'll give you a doll for it a dollar yeah okay go get it i just made six dollars off of snacks and i still have skittles i can eat oh man i can't wait to taste the rainbow ooh those skittles yeah well if anybody's gonna taste the rainbow it's me and ken we're nothing but rainbow i'll give you a dollar for them a dollar yeah okay uh can you hand them to me instead of just like throwing them on the floor like you did last time go get it okay i just made seven dollars in an hour that's more than minimum wage i'm gonna become the snack dealer oh he said it he said the title oh man i can't wait to grab more snacks to make more money at school chef peepee what is this a box of blueberry muffins wrong it's an empty box of blueberry muffins okay i need to go buy more because we need more snacks i don't have any money julia just go and ask your dad hey uh dad oh what do you want junior i'm trying to watch tv well we ran out of snacks in the pantry and i was wondering if you go to the store and buy more snacks no i'm not buying any more snacks look i don't have any money but you don't have any money well then how do you pay the light bills and stuff i know you have money can you just go buy more snacks i'm not buying any more snacks junior and you better not touch my snacks either your snacks yeah my snacks they're in my snack drawer i have a secret snack drawer open that drawer over there okay yeah yeah that's my secret snack droid you better not touch any of my candy oh i gotta go to the bathroom all right guys i got some more snacks junior where are you getting all these snacks from where's your face getting all those pimples from okay look it's from my dad's snack stash do you want anything well does he know you're selling him does your mom know she's overweight okay look what do you want well those sour skittles look pretty good i'll give you a dollar for them a pleasure doing business with you cody why go get them joseph do you want anything oh dude is that a pop tart it sure is what flavor is it uh whatever one you'll buy strawberry it's definitely strawberry oh you know i love strawberry dude all right pleasure doing video go get it hey penelope you see anything you want on this desk no junior i brought my lunch today wait you brought your lunch what'd you bring carrot sticks and hummus that sounds gross you sound like you need some blueberry muffins or some starburst i'm trying to be healthy junior oh when you're 40 years old you're gonna be fat ugly and divorced anyway what's the matter hmm you're right what is that a dollar yeah you gave me five dollars yesterday they paid a dollar well those are the homies that's homie pricing bros before hoes and you're definitely the second word before here what okay yeah throwing a starburst oh you're killing me mommy look [Applause] go get them junior you're going to lose customers if you keep throwing everyone's food on the floor i already made seven dollars exactly what i made yesterday oh i can make more hey jeffy you want any snacks snacks i like snacks what you got i have cheetos and zebra cakes oh i'll do the cheetos give me a dollar all right there you go pleasure doing busy with you jeffy go get them we're gonna do that hey junior i'll take those zebra cakes for a dollar all right give me the dollar yeah all right pleasure doing business with you i dropped them go go go get them five six seven eight nine i made nine dollars today business is good all right guys i'll be back tomorrow more snacks this was not strawberry dude no returns all right guys i went to the store and using the money i made from the last few days i bought a bunch of snacks so i got the supply now where's the demand junior are those nerds uh yeah they are cody there's a candy named after you okay junior i'm insulted but here's a dollar i want them okay now could you please just hand them to me does anybody else want anything all right crafts i am pissed why am i so pissed off because yesterday after crash i was walking around the room and i find this and i know what you're thinking what is this it's trash from someone eating in cracks and now there's antsy [ __ ] running around the crossroad so now i have a new rule no eating and crafts and if i catch you eating in crafts you're gonna be suspended no questions what looks like you're out of business junior oh dude i really wanted a candy bar i really wanted cool ranch doritos guys guys i'm not out of business we just we have to we have to be really sneaky right so so if you eat your food just eat it at your desk and throw your trash away okay so what do you want oh i want a snickers dude okay you wanna cool right doritos yeah i wanna die i put my money in the grave i really gotta put a couple snickers in your place all right guys um don't get caught with your snacks and uh you know i'll see you tomorrow all right guys i got more snacks what do you want you're not even trying to hide it are you junior well look the teacher's not in the classroom yet so i'm trying to sell it before class what do you want oh i want a cosmic brownie okay is that a reese's i smell uh yeah i have reese's oh i'll take a honey bun between your buns junior all right i'll get for everyone all right did everybody get what they wanted yeah dude i wanted this between your butt cheeks in case that wasn't clear class i am so pissed off i'm more pissed off today than i ever been pissed off in my life yesterday after saying no eating in class i find this which means someone named cracks so i have no choice but to hire a snack paris get in here hey there i'm the snack police i mean i'm actually a real cop but i'm just here to crack down on snack i don't want to see anybody eating snacks in class snack is whack yeah and if we find you eating snack and crafts we are going to charge you with possession of snacks and maybe even intention to distribute if i have probable cause yes so don't let us find you having any snacks in your possession you give me all your snacks do so do you have any possible suspects hmm i have some idea excuse me sir well i couldn't help but notice all the snacks on your desk they're not mine oh yeah that's what they all say no my friend gave him to me oh yeah who's your friend i ain't no snitch all right well i'm gonna have to arrest you for possession of snacks especially because the board says no eating in class but i'm not eating them in class i haven't even opened anything hmm you got me he got me yeah you know what change the board to say no snacks in class all right now i'm going to arrest you for possession of snacks well that's not fair because the board says no eating and i'm not eating the teacher hasn't even said no snacks in class and i already brought them into class um you're good you should be a lawyer but i'm still gonna arrest you for intention to distribute because there's no way you're gonna eat all these by yourself all right that's okay i ain't scared of nothing i ain't scared to drop your show whoa junior jeffy just got arrested but he's a real one he didn't snitch dealing on the streets are hard dude what are you gonna do you lost all your product i'll get more we have to be more sneaky just don't get caught i'll see you guys tomorrow all right guys i got a new plan i'm gonna sell the snacks on my backpack so i don't get caught what do you want cody no it's okay junior i already bought a snack you already bought a snack from who from the new dealer new dealer he's so hot you bought a snack home too yeah oh man i wish i was at three musketeers but who's the new dealer what's up little t what are you doing here oh man i'm selling snacks at school and i'm making a kitten what uh what you think you're doing i'm doing my thing what you think you doing i'm selling my snacks trying to make a living so you better get stepping because it's my blog nah nah nah this is my block i've been moving a lot of product over here so it's mine see i've been selling i've been selling snacks on this blog for days now you just can't come up here and ruin our homies business oh okay okay what snacks you sold today i haven't sold any today because chef pee pee woke up late he had to brush his teeth we got stuck in traffic so you got here early okay early bird gets the word unless the bird gets shot what you trying to say what you're trying to say trying to say my snacks are better oh no no no no what you trying to go to warhawk oh yeah we can go to war if you're feeling froggy then leak rip it rip it all right cracks so we changed the board to say no snacks in class because apparently there was some confusion yesterday yeah we made an arrest yesterday too and we're pretty sure it was the snack kingpin so hopefully there's not gonna be any more snack dealing going on but don't try anything cause i got eyes like a bat you better not snitch oh i don't snitch i just murk fools oh good luck with that food oh okay yeah we'll see how about that ah i'm gonna kill him junior it's just snacks no i'm gonna kill him i'ma shoot him no junior don't shoot him don't throw your life away over snacks you don't understand cody this is my life now i'm married to the streets man i got so much money i'm about to abraham lincoln this fool why did you shoot him what's wrong with you i'm crazy you guys might not snitch on me oh you'll be next oh my god oh my god okay stay with me you're gonna be okay i got shot man who shot you it was yeah it was yeah ain't no snitch no snitches get stitches i'm gonna find out who shot you and i'm gonna avenge you i promise all right that's it who did it huh huh all right i'm gonna search every desk and every backpack until i find the weapon oh no hey you kid let me search your backpack uh why because i want to know what's in it it's just a bunch of school stuff all right then show me okay let me just reach into my backpack you don't want to do this kid i have nothing to live for what negativity why i got an ugly wife i get 60 jobs i don't care if i die go ahead and shoot me pull the trigger i'm not scared come on watch look do it pull the head off [ __ ] right now i don't care look i'll do it for you i can't do it yeah i know because you don't have the guts and to be honest neither did i i was scared beyond belief there i can't actually believe i did that i'm a badass oh look i didn't mean for it to get this far i was just trying to sell some candy i know i know kid it's okay we're gonna get you some help come on hey junior what kind of punishment did they give you yeah dude they suspended me for three days oh junior they really threw the book at you yeah it's gonna be my permanent record for life oh colleges ain't gonna like that yeah my dad's really mad where you guys can get your snacks at now i'm trying to quit this stuff yeah me too dude my stomach hurts hey joseph i'm gonna fart cody's face oh dude dude it's gonna be so gross hey cody yeah that's good that's a good tooth [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 26,034,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, junior, junior the snack dealer, snacks, candy, hilarious, joke, friends, friend, puppet, puppets, show, brooklyn guy, logan, lance, lovell, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, money, cash, rich, toad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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