SML Movie: Junior's New Year's Resolution!

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guys it's January 1st 2023. man I can't believe we're already in a new year so guys what's your New Year's resolutions what you know New Year's resolutions like the thing you want to change about yourself in the new year I don't need to change anything about myself I'm perfect yeah me too dude well my New Year's resolution is that I want to learn a new skill like I want to learn how to cook or speak another language Cody you already have a skill and that's growing pimples on your face you're a pimple farmer okay Junior maybe your New Year's resolution is that you stop bullying me oh I don't think I could do that dude it's going to be difficult come on Junior at least try okay fine my New Year's resolution is I won't bully you Cody for a whole year okay good oh hold on my phone's ringing with what Jenny you have a problem with my ringtone no that's a completely normal ringtone Who the hell's not dude okay I'm gonna answer it hello Mama Bear hello Cody how's my little piggy doing oink oink oink oink your little Piggy's doing just fine I'm hanging out with my frenzy Wendy's right now oh dude he's not making it easy for your ass okay Cody I was just calling to remind you to change your diapers in case you make TT in your pants oh don't worry Mom I won't my diapers are a TT free zone never mind little piggy just made a muddy mess in his diapey wipy coyote that's a bad little piggy put the phone up to your tushy so I can spank it okay Mom thank you mother okay Cody now just get home by nine o'clock so I can give you your suppository pills oh my favorite okay Cody bye I love you now I love you now I love you I love you more now I love you more now I love you more just hang up Cody no you hang up no you hang up no you hang up she hung up that means I love her more dude you're not gonna last a year just give up please Junior are you making fun of me no no I I laugh because uh Joseph Joseph told me a knock knock joke yep yep not not who's there I don't know that's what it was about not about your call doesn't seem that funny to me but no it's the inside joke it's really funny you had to be there okay um anyway um Joseph what is uh what's your New Year's resolution oh man dude I think I want to be rich like a billionaire Rich well shouldn't it be something more realistic well it's not realistic for a black man to be rich in America no that's not what it meant I just smelled like we're kids well what LeBron was the kid once yeah he was a kid and now he's a billionaire yeah yeah but he got rich after he was a kid no he was playing basketball as a kid and then he played basketball as an adult he was both doing basketball things well I mean I don't doubt that but you know what Joseph yeah okay you can do it I believe in you yeah you better believe in me watch me but be a millionaire billionaire in there yeah Jefferson's gonna go try to be rich so what's your skill going to be Cody oh well I really want to stop peeing my pants but what nothing keep going I I think I'll just learn how to cook oh that sounds fun so do you want to help me why would I want to help you learn how to cook that's so good Junior yeah I'll I'll come help you learn how to cook thank you oh kill me okay Junior let's do this I hope Chef peep is okay with us using his kitchen Chef baby doesn't mind he loves when people use his kitchen okay good so what do you have in the fridge to cook with uh let me go check okay there's eggs and bologna oh okay I think I can make an omelette with that let me just get an egg here I just gotta crack it on the pan oh oh oh oh Cody yeah I dropped it oh just to scoop it up no no just get another egg it's not that bad but what a waste of an egg yeah it's okay it's okay uh uh get in the pan that's yeah yeah that's that's yeah that's what it's supposed to look like yeah that's okay okay so just uh slap some bologna on this [ __ ] let's see here okay ah there you go that's it doesn't look like an alma Cody yeah you're right oh I need cheese do you have cheese oh let me check we have string cheese okay great just throw it in there that's that's good that's good okay I think I just need to flip it with my spatula here I think I can probably oh oh wow Cody yeah sorry I dropped grab it I dropped it and while we're down here you might as well screw up that egg no I mean I guess I'll try yeah scoop that up right man I can't wait to start on dinner [Applause] [Applause] Junior okay I don't really think cooking's my thing I hope Chef baby doesn't notice the mess in the kitchen oh God we left a fire down there I hope somebody put it out of the fire in my kitchen it was Cody was Cody was Cody yeah it was me why are you even cooking in my kitchen Cody I was trying to learn how to make an omelet well look I am the chef dumbass you don't know how to cook I do okay so look if you needed to learn how to cook you could have just came to me I I don't think I want to cook anymore yeah leave it to the real chefs the real professionals idiot so Cody what's your skill going to be now for your New Year's resolution I don't know maybe I'll learn how to sew like I can make sweaters and stuff that's so good that's so good that's such a good skill to learn you should do that yeah I agree I'll go get a sewing kit what is he 80 years old okay Junior I got a needle and thread somehow this is going to turn into a sweater how I don't know maybe I like pull on it or do I poke it I'm gonna go look up a YouTube tutorial I bet you won't believe this but I found a way to be a billionaire how you gotta trust me though if you give me a dollar I promise I'll pay you back two dollars that sounds like a good deal right right here's a dollar oh thanks dude hey Cody you wanna get in on this money oh yeah all right if you give me a dollar I'll pay you back two dollars okay that sounds good thanks dude hey Junior here's your two dollars bro whoa you paid me back really fast yep yep yep you can trust me bro but if you want to make more money give me these two dollars and I'll pay you back three dollars okay you did it last time thanks dude hey Cody here's your two dollars oh thank you yeah but if you want more money oh give me three dollars and I'll bring you back four dollars oh that'd be awesome right right oh thanks dude hey Junior here's your three dollars bro wow you're making money come out of nowhere it's like magic dude I make magic work but if you want more money give me four bucks and I'll bring you back five okay let me get another dollar here's the other dollar okay thanks dude I'm gonna bring back that money what the [ __ ] where'd he go junior he just ran off with their money he did a Ponzi scheme Joseph just invented a Ponzi scheme what the Ponzi scheme it's exactly what he just did it's where you get other people's money to pay back other people and then you just run off with the money wait you can become a billionaire that way yeah I guess you could but it's illegal oh that's kind of smart but also dumb yeah so Joseph's New Year's resolution came true Did you sew that sweater oh well I mean I made this this happy llamica it's like Hanukkah but with llamas does it fit I don't know let me try it on yeah well Junior I made the arm sleeves a little too long but other than that I'd say it's a pretty good sweater I sewed the [ __ ] out of this sweater look at that happy little llama he's even wearing a yamaka a little llama yamaka a llama Yama Yama Llama Yama Yama you can't make fun of me llama Yama Yama Llama oh okay you know what Cody um I think today was success you know Joseph learned how to make a lot of money you learned how to sew and I haven't bullied you all day so we did all our New Year's resolutions yeah but we got like three minutes left in this video and we gotta pull something out of her ass so maybe we gotta see other characters New Year's resolutions like like the cop like maybe we should talk to him what's he been doing huh there's someone at the door yeah I wonder who that could be oh I'm gonna go see yeah I'll stay here hello hey do you know him what's up dude that's my friend Joseph yeah well I caught him running a Ponzi scheme he said if I gave him my 401k he'd double it now I'm screwed and I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for you pesky cops he stole some of my money too and my friends money if you're arrested him why'd you bring him here why don't you take him to jail oh he made bail using my 401k so I'll see you in court okay oh so officer before you leave what was your New Year's resolution oh it was to retire but now I can't because he took my 401k so I guess my new New Year's resolution is to work for 40 more [ __ ] years until I die or run a Ponzi scheme shut up okay well I'll see you later then yeah I guess I'm just gonna go drive into oncoming traffic with my eyes closed hopefully I die see you in court man what you scared me sorry hey Junior I fixed my sleeves to make them shorter what the hell is that it's his Happy Llama shirt yeah I knitted it myself and I even have a song that goes with it listen do not bully him by now dude it's been really hard I've almost had a brain aneurysm trying not to uh Joseph where's my money oh yeah uh the five dollars if you give me five more dollars I'll bring you back a hundred bucks I'm not giving you any more of my money well you obviously don't want to be rich hey Cody oh hey Mama Bear Junior are there any mean things you want to say to my mom she's a fat ugly whale Junior you said you wouldn't bully me I'm not bullying you I'm bullying your mom the deal is only I won't bully you see you're perfect you're my best friend there's nothing wrong with you but your mom's a stinky fat [ __ ] well okay I guess it's a loophole so I can let it slide coyote did you change your poopy britches uh yeah let me smell oh no Cody those are some very poopy pants I ain't about having because I didn't want my friend to know I boot my pants Cody tell them guys I pooped my pants I'm a stinky boy oh he is the stinkiest oh oh my God I'm sorry you did that Cody sorry he's so busy but sorry dude okay okay Cody now that you pooped your pants you gotta do the poopy pants dance oh okay there's a dance I poop my pants I pooped my pants I'm a stinky boy okay okay very good Cody that was that's very good and let's get you home and change those poopy pants okay guys sorry I pooped my baby what's wrong with it oh man Cody's such a nerd he's such a loser he's such a loser I caught you you broke your news resolution junior did we get him Cody oh we sure did Mom I told you it'd be worth it to [ __ ] my pants wait he actually [ __ ] his pants I did [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 6,164,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, comedy, skit, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, junior, juniors new years resolution, cody, joseph, puppet, puppets, show, new years, happy new year, 2023, happy new years, new year, new years resolution, brooklyn guy, laugh, joke, jokes, advenure, logan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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